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Short version: Magic is Real.

Longer version: Magical beings are real, functional, and alive...
OP #1
Short version: Magic is Real.

Longer version: Magical beings are real, functional, and alive. They are hiding from the "normal" society at large for various reasons, ranging from their own set of culture to actual discrimination against us. Yes, some, or many, of those magical beings hate us normal humans just because of who we are. Their desires are anywhere from turning us into pets, slaves, to full-on exterminations.

The full extent of their power is unknown, but expect it to be "highly destructive". It is confirmed that on a purely 1v1 basis, a normal magical can completely wipe the floor with a normal human. Note, that only happens on a good day. On a bad day and when the said magical is highly evil and/or sadistic, well, at least we have a lot of death-row prisoners, expendable personnel, on that day.

We are only informed of this matter recently, and the dire circumstances force us to immediately act on it. A Project is just launched, and you are selected to lead it. Come Hell or High water, you are the first bulwark against any magical threats.

Good luck, Commander. You will need it.
Rules and Mechanics
All dice rolls are based on a d100, plus and minus all perks available
Each advisor will add the entire his/her respective stat for the job/roll
Half of the respective stat from Leader will be added to the job/roll (unless stated otherwise from the vote, the leader pays full focus, or the leader is not available for any reason)

Each turn is currently set at one month.

By the result phase, rolls will be added to see what kind of problem(s) will arise. The list includes, but not limits to, a new border skirmish, terrorist attacks, a mage goes ape-shit, and our waifu finds out our porn stash.

Dice room
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First vote
First, let's start from the beginning. What kind of force are we talking about?

[][FORCE] National Armed force Special program
Cheap recruitment cost
Highly motivated staff and personnel
Magical forces are not informed about your existence
Other countries will sabotage your program
Political pressure from the top
High risk of exposure

[][FORCE] National Intelligence Black Ops
High-quality infantry units
Magical forces are not informed about your existence
Numerous stealth, tracking, observations platform
Other countries will sabotage your program
High recruitment and building cost
Lack of sustainable combat force

[][FORCE] International Intelligence Unit
State-of-the-art technology (Bleeding edge)
Able to "borrow" any military units around the world
Magical forces are not informed about your existence
You will be sacrificed if the magical finds out about you
Backstage bickering between factions
Moderately high recruitment and building cost

[][FORCE] UN-backed military force
Moderate recruitment and building cost
Able to borrow many military units around the world
Clearance to engage any time, any place
High risk of exposure
High research cost
Backstage bickering between factions

And what is the name of the Project, and by extension, your unit?



How are your Boss informed about the magical's existence?

[][MAGICAL] Strange things happen
Pro: Lower risk of magical attention
Cons: Lower starting fund

[][MAGICAL] Friendly Magical of the neighborhood
Pro: Jump-started magical research
Con: Someone hates you a lot

[][MAGICAL] A plead for help
Pro: Free Magical advisor
Con: Highly hostile enemies

[][MAGICAl] Conspiracy hidden and protected
Pro: A lot more fund
Con: Restricted recruitment pool



[] Plan name
[X] Plan: To Save the World
-[X][FORCE] UN-backed military force
-[X][FORCE] International Intelligence Unit
-[X][MAGICAL] A plead for help

Logic for the plan

IIU gives good remit and best research although the problems with getting cut loose ain't great, but I think we can deal with it.

SAI is the quick name I came up with, but eh.

Magical lets us get an "in" with magic much quicker than the other options as far as I can tell and gets us a researcher quicker.

@ComradeH like this?
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[X] Plan: To Save the World
[X][FORCE] UN-backed military force
[X][SAI (Special Activities Investigations)]
[X][MAGICAL] A plead for help

You should add a "-" before sub-choices, like

[] Plan: To Save the World
-[][FORCE] UN-backed military force
-[][SAI (Special Activities Investigations)]
-[][MAGICAL] A plead for help

Note that when I say the pro's and con's, I mean it. There is a risk that the free magical adivsor get shafted before he/she is able to finish the first work. Or worse, he/she falls in love with us while being a yandere.
Note that when I say the pro's and con's, I mean it. There is a risk that the free magical adivsor get shafted before he/she is able to finish the first work. Or worse, he/she falls in love with us while being a yandere.
Of course, but there will be disadvantages no matter what we do.

Regardless fixed, swapped to IIU and as a question

1. Why does the UN have a debuff to research?
Bickering between members. Think like this: Would the Americans trust the Russians (and the Chinese, and more) enough to give them access to the current rail-gun or laser research?
Now? Probably not I dunno the current political state of your world.

In times of major crises assuming they're aware of it...yeah I'd say they would. Maybe I'm just optimistic, but assuming reasonable guarantees I don't see them not sharing research if there was genuine need.

That, and we cannot precisely kidnap scientists and force them to work for us for free.
Well frankly we shouldn't be doing that anyway TBH.

Tis not good for promoting long term loyalty or ensuring the secrecy of stuff.
Maybe I'm just optimistic, but assuming reasonable guarantees I don't see them not sharing research if there was genuine need.

Mostly because the knowledge of magic is constrained within a small number of politicians (for now). And the ones not informed are the ones controlling the current research projects.

Besides, you can assume that there is extra cost in transporting the materials needed for research. After all, it is quite impossible for us to simply fish out some amount of radioactive materials without going through some hoops.
Mostly because the knowledge of magic is constrained within a small number of politicians (for now). And the ones not informed are the ones controlling the current research projects.

Besides, you can assume that there is extra cost in transporting the materials needed for research. After all, it is quite impossible for us to simply fish out some amount of radioactive materials without going through some hoops.
Seems like odd ones not to inform seeing as this organisation is dedicated to (I assume) researching methods of defending humanity from magic and then implementing said methods...

I did assume that, although I assumed it would be a problem for all factions seeing as (for example) radioactive material is hard to come by regardless. If anyone the UN's got the most leeway in that regard between access to the entire world's resources so they don't have to keep buying from one area and have a lot more potential ways to hide/loose that stuff than a single country would for instance.
[X] Plan Blacklight
-[X][FORCE] International Intelligence Unit
-[X] Project Blacklight
-[X][MAGICAl] Conspiracy hidden and protected
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[X] Plan Blacklight
-[X][FORCE] International Intelligence Unit
-[X] Project Blacklight
-[X][MAGICAl] Conspiracy hidden and protected
[X] Plan Blacklight
-[X][FORCE] International Intelligence Unit
-[X] Project Blacklight
-[X][MAGICAl] Conspiracy hidden and protected
A few more votes from SB

[] Phantom Task
-[][FORCE] National Intelligence Black Ops
-[] Phantom Task
-[][MAGICAL] A plead for help

[] Black Talon
-[][FORCE] International Intelligence Unit
-[][NAME] Black Talon Initiative
-[][MAGICAl] Conspiracy hidden and protected
[X] Plan Blacklight
-[X][FORCE] International Intelligence Unit
-[X] Project Blacklight
-[X][MAGICAl] Conspiracy hidden and protected
First vote result
The first vote will be closed for voting on 24:00 this Saturday (2/2/2019), GMT+7 timezone. This is a summary threadmark, double as a bump up to gain more vote to this quest

[] Plan: To Save the World
-[][FORCE] UN-backed military force
-[][FORCE] International Intelligence Unit
-[][MAGICAL] A plead for help
Vote count: 4
--SV: @Doomed Wombat @Aerrow Shadow
--SB/SV: @veekie @wingstrike96

[] Plan Blacklight
-[][FORCE] International Intelligence Unit
-[] Project Blacklight
-[][MAGICAl] Conspiracy hidden and protected
Vote count: 8
--SV: @Terran Imperium @Erehwon @Chrestomanci @TheRevanchist131 @SleepMode @SpicyAussie @demonthese2211
--SB/SV: @giodan

[] Black Talon
-[][FORCE] International Intelligence Unit
-[][NAME] Black Talon Initiative
-[][MAGICAl] Conspiracy hidden and protected
Vote count: 2
--SB: Zrayz10 Alfonso Alonso

[] Phantom Task
-[][FORCE] National Intelligence Black Ops
-[] Phantom Task
-[][MAGICAL] A plead for help
Vote count: 1
--SB: Kanata_Tsukikami