Vote tally - Teaching the Next Generation To Blame Danzo: A Jounin Sensei Quest (A Naruto AU)

Adhoc vote count started by Doccer on Aug 17, 2022 at 1:40 AM, finished with 22 posts and 16 votes.

Tally configuration

Simple majority
Teaching the Next Generation To Blame Danzo: A Jounin Sensei Quest (A Naruto AU)
Post #157
Post #178


  • [X]Write in - Plan Rapid-Fire (In order)
    [X] Say nothing, Watch them interact.
    [X] So... what do you all want to eat, I assume you all must be hungry and could use some good food.
    -[X]Feel free to eat, no sense letting it go to waste.
    -[X]Anyway, my name's Yamato - you may refer to me as Yamato-sensei, because assuming you don't completely screw up, I'm your Jonin and you are my team.
    -[X]Yes, I did enjoy kidnapping you and watching what happens when I dump food in front of you. It's funny, and by the time you get to where I am you learn to take your kicks where you can. Remember, confuse - don't abuse.
    -[X]Give them a shorthand critique of what they did right and wrong
    -[X]That being said, I only knew you were going to be my team for about a day or so. Introduce yourselves so I know what I'm working with.
    -[X]After that, let the conversation move into small talk and use basic non-invasive verbal interrogation to feel them out.
    -[X]The entire time, eat at a proper and polite ninja speed that doesn't hinder your ability to talk (I'm retconning this as one of Yamato's Sensei Quirks since he never gets much characterization in the manga/anime)
    [X] Challenge them to a eating contest, if you finish before them, they will help you troll 3 people, if they win you will help them troll one person each
    [X] Sorry for making an ass of myself. The comedy gods demanded it. Pork?
    -[X] Ask them their likes, dislikes, what kind of Ninja they want to be, what skills they are interested in aquiring, what kind of Ninja they want to be, and where they honestly hope for in 10 years from now.