Hell, man, check out player's tagline! A lot more current than parts of mine, I don't mind confessing.
I read this and something popped to mind:

Suddenly, a large lizard crashed through Medhall's front doors, which startled Max into dropping a bottle of wine he was holding. It smashed on the ground and splashed it's expensive contents all over his newest pair of shoes, ruining them. (You'd think he'd stop doing that by now.)
And said...

"Can I interest you in shoe insurance and repair? Our rates are very reasonable!"
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While reading Saurial comment is funny I probably would not even consider them showing up here of all places possible.
My luck is too unreal for that to be possible in this line. *cough*
Honestly would like a one-shot healer tho since it would make getting into better shape less of a possibly crippling adventure.
While that chance is likely not zero for anyone from round these parts it can be surprisingly high for random people from here.
I'd have written more then mostly bad and unproofed drabbles otherwise.

Either way, the promise of wordz has been given so praise the pie.
A thought I just had: if Erwin became a Family member, would he be part of the fighter branch, or would he be an explorer/archeologist (in the Indiana Jones/Laura Croft category)?
Neither one, this is Erwin we're talking about. He'd go fishing... in the Monster Hunter world.
oh god, I'm picturing him as the Family equivalent of Steve Irwin.

*in a Family suit roughly half the size of Kaiju, and wearing a mock up of Steve Erwin's usual clothes and talking in a bad Australian accent*
*hauls huge monstrosity up from the depths of the ocean that would really prefer to go home rather than deal with this maniac*
"Crikey, look at this beaut!"
A thought I just had: if Erwin became a Family member, would he be part of the fighter branch, or would he be an explorer/archeologist (in the Indiana Jones/Laura Croft category)?
Do this? There is no one called 'Erwin'. Things just happen. Beer gets drunk. Pat complains about some unknown person's bar tab. There is fishing.

'Erwin'? Who that?

Maybe some problems cease to be an issue. But. Why???
Do this? There is no one called 'Erwin'. Things just happen. Beer gets drunk. Pat complains about some unknown person's bar tab. There is fishing.

'Erwin'? Who that?

Maybe some problems cease to be an issue. But. Why???
Well, Vista (and Cloak) would have occasional fits of hysterical laughter. Mind you, that's been on the verge of happening all along.
(in character) some how cloak keeps escaping from their box and I don't know how to make them stay in there. Can you guys give me some tips?
(in character) some how cloak keeps escaping from their box and I don't know how to make them stay in there. Can you guys give me some tips?
Obviously the box needs more dimensions added. Some fractal ones might help. And, yes, doughnuts are also a smart addition. Include a machine that makes doughnuts with an unpredictable number of dimensions, for extra Cloak interest?

Something dynamic? How about a 4-dimensional version of Pacman, staring Cloak? Getting ate means the game spits her out. Ghosts taste like unique doughnut flavours?

Also, remember, your Cloak may be capable of both being in the box, and outside it, at the same time. She's tricky like that.
Have you considered that the quality of your doughnuts may be less than what can be found elsewhere? I'd suggest you check that.

They're probably bored. Make the box an interesting place to be.

Obviously the box needs more dimensions added. Some fractal ones might help. And, yes, doughnuts are also a smart addition. Include a machine that makes doughnuts with an unpredictable number of dimensions, for extra Cloak interest?

Something dynamic? How about a 4-dimensional version of Pacman, staring Cloak? Getting ate means the game spits her out. Ghosts taste like unique doughnut flavours?

Also, remember, your Cloak may be capable of both being in the box, and outside it, at the same time. She's tricky like that.
(In character) Thanks for the tips. But remember she also has a teleport to the city of doors. How do I deal with that?
(In character) Thanks for the tips. But remember she also has a teleport to the city of doors. How do I deal with that?
... Okay, yeah, you need a completely different strategy.

Instead of trying to keep someone with the Lady's favour confined in a box, get them to tell you where they're going and when to expect them back by.
On a sidenote, actually handmade cinnamon rolls from a nearby bakery are better then any doughnuts on sale in an area of a radius triple the distance between me and said bakery.
The more you know. 🍩
The downside to the dripping with frosting handsized cinnamon rolls is a simple one, beside the calories.
A lil more then 3.50 $ per roll.

Honest to god best cinnamon rolls I ever had tho.
Clearly cinnamon rolls make the best bribes, because then you are in charge.. as long as you got the napkins and they don't.
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