Chapter 5
Buongiorno, readers! It is I, Taylor, fun-loving creep and applicant for the position of state-sponsored superheroine. At this point in the story, I had just completed my initial interview with a stoic PRT agent and gone through a battery of screenings and background checks to make sure I wasn't a Villain trying to infiltrate the PRT. That'd be a gutsy move. Dumb, but gutsy. As strapped for manpower as they were, the PRT ENE had a lot of experience with Villains and they didn't mess around with their security measures.
Once it was determined that I probably wouldn't Master or assassinate important people, I got to meet Miss Militia (
squee!). Alexandria was still my favorite Protectorate heroine for obvious reasons - just look at her imposing costume and merciless power - but Miss Militia was awesome too. While most people saw her as "Mom Militia" because her public persona was friendly and warm, I had a collection of clips of her annihilating criminals that crossed the line. The disparity between her two personalities just made her that much more appealing.
Oh, and Armsmaster stopped by for a bit. He didn't seem like a real "people person," but that was okay. He asked good questions about my power and he felt like he knew what he was doing. I liked his armor.
Now it was time to meet the Wards. I had already done my research once I learned Sophia was on the team, so I was aware of the lineup and their respective abilities. In terms of role, I would probably be replacing Aegis as the primary front-liner. He had a sort of adaptive biology power that allowed him to interchange organ functions, e.g. breathing with his skin or using his liver to pump blood. This let him function as a sort of odd Brute that could take a lot of damage without losing combat capability. Adding flight onto that made him a reasonably mobile damage sponge.
However, as a defensive cape I had him thoroughly beat. He would likely be moved to an "off-tank" role, protecting the back line while I took point and drew the enemy's attacks. Not really my style, to be honest. You might be a little skeptical of that, so let me clear up a misconception you might have. You can't just generalize all violence and say "oh, since you like Sophia pushing you, you'll probably like a Villain hitting you as well." Nope. I'm not into casual encounters with strangers. I need a committed relationship with a proper emotional connection.
My point is, we all like what we like. Just because the front-line role would involve me getting attacked doesn't mean it was my "thing." I don't like pain just for the heck of it. Before Sophia, I didn't really see the appeal of physical confrontation in general. However, it would be the most effective way to keep Sophia (and the team, I suppose) safe, so I'd "suck it up," as Emma had commanded.
Emma could be very blunt sometimes. Well, it was understandable with
me as her best friend.
I descended the elevator with Miss Militia, who, if I haven't mentioned it, is incredibly cool. Dad had wanted to accompany me when I visited the Wards, but it felt too much like having your mom come to school with you.
…And now I'm sad. Anyhow, Dad was having oodles of fun discussing contract specifics with Director Piggot, so don't feel too bad for him.
Back to the Wards.
We lingered out in the hallway for a minute as the Wards gathered and masked up. I patiently waited until the red light stopped flashing, then Miss Militia used a bio-metric scanner to get us in. I wondered how much of the tech on site was Tinker made. Tinkertech was apparently maintenance intensive, so they'd probably need a dedicated Tinker just to keep the systems running. I doubted that Armsmaster had the time to do that himself.
I followed Miss Militia into the Wards area, my heart fluttering like a songbird. I'd finally get to see Sophia in the workplace. Openly, that is.
The "Wards area" was basically an apartment divided by futuristic-looking prefabricated walls. Break room. Computer area. Kitchen. Living quarters. The "living room" was circular, giving it an odd spaceship-like feeling. The Wards themselves were lined up near a big sectional couch, their body language curious. I saw Sophia and had to slap down an urge to wave. I wasn't supposed to know who she was.
Ah, but Sophia looked
amazing in her costume. I had only ever seen it from a distance. Edgy, dark, and aggressive, just like Sophia herself. I yearned for her armored forearms and combat boots to put me in my place. Not that they
could, anymore. I wept inside.
"Afternoon, everyone," Miss Militia said. "This young lady is considering joining the team. You can call her Vanguard for the time being."
I stepped forward with a friendly smile. "Hello! I hope we can all get along." I did my best not to let my gazer linger on Sophia as I looked across the group. She twitched as our eyes met, because of course she could recognize me with just a silly domino mask to disguise my face. Interestingly, Gallant also fidgeted a little.
Does he know me from somewhere?
Vista slipped into my personal space so fast she must have used her power. She reached out and shook my hand. "Hi, I'm Vista. I'm
so glad you're thinking about joining. We desperately need another girl on the team."
Sophia growled.
Oh my. "What am I, chopped liver?"
Vista stuck her tongue out. "I'm pretty sure you've got more testosterone than any of the guys."
Miss Militia cleared her throat. "Children, please behave in front of our guest."
I laughed. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Vista. I'm a big fan of your work. I'm fairly sure I'll be joining." Vista beamed up at me and I was wracked by a powerful urge to pat her head.
No, bad Taylor. No head pats for the highly experienced Shaker Nine. Respect. Respect and dignity.
"So, what's your ability?" Sophia asked. She wasn't glaring, just… looking at me with great interest. I froze. Sophia rarely looked at me with so much emotion unless it was anger or disgust.
Gallant cut in. "Maybe the rest of us should introduce ourselves first," he said. Sophia shot him a look but made a "go on" gesture. Gallant nodded and turned to me. "I'm Gallant. It's nice to meet you."
I shook his hand. "Likewise." Gallant was smooth, but I still picked up an undercurrent of… something. Discomfort? He glanced at Sophia, just for a moment.
Interesting. Was he worried that Sophia might scare me off? My smile widened and his slipped a bit.
The others introduced themselves as well, though I already knew their names and faces. They didn't fully detail their powers, which I thought was wise. I wasn't technically on the team yet.
"Well, again, it's great to meet you all. My temporary cape name is Vanguard. My power is somewhat odd. Damage that I take is reduced by a large amount. I can transfer that durability to items or people that I'm touching. Also, I have a measure of super-strength and can make a weapon I'm holding hit very hard." I was doing my best to gloss over my powers but it was still painful to admit.
Okay, if I can be honest for a moment, I was being ungrateful. I had great powers. They kept me safe, were reasonably straightforward, and gave me strong defensive and offensive options. Dad worried, as he was wont to do, but it comforted him to know that I was almost impossible to hurt.
Let's go into a little more detail. I couldn't pay enough to specify exactly what kind of power I wanted, so I agreed to let the mysterious Cape Illuminati test a vial on me with the ambiguous parameter of "defensively focused." Also I agreed to cooperate with them in the future, but that's not important right now.
According to Doctor Mother, who was a nice lady with a very "in-charge" voice, I had a strong manifestation of the power I was given. Basically, I was pseudo-invincible to conventional damage. What do I mean by "conventional?" Pretty much anything you can think of. Fire, explosions, bullets, blunt force trauma, slashing and stabbing. It was all the same to my power. I could be hurt, but only by a small portion of the actual attack. Bullets left small bruises. Blades left paper-cuts.
The total power behind attacks dealt to me was irrelevant, at least to the point that we tested. It was like my power put a limit on how quickly I could be hurt within a given time period. A rapid barrage of 50 caliber rifle bullets dealt the same damage to me as a couple of nine millimeter handgun rounds. Yes, we checked that. I supposed it was useful information to know in case I wanted to rush a heavily fortified military installation.
As part of our agreement, I also let Doctor Mother bring in other capes to see how our powers interacted. I trumped pretty much all of the "direct" attacks and dampened most of the weird ones. Master abilities gave me some trouble, as did a few Trump powers. I knew it was dumb, but a part of me was relieved I still had some vulnerabilities.
Oh, and if my crazy defensive ability wasn't enough, I had a healthy chunk of super-strength. It wasn't anything near Alexandria levels, but it was beyond what a normal human was capable of. Then there was the weapon thing. We won't even talk about that for now. Suffice it to say that I'd be doing a lot of training to hold back.
The fly in the ointment was that all this ruined my original plan. I wanted a "wimpy" power that would protect me but also be weak enough for Sophia to verbally abuse me over. How was that supposed to work now? Well, there was no use complaining about it. I was at peace with my ability. I just needed to adapt my plan.
"That sounds like a useful Brute power-set," Aegis said, smiling. "You'll probably be training with me, then."
I smiled and nodded.
You don't even know what a Brute power is
, you squishy redundant meatball.
…I may have still been bitter. Forgive me, readers. I was mourning the loss of my maidenly frailty.
We retired to the break room table and engaged in pleasant small talk. Miss Militia departed when it became clear that we were getting along alright. Sophia remained aloof, though her eyes stayed on me. I hoped she wasn't jealous of my ability. That could serve as in-road to rousing her anger, but it felt like a "jerk move," as Emma would call it. Sophia considered strength to be one of the core pillars of her being, so mocking her for being weaker than I was would hurt her in a deep way.
No one was allowed to hurt her like that. Especially not me.
The conversation wound down naturally, so I said my farewells and prepared to head up to the Director's office. As I was about to head out the door, Sophia caught me by the arm and pulled me aside. I had to purposefully let her do it.
Damn super-strength.
"Can I talk to you for a second?" she murmured.
"Sure," I said. I peeked at Gallant. He looked… smug? Content? What in the world was that about? I thought he'd be concerned, given how he interrupted when Sophia tried to talk to me before.
I didn't like when people behaved in ways I didn't understand.
I'm keeping an eye on you. He flinched and looked away.
I let Sophia lead me to what appeared to be her room. My heart skipped at the thought of going inside, but we stayed in the hallway.
"You okay, Hebert?" she asked.
I blinked. Of all the things I expected her to want to talk about, my well-being wasn't one of them. "I'm… fine. How do you know my name?"
Sophia rolled her eyes at me. "Really? You know my exact measurements. Which is still
very creepy, by the way. Can you seriously not recognize me?"
I smiled sheepishly. "Sorry, Sophia. I thought we were supposed to pretend not to know capes' civilian identities."
"You're gonna know officially soon anyways. Who cares? Anyways, are you alright?"
I paused, thinking quickly.
Oh, she thinks I'm a natural Trigger. I learned more about the normal trigger process during my time with Doctor Mother. Apparently I had the capability to trigger naturally, but I wasn't willing to wait for an inescapable horrific trauma to get my "normal" powers. That
did raise the question of how Sophia triggered. If I ever found out who was responsible…
I shook my head and gave Sophia a reassuring smile. "I'm okay. Thank you for asking."
Sophia grunted. "Fine. Are you… safe, staying at home?"
I froze again. Sophia and I had a clear-cut dynamic: I bugged her, she lashed out at me. But now there was concern,
real concern, in her voice. I didn't know what to do with it. So like a coward, I retreated back into familiar territory.
"Yes, I'm safe," I said. I grinned and spread my arms wide. "I'd feel better with a hug, though." This was a familiar scene. She'd roll her eyes and mush my face with her hand and things would go back to normal.
Except she didn't. She did sigh in exasperation, but then she stepped forward to give me a half-hearted yet completely voluntary hug. My whole body tensed, and more out of habit than anything else I gently returned the embrace. It wasn't like hugging Emma at all. It felt like lightning was dancing underneath my skin. My blood was full of fire and sunlight. I pulled her closer.
"Tight," Sophia gasped.
I released her, and abruptly I felt
awful. Not because I couldn't control my strength. Because we just had a moment, a beautiful crystalline experience, and it stemmed from a
lie. She thought she was consoling me in what she perceived to be our shared struggle.
Lie, lie, lie.
I know you might not believe me, but I often feel guilt about what I do. I have fun with the game and the chase, but I don't
like the fact that I'm a manipulative predator. I don't
like that my partners always end up running away from me.
"Thank you," I said, looking away.
"Yeah, whatever," Sophia replied. "Don't think we're gonna be all 'kumbaya' and shit just because you have powers now, okay? And we're telling Emma if you haven't already."
I nodded, relieved.
Director Piggot was fun. I wouldn't call her a bully, but she shared enough hallmarks with one that I knew how to handle her. She demanded respect and had little patience for frivolity or back-talk. She responded aggressively to attacks against her position of power. Typical authoritarian bully traits.
Luckily, she seemed more pragmatic than tyrannical. That meant that her insistence on obedience was more about achieving goals than inflating her ego. That can be a difficult distinction for a layman to make, but please trust me as a subject matter expert.
So here was the Taylor Hebert Playbook for Dealing with Boss-Lady Piggot:
1. Follow orders and build her trust in my reliability as an asset.
2. Don't do anything that would surprise her or put her in an awkward position.
3. Go through proper channels for complaints or suggestions. Don't question her authority in front of the troops.
Easy, right? Real authoritarian bullies are different because they're essentially addicted to dominance. You can appease and obey all you want and the demands will just keep escalating.
While we're on the subject, I'd like to take a moment to speak up for my "cousins in oddness" and make it clear that a strong desire for dominance isn't necessarily bad,
per se. There's a difference between an authoritarian bully and a healthy dominant personality. A proper Dominant is conscious of their responsibilities in the decision-making role, and attends to the boundaries and needs of those beneath them. An authoritarian bully typically has little concern for those things.
Sorry, we got a little sidetracked, didn't we? In any case, I didn't think Director Piggot was malicious. She did seem a little touchy about capes for some reason, but I had worked around more difficult quirks.
Once I completed a lot of paperwork and boring procedural stuff that you don't need to read about, I was officially a Ward of the PRT ENE. Pro tip for dealing with bureaucracies: you want all the administrators and clerical staff and whatnot to like you. I know I just talked about the importance of keeping the boss happy, but these people are the red blood cells of the organizational body. You do
not want to annoy them. That means you complete forms properly and on time. You don't complain excessively about the organizational requirements. You make their lives easier. They'll be more willing to give a little latitude to someone who's been easy to work with.
I am an unusual person, if you hadn't figured that out. The more tolerance people are inclined to extend to me, the better.
Now it was time for power testing.
As expected, the technicians were all atwitter over my results. I won't describe the whole testing process, because who wants to read about me breaking stuff and getting hit for several paragraphs? Besides, I just told you about my powers. To summarize, I was very very hard to damage and I could pulverize pretty much anything if I had a weapon in my hand. "Weapon" was an ambiguous term, by the way. I smashed an armored car frame with a pool noodle. I felt like a cartoon character.
On the bright side, the techs ran out of things to hit me with and I managed to convince Miss Militia to shoot me. She was all bashful and hesitant about it, which was… surprisingly exciting.
…But it was all about science, I swear! Sadly, she called it quits before we could get to the mini-gun.
Armsmaster showed up at one point and tried some Tinker weapons on me. That didn't seem like a big deal in the heat of the moment, but I later surmised that it was a little
out of bounds to use highly destructive Tinkertech on a new Ward with a barely tested power. I was fine, though, which apparently boosted my Brute rating significantly.
One of the things the technicians were most excited about was the fact that I could transfer my durability to people as well as objects and weapons. If I was holding onto someone or touching them with my weapon, I could make them just as annoyingly hard to damage as I was. That was a big deal. Nigh-invulnerable heroes on demand.
Everyone politely avoided pointing out the obvious parallels between me and the Siberian.
Emma was right that I had a moral obligation to try and make a difference. With the right application of my ability, we could turn the tide in the fight against parahuman crime.
Although Panacea was on hand in case of a serious injury, she only had to heal a couple minor cuts and bruises. She was delightfully prickly. If I didn't already have a special someone, I would have been more than happy to let her take her simmering anger out on me. I sensed she could be
exceptionally hurtful if she put her mind to it.
Actually… wasn't it
bad that the best healer in the world was practically oozing frustration and bitterness? Were there no actual adults concerned about that? I made a mental note to pass the problem on to someone responsible.
…What? Do you want
me to get involved?
Probably a bad idea.
Emma smiled as she scrolled through the messages Madison sent her. For such a timid girl, Madison could be very talkative once she felt safe.
Taylor sighed.
Emma took a deep breath and started typing out her response.
Taylor sighed again.
"What?" Emma demanded.
"What?" Taylor replied.
"I don't wanna play the 'guess what I'm thinking' game today, Tay. Let's hear it."
Taylor frowned. "I think Sophia is starting to respect me."
"I assume that you're aware how much of a non-problem that is. Can we just pretend like I acted sympathetic here?"
"Mean! So mean!" Taylor said, making "shoulder punching" gestures in the air. She still didn't feel comfortable enough with her new strength to make contact in their normal play-fighting.
"How am I mean? The girl you love so desperately might respect you. Oh no," Emma drawled, holding her palms against her cheeks in mock dismay.
"You know how I am!" Taylor said, pouting. "She hasn't even said an unkind word to me since I joined… the team," she said, finishing her sentence in a low voice.
Emma patted her friend on the shoulder. "Yes, I know how you are. But don't you think it's time to try something a little more… honest? If she's warming up to you, why don't you try talking to her? Connect with her in a genuine way."
Taylor looked down. "I don't really know how."
"Come on, you're great at dealing with people. I think you're just scared of being honest. And that's understandable, it is, but you're not going to be able to get closer to her if you just keep playing games."
"But I like playing games," Taylor said, smiling wryly.
"It's up to you. But you've gotta ask yourself what you really want here." Emma finished her text message and sent it. "Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go look at clothes with Madison."
Taylor smirked.
"What?" Emma asked.
Missy had mixed feelings about the new girl. Taylor was friendly enough, sure, and more importantly she showed Missy respect. Missy thought Taylor might have just been flattering her when she said she was a fan, but Taylor was
deeply familiar with Missy's track record. Taylor could cite specific examples of how Missy contributed to fights and how she had improved in the use of her ability over time. She was also of the opinion that Missy was being underutilized, which won her points in Missy's book.
However, Taylor also seemed to be chummy with Sophia, which wasn't something that normal people were capable of. Now, Missy had dealt with a lot of jerks and even unmitigated assholes. She had fought Skidmark several times, for God's sake. He once called her a "little skank-ass bitch" after she had reflected one of his projectiles back at him.
Miss Militia had shot him the groin with a beanbag launcher for that.
Sophia, however, was one of the few people Missy knew that absolutely refused to even pretend to be nice. Ever. She had three modes: impatiently neutral, contemptuous, and angry/hateful. That was it. Who would gravitate towards that kind of person?
Speaking of which, there they were again, talking in low voices with their faces close together. Missy typically wasn't a snoop when it came to her teammates' personal business, but she really wanted to know what Taylor was like. She flexed her power carefully to shorten a small strip of space between them and her ear.
"-don't see how it's any of your business, Hebert," Sophia said.
"I just don't like it when you're rude to her."
"Are you serious? After all the shit I've said, this is where you draw the line? Because I snapped at poor little Missy?" Missy ground her teeth. Sophia was such a
"You can say whatever awful stuff you want to me, but I don't want you being mean to other people."
"God, you sound like a jealous girlfriend. Whatever, I don't want to deal with them anyways. Just keep them out of my way."
"Thank you. Our teammates aren't that bad, you know. Well, except for maybe Dennis. I don't think the two of you will ever get along. But I think if you'd like Missy if you got to know her."
"Missy? She's like, ten. The fuck would I talk to her about?"
I'm twelve
, you bitch!
"Twelve, actually, and she's a very capable and dedicated fighter. I've heard you insulting her about staying out of the fray, but that's not her fault. It's an organizational mandate. I intend to appeal to the PR department and Director Piggot to increase her combat involvement and get her some actual equipment. Hmm. I may also need to speak to the Youth Guard. But once I make that happen, she'll boost our effectiveness against Villains significantly."
Missy blinked in shock. Did Taylor really think she could make that happen? Missy had been trying
forever to get more into the action. She was the highest rated cape on the team, as well as the Ward with the most overall experience, but apparently her age trumped all that. Little baby Missy couldn't get into more than the bare minimum of combat.
"Jesus, you're a cape nerd too. Is there
anything you're not a nerd about?" Sophia sighed. "Anyways, do you actually think you can get all those empty suits to actually give us the tools we need to be effective? All they care about is looking good for the rich assholes. And don't even get me started on the fucking Youth Guard."
Missy grimaced at agreeing with Sophia over something.
"They have their own interests just as we have ours," Taylor said. "But yes, I'm confident I can get them to make some concessions."
"I bet you anything they'll stonewall you."
Taylor paused. "Anything?" she asked, her voice breathy.
Sophia shrugged. "Sure. Believe me, I have
tried what you're talking about. You think I like that we're all playing with kid gloves on? You have no idea how stubborn and annoying these red-tape assholes can be."
Taylor raised a finger. "To clarify, if I manage to enact significant improvements to our team's equipment and combat effectiveness, you will do any one thing that I say?"
Sophia visibly hesitated, then nodded. "Yeah, why not? If you manage to do that - and that's a big 'if' - it'll be worth whatever you make me do."
"Pinky promise, then," Taylor said, holding out the little finger on her right hand.
"What? No. Get your damn pinky out of my face."
"Are you…
afraid, to link pinkies with me and thus seal our agreement?"
"Fuck you, you pretentious bitch." Sophia initiated perhaps the most aggressive pinky swear Missy had ever seen.
…Are they friends, or not?
The two girls separated, Sophia storming into her room and Taylor practically skipping to the kitchen. In a fit of impulse, Missy warp-dashed over to Taylor and gave her a hug.
"Whoa, hi there, Missy," Taylor said, laughing. "What's the hug for? Not that I'll turn it down." She gingerly squeezed Missy back.
"I'm just glad you're on the team," Missy said.
Taylor was… unusual, but she was a good teammate.
Madison was having a fantastic time. She had so many ideas, and Emma was a big help when it came to visualizing how those ideas would look in real life. Drawings and designs were one thing, but there really was no substitute for seeing clothing on an actual person.
Admittedly, Emma made
everything look good, so it was possible she wasn't the ideal model for Madison's purposes. Madison wanted to make a wide selection of clothing which had options for everyone. She was of the belief that designers didn't account for the full spectrum of body types, female body types especially. To be fair, it was a difficult challenge. If you wanted to be profitable, you had to make a design which could be worn by the "average" customer. Most people didn't want to go to a specialty boutique to purchase clothes made especially for them. They just wanted to go to the store and grab something off the rack that looked good. Madison would need to strike a balance between over-specialized and over-generic.
So the question became: what is average? There were several body measurements, many of which could vary independently. Should waist take precedence over bust? How about shoulders? How about hips? Madison's first task was to determine how many sufficiently unique categories of body types she needed to account for.
However, at this time, research had taken a backseat to relaxation. Emma was incredibly patient, but Madison didn't want to drag her around the whole day for her own benefit. Besides, it was nice to take a break from looking at clothing critically. For now it was just "does this look good?" or "do you like this?"
At some point Emma had kindly but firmly turned the tables on her, and now Madison was the one trying on outfits. Despite her interest in fashion, Madison didn't derive much enjoyment from picking clothing for herself. For most of her time in school, clothes had just served as camouflage. She did her best to dress in a way that made her seem weak and nonthreatening so that the bullies would leave her alone. But while that deterred some of them, others just took it as a sign that she was easy prey. Also, appearing meek and "cute" made boys want to defend her, and after a few such incidents she was painted as someone who played the victim to string boys along.
She had tried changing her image several times, but her nasty reputation had stuck. Eventually, she gave up. Why bother trying to express who she was if people were just going to make their own baseless assumptions?
So once the topic came around to what
she wanted, Madison could only give noncommittal responses, hoping that Emma would lose interest. She didn't.
"Listen, if you don't give me some feedback, I'm just going to start picking things
for you," Emma said.
Madison tensed, then felt that tension quickly drain out of her. "Sure, that's okay."
Emma grinned at her. "Are you
sure? I could pick something embarrassing."
"I… I don't think you'd do that," Madison said. Emma wouldn't hurt her. "I trust you."
Emma's playful grin faltered. Then a small, more genuine smile slowly bloomed in its place. "I'm glad," she said. Madison nodded, words frozen in her chest. Emma cleared her throat. "Okay, let's start with tops and go from there."
"Sounds good," Madison said, following close behind.
AN: Gavel does not exist in this AU. I considered making an original power, but his "can be hurt, but only by a tiny bit" ability was too fitting. Also his cartoonishly strong attacks and defense are great for comedy.