A/N: My attempt at a romantic comedy. Don't let the title fool you, I won't be putting any...
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Axle | 26 |
Ooh goody, I recall reading this opening chapter before, but this means its probably got more coming soon!
I was just waiting for Lisa to tell him that actually that was the same grasshopper he saw earlier, and yes it was following him. Not because it liked his shoes though, but because Big Sister Skitter is always watching.Thanks, I made this OC with the intention to make him the polar opposite of Tattletale. I figured she could tell the intentions of most people using her powers, so I made a character ridiculously oblivious. I figure, "could opposites attract?"
Nearby in a shadowy corner a grasshopper nods in approval, just as planned.XXX
I didn't think she was ever going to stop.
Geopolitics. Sociology and psychology. Humanities tied with theology and metaphysics. Tattletale kept ranting on about the world at large like it were an intricate web knit together by the unyielding force of time and history.
She didn't just talk about everything, she knew about everything. Matthew had assumed she could read minds, but he wasn't sure what to think about the teenager anymore. No human could possibly know all those things without powers. And that was what she talked about in her spare time.
He had felt his IQ jump, and he enjoyed every second of it. When she spoke he could sense 'sparks' within her eyes on subjects that she enjoyed. Specific words and conclusions she came up with on a whim.
It was like an avalanche of information that Matthew could hardly wrap his mind around. He still felt partially dazed trying to recollect everything she said to him. A tang of excitement dwelled within him. He wanted to speak with her again.
Ugh, I hate work.
Tattletale looked at the computer monitors waiting for the answers to present themselves. Number Man was a possibility. As was Cauldron and Accord's access to vials. Overall, she needed another thinker. It was too much work for one person. Number Man could point her in the right direction, but she didn't like the idea of being under Cauldron's heel.
The room was spacious and the four security guards had oriented themselves around the room for Tattletale's liking. Matthew, naturally, didn't show any signs of boredom within his mind.
He's still trying to put together the things I told him.
She smiled. Her goal to pull him out of his aloofness had worked like a charm.
He felt like studying. Not for Tattletale's sake, but because he hadn't known the world was so interesting. It was as though the things around him had become more vivid than he originally believed.
"What's up pointdexter?"
He looked at Tattletale. He could see her teeth through her smile. "You have spinach in your teeth," he answered.
She quickly covered her mouth, then pulled her hand down. "oh haha, very funny."
"I can't believe you fell for that. Like, seriously, you didn't even eat a salad."
The other guards began chuckling. They weren't supposed to speak, but the conversation quickly relaxed them.
"Insubordination, you're fired!" Matthew walked towards the exit. "I'm kidding, and you know that." She paused for a moment. "Okay, maybe you didn't. But I'm not gonna fire you when I'm talking to you."
He stepped back to his spot. "Good to know."
She sighed. She had to get back to work, no matter how stressful it was. She leaned back on her chair and typed away at the monitors. Occasionally, her eyes would move up towards Matthew's direction.
His head space is literally the most relaxing thing in the room.
Whereas the other guards wondered about their families or relationships, Matthew's focus were primarily concentrated on things that didn't matter at all.
He'd look at the wall and compare it to other surfaces he'd seen, remembering what it was like to feel new textures for the first time when he was a young boy. He would look down at his hands, and remember that the lines on his palms were surprisingly similar to the lines of a leaf. He'd look up to the ceiling, and his mind would get lost. It was as though he could remember what space looked like from the enclosure of the room.
Unlike staring at a blank wall, analyzing Matthew offered something more for Tattletale. It wasn't just information, it was relaxation. His entire being was utterly calm. The core of his personality was finding the sanctity in the small without being overwhelmed by the world around him.
That was precisely why he enjoyed the conversation with Tattletale earlier. He felt he was understanding the world as a collection of various small events. Events making up the present in a way he had never questioned before.
I thought I could get him more aware of his surroundings, but I'm beginning to think I had an opposite effect on him.
After her screw-up with Panacea, she was forced to acknowledge her potential as a cult leader. She remembered the sense of caution from Taylor after she witnessed her conversation with Amy.
I can turn people into monsters, Lisa told herself, but can I turn people into heroes?
Matthew was the perfect guinea pig for her thought experiment. His relationships with others were flat, distant, and ambiguous. Very few people would feel loss from an alteration of his personality. He was somewhat invisible from people's lives. He was always there, but never formed strong bonds with the people around him. In some cases, he could be called the background character from most people's lives.
He can be my experiment, Lisa thought to herself, can I make you into something the world wants?
In short, Matthew could be built up but not torn down. His impact on the world was so insignificant that an alteration wouldn't take anything away from the world. As manipulative as it might've been, Lisa wanted to know if she had the potential to turn Matthew into a force of goodness in the world. She wanted to see if she was capable of telling a few lies to make him into a better person. To do a few bad deeds for a greater good. To be a bit more like Taylor.
This, she decided, would be her side project.