Tattletale becomes Cupid

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Lisa rolled her eyes. Again, Victoria had broken up with Dean again, and they were doing that...
Chapter 1
Lisa rolled her eyes. Again, Victoria had broken up with Dean again, and they were doing that passive aggressive thing where they weren't talking, but clearly wanted to get back together asap. Lisa stood up from her desk, she'd spent most of her time in an office space ever since she'd joined the Wards. They didn't even want her in the field, even if her powers gave her better advantages seeing things through her own eyes. No. She was just in logistics, working with other thinkers online, figuring out the weak points of strategies and locations of criminals all across the country.

In the office, she was plain old Lisa. Sure, her cape name was Insight, but it wasn't like she used it often. More often, she'd go out of her way prod a reaction from the Wards to get an entertaining reaction. She walked over to Victoria. "Bad break up?" Lisa said, giving a fake sympathetic frown as she stared at her.

Victoria was sitting on the lounge sofa, a bit distant and overthinking the fight she'd gotten into with Dean. Why do people over complicate relationships? Lisa thought to herself. Already, her powers were telling her tiniest details of what had gone wrong in Victoria's love life. Victoria looked over at Lisa, and gave a small glare. "Not now," Victoria groaned, "can't you bother someone else?"

Lisa couldn't blame her attitude, after all, she had gone out of her way to knock Victoria down a peg. She liked pissing off Victoria. Maybe it was the prestigious attitude, or her presumptuous high moral stance she always tried taking, but Lisa always felt the need to criticize Victoria in the most irking ways. But now, that didn't matter. Lisa wanted to help. "Listen, Victoria. I know I'm not an expert on relationships, but blaming Dean for all the issues isn't going to work forever. You and him break up almost every other week. There's something more going on between you two, and it needs to be fixed before the next problem occurs."

Lisa took a seat next to Victoria. She continued, "you both fought, that's normal. But breaking up every time an argument pops up isn't a way to argue. Could you imagine if a married couple divorced and got back together again and again, the same way you two do?"

"Well what the hell am I supposed to do?" Victoria yelled, "it's not my fault he's such an idiot."

"Look," Lisa said, doing her best not to deflect a criticism at her. "What I'm saying is, learn how to argue without the breakup. And most importantly, try seeing things from his perspective, while better explaining yourself in a way he can understand."

"I did explain myself!" Victoria flung her hands in the air, "that idiot insulted me!"

"He didn't know it was an insult," Lisa deduced.

"How could he not know?"

"Because he can't read minds like I do.... And boys are stupid."

That made Victoria chuckle. "I just," she sighed, "want him to understand."

"Here," Lisa said, "I have a few communication tricks that might help him better understand what you're feeling. But I want you to remember something Victoria, the same way you want him to understand you, you have to go an extra effort to try and understand him. Can you do that for me?"

Victoria nodded.

"Alright, step number one, use 'I', and not 'you'. Talk in first person perspective, and never assume the other person's emotion. That's presumption, and makes them feel less inclined to listen."

Victoria thought about that, and realized she'd belittled Dean with more than a few sentences with their last argument.

"Two, don't parrot the opinions of others to him, and especially don't let him know who said it. Relationships are private, and that added pressure leads to mental exhaustion."

Another mistake Victoria had done. She'd echoed some of Amy's criticism of him, into his face. Another level of guilt fell unto her.

"Three, convey yourself. Remember how I said guys are stupid? Guys are stupid, but they're also understanding when the problem is explained to them, especially when its someone they truly care about."

Victoria rubbed at her cheeks, that last sentence hit a hammered nail. She was such a jerk to him, and he didn't deserve the harsh words she'd given him.

"Now," Lisa said leaning back, proud to defuse the situation. "I'd like to talk about you."

Here it comes, Victoria said to herself, embracing herself for criticism.

"First, he didn't know the stuff animal he showed you wasn't cute. He thought it was funny. And when he said you looked like an Aardvark stuffed animal, he was calling you cute, he didn't mean to call your face weird."

"Well, yeah, but he still-"

"No," Lisa shook her head. "Here's the real problem, you're assuming everyone thinks like you, but that's not the case. You're a smart girl with good principals, but not everyone thinks identically. So what he meant as a compliment, you took as an insult. And that's the problem with all of your breakups, you see from your perspective, but never consider that it's not wrong from anther's perspective. So if you want to avoid another break up over nothing, and actually have a chance in a serious relationship with Dean, you'll have to stop seeing things from your own mindset, and properly ask him to convey what he means. Remember, communication, and staying calm, is the only way a relationship can truly last."

Victoria rubbed at her eyelids. It was a repetitive cycle, she and Dean almost always fought under the same circumstance. Miscommunication, and then Dean returning to her to explain what he meant. She sighed at herself.

"Speak of the devil," Lisa pointed backwards, and Dean entered the hall. "Listen," Dean said, hoping Victoria had calmed down. "I just wanted to say-"

Victoria jumped at him and hugged him tightly. "I'm sorry," she interrupted, "I'm an idiot. I'll think before I talk."

Completely in shock, Dean looked over to Lisa. Lisa tossed at peace sign at the both of them. She smiled and said, "call me by my other cape name. Cupid."
Chapter 2
Lisa looked over to Missy. Missy cocked her head away from Lisa. She placed her head down, pretending to do the tiny amount of homework she had.

Lisa looked over to Dean and Victoria. They were now sitting side by side to each other on the sofa, watching a movie together and smiling like they were alone. The office space Lisa had to herself was a cubicle, a cubicle by her own request. She liked standing out from the rest, letting the world know what a great thinker she was. Of course, the Ward main work room consisted of smaller desks for everyone. The large tv screen was attached at the center of the room, which was typically used to call meetings from Director Piggot. Missy was shifting gazes between Dean and Victoria together, and Lisa. Like she was the reason their grotesque relationship was working out. Which was kind of true, Lisa had to admit.

Lisa stood up from her desk. She walked over to Missy's work desk. "Hey Missy, I'm heading up to the xerox room. Wanna come with?" She pointed a thumb to Victoria and Dean's direction, she whispered, "they're grossing me out too."

A small chuckle escaped Missy's mouth. "Sure," she said, letting Lisa take the lead.

As the two of them left the main room and Lisa lead Missy to the stairway. "Listen," Lisa said to the young Ward. "I want you to know, I get it, Dean is attractive. He's cool, he's nice, he's smart. He's everything a girl wants in a guy. But I want to remind you something, the more time you spend fantasizing about him, the more bitter you'll become about what you realize you can't be with him."

Missy's eyes widened. "You... Read my mind! I told you not to read my mind!"

"I can't read minds," Lisa said with a sigh, "I just get answers from my powers, and I can't turn it off. Sorry if I invaded your privacy, but asking me to turn off my powers is like asking me to stop doing my hair."

Missy clenched her fists, "still, you shouldn't talk like you know everything. And don't tell me what to do!"

"Would you rather I let you stay angry at yourself, or help you out as a friend?"

Missy paused, "how could you help?" Missy said it with a slight hiss, like Lisa were somehow her enemy.

"I can't get Gallent to fall in love with you." Lisa paused, or can I? That would certainly make for an interesting challenge.... No, wait, I'd rather not get on Victoria's bad side. She continued, "but I can tell you something about Gallent that'll make him unattractive to you."

Missy looked away, "I honestly don't think that's possible."

Lisa smiled at the challenge. "Alright, like I said before, Dean is smart, nice, handsome, and everything a girl could want. And you especially, a thirteen year old girl with no experience in romance, would want your first boyfriend to be a guy like Dean." She needed to remind Missy that she was still young, but in the most non-belittling way possible. "Here's the problem, Missy. Dean is the type of person to treat a girl like a delicate flower. Hence the name, Gallent. Even with Victoria, he offers her a sense of security that no one else can offer. They complete each other. While Dean makes Victoria relax, Victoria makes Dean feel noble for making him feel manly. It also helps that he can't read her emotions, it adds a layer of mystery to her that he can't get from anyone else." A part of Lisa thought their power compatibility was wrong to factor into a relationship, but she didn't need to tell Missy that.

"Wait," Missy said, "their powers make them a better couple?"

"Kind of," Lisa said. "But that's not the driving factor. The driving factor is; Dean takes care of people. Its his principle. And the point I'm trying to drive home is; do you want to be taken care of? Do you want to be treated like damsel in distress? A princess? A girl that's a delicate flower that needs careful handling like a child would?"

The thought of that wanted to make Missy puke. The last thing she wanted was to being treated like a kid. "Maybe..." Now it was her irrationality talking. She loved Dean, or at least believed to love him. And a core being of her wanted to believe she was meant for him.

Lisa continued, "which brings me to my second point, Missy. You're the type of person to bring someone out of their comfort zone, not into it. You'll never be a trophy or housewife, you're independent. Like an adult that's always excited for the next adventure. Whoever fall in love with you, will love you for your courage. The person who will be perfect for you will look at you like an idol. You'll drive the person who falls in love with you, not make them want to settle down. If you hooked up with Dean, you'd feel coddled to the point of suffocation. If you wait for the right person, you'll end up with someone that makes you feel stronger."

Missy stared at her for a minute, "but... I don't know anyone like that."

"Come high school, you're options will explode. The trick is to take a leap of faith with the options that are available." Lisa pointed to her chest, "spoiler alert. Puberty will be great for you once you hit fifteen."

Missy laughed, not sure how serious Lisa was about that. Still, Missy wanted to hold onto hope that Dean was the right person for her. "But I don't want to wait... What if I miss my chance now?"

Lisa couldn't say you have plenty of time. As true as the statement was, Missy had heard that phrase so many times that she was desensitized from it. Instead, she had to shatter her perception of Dean. "Missy, I know every time Victoria and Dean break up, you become happy. Because you think there's hope for you and him. You talk to him when that happens, and he turns you away in a nice way."

Missy's face scrunched in shame.

"I'm not going to tell you it's wrong," Lisa comforted her. "I'm going to tell you, its bad for you. The more you hold onto this false hope, the more you're wasting your energy when it should be used on something else. Like something that'll make you truly happy."

"But..." I love Dean, Missy wanted to say. But she was worried Lisa would prove that to be false.

"You love Dean." Lisa said, trying to hit the hammer. "But what you're mistaking for love is actually a crush. Crushes are when you like someone without knowing anything about them, Love is when you like someone after you know everything about them. Be honest with yourself Missy, do you know everything about Dean?"

Not even a little, Missy thought to herself. When she remembered Lisa could almost read her mind, she decided to air out her thoughts. "Not... A lot."

"And here's the problem," Lisa said. "Everything you don't know about Dean, you fill in your own false fantasizes about him. Like pouring gold to merge the cracks of a broken pot, you pretend what you don't know about him is perfect. In reality, he's as flawed as any other boy would be."

Missy swallowed. It was so true, maybe this wasn't love? A thought suddenly occurred to Missy. "How do I know your not trying to get Dean for yourself?" She almost shouted at Lisa, "you just said he's perfect for everyone!"

Lisa sighed. "The type of person I'll want is someone I can't read the mind of. But since that doesn't happen, Dean strikes me as the typical boy scout who doesn't offer much room for expression. Long story short, he's not my type. And I'm not going to get Glory Girl to kill me for taking her boyfriend. So no need to worry about me in that department."

Missy... Actually hadn't thought about that. What would Glory Girl do if one of us tried taking Dean? Missy shuttered. Lisa mentioned, "Scary thought, amiright?"

Missy sighed. "It's just... I don't... Want to wait. I like him so much. I've never felt this way before, I don't want to lose the chance I have now."

Lisa placed a hand on her shoulder, "you're confusing fantasy from fact. You're filling in blanks with dreams you'd like to believe about him. Creating this perfect image of a guy when the perfection isn't real. I know I shouldn't do this, but... Can you keep a secret?"

Missy nodded.

Lisa took a deep breathe, "ask me anything about him. And I'll tell you why he's not perfect."

The following thirty minutes consisted of Missy asking questions about Dean. His likes, his quirks, his flaws, his habits. The more Lisa talked about Dean, the more Missy's perception of him dwindled a little. Not in the sense that she thought less of him, but more in the sense that they were incompatible.

"He doesn't like the same music I like?" Missy said.

"Nope," Lisa answered. "He also hates horror films. So you'll never get the chance to cuddle him during a jump scare scene, like you've always dreamed romantic couples should do."

Missy now sat on the stairway step with Lisa next to her. A part of her felt incredibly stupid, another part of her felt like she'd never find the perfect person in her life.

"No one's perfect," Lisa said. "It's more about compatibility. Two people are supposed to look at each other's differences to find strength at where comparability truly is. No one connects 100%, no matter what. When you have your first boyfriend, he won't be perfect. But right now, you need to accept that not everyone is flawless."

Missy took a deep breathe. "I'm..." Why did she feel like tearing up? It was like everything she'd worked for was shattered through a conversation. Heartbreak, Lisa thought. Even if there was never anything there, Lisa knew this would hurt. She hugged Missy, "it's okay Missy. I promise you, without a doubt, you'll find someone to fall in love with. Be happy you have time, because when it comes to love, time is on your side."

Missy nodded her head, still crying as she fell into her hug. "Thank you, Lisa."

After another minute of holding her, Lisa let go. "I... Actually do have to print out papers. But I'm guessing you'd rather not go back to the love birds on your own right now... Want to head out to eat before the big conference?"

Missy nodded, "yeah, I'd like that."
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Also Gallant is spelled with two A's. :V
Chapter 3
Author's note: Had an epiphany. You guys might hate this ship. Don't care. I kind of planned on stopping at chapter 2, because a Panacea chapter I had planned didn't have enough romance. This chapter will be first person viewpoint, as opposed to third person from the last two. I might change between two viewpoints, in accordance to what feels appropriate.


"Thank you very much!" I took the sugar coated donut out from the box. Thank God for sweets. It was like a drug rush, minus the drugs. I swear, someday I'll convince one of the higher ups to buy me alcohol.

"No problem," Chris said with a smile. He was a sweet guy. Probably the nicest guy on the team. In fact, my powers told me he was the most honest guy on the team. Maybe it had something to do with his lack of confidence. I had helped Chris find his specialty when I first joined, but he still had a level of insecurity to himself that came from trying to live up to Hero's expectations.

I kind of melt whenever I take a bite from donuts. My shoulders relaxed, and I forgot where I was for a moment. Chris must've liked my reaction, because he blushed at the sight of seeing me smile.

When he left my cubicle, I sighed to myself. No Chris, I don't like you that way. You're the most honest and nicest person here. But you seem more like a kid brother to me than a romantic love interest. What was worse was that he took my acts of kindness as signs of affection. I was friendly to him, I liked his genuinity but I was hardened into not having a boyfriend. And even though I liked that honesty whenever we spoke, he always thought about asking me out.

Nope. And only two things could stop that line of thinking. Either we could get some distance between us, which was impossible since we were on the same team, or to get him his own girlfriend. But since tinkers loved to bubble themselves, he solidly believed that I was the only girl that could remotely like him. His ADHD and dyscalculia made him insecure about himself, even though none of that would've gotten in the way if he at least tried opening up his perspective. If he tried believing he had a better chance with more people.

If he tried getting out of his comfort... Zone...

"Holy crap," I shouted out.

"You're gonna get diabetes," Dennis said from outside my cubicle. I rolled my eyes, I'll match you up with someone later...


After my hours were up, I sprinted to Dennis on his way home. I caught him just as he left school and headed on the broad walk home. "Yo," I said, punching him on the arm.

He was surprised to see me, "Lisa?" Dennis cocked his head to the side. "Following me home, I always knew you had that stalker feel to you."

I chuckled, "I need a huge favor from you. And if you help me out, I promise to get you laid."

Denni's mouth gaped open, "What?"

"I know who you have a crush on. I can get you a date with her, if you help me out with a friend."

Dennis blinked at me.

Oh yeah, I forgot he has a crush on me too.

"Sophia," I said.

"Oh..." Dennis took a minute to shake the surprise out. "Wait, what are you talking about?"

"Alright, you know how Chris has never had a girlfriend? I know someone he'll match up well with, problem is, he can't hear these words from me. I'm his crush, so he'll only think of me if I say them. And since I'm a girl, my opinion on romance is less relevant to him. You, however, are his closest friend on the team. A true bro. So you're the only one that can guide him down the road to romance. And that means, you taking advantage of your friendship, and parroting my words to him to get a girl he's really compatible with."

"And if I do this," Dennis let the words hang.

"I can get Sophia to... Find attraction in you." Albeit, it would be a one sided relationship, but those happen too. "Fair warning though, Sophia really is the type to enter an abusive relationship. If you're looking for a romantic relationship, she won't give it to you. If you're looking for that jockey relationship that looks good on paper, with a bunch of shit happening in the background, I can arrange that."

"I commend you for your honesty," Dennis replied.

"I like explaining fine print."

Dennis hummed to himself. He was considering the offer. Dennis did have an attraction to Sophia, but it was strictly sexual. He was aware that Sophia would make a terrible girlfriend on a personal level, but he was a teenager, that hardly mattered to him.

"Alright," Dennis said. "But I'm doing this to help Chris, not for the date."

"Right, date with Sophia not included."

"Wait, what? No, I still want that."


Dennis glared at me. I grinned, "okay, you help Chris get a girlfriend, and I'll throw in the date with Sophia as a bonus."

Dennis smiled, "you're evil, you know that?"

"You don't know the half of it," I stuck my tongue out.

"Alright, what did you have in mind?"


Dennis bursted out laughing, "you're kidding me right? She's in middle school."

"She's only two years younger than him," I said with a frown. "And believe me, in two years, guys will wish they'd asked her out sooner."

"I'm sorry, but I just don't see that happening."

I crossed my arms, "wanna bet?"

"What, the puberty thing or them being a good couple?"

"You're a perverted bastard."

"I also go by Clockblocker."

"Please... Please don't be a cockblocker, and help Chris out with this." I didn't have to beg, but Dennis did respond better to funny banter.

"Alright, alright... But you're gonna need to convince me first. Because no way am I matching them up for disaster to happen later."

"Alright," I smiled, "just the fact that they'd be each other's first girlfriend and boyfriend would mean they'd both see each other as perfect equals in a relationship. They're more likely to make it work for that fact alone."

"That really isn't a good enough reason."

"Also," I added, "you're forgetting the main gist of it. Both Chris and Missy are the most honest people on our team. Missy has a level of naivety that makes her completely trust people, Chris has that same level of naivety, coupled with honesty as a principle. On the off chance that they do break up, it would be absolutely mutual. And they're more likely than anyone else to remain friends if they broke up."

Dennis put his hands in his pocket, "okay, you've got a point there."

"Think about the core of it, Missy wants to be with someone she respects, and Chris wants to be with someone who motivates him. Do you see anyone else they're better off with?"

"I sure can." Dennis answered, knowing plenty of good people for each of them.

"What about capes that fit that category? Fun fact Dennis, they'd both rather date with capes due to their fatalistic attitudes."

Dennis raised an eyebrow, "well that's dumb. That's like saying I should only date people living on the same street as me."

I shrugged, "maybe, but I know for a fact they'll grow out of that with time. In the meantime, they'll only give each other a chance."

Dennis looked to the side, signalling that he was seriously considering it. At the same time, it was ironic. Because Chris had confided in Dennis that he had a crush on Lisa. Dennis knew exactly why Lisa was doing this.

"Alright," Dennis said, "what do you need from me?"

Finally, I grinned. "I just need you to do one thing. Tell Chris that Missy likes him, tell him you heard it from me, and that's it. Improvise the gaps, and I'll take care of the rest."
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Chapter 4
Missy walked towards Chris's desk. She handed him a small stack of papers while Lisa observed them from her cubicle. "Hey Chris," Missy said with an innocent smile.

Chris shot his head up at the sound of her voice. His eyes widened like he had reason to be afraid of her. "H-hey... Missy."

"Here are those papers you gave to Piggot yesterday, it looks like you had some spelling mistakes."

Chris gulped, and snatched the papers from her hand. Missy glanced down at his desk, noticing the sketches Chris was drawing up. "I like how you found your specialty now, remember how I used to always throw ideas at you? It looks like you won't need my help anymore."

"Don't say that!" Chris said in a high pitched voice, "of course I need you!"

Missy tilted her head, "really?"

"Yeah, that doesn't mean I don't need you around anymore!"

Missy gave him an innocent smile. "Really?"

Chris shook his head again, mimicking a bobblehead. "Yeah, in fact, um... Missy, do you want to-" Chris froze mid sentence. Doubt hit him like a ton of bricks, and instead of asking her to meet with him off duty, he said, "hand my papers to Piggot after I'm done?"

"Goddamnit man," Lisa yelled across from her cubicle. Chris and Missy stared at Lisa's office space. Lisa said, "sorry about that, internet troll is pissing me off." She typed at random keys on her keyboard to try and sell the lie.

Missy turned back to Chris, "sure thing, Chris."

Missy didn't think twice at Chris's reddening face. Lisa made a mental note to be more direct.


Brian's mentorship was going well. In fact, most of the Protectorate members felt he was already ready to graduate. Given a few more months of time, his probation would be over and he'd gain the same liberties as the other Protectorate members had. Maybe he'd failed a villain, and he never thought of himself as a true hero, but with the Protectorate assuring him a good home for his sister, none of that mattered to him.

Brian stepped into the break room to take the jug of water he'd kept in the fridge. Colin's training was intense, but he preferred being pushed to his own limits. While most people agreed that Colin wasn't exactly sociable, none of that mattered in the training room. Brian was just a natural fighter, and there were even a few times where he'd impressed Colin when they sparred together outside of costume.

He drank his water while leaning back at the coffee counter. That's when Sophia stepped in. Brian hadn't changed out of his gym clothes yet, so Sophia had the privileged to intoxicate herself with the smell and sight of Brian's sweaty body.

"Hey Brian," Sophia said, deciding to lean close and next to Brian. Their arms touched, and she made sure to put on her best smile and posture for his pleasure. "I hope Colin didn't go too hard on you today."

"No, Colin is a good trainer." Brian said wiping his mouth of water. "I know most people can't relate to him, but when we're boxing together, that hardly matters."

"Still," Sophia wasn't subtle in her advances. She made sure to lean her body closer to him when she spoke, "you shouldn't be on probation anymore. All you did was rob a bank, those guys don't have to be pricks to you because of it."

Brian rolled his sore shoulders, "that hardly matters. Honestly though, I'd rather be here than the birdcage."

That makes two of us, Sophia almost said. "Still, you deserve a break from those guys. Do you have any plans after duty?"

"I still have curfew, Sophia. Besides, any time I get off, I'd rather spend that visiting my sister."

'Who gives a shit about that prick? Hello! Hot athlete standing next to you!' Sophia knew better than to insult his decisions. She rested the palm of her hand on his forearm, "I still can't believe you used to be a villain. You don't act like it, you're probably the nicest guy around here."

Brian smiled, flattered by the compliment. Before Sophia could peck a kiss on his cheek, Lisa walked into the break room.

'Oh fuck', Lisa thought, fully aware at what Sophia was doing. She shifted into a casual tone. "Hey Brian, long time no see."

"Hey Lisa." He greeted.

"Hey Lisa," Sophia said, moving herself closer to Brian. Sophia glared at Lisa for a mid-second, letting her know that she wasn't welcomed there.

Lisa walked closer to Brian. She took him by the hand to examine his knuckles, "Brian, you really have to gear up more. You'll get sore here if you don't cover up more."

"It gets in the way," Brian said chuckling. (A chuckle, which only made Sophia more attracted to him.) "I've pushed myself further, you know that better than anyone."

Lisa laughed, "yeah, you'd train for hours while I watched." Sophia gritted her teeth. Lisa asked, "really though, you've been long overdue for a break. How about you and I meet up off duty? We can eat together like we always used to."

"He's busy," Sophia answered for him. "He has better things to do."

Brian added, "honestly Lisa, I just haven't had time for that lately."

"I understand, but next time you go visit Aisha, can I come along? I need breaks from work too."

Sophia interrupted, "excuse me, but aren't you the reason the Undersiders got arrested?"

Lisa shrugged, "miscalculation on my part. We didn't expect all the Wards to show up at the bank robbery."

"Pretty stupid mistake, if you ask me."

The end of Lisa's mouth twitched, "right, says the girl that's still on probation after two years of therapy."

"You bitch."

"Stop," Brian said stepping away from Sophia's side, "both of you knock it off. We're all on the same boat, getting under each other's skin doesn't help anyone."

"How the hell can you still talk to her?" Sophia pointed at her, "she's the reason you got arrested."

"We have history together," Lisa said, placing a hand on Brian's shoulder. She winked at Sophia to imply a closer relationship. "Deep down, that comradarie doesn't go away."

"Fine, whatever," Sophia turned around, not willing to make herself look any worse. "I'll be on patrol if you need me."

Aaaaand... She might kill someone tonight. Yep, I'm definitely gonna pay for this later.

As soon as Sophia stepped out the break room, Brian turned to Lisa, "Lisa, what was-"

"She'd have you leashed. And not in the kink way."

Brian squinted at her. "What?"

"She's a manipulative liar, Brian. She was trying to seduce you so you'd go out with her. And she'd have you whipped and chained if you ever hooked up with her."

Brian rubbed at his forehead, "you're serious? That's why you were talking trash to her, to get her away from me?"

"She's a ticking time bomb." She needed to drive the point, "Sophia is narcissistic. She lies to everyone to get what she wants. She'd make you throw your own sister under the bus if it meant her having a chance with you."

"And you're assuming I'd let that happen?" Brian stared at her with a disappointing stare.

"No," Lisa said, lying to not damage their relationship. "It's just that Sophia is manipulative. She's lied to people before, gotten boys to break off friendships for her sake."

"So you really think that little of me?"

Lisa bit her lip, "you're not listening anymore."

"You don't have to take care of me." Brian spoke in a scolding tone. "It's not your job, and we might be friends, but you can't treat me like a child."

Lisa paused, wanting to make him understand, "you saw attraction in her, I saw that."

"A relationship is the last thing I need on my plate right now. And even if something did happen between me and her, I wouldn't let her take advantage of me."

"I was just trying to-"

"My personal life is my business," Brian interrupted. "And its not your job to watch over me like that."

Lisa scrunched her lips. She stayed quiet, knowing that Brian had shut himself down to her own personal logic.

"A few things," Brian said, "First, do you really doubt me that much?"

Lisa swallowed, "to be fair, I doubt everyone."

Brian ignored her reply. "Second; It's none of your business anyway."

Lisa's face contorted. "Alright, look," she rubbed the templates of her nose. "Maybe cockblocking her was stupid, but believe me when I say this; Sophia is psycho. A relationship with you and her would end in a train wreck. So can you at least... Take my word that she'll only cause you trouble?"

Brian let out a deep breathe. Lisa's powers gave her surprising answers:

Growing desire for affection
"I'll take your word for it," Brian finally said. "Just promise me you won't try making decisions for me like that. I get that you're trying to help me out, but you can't decide who I should match up with. Alright?"

Lisa nodded. Inside her head, she was already deciding who she could match up with Brian.
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Hmm, go for broke, go for the nazi twins. No idea how but they need someone better than Max. I also can't remember how old Fenja and Menja are, I always pictured them as early twenty somethings. Hmm....

Also, I'm beginning to think there is no Taylor in this... I hope she is.

No, the real changeling for little miss cupid is going to be Piggot. Because if anyone needed some down time, fun time and emotional support it's going to be her.
Okay, this is an interesting form of ship fic where the main character is the nigh-unstoppable force that is making people hook up. Also, neat bit of backstory with the Undersiders being caught and given the same choice as Shadow Stalker after the bank job. It makes sense to have them dragged in all at once, as they are known to have a significant level of understanding how to work together as a team already.
huhu, Lisa the Chart Master is coming, The question with whom will Lisa match Brian?
From Female cast, we have:
* Taylor, status: Unknown (She's certainly not an that cute new intern in the PRT :whistle:)
* Miss Militia? Why the hell not ^.^
* Purity
* Rune,
* Spitfire
* Labirynth
* Faultline
* Sundancer,
* Genesis,
* Bakuda,
* Squealer
* Cricket

Or will she try to play out her rotten fantasies ?
Chris gulped, and snatched the papers from her hand. Missy glanced down at his desk, noticing the sketches Chris was drawing up.
Christ -> Chris

(Christ keeps showing up in this story.... Maybe he doesn't want to play behind the scenes so much.)
Brian hadn't changed out of his gym clothes yet, so Sophia had the privilege to intoxicate herself with the smell and sight of Brian's sweaty body.
privileged -> privilege
You don't act like it, you're probably the nicest guy around here.
ac -> act
Before Sophia could peck a kiss on his cheek, Lisa stepped walked into the break room.
redundant only stepped or walked in necessary
"really though, you've been long overdue for a break. How about you and I meet up off duty? We can eat together like we always used to."
ong -> long
Haven't seen Taylor, Alec or Rachel yet, so we can only guess at what has become of our three more nefarious members.
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It always astounds me that the Worm fandom keeps floating around the idea that Lisa is a sexually repressed teenager.
Lisa has literally said that she is thoroughly disgusted by the flood of information that always comes whenever she actually manages to achieve sexual satisfaction. I definitely see where they're coming from.
Chapter 5
Eric stared at the clock. Well, not necessarily stared, just eyed it enough without letting anyone notice. He'd learned how to be more subtle about his movements some time ago. An old snapshot of him staring at the clock made people the internet believe he hated poor people.

The current gallery event was organized, able to attract officials from across the state. High class officials that could spare a few hundred dollars for a ticket. They were there for the charity event, networking, and to view the artwork the gallery had to offer.

Sometimes Eric wondered if he'd enjoy art if he weren't forcefully dragged to these places. It was times like these, times when he didn't want to go to charity events, when he felt guilty for being a famous hero.

When was the last time I wore clothes I actually liked? Eric thought to himself as he looked down at his tuxedo. Does blue hair make me stand out here?

"It does."

Looking to his side, Eric saw Insight stepping next to him. The charity event had invited all the Wards, so he shouldn't have been surprised that Insight had attended as well. She was wearing a suit with her old domino mask, with a fedora covering her blonde hair. There were so many fedora jokes Eric wanted to say to her, but he held his tongue.

"You're a jerk, I like my fedora."

Eric curled his lips. He remembered that Insight could almost read minds.

"Stop thinking of fedora jokes."

He stayed quiet, blinking at her.

"You know what, scratch that. Just get it out of your system."

"Are you going for a fedorable look, or is that for fedoral defense?"

Insight's mouth flatlined, "yes."

"I'm glad you're working for the fedoration now."

She squinted, "are you proud of yourself?"

"You really missed the chance to call yourself, Fedora the explora."

"Argh," she smacked her forehead. "Okay, that's enough. Now my feelings are hurt."

"Just like a fedora master."


Eric paused, and thought for a second. "Okay, I'm out now."

"Good, now I need you to be my second wingman."


Insight turned to point at the gallery floor. Laserdream was near the building's window, giving her a background view of the city's heights behind her. She took photos with children as reporters praised her photogenic attitude.

"Her. I've got a friend I wanted her to meet. I have a feeling they'd hit it off well."

Eric rolled his eyes, he knew exactly what she meant and wanted to dismiss her as soon as possible."None of us have time for that, and neither of us like it when people try matching us up. It always ends bad and magazines loves ruining stuff like that for us."

Insight fully understood what he meant. With them have nigh celebrity status, relationships were nightmares for him and his sister, and they'd long given up taking relationships seriously. "First off, believe me, a relationship is exactly what Crystal right now. She revolves her life around PR, the least we could do is offer a form of escape for her."

Eric groaned, "look, if Crystal wants to date someone, that's up to her. I'm not going to go out of my way to help her get a boyfriend."

"Listen," Insight explained, "if this were normal circumstances, I wouldn't need your help. But as you can guess, this isn't. Crystal is preprogrammed to shun a potential relationship of every kind, so I need you to at least talk up the person I had in mind."

Eric shook his head, "I'd rather not."

Insight's lips shrunk, letting Eric see her frustration. Eric explained further. "We're public heroes. Everything we do is nit picked by the media twenty four seven. Relationships are the juiciest stories they'd take, and dating is a disaster for the both of us."

Insight sneered, offended like her intelligence had been challenged. "You think I don't know that? I know exactly what it's like to live with the world pressuring you to be perfect, but that mentality is the real problem. She's too dependent on what the world thinks of her, she needs someone that she be open with, to connect to on a fundamental level."

The side of Eric's mouth twitched, signalling that he was getting uncomfortable by her request. Insight read his body language:

The idea of his sister dating disgusts him.

She frowned, and yelled out, "Get over it man! She'll date people eventually!"

A group of high school girls looked over in Insight's direction. They were at a nearby dining table, wearing dresses, intrigued by the sight of Insight yelling at Shielder.

"Keep your voice down," Eric hushed her. "We're at an art gallery, you still have to be quiet."

Insight squinted. "I'm just asking that she give my friend a chance. I swear he's a good guy."

"Argh," Eric leaned his head back by the phrase, "every time someone says that, it's just so their friend can get the chance to date a superhero. Do you have any idea how annoying that gets?"

"But that's no big deal for the guy I have in mind. My guy is a superhero too."

Eric tilted his head. "He is? Who?"






Eric looked over to the reserved Wards table. Then he turned to where the Protectorate members were sitting next to it. "Rory?"


He finally stared at Tenebrea, sitting next to Colin. "No…" Eric whispered.

"Yes…" Insight said reflecting his tone.

"But he's a villain!" Eric yelled. "I'm not helping that guy!"

Her powers checked out:

Overprotective towards his sister

"Former villain," Insight yelled back. "And you're being judgmental!"

Before Eric could raise his voice back, more people turned to stare at the both of them. Eric remembered to lower his voice. "No," he simply replied. "It's a brother thing, you wouldn't understand."

Insight glared at him. She looked over at the crowd watching them. She yelled, "if you're gonna break up with me, you don't have to be a jerk about it!"

Eric's eyes widened. "What are you doing?"

She whispered, "help me. Or I make the internet implode with a shipping of us."

Eric turned to the now staring crowd. Teenagers were taking camara photos of him staring down at Insight. His palms were sweaty by the prospect of fake rumors getting spread around of him. "You… Can't be serious."

"Former villain," Insight reminded him. "I have no principal."

"But… You wouldn't… Right?"

Insight leaned closer to him and whispered in his ear, "I can either turn away crying, or this can look like a pleasant and meaningless conversation."

She stepped back. Eric wanted to shoot a shield at her. "You're a monster."

He was ready to reply yes, but Insight wasn't quite satisfied with just blackmailing him. "Come on, meet me at the balcony, I'll tell you why this is a good idea."


Lisa placed her domino mask and fedora on the balcony ledge. The upper floor balcony was off limits to visitors, with only PRT members stationed there to guard the entire floor. "For starters," Lisa said. "You and Crystal suffer through imposter syndrome."

"Imposter what?"

"Both of you think you're frauds. Like these charity events are just a ruse, and you're worried you'll someday be called out for attending them under false pretenses. In reality, that's nothing to be worried about. Everyone feels they're faking their lives to a certain degree, you're not any more fake than anyone else."

"There's a name for that?"

Lisa nodded. "You think that you go to these charity events mostly for publicity reasons. And you'd rather not go because it feels disingenuous, but you know it's still important for New Wave's image."

"Well.. Yeah, I mean.." She read him like a book, and he wasn't sure how he felt about that.

"Eric, you're fooling yourself. These events get huge donation jumps whenever your family's around. You are helping people by doing this, the publicity aspect is just a bonus." Eric never admitted it, but he always felt like a liar for helping the family image, like he was exploiting poverty for selfish gain.

Lisa continued, "the people that get help through here don't care why you're doing it. They're just glad it helps."

"Okay, okay" Eric said, slightly alleviated from the guilt. "Good to know that, but what was that you said about people faking it?"

"Imposter syndrome. It's more common than you think, and it's especially common among capes. You have to realize that everyone, not just you, is faking it. We're all improvising life and none of us truly know if our choices are right. You and Crystal aren't exceptions."

Eric thought about that for a moment. He was always camera shy, and Crystal had confided in him that she had a steep fear of failing the public. "Lisa," Eric still felt different. "My life is New Wave. It's my job to fake things."

"And that's the grand irony. If you stopped concerning yourself with what the world thought of you, the world would actually love you more."

Eric raised an eyebrow. Lisa patted his blue dyed hair, "I know why you dyed your hair blue. You wanted to stick out among New Wave, but wasn't sure how. Since you don't know how to express yourself, you decided to express yourself through a physical appearance."

"It matches my power," Eric argued.

"You want to stick out as an individual, but are afraid of what the world would think. So you do your best to be mister perfect, but you ironically come off as flat and boring."

Eric frowned. Not offended, just disappointed by how right she was. "The world is watching me, us, Lisa. I can't afford to look bad."

It was New Wave's idealism. Everyone in the group believed they existed to promote equality and fairness for parahumans everywhere. Eric, Crystal, and all the other members had an immense weight on their shoulders.

Lisa hardly cared for that. "The world doesn't want you to be perfect. If you stopped trying so hard to shield yourself, you'd come off as more honest to the world and to yourself. You'd actually look and feel more human. And humanity is exactly New Wave is all about."

Eric blinked at her. He'd never thought of it that way. "Um… Okay."

Lisa clasped her hands, returning to her real topic. "Now onto Crystal." With a grin, she was glad to connect to Eric. That was just a warm up. Her attempt to get Eric to trust Lisa more for what she was about to say next. "Crystal doesn't need a boyfriend. No one does, really. What I don't like is that she avoids the scenario because she's afraid of the social repercussions. She's controlled by the world around her, instead of her own personal preferences."

Eric nodded, the feeling was mutual. "But Tenebrea?" Eric commented. "Why him?"

"His name is Brian," Lisa said, making him feel more normal to Eric.

"But still, he's a former villain. How could he be good person?" Lisa blinked at him. She didn't need powers to know how judgmental he was. If anything, he was like everyone else, preprogrammed to have a negative portrayal of all villains everywhere.

After a long pause with letting the silence sink in, Eric remembered who he was talking to. "Um…. I didn't mean-"

"No, no. It's fine. I understand."

"I'm sorry, I didn't-"

"No problem, I don't get offended easily."


"Back to the subject." In all honesty, Lisa wasn't offended. In fact, she was glad to have the chance to make Eric feel guilty, giving her more emotional leverage over his influence. "Brian," she stressed the name again. "Is a good person. He's respectable in every way. Never treats anyone poorly, and is family centric like Crystal is. The only reason he was a villain was to help his sister, the same way Crystal goes out of her way to make sure you're alright."

Eric winced, able to relate to that familial value. "Still, it sounds to me like you're forcing the idea onto them."

"I'm not forcing anything," Lisa reiterated, "I only need one thing from you, tell her Brian isn't as bad a person as you both think. I'll introduce them to each other, and from there, we'd let fate take its course."

Eric rubbed at his forehead. It wasn't… Technically a match up. Just giving someone a good impression. And Lisa seemed like a good enough person to him, he didn't have any real reason to distrust her. "Okay, okay, fine. I'll only tell her that; you, Brian, and the other Undersiders aren't that bad, but-"

"Don't mention Rachel and Alec," Lisa interrupted. "I'll admit they're not exactly team friendly, so just leave them out of this."

Eric breathed out again, "Okay, fine. Just… Don't push anything onto her, alright? She really doesn't need that pressure." Lisa nodded, happy to find an agreement. Eric asked again, "Are you sure Brian isn't a jerk?"

"Positive, he's a very understanding person. He's also very keen to the idea of reputation, so he'd know to respect Crystal for her career dedication. He respects people, it's how he's gained the respect of everyone around him."

Eric crossed his arms, "sounds to me like you should go out with him."

Lisa raised an eyebrow, "Brian and I… Respect each other too much. We've known each other for two years, the last thing we'd want is to ruin that bond through an unfair relationship."

"Why would that be unfair?" Eric asked, genuinely intrigued.

I'm asexual, he's not. That doesn't last long. Of course, Lisa wasn't going to be that open with Eric, so she answered, "we treat each other like family. We've been at each other's side for too long, it'd be weird if we got into a meaningless relationship."

"Okay, okay. I'm just finding it weird how you're trying to match up half the people around you."

Lisa shrugged, "I like manipulating people."

"Like an evil mastermind."



A reporter took a picture of Insight and Eric returning from the top floor. Eric sighed, aware that the rumors were now be inevitable.

Insight raised an eyebrow looking over at Eric:

Aromantic due to social pressure

She smiled. Insight knew what to say to get him out of this mentality, but she didn't want to risk the opportunity of losing a genuinely platonic friend. She said to him, "relax Eric, you have tough skin. You know better than to over think what they have to say about you."

"I know, it's just really annoying." Eric admitted. "When I got my powers, my parents asked me if I'd have rather joined the Wards… I didn't know that bad press could make me so paranoid."

Another reporter walked closer to them, before the woman in the suit could ask them the awkward question, Insight answered. "No, we are not going out. We're teammates and we respect each other like coworkers would. So I suggest you write about heroic values instead of the celebrity gossip. Because unlike you, we don't mix personal affairs with work affairs."

The reporter, a red haired woman in her late twenties, stared at Insight. Before she could ask a self-incriminating question, Insight added, "because I'm sure your husband wouldn't be interested in knowing all of your own extramarital affairs."

The reporter's mouth gaped open, "how…Did you..."

"I can read minds."

The reporter swallowed, and turned away before saying anything worse. Eric bursted out laughing. "Okay, now I'm glad you joined the Wards."
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