Tanks and Glory 2: Electric Boogaloo.

"So, with that out of the way, I am LaLa Stewart your new coach and the owner of Thunder Company. If you all wouldn't mind introducing your teams, what tank you've brought with you, and any previous experience you have with Tanking."

Una frowned as she turned to her friends. Were they supposed to bring their tanks today? She hoped not because it was still at the hotel. Apparently, Lady had the same thoughts as she slightly narrowed her eyes in thought.

"Una, should Misha and I get the tank?"

She shook her head. "No, it's fine. If they wanted us to bring our tanks, I would think they would tell us to bring them. That said, it's time to introd-"



While Sanna took control of the excitable girl, Una stepped up in front of the group.

"Ahem. Well you've all met Misha. Sorry about her. She's just enthusiastic. The one trying to control her at the moment is Sanna, our Driver." She waved to the two currently squabbling before gesturing to the two next to her. "The one in the uniform is Yuanji, our Gunner, and the taller one is our Radio Operator, Lady. Finally, my name is Una, the Commander."

"Do you have any prior experience I should be made aware of before we move on to getting you set up inside."

"We've joined a few tournaments throughout the years for newcomers and enthusiasts." Una replied, thinking of the times they've joined a tournament only to lose when it counts the most. "Never won any of them though."
@See my smile

River stood at the prompting of the former racing driver.

"Yes. I'm River Mitchell, for those of you that I haven't been able to introduce myself too yet, and I've been tanking for about twelve years, give or take. I've tanked competitively four years at the high school level, and then at La Plata collage for four more before I was brought on here. My gunner, Alice has about the same experience."

She left out the fact that agreeing to being "brought on" with this team in particular was very much as desperation move on her part.

"As for the vehicle, it's a Stridsvagn forty-two. TH variant, with the hydraulic transmission and twin Scanias. It's almost an overgrown light tank, but it can at least keep up, and it does have a seventy-five mil gun on it. There's a four-person crew on it; me, my gunner, the loader, and a driver.
If anyone wants to take a closer look, it's out front on the trailer."

With the short introduction done, she turned to her driver, who had led the remaining two members of her crew to their little section of the folding chairs after the M6 commander had finally kicked off the introductions, and nodded at him.

The man who stood up was powerfully built, like someone who did heavy work for a living, and had messy brown hair spilling from under a camoflauge-patterned baseball cap.

"Right. I'm Carter. I've only been actively tanking for about few years, but I've got eleven years industry experience and more certifications than you can shake a stick at. I decided to make the jump because driving tanks is a helluva lot more fun than putting them back together after you guys break them."

"As many times as you say it, that line still gets me every time."

The respondent, who was now standing, looked about the same age as Mitchell, but noticeably shorter.

"Hello, everyone. I'm Alice Cooper, Dynamo's gunner. Like River said, I've got pretty much the same experience as she had. I was her gunner last year in La Plata, too."

She said nothing else after that, and soon sat down to give way for Dynamo's loader, the last member of the crew. He was a bit shorter than average height, had sandy-blonde hair, and a surprisingly lanky frame for a loader. He was wearing a well-used tanking jacket with what looked like an independent team's logo on it.

"Good morning, y'all. I'm Leyland. I only did the collage thing for a couple of years, but I've still been in the amateur leagues for the last couple of years. I'd like to think that I did alright for myself. I don't really have anything else to say, so I guess I'm done here. I look forward to working with you folks."
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As the forest recedes, the tank waltzes its way towards a large house with rows of armoured cars lined neatly leading to the entrance.

"This looks like the photo on the address. We're finally here" says Taylor. "I'm seeing tanks parked near the courtyard. And that's where everyone is."

"Didn't know this rust bucket could actually make that hill. It was going on less than 20km/h on flat ground" says Silvester, still in disbelief.

"Seems we're in good hands, will all these vehicles lying about. Our employer must be showing off their knowledge and experience of tanks" pipes Armin.

"They're just armoured cars and tankettes not real tanks" Laurence points out. "They're probably still more of an expert than you, knowing automotives and all. They might be more into racing than tank combat by the looks of it though. Hmm, upstate New York, racing, that reminds me of someone..."

"Make yourselves presentable, gentlemen. We're dismounting soon" briefs Taylor as he grooms his handlebar. I'm sure they've been waiting for us a while. And don't forget your hats."

"What if we don't have any?" Laurence stares daggers at Taylor.

"Luckily for you MacPorter, I've got a hat just for you" Taylor beams, oblivious to the glare as he passes a hat. "Here's a bonnet."

"Well, there are worse choices. At least it's not anywhere near as impractical as yours" Laurence shrugs noncommittally.

The tank comes to a stop near a monster of a tank that has an emblem of double thunderbolt and the crew comes out one by one.

Taylor steps up and begins the introductions. "I must apologize for the delay. The forest was a much tougher going than expected." The rest of the crew gives a pained look. "I'm Taylor Paige Ballard, commander of the Valentine Mk.III 'Pincushion', at your service." He gives a bow with his scarlet uniform, sash tied on the waist, and a bicorne of the chapeau-bras style, appropriately tucked under his arm.

"I'm Silvester Szabo, driver of the Pincushion" he says while leaning on the tank and gently tugging his thin wispy pencil moustache. "Though I'm more of a horse person, I think I can grow into this. Tank's just slow, nowhere near as fast as a good old gallop." He slightly adjusts his busby and brushes off some dust from his dolman jacket.

"Hello, everyone. I'm Armin Schneider, gunner of the Pincushion" turning ramrod straight and giving a salute. "I've got some experience as a gunner in Seven Years War and Napoleonic reenactments. I look forward in working with you all." He cocks his tricorne as he eases back.

"I'm Laurence MacPorter, nice to meet you all. I'm the loader of Pincushion" casually putting his hands in his overall's pockets. "I'm here to knock some sense to these guys, seeing that they're not, ah, the most knowledgeable about tanks." Just as he finishes, he risks a glance at stage and, for a moment, his eyes go wide. He recovers quickly and leans back to the tank, barely containing his excitement. "It's her! It's really her. This might actually be worth it."
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Ah right. I had gotten lost in my thoughts for a moment.

"My crew and I have been in a few amateur tournaments, nothing big and we havent had too much success. We have spent our free time praticing."

_____"You bring your tank, Carpe?" Linnéa said. "I'm feeling all self conscious now, if it's just us and the M6." Some small part of her wondered if the rest of the peanut gallery was just trying to vanish instead of stepping up. Shyness was one of those things that didn't really suit a tanker.

The sleek shape of the Ghibli Spyder hugged the winding roads of upstate New York like figure skater. Behind it, like a draft horse following after a peacock came something altogether different and more utilitarian. An armored cab lumbred around the turns on six massive wheels as the rumble of it's engine drowned out the purr of it's smaller compatriot.

On the back of the tractors trailer though came the true star of the procession. It's well angled turret sat atop an equally well angled body with it's three inch gun pointed back for transport, as if it was guarding the the rear of the small convoy.

The villa they approached looked like it would of been more at home hugging the spanish coast rather a valley state side. The array of armor and military vehicles in front through lent it an air not dissimilar from the estate of a middle east despot - albeit one with an eye for color.

The pair, and their cargo, entered into an already crowded courtyard catching everyone's attention with their late arrival. The coupe came to stop in a clear spot, the transport rumbling to a halt just behind it.

Ayumi stepped out from the Maserati, breeze tugging at her pony tail and the tails of her coat as she took a moment to light a cigarette. She gave a glance at the rest of the tanks, and crew around her as he let out a bloom of smoke before heading toward the cab of her tank transporter and proceeded to slam on the door. "Naomi! Check on the tank to make sure the drive didn't knock anything."

Ayumi turned back to the assorted people she assumed were going to be making the rest of the team. They were all assembled in front of a small stage. Looking at them all she wondered why she agreed to this at all, none of them looked competent. Scratch that the girl on stage looked competent - probably why she was on stage.

"Ayumi Blackthorne." The redhead said by way of introduction. "I assume you are all Thunder Company?"

Lala nods and after a quick glance at the group of suits she answers. " We are indeed and you are Mrs. Blackthorne Correct? It's good to have you on the team I...Look forward to seeing how you do.." For the first time that day she looked and sounded hesitant.

"We uh. We were planning to have it brought over. I think it'd be here in a few days." I said with an awkward laugh.

"We couldnt bring it because my car couldn't pull and my truck was having engine problems."

Una frowned as she turned to her friends. Were they supposed to bring their tanks today? She hoped not because it was still at the hotel. Apparently, Lady had the same thoughts as she slightly narrowed her eyes in thought.

"Una, should Misha and I get the tank?"

She shook her head. "No, it's fine. If they wanted us to bring our tanks, I would think they would tell us to bring them. That said, it's time to introd-"



While Sanna took control of the excitable girl, Una stepped up in front of the group.

"Ahem. Well you've all met Misha. Sorry about her. She's just enthusiastic. The one trying to control her at the moment is Sanna, our Driver." She waved to the two currently squabbling before gesturing to the two next to her. "The one in the uniform is Yuanji, our Gunner, and the taller one is our Radio Operator, Lady. Finally, my name is Una, the Commander."

"We've joined a few tournaments throughout the years for newcomers and enthusiasts." Una replied, thinking of the times they've joined a tournament only to lose when it counts the most. "Never won any of them though."

@See my smile

River stood at the prompting of the former racing driver.

"Yes. I'm River Mitchell, for those of you that I haven't been able to introduce myself too yet, and I've been tanking for about twelve years, give or take. I've tanked competitively four years at the high school level, and then at La Plata collage for four more before I was brought on here. My gunner, Alice has about the same experience."

She left out the fact that agreeing to be "brought on" with this team, in particular, was very much as a desperation move on her part.

"As for the vehicle, it's a Stridsvagn forty-two. TH variant, with the hydraulic transmission and twin Scanias. It's almost an overgrown light tank, but it can at least keep up, and it does have a seventy-five mil gun on it. There's a four-person crew on it; me, my gunner, the loader, and a driver.
If anyone wants to take a closer look, it's out front on the trailer."

With the short introduction done, she turned to her driver, who had led the remaining two members of her crew to their little section of the folding chairs after the M6 commander had finally kicked off the introductions, and nodded at him.

The man who stood up was powerfully built, like someone who did heavy work for a living, and had messy brown hair spilling from under a camouflage-patterned baseball cap.

"Right. I'm Carter. I've only been actively tanking for about a few years, but I've got eleven years industry experience and more certifications than you can shake a stick at. I decided to make the jump because driving tanks is a helluva lot more fun than putting them back together after you guys break them."

"As many times as you say it, that line still gets me every time."

The respondent, who was now standing, looked about the same age as Mitchell, but noticeably shorter.

"Hello, everyone. I'm Alice Cooper, Dynamo's gunner. Like River said, I've got pretty much the same experience as she had. I was her gunner last year in La Plata, too."

She said nothing else after that, and soon sat down to give way for Dynamo's loader, the last member of the crew. He was a bit shorter than average height, had sandy-blonde hair, and a surprisingly lanky frame for a loader. He was wearing a well-used tanking jacket with what looked like an independent team's logo on it.

"Good morning, y'all. I'm Leyland. I only did the collage thing for a couple of years, but I've still been in the amateur leagues for the last couple of years. I'd like to think that I did alright for myself. I don't really have anything else to say, so I guess I'm done here. I look forward to working with you folks."

As the forest recedes, the tank waltzes its way towards a large house with rows of armoured cars lined neatly leading to the entrance.

"This looks like the photo on the address. We're finally here" says Taylor. "I'm seeing tanks parked near the courtyard. And that's where everyone is."

"Didn't know this rust bucket could actually make that hill. It was going on less than 20km/h on flat ground" says Silvester, still in disbelief.

"Seems we're in good hands, will all these vehicles lying about. Our employer must be showing off their knowledge and experience of tanks" pipes Armin.

"They're just armoured cars and tankettes not real tanks" Laurence points out. "They're probably still more of an expert than you, knowing automotives and all. They might be more into racing than tank combat by the looks of it though. Hmm, upstate New York, racing, that reminds me of someone..."

"Make yourselves presentable, gentlemen. We're dismounting soon" briefs Taylor as he grooms his handlebar. I'm sure they've been waiting for us a while. And don't forget your hats."

"What if we don't have any?" Laurence stares daggers at Taylor.

"Luckily for you MacPorter, I've got a hat just for you" Taylor beams, oblivious to the glare as he passes a hat. "Here's a bonnet."

"Well, there are worse choices. At least it's not anywhere near as impractical as yours" Laurence shrugs noncommittally.

The tank comes to a stop near a monster of a tank that has an emblem of double thunderbolt and the crew comes out one by one.

Taylor steps up and begins the introductions. "I must apologize for the delay. The forest was a much tougher going than expected." The rest of the crew gives a pained look. "I'm Taylor Paige Ballard, commander of the Valentine Mk.III 'Pincushion', at your service." He gives a bow with his scarlet uniform, sash tied on the waist, and a bicorne of the chapeau-bras style, appropriately tucked under his arm.

"I'm Silvester Szabo, driver of the Pincushion" he says while leaning on the tank and gently tugging his thin wispy pencil moustache. "Though I'm more of a horse person, I think I can grow into this. Tank's just slow, nowhere near as fast as a good old gallop." He slightly adjusts his busby and brushes off some dust from his dolman jacket.

"Hello, everyone. I'm Armin Schneider, gunner of the Pincushion" turning ramrod straight and giving a salute. "I've got some experience as a gunner in Seven Years War and Napoleonic reenactments. I look forward in working with you all." He cocks his tricorne as he eases back.

"I'm Laurence MacPorter, nice to meet you all. I'm the loader of Pincushion" casually putting his hands in his overall's pockets. "I'm here to knock some sense to these guys, seeing that they're not, ah, the most knowledgeable about tanks." Just as he finishes, he risks a glance at stage and, for a moment, his eyes go wide. He recovers quickly and leans back to the tank, barely containing his excitement. "It's her! It's really her. This might actually be worth it."

Lala nods as she listens. He face one fo concentration and thought. "Alright then!" she yells her face splitting open into a smile

"Alright, everyone! With the introductions out of the way, I'll get down to brass tacks." She reaches back and pulls a large projector sheet down and motions for someone behind you all to do something and the Sheet lights up with a bracket system.
the Bracket is set up so that you are fighting the team below you in the brackets.
Thunder Company              
Nobles Winner            
Untamed   Winner          
Eagle Posse Winner   Winner.        
Leningrad Cowboys   Winner   Winner      
Steel Head Winner            
The Grey Lions   Winner          
Feet of Clay Winner   Winner   Winner    
Devil Squad   Winner          
Market Crushers Winner            
The Crocs   Winner          
GunSmoke. Winner   Winner Winner      
Over the Top.   Winner          
Bus to Berlin Winner            
"This is the current bracket for the Indie league! We're going up against some of the best teams on the East Coast!" She pauses and smiles. "Well, I mean we're going up against The Noble first And their captain was bragging that they had Mark IVs this year, so not all of them are the best of the best."She sighs sounding exasperated. "I'm assuming most of you have at least some idea of the nobles right?"
_____"Burgerboo, it's time for glorious infantry tanks."

_____"Isn't that a Valentine?" She said.

_____"Yesss. Mk. III." Ava beamed, or at least got as close to it as her stoic nature allowed for. "It's no Queen of the Desert, but it shall suffice."

_____"I'm more interested in that Black Prince, you know? Even a replica costs a pretty penny. Can't say no to a 17-pdr."

_____"Maybe if we had BROUGHT THE FIREFLY," Ava said, rolling her eyes.

_____Lin groaned, pushing the beret askew on Ava's head. "We cannot bring Firefly every single time."

_____"YES WE CAN. You just hate precious multibank."

_____Yuanwei's head emerged from the loader's hatch, her eyes poking over the rim. "I mean, she's not wrong."

_____Jessica looked up at her friends on the turret. "The M4A4 can haul ass, too."

_____"Aaaaaah- all of you quiet down, I'm listening to nice tank lady thank you very much." Lin shoved Yuanwei back into the turret and took a swipe at Ava's beret. Her gunner leaned slightly out of reach in response, fixing her with that cool gaze of hers. Then came tank PowerPoint, and the bracket showing a list of teams ranging from other unknowns like Thunder Company to their favorite gag team.

_____Linnea cleared her voice and looked back to their new boss. She had to raise her voice over the Ford engine's rumble. "The Nobles? Yeah, we've scrimmed once or twice. They're one of those Japanese-style acting troupes that get all hardcore into character even if it screws them over in the end. I didn't think they were serious about buying landships, though..." The tank jock shrugged with a mischievous little grin. "Maybe they want to joust in Mk. IVs? I've heard of stranger things."
_____"That face doesn't exactly scream confidence, does it?" Rory moved alongside Ayumi to watch the proceedings. Her suit was well-fitted, nondescript, yet immaculate, and it didn't do much to hide a hard-earned physique that made her role as a bodyguard obvious. Rory always stuck out in a crowd, but she was used to the attention, ill-intended or otherwise. "The one calling the shots is Speedy Stewart. She was a racing legend before her accident," she said, something simmering behind her eyes as she took the scene in. "Tch. That's an unplanned surprise, but we'll manage. I didn't expect our 'low profile' approach to last." Rory's eyes narrowed slightly with a hint of mirth. "Not after we left the garage, anyway!"


_____"Y-yes miss!"

_____"Are you doing a good job like the young miss ordered?"

_____"I think so..."

_____"You think so?" Rory towered over their newbie with a critical eye. "Someone's not working hard enough! Do another look around the tank, and then you're free to relax."

_____"-okaythankyoumiss!" Naomi shot off toward the open-roofed machine. With her taken care of, Rory wiped off a seat for Ayumi and mingled among the other crews, watching from an arm's length as the announcement of the roster was followed with quite a bit of muttered conversation.
"Nobles, ma'am?" says Taylor. "Well, considering that we are new to tankery and from a different continent, I can't say we know much about them or any team on the list. And I take it that MacPorter is more of a racing fan than of tanks in particular" he says with a raised eyebrow.

"You actually got something right for once, Taylor" says Laurence with mock surprise. Silvester sticks out his tongue at Taylor with this remark. No reply comes from Armin as he is busy looking over the other tanks and their guns. "Don't know a whole lot about them, or this league really. It's a bit obscure" Laurence scratches his head. "My family and I repair and check on vehicles, but they're mostly cars. Sometimes tanks, but the dedicated repair shops offer better service than us. I'm sure we can take them on easily, though. I mean, they're using Mark IVs and FT-17s as mainline tanks for god's sake."

"Uh, MacPorter, what are those tanks?"

"You serious, Taylor?" Laurence stares flatly at him thinking he is joking, an assumption he finds increasingly suspect as Taylor returns it with a questioning look and an increasingly uncomfortable silence.

Armin appears behind Taylor and interjects, apparently finished with his inspection. "Taylor, you know WW1 right? They're your tanks. And the French's."

"Oh, I see" Taylor says as he finally realizes what they were. "That's why the young miss on the grey tank said landships. That's what they'e called. Still, jousting? They don't move terribly fast and rather clunky. And they do have guns."

"Maybe they're medievalist reenactors."

"Just like us then. Marvelous, we must simply get to know each other better. I think a motorcycle would do better for the job though..."

Laurence cannot help but facepalm as Taylor and Armin launch into a tangential discussion about how jousting on a vehicle would work. Silvester just beams in amusement. "They do that a lot?" asks an exasperated Laurence. Silvester just continues to beam and Laurence gets the sneaking suspicion that it might have something to do with him trying the idea out.
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Lala nods and after a quick glance at the group of suits she answers. " We are indeed and you are Mrs. Blackthorne Correct? It's good to have you on the team I...Look forward to seeing how you do.." For the first time that day she looked and sounded hesitant.

Lala nods as she listens. He face one fo concentration and thought. "Alright then!" she yells her face splitting open into a smile

"Alright, everyone! With the introductions out of the way, I'll get down to brass tacks." She reaches back and pulls a large projector sheet down and motions for someone behind you all to do something and the Sheet lights up with a bracket system.
the Bracket is set up so that you are fighting the team below you in the brackets.
Thunder Company              
Nobles Winner            
Untamed   Winner          
Eagle Posse Winner   Winner.        
Leningrad Cowboys   Winner   Winner      
Steel Head Winner            
The Grey Lions   Winner          
Feet of Clay Winner   Winner   Winner    
Devil Squad   Winner          
Market Crushers Winner            
The Crocs   Winner          
GunSmoke. Winner   Winner Winner      
Over the Top.   Winner          
Bus to Berlin Winner            
"This is the current bracket for the Indie league! We're going up against some of the best teams on the East Coast!" She pauses and smiles. "Well, I mean we're going up against The Noble first And their captain was bragging that they had Mark IVs this year, so not all of them are the best of the best."She sighs sounding exasperated. "I'm assuming most of you have at least some idea of the nobles right?"

I snort in amusement.

"Aren't they that team with the FT-17s from last year?"

I hear Whiz mumble from behind.

"Yeah, I hear they got Mark Is last year. This'll be fun." Deuz comments.

I nod, agreeing with Deuz.

'Yeah it's a pretty good start. Especially since we're a new team it'll be nice to not just get stomped into the ground.' I muse
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_____"Lala, just a suggestion, but if our team members consent," Linnéa said. "We could use these transporters to grab the other stragglers." She nodded to the newcomers with the sweetness Dragon Wagon. " I don't mind, if the celebrity team doesn't mind."
@Glint @pharaoh122 @Slick @Wolfhunter @DB_Explorer @Hallesworth49

Lala seems to think for a moment before she nods and addresses the team. " Alright, Everyone! We're going to take a little interlude here so, that everyone can get their tanks. We'll meet back here and once everyone is back with their vehicles we'll start the tour of the grounds."
Ayumi glanced at her bodyguard turned gunner and gave a shrug. "Looking at our fellow teammates." She replied waving over the teams in an expansive gesture. "I doubt their going to complain so long as we can send rounds downrange. Our first match is going against a team that uses tanks from the first world war - if that doesn't suggest a lack of confidence I don't know what does."

Ayumi gave a sidelong glance at the Sherman's commander at her suggesting to use the dragon wagon. "I don't mind really - though won't be as fast as your newer truck. Bought it thinking having something able to do field recovery would be useful you know? Still I doubt Naomi will turn down seeing everyone's tanks." Sure turned toward the transport before yelling. "Ain't that right Naomi?"

The smaller brunette popped up from behind the trailer. "Wait, I have to do more driving?"

"Well Yes," Ayumi explained wryly. "You're the team driver, it's what you do."

Ayumi gave a small grin at the smaller girl's mumbled complaints before turning back to the other commander. "She'll be fine."
"Getting everyone's tanks here might take a while, so while we wait , we shall be preparing tea" announces Taylor. "Schneider?"

"Right away, sir." Armin opens a box on the Valentine and takes from it a Kelly kettle and a bunch of twigs which he promptly stuffs inside the base.

"Oh. That's why you two were so insistent on stopping and picking up twigs" says Laurence.

"Boiled water is good water. Not going to have a bad stomach if I can help it" Silvester points out.

"I can only prepare one type of tea, so if anyone has a preference then please do tell" says Taylor. "We'll serve the winning vote. I recommend the black tea."

"Typical. I'll take the green just to spite you" says Laurence with a mischievous smile.

"And I white to further the split" beams Armin. "Psst. Silvester. Pick the Oolong."

"Come on, Schneider and Szabo. The Oolong takes too long" says Taylor, almost pouting.

As he comes to a decision on the tea, Silvester narrows his eyes, suddenly remembering something. "A question, Miss Stewart. When's the match? I thought it might be a good idea to prepare and practice if we have the time. Getting some of the greener teams up to speed, you see" he says with a wink and smile.
_____"You're clear!" The Sherman rumbled once, lurching forward away from its parent vehicle, sliding beside the other waiting tanks. Linnéa put on her helmet, clipping the cable into a wireless set on her hip. "Okay, the Giant's clear, back up the truck." Yuanwei looked both cool-eyed and bored out of her mind as she wheeled the big vehicle around the way they came, dumping coal in her wake. They passed a tank busily descending into teatime on the sidelines, something that prompted the blond TC to lean out and swing half-heartedly in an attempt at swiping a cup for herself. She sat on the roof as the big vehicle came to a halt. Linnéa turned to see one of Ayumi's lackies driving over the Dragon Wagon, pulling up into their budding convoy.

_____"Aaaaaaalright! We've got two carriers, we can get two or three tanks hooked up. Who needs a pickup?"
_____"You're clear!" The Sherman rumbled once, lurching forward away from its parent vehicle, sliding beside the other waiting tanks. Linnéa put on her helmet, clipping the cable into a wireless set on her hip. "Okay, the Giant's clear, back up the truck." Yuanwei looked both cool-eyed and bored out of her mind as she wheeled the big vehicle around the way they came, dumping coal in her wake. They passed a tank busily descending into teatime on the sidelines, something that prompted the blond TC to lean out and swing half-heartedly in an attempt at swiping a cup for herself. She sat on the roof as the big vehicle came to a halt. Linnéa turned to see one of Ayumi's lackies driving over the Dragon Wagon, pulling up into their budding convoy.

_____"Aaaaaaalright! We've got two carriers, we can get two or three tanks hooked up. Who needs a pickup?"

I shook my head,

"We're good. We have a friend bringing it over. It's coming in a few days since we had a few touch ups that we wanted to do before leaving but thanks for the offer."
"Getting everyone's tanks here might take a while, so while we wait , we shall be preparing tea" announces Taylor. "Schneider?"

"Right away, sir." Armin opens a box on the Valentine and takes from it a Kelly kettle and a bunch of twigs which he promptly stuffs inside the base.

"Oh. That's why you two were so insistent on stopping and picking up twigs" says Laurence.

"Boiled water is good water. Not going to have a bad stomach if I can help it" Silvester points out.

"I can only prepare one type of tea, so if anyone has a preference then please do tell" says Taylor. "We'll serve the winning vote. I recommend the black tea."

"Typical. I'll take the green just to spite you" says Laurence with a mischievous smile.

"And I white to further the split" beams Armin. "Psst. Silvester. Pick the Oolong."

"Come on, Schneider and Szabo. The Oolong takes too long" says Taylor, almost pouting.

As he comes to a decision on the tea, Silvester narrows his eyes, suddenly remembering something. "A question, Miss Stewart. When's the match? I thought it might be a good idea to prepare and practice if we have the time. Getting some of the greener teams up to speed, you see" he says with a wink and smile.

Lala smiled as the Kangaroo Carrier was slowly removed from one of its flat bed cars. "The first game is in two weeks time but." She grins mischievously. "I called in a few favors from some old friends and I've set up a skirmish in the woods behind the house this Saturday. (four days.) And if your taking tea requests. I'd prefer Earl Grey if you've got it."

She than turned to address the full crowd. "Now if everyone wouldn't mind give Mr. Fitzpatrick the locations of your ranks of they are not hear we can get around to showing you around the grounds.

@Glint @Wolfhunter @Slick @pharaoh122 @Hallesworth49 @DB_Explorer

(OOC: Sorry about this late update. That my fault completely I had some... Issues irl.)

_____"Belay that, kiddo. Looks like they're taking over," Linnéa said. "Save the gas, we can be generous some other day."


_____"No bitching." There was an irate sort of huffiness in her tone as Linnéa popped off the brain bucket and chucked it into her bag. Her boots skidded down the cab's front before she marched up to Giant and waved at Jessica riding in the turret. She couldn't shake the feeling they were all bumbling around on different frequencies, and the long lapses in communication were at the very least, concerning. None of that showed on the tanker's face though as she pointed the tank forward, Giant rumbling to a parking spot that was more out-of-the-way as Yuanwei pushed the big diesel just behind it.

_____"Kay. We're all squared up, Mr. Fitzpatrick. Got one M4A3 and one matching M32, prepped and good to go."
_____Rory looked at Ayumi. Ayumi looked at Rory. The stockier of the two shook her head. "... Naomi's still driving down the road, isn't she?

_____"Yep, she is."

_____The starlet's bodyguard grabbed her radio. "NAOMI, GET BACK HERE! THE JOB'S CANCELLED!"
_____While they had been waiting for the logistical end of things to be resolved, the young tank commander had been helping teams tune in, changing radio crystals, installing aftermarket adapters for those weird, oddball systems. When all was said and done with, Linnéa grabbed her hand mic and keyed it. "Mic test, mic test. We all good? All callsigns, I've gotten reports of a little tea party at the British land-battleship parked somewhere over there," she snickered. "I suggest we board it and have a little tea party while we wait. I'm curious to know a little bit more about y'all. Giant, out."

_____"Okay, bring Giant right up beside the Britbongs over there. Steady, closer, closer..." As the Sherman lumbered alongside the Valentine, the roof of which was already slightly overflowing with platters, teacups and fresh brew, Linnéa climbed out of her hatch and sat with her legs dangling down the side."

_____"Pincushion!" Linnéa said, offering a lazy salute. "Giant. I'll have some Flowery Orange Pekoe, if you have some. And in return, we do have some very good robustica beans. And uh, lunchables." With that, she leaned out, offering Taylor a gloved hand to shake on.
"You heard the young lady, one orange pekoe. With the leaf tips please."

"Aye, aye sir. One flowery orange pekoe coming up in two minutes."

"Wait, what kind of a tea is an orange pekoe? We put oranges in it like the Earl Grey?"

"Not quite Laurence, it's black tea but a different grade. We put a just proportion of its leaf buds to-"

As Armin and Laurence busily prepare another batch of the winning vote, black tea, and the special order, Taylor turns to Linnea and firmly shakes the outstretched hand. "A pleasure Ms. Winter. The lunchables will be put to good use today. After all, I fancy that hardtacks are not a popular snack item." He regards the beans with a measure of suspicion and puzzlement however. "We'll keep these, uh, robustica in good care until we find a good occasion to use them."

While presenting calm, if amiable appearance, Taylor was confuzzled in the inside. "Coffee beans!? What the bloody hell do you do with coffee beans? Do we grind them into powder and add it or do we just boil it in water? Urgh, I'll just ask MacPorter how to make that Tim Horton's he's so fond of."

The rumble of tank engines signaled the arrival of the rest of Thunder Company, those without their tanks riding desant and Silvester waving a tea cup as if it were a sabre.

"Just in time" says Laurence as the kettle gives off a loud whistling sound.

"Not quite. Still need to steep the tea for a minute or so" points out Armin.
River and her crew had not been idle. After ensuring that their radio did in fact transmit on the correct frequencies (a minor miracle), they had unblocked the tracks, ensured the tank was topped off, and all the the other odd little tasks involved in making a tank ready to move under it's own power. Now, they were slowly backing it off the trailer, engine rumbling at just above an idle.

River thought that using a full-sized tractor-trailer to move the thing had been overkill, but her erstwhile driver had assured her that nothing smaller would do.

"Little bit more, a bit left, and straight back now," Negotiating the ramps off of the trailer was not a terribly complicated evolution, but every year people still managed to flip tanks doing it. That would not be a great way to start off the season, she thought. The tank leveled out, and a few seconds Carter, who had been acting as guide, motioned that they had cleared the ramp.

"Aaaand, halt. We're good." The tank came to a halt, and Carter moved to take up his seat in the loader's position.

At the same time, Alice clambered up onto her side of the turret, and tapped River's shoulder to get her permission. "Riv, are we meeting up with the Valentine?"

River considered for a second, and nodded. "Yeah, I guess so. Apparently they brought food, so maybe we can have lunch while we wait or something."

She ducked her head under the hatch for a moment. "Carter, do you remember where that Valentine is?"

"Have they moved any?"

She shook her head, more for her benefit than Carter's. "Not that I know of."

"Yeah, I can get us there."

"Cool. Apparently they've got food."

@Sushi @Hallesworth49

They ended up on the far side of the grey Sherman, tank rocking back gently as it came to a full stop. River stood up on the commander's folding folding seat and leaned precariously out in the direction of their new neighbor, one arm extended and casting out for a hand to shake.

"I don't know how it is out here, but back home there isn't any better than food to get people coming at a run. We've got some cookies somewhere, if they want us to pitch in."
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"A little to the left, little more" Ayumi ordered into the tank destroyers intercom as she stood in its open-top and looked down at the smaller British tank they were coming up from behind. Such an adorable fighting vehicle really, even with its diminutive size the array of platters and tea settings spread over the top of the tank still seemed out of place. "I heard this was for the orientation luncheon." Ayumi called over to the British tank. "Not a fan of black tea," Ayumi said eyeing the platter. "Have any Green tea? Gyokuro perhaps?" She paused for a second before pounding on the top of the tank destroyer. "Naomi! Stop hiding down there and say hi."

The driver's hatch popped open followed by Naomi's head as she pouted at her boss. "I wasn't hiding..."
"I don't know how it is out here, but back home there isn't any better than food to get people coming at a run. We've got some cookies somewhere, if they want us to pitch in."

"True words, Ms. Mitchell" says Taylor as he shakes her hand. "From my reenactment days, I can attest to the veracity of that statement despite only having stale hardtacks, watery soup, stringy beef, and, of course, tea. You are welcome to put in as much biscuits as you wish. I'm sure we all have our sweet teeth, and it works well with tea!"

As soon as these parting words were spoken, another tank (tank destroyer to be precise) pulled alongside the Pincushion.

"I heard this was for the orientation luncheon." Ayumi called over to the British tank. "Not a fan of black tea," Ayumi said eyeing the platter. "Have any Green tea? Gyokuro perhaps?"

The request elicited a look of surprise on Taylor's face. "Gyokuro? My, Ms. Blackthorne, that's rather hard to acquire. Of considerable expense too, even coming from family of some means such as I. In fact, this request will likely finish what little of it I have left." Taylor then proceeds to hop inside the Pincushion, rummaging for something.

"Ballard, is getting your personal kettle necessary?" says Armin. "If you recall, we have a kettle right here."

"Hey, if you had another kettle, why didn't we use it too. Could've saved some time you know." calls Laurence with an annoyed look.

"It's a tiny kettle, just enough for a cup or two. Besides, it's a special kettle". Armin says the last few words in nearly a whisper as he ruefully and cryptically smiles. Laurence looks questioningly at Armin but decides not to press further.

"That won't do Schneider" says Taylor without looking up. "Green tea, especially Gyokuro has different heat requirements. Not compatible with black tea, unless you want to lose the taste."

"Ah, retooling problems. I can see why you wanted a single tea base now Taylor" says Laurence in an understanding tone.

Taylor emerges from the hatch with a tiny, well adorned, copper kettle and sets about preparing the special order. "This will take a few minutes, Ms. Blackthorne. Please help yourself with the food on the platters in the meantime. We have an excellent selection of lunchables and biscuits. And hardtacks, if anyone wishes."

Meanwhile, Silvester is busy running to and fro, serving the batches of black tea to the other members of the team.