Tales of the Ascension Wars

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The Wheel has turned. Empires rise, empires fall as the Mantle of Supreme is left vacant. History is yet to be written as the mighty Gods rush to prove their strength and seize the mantle by Faith and Force of Arms.

This is but another turn of the Wheel. A part of a cycle not a true change. But I have a soft spot and a love of narratives and the histories and tales of mortals.

Care to join me?
Tales of the Ascension Wars: Prologue
It is said in the beginning, there was Chaos.

Out of Chaos, rose worlds populated with multitudes of beings. Wars were fought, kings and emperors rose and fell, and civilisations were built and crumbled as millennia passed. Gods, dark and strange, were worshipped in pagan temples. Still there was Chaos. The Gods fought amongst themselves, bringing even greater ruin to those who would serve them. At last, there was the One, a being of great power and enlightenment, who rose above His immortal peers and cast them out of the Heavens into Oblivion. From Chaos came Order, and with Order came peace, and the creatures of the world flourished. The Age of Chaos has ended.

Now the Wheel has turned once again.

The Supreme God has suddenly disappeared. Prayers are left unanswered, and smoke of offerings rises in vain to the heavens. No one knows why he disappeared, but it is certain that the people of the world are once again left without direction, without guiding principle, without order. Now is the time of beings of great power and ambition to try their strength. The Throne of the Heavens now stands empty and only the strongest can rise to supremacy over all others. Only the most powerful can ascend to take the place of He Who Came Before. This time of great strife and suffering. This is a time of magic unequalled for millennia before and never since. This is The Ascension Wars.

And so, the Wheel has turned again. For the world has been broken and reforged many times before. For many have held the Mantle of Supremacy and sat upon the Throne of the Pantokrator. The Supreme One, the King of All. This is merely a cycle, not true change. Just as kings and nations rise so do the Gods which they praise. This has happened for time immemorial for longer than even I can truly comprehend. But the true tragedy in my opinion is the plight of the forgotten, of the tales lost to the sands of time and the great men who once considered near godlike are nought but dust. This is the real tragedy to one such as me. For I am a historian and an appreciator of the narrative of history. Who has taken upon himself to record the great narratives and tales of the nations which will cease to exist in time.

Would you care to join me?


Decided to crosspost this from SB. Please comment and provide critique
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Tales of the Ascension Wars: Ermor
Tales of the Ascension Wars Ermor

Ermor, the King of Cities, the Divine Seat, the Greatest Empire of mankind to ever grace the surface of Archaea. For centuries it was the greatest empire of its age, bringing civilisation faith order stability and more to the backwards masses of mankind raising them up to something greater. It brought to heel almost all it fought, from the tattooed warriors of the Marveni, to the wind blessed Pegasus Riders of Acrocephale even the ancient Lizardmen of C'tis, who had stood in defiance of all outsiders for millennia and who's eldritch magics would eventually bring the Empire to ruin.

Even centuries after its fall its influence could be felt for millennia after its demise, the nation's born from its ashes would try to ape its memory and status. Marignon, the descendants of the conquered Marveni tribes, inherited its commitment to its faith to a degree even it never reached, Ulm, the Steel Empire, descended from the conquered barbarians to its north. Mimicked its military glories and expansionism. To many, it seen as a father of nations most prominently it's successors in Pythium and Sceleria representing the truest ideals which allowed mankind to thrive in such a hostile world. Those being adaptability, tenacity, and faith.

I find these notions rather amusing really. For though I do without question agree that for what it was it had risen to a power and prestige rarely matched, what it was before its Empire was being an impossibly irrelevant town founded by a pagan chieftain after being driven from his favoured site by a rival tribe. Its rise was so improbable that it cannot be overstated. The city was sacked prior to its empire five times by five cities and tribes. It was subject vassal to its rival' cities for two centuries. Yet it rose even from that to become the greatest empire these primitive people had ever known. So much so that it's conquered peoples and bastard nations act as though they have any sort of relation with the old empire. The only one I can see that can really claim that title is Sceleria, not only did they have an Emperor actually descended of the Emperors of Ermor, unlike Pythium, actually keep to the Faith of Ermor again unlike Pythium. Who I don't think are upholding that with their snake fetishism and mystery cults. Most amusingly, it even shared its death by doing literally the same and dying the exact same way. Which is why I consider Ermor's end to be a tragic and dramatic narrative of a fall of an Empire that would echo for millennia. Unlike Sceleria which was a story of a child refusing to stop putting its hand in the fire. Which proves to me that despite all of humanities vaunted adaptability. They don't learn from history very well.

But even with all that, I cannot deny that Ermor deserves its near mythical reputation. It did things that no other nation of men had ever accomplished. They took a species, which amongst the other races was viewed as nought but fast breeding vermin, unworthy of notice. Into one if not the most influential and powerful races on the planet by utilising its greatest strengths which in my view are such; the ability to organise on mass effectively and keep those organised masses supplied and motivated to action. These are the greatest strengths of men which all humanity which came into contact with adopted for themselves. All other virtues, strength courage determination, all others are nothing compared to this.

And for though I may deride it and it's imitators, I will stand by this. Ermor was great, greater than any nation of man before it and paved the way for the next three ages of the world.
Tales of the Ascension Wars: The Priest and The Apostate
He was going to die today. The holy man, Calacus and Theurge of the Virtue and magician of the Spheres, knew this without a shred of doubt in his mind. He had foreseen it in the stars and in his dreams. The Virtue the merciful and one true God of Pythium had graced him with a terrible vision. He trusted in his god and trusted in his own abilities but knew that he would die. And that there was absolutely nothing they or he could do to stop it.

For he knew what would kill him. He knew the face of his killer before they had even met and what a terrible visage to behold. For his murderer was a monster, a beast whose fur was dark as night which walked up right upon cloven hooves and whose wrath and brutality was great and terrible. This beast this creature this monster had been a scourge to the realms of Pythium for years. Everyone knew of the beast by reputation, a vengeful evil demonic creature a servant to some dark paganic God.

Hailing from the wild lands of Pangea but twisted even in comparison to that wild folk. What's worse, this creature was an assassin by trade. It had killed dozens maybe even hundreds and not just the lower classes. It had killed merchants, centurions, officials and priests. Taking a particular pleasure in the holy men, of any faith of man. Taking them as some kind of sacrifice to its dark master and delighting in the anguish and horror it caused amongst the faithful. And nothing could stop it, no number of guards could defend against it no fortification so secure to act as a deterrent. It didn't matter, anyone who became a target of the beast would die. It was simply a matter of time.

So, knowing his imminent demise he did what any good man of faith in his position would do, he prayed. Not to save his own life, he knew that was far behind him, but for a sense of oneness with his god. For comfort to join in communion with the Spheres one last time. He was not afraid to die, he was an old man having lived for nearly four score years, he had fought in the imperial army against his Emperor's enemies against the Tyrants of Phlegra the Lizards of C'tiss and the raiders of Vanarus, he had then retired from service when his age had made him unfit. He had fathered children of his own in that time, he then saw them grow old and saw them raise their own children and die of sickness and war before even he did. He had lived a full life and had no regrets.

So, there he knelt before the small alter to the Angle Virtue. In a small modest domed temple near a collection of simple villages inhabited by men who were none the wiser of what was going to happen. There was no one else in the temple, he had ordered the acolytes and temple servants to go home for the night, he couldn't in good conscious allow them to come to harm by this creature's bloodlust. Then as he was praying and chanting and recanting the sacred hymns. He heard it.

He heard the footsteps, loud and animal like, coming down the gravel road to the temple. Slow deliberate putting force into each step, to make each footfall a distinct thing. The be stealthy if it wanted to, it could have snuck in here without a sound being made, but it didn't. It wanted him to panic, to know that death was coming and die a panicking animal to die without dignity and in utter horror. He would not grant it that satisfaction.

The steps grew louder as the beast got closer, echoing across the empty temple like thunder, before abruptly stopping and the old Theurge just knew on instinct that the beast had reached the doors to his shrine. With that he finished his prayer and getting up from his knees, his aging joints and limbs aching in response, and turned from the alter of the Great Angle to the door. He then called out.

"Beast, I know you are there. I tire of these game's creature, come out and face me, or are you afraid of an old man near on his death bed?" his voice was like iron radiating authority as though scolding a subordinate and not calling out a challenge to a monster. The beast obliged his request.

Slowly, the doors began to open and death itself stepped through. Standing nearly nine feet tall covered with fur like coal across its entire and horns like rams coloured like ivory coming out of its bestial head. the beast stepped through bringing its full terrible glory into this sacred place. In each hand there was a weapon, in its right was a spear as long as the beast was tall tipped with a wide spear tip of a strange silver colour which radiated a wrongness to the magician priest, corrupt sorcery no doubt, in its other hand was something far more macabre. A man's skull on the end of a stick fashioned into a grisly club.

The two figures stared at each other for a quiet moment. Calacus stared into the creatures' eyes, red like the fires of the abyss, which radiated a raw primal malice and unbridled hatred which can barely be fathomed. Just as Calacus stared into the beast, the beast stared back. It was looking for something, a shred of fear or dread or something of that nature, but he wouldn't get it. Not from him, for though faced when this nightmarish creature he naturally felt a deep dread in his heart, he would not let this creature see it.

And he would not go down without a fight.

For though he was accepting of his death, he was still a Theurge of the Spheres some of the most powerful mages in the known world. He had fought for the Empire for two decades and though he was never a great master never rising beyond a mere theurge and his skills had atrophied somewhat with age. He could still give this bastard a fight. He would not die kneeling.

For as the Shrouded Prophet of the Angel said

"It is better for a man to stare death blade in hand, than for a man to simply accept it.

A spell was cast, and a beast lunged.

Yeah decided on doing an actual story for once. I hope you enjoyed it and give me some critique thank you.
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