Vote tally - Tales of Ayoth

Adhoc vote count started by Rainheart on Nov 3, 2018 at 12:09 AM, finished with 12 posts and 7 votes.

Tally configuration

Simple majority
Tales of Ayoth
Post #20
Post #31


  • [x] Theocracy of Obil (Magic or Charisma Bonus)
    [x] You are in the war. You signed up to serve your nation, and is now acting as a soldier. The battles doesn't seem to end, and all sides have no plan on retreating. Fortunately, rumors have spread in your ranks - a hidden artifact that could bring your side to an advantageous point. And apparently, you and a few others have been tasked to find it. The only problem is, you have no idea what it is, where it is, and how you'll get it without getting killed in the front lines.
    [X] Socleidan Empire (Intellect Bonus)
    [X] You are a hero. A chosen one. The great goddess of destiny, Arce, has called upon you to act - to stop the endless war between the nations, before Ayoth turns to nothing but rubble. You have answered her call and began on your adventure. You've gotten a hint from her divine intervention, and you seek to investigate upon it - that something else is causing the war to extend its lifespan, and leading the land to its downfall.
    [X] The war has been tough on pretty much everyone. Most of your acquaintances have been forced into military service, and almost all of them have been reported as killed in action or missing. With the word out revealing your race, the military can't let such a powerful tool go to waste, and have opted to force you into service as well. Deciding that you are better off preserving your life rather than wasting it in some war, you decided to run away and stay in the shadows - but even dark alleys and abandoned homes won't keep you hidden for long.