Tale of a Fledgling God

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Within a silent house you have never been to before in a place you have never known you slumber...
Within a silent house you have never been to before in a place you have never known you slumber, and behind your resting eyes you try to recall a life you never lived.

The visions in your head are but a bungled blur as what must be eons of memories jumble about your pounding skull, leaving the mind of the ancient being in your head mostly indecipherable. And yet a single memory stands out to you, although still obscure to you it is clear enough for you to make out what they were, what they felt, and a single thought, a lone word that echoes about your body and fills your weak limbs with strength.

[ ] You see the grey silhouette of a woman effortlessly wielding two massive swords, thinking of her causes your stomach to clench and your hands ball into fists whilst scalding tears fall from your eyes. "Gone" a young yet weary voice calls out.

[ ] You see the shadow of hundreds of hands jutting out of a out of focus blot of what may be arms, unconsciously your chest puffs up with a huff then followed by a dry chuckle as a toothy grin overtakes your face. "Fate" a deep pride filled voice shouts.

[ ] You see a strange purple entity with short legs, out of proportion arms, and a oddly shaped head, a quiet sigh escapes your lips as you pull your legs closer and your lips settle into a somber frown. "Being" A morose voice sighs.

(A/N) Sorry if this seems like a crummy start, I'm still trying to kink out how long these should be, and again, sorry if I'm being a bit prosey, I just posted what came out of my fingers. So yeah, erm. Criticize what I'm doing wrong I guess.
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Whilst your limbs are filled with an ethereal warmth the word chants itself at the back of your head, mocking you with it's secrets. Fate, you idly wonder of the importance of it. In the ancient being's mind no memory come's close to that ones clarity, among all the others why is that one so special?

Your restful eyes blink open as you take in the world around you. Log walls surround you, entire sections covered in racks, shelves, and cabinets filled with glass jars full of colorful plants and various organs, which you hope aren't human. You lay on what appears to be a large sack tucked into a corner of the room, the musty smell of straw wafts from it, on the opposite corner of the room lie's another such sack, different from your sack in the fact that it looks like an actual bed, a writing desk with a quill and sheets of vellum spread about.

The small log house is empty at the moment, and you do not hear anyone outside either, though that could change in any moment judging by the light seeping through the log roof, the dim light indicating either the coming morning or night.

You stumble from your makeshift 'bed' not used to your own feet, glancing around the house you wonder what to do until the owner gets home, or if you want to be here if they do.

Pick three
[ ] Give your body a test run, you can't even walk right!
-[ ] Give your body a test run, you can't even walk right! (x2)
[ ] What is it about Fate? Focus on it for a bit maybe you can remember something.
-[ ] What is it about Fate? Focus on it for a bit maybe you can remember something. (x2)
[ ] Let's see whats on the desk, there might be something about us on there.
[ ] A quiet cabin full of jars with organs, how about we get out of here before they get back!
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