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Take the Reign of All (Multi crossover Quest)...
Take the Reign of All (Multi crossover Quest)

This Quest is inspired by and influenced by the works of fantastic authors Slayer Anderson, Bob's Beard, Ars Poetica and Mr Zoat. Hope you enjoy playing as much as I enjoyed writing it.


Character Sheets:

The Main characters

Name: Gohan

Age: 13


Species : Human/Saiyan Hybrid

Alignment: Lawful Good

Personality: Reluctant Hero

Base Power Level: 55, 000, 000


  • Quick Learning: Gohan is a natural scholar and learns subject material quickly.
  • Ki Control: A student of such masters as Piccolo and Goku, Gohan is well versed in the myriad uses of his personal Ki. With his Ki Gohan can shape destructive blasts, fly and perform immense feats of strength. Gohan has learned the trick of sensing Ki and can determine the location and strength of individuals through this method.
  • Combat: While Gohan does not share his Saiyan father's love of fighting he has been in dangerous situations since he was a small child and has received comprehensive instruction from some of his world's top fighters.
Transformations/Racial Abilities:

  • Zenkai: A holdover from Gohan's Saiyan heritage, which allows his bodies power level to rise as it heals from damage caused by foreign Ki, Gohan's version of this is stunted due to his human heritage allowing him only minor increases of strength.
  • Oozaru: The Saiyan races most infamous ability which allows them to transform into gigantic Primates when exposed to bluntz light waves (as found in moon light). Gohan cannot access this form due to his Saiyan tails removal. Before its removal Gohan had no control over his Oozaru state with the act of transforming reducing him to a crazed beast.
  • Super Saiyan: The Pinnacle of Saiyan legends and warrior culture, a state where in a warrior gains immense power. Gohan achieved this state at a very young age and has since gained complete mastery of it to the point of being able to use the state as his base form without losing energy. This transformation multiplies Gohan's Power by x50
  • Super Saiyan 2: A never before seen continuation of the Super Saiyan form which Gohan alone has achieved. Gohan considers this form a last resort as when in this state he is gripped by murderous rage and cruelty. Amplifies Gohan's power by a further x50.

  • His Parents: Gohan's life is deeply shaped by the shadow of his parents. He loves them both and has done his best to follow their teachings. He mourns his dead father and blames himself for the circumstances.
  • Piccolo: The alien fighter who kidnapped Gohan as a child and grew into his mentor and role model. Gohan regards Piccolo very highly and sees him as a father figure. He does wish Piccolo would get over the dodge thing though.
  • Zangya: Gohan was perfectly willing to kill the space pirate before the current situation and while he is willing to work with her now trust is absent.
Name Zangya

Age: 300


Species: Heran (Race of Hera)

Alignment: Chaotic Evil

Personality: Pillage-and-conquer Space pirate

Base Power Level: 115,000,000


  • Intimidation: Zangya is in the business of taking what she wants and knows how to put the fear of her into those in her way.
  • Combat: Zangya is a veteran fighter abet one used to working with support and when a sizeable power gap between her and those she fights is in effect.
  • Ki Control: Zangya is well versed in the application of her power. She is able to generate destructive blasts, fly, perform immense feats of strength, produce shields and even leach enemies of their power by way of threads of solidified energy.
  • Magical Initiate: Zangya is not a magician herself but is a former comrade of a mage. She is vaguely familiar with the underlying concepts which govern her universes magic.
  • Space Pirate: Zangya has spent a large part of her life travelling between the stars and as such is well versed in the do's and don'ts of space travel.
Transformations/Racial Abilities:

  • Longevity; The Race of Hera is very long lived measuring their lifetimes by such measures as continental drift. Zangya has seen centuries pass her by and just coming into the prime of her life.
  • The Heran Ascendency: Zangya like all of Bojacks Galaxy Soldiers is capable of transformation. This state multiples her power by x 20.

  • The Galaxy Soldiers: Zangya follows Bojack because she knows he is strong enough to kill her and working for him gets her what she wants. She was not close to her fellow soldiers but worked well with them and was shocked at their deaths at Gohan's hand.
  • Gohan: Zangya regards the hybrid with a mix of alarm and hostility. She knows that if she pushes him to Super Saiyan 2 he can kill her and would rather be far away from him. She is willing to work with him to get out of the current situation but is always watching for any sign of weakness.


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Chapter 1: Unlikely Allies
Chapter 1: Unlikely Allies

Zangya woke with a start. After her last awakening which came at the end of millennia of semi-conscious suspended animation inside the essence of an Otherworld planet and ended with her waking to the cold void of space where only a reflex extension of her power had saved her from a gory death this was rather nice.

She was on a hill, the planet's atmosphere was perfectly breathable and for as far as her eyes could see the landscape was covered in small green white flora, flowers . Gently sloping hills beneath a clear blue sky with a low class sun providing illumination.

Zangya had no idea how she had got here, the last planet she remembered being on was that little mud ball out in the space boonies, the one The Galaxy Soldiers "liberator" Son Goku had come from and the world they under Bojack had been fighting on.

The last thing she remembered was watching the local boy with the utterly terrifying POWER slaughter her compatriots and advance like the specter of Lord Beerus on her and Bojack.

Then she woke up here. Her senses honed by a lifetime of intergalactic conquest told her that this wasn't Earth, the gravity was off, the Sun in the wrong position and providing subtly different spectrum of light. With a flex of her own reserves of power she straightened and cast her eyes around for any landmarks or evidence of whatever had brought her here.

She found a small spring of what appeared to be water and examined her reflection.

She looked fine, no unusual marks or scaring that might indicate the kind of prolonged surgery normally needed to keep a Heran unconscious long enough to transport them any great distance. But then how had she been transported here without her knowledge? Could this be the work of the dammed meddling Kai's again? Or had some Earthling mage transported her to this world in an effort to spare their world more damage.

She stiffened when she spied a familiar figure lying in the flowers on the hillside not far from where she had awoken. Black hair and orange clothing, short of figure.[2015.03.18_22.18.00].png

It was the Earthling the one who she had last seen marching towards her death in his eyes and a golden inferno of power surrounding him.

Son Gohan wasn't it.?

He was unconscious now his hair no longer glowing golden and the raging aura of power absent. But that could change any second. She readied herself to strike gathering her power ,enough strength to scorch a world barren in a sphere no bigger than the span of her hands.

The boy awoke, saw her and was instantly glowing in that golden power, it wasn't the lightning sparking version that felt like death but was enough to tell her the fight to come woun't be easy.

"You! Where is this place?" he shouts.

So he didn't know either.

Before Zangya could start the battle a screen descends out of what you assumed was open air. You both stop and stare.

On the screens watched by the space pirate and the young hero an image appears, its of a small one eyed robot with a rectucugalr body mounted on a wheel bicycle style.

The machine speaks in a thoroughly irritating voice.

"Hello Meatbags, welcome to the glorious world ship "Tortured Screams of the Divine". Property of his illustrious majesty Lord Marcus Pentex, ArchFiend of the Black Fire, Teacher of the Draka, Dark Lord of the Sith, Heir of the Anti Spirals, Student of the Ebon Dragon and bane of all who would deny him.

Your existences have been bought by his dark majesty as possible inclusions to his harem of a thousand and one. Please enjoy this cruise to Lord Marcus's private Galaxy and prepare yourselves for his glorious love making. True fact Lord Marcus once convinced an entire nation of post singularity info forms to retake flesh and blood bodies so they could experience the pleasure of his GLORIOUS LOVE MAKING they were so astounded by his prowess in Bed that they destroyed all technology and used their peoples corpses to build monuments to his awesomeness.

"Please do not try to leave your rooms/world bubbles, food and drink compatible to your species will be provided. The world ship is many times the size of an average planet and its corridors are guarded by hollows, witches, Kaiju's and other nasty things."

"Have a good day and I hope you enjoy your life of slavery to the most feared being in the Multiverse."


Zangya considered the situation. She was apparently being held on some form of spaceship and being transported out of the galaxy. That would be troublesome to deal with. While she knew a technique to shield herself from the vacuum of space and could travel long distances in space easily if she were between Galaxies her power reserves would run out long before she got to a habitable world.

Considering the situation a fight with the earthling boy didn't seem wise. Even if she could kill him before he transformed into that avatar of destruction it would take a chuch of her power and she would likely need all of it to make a trip through the void of space or commandier this ship.

Keeping an eye on him unless he decided to attack first she levitated and scanned the landscape looking for any sign of an exit. The earthling apparently had the same idea as he shot off in another direction.

Zangya spotted a mountain bare of the usual flower and flew towards it. On closer inspection the mountain appeared to a volcano and built into the crater was some kind of metal structure. Perhaps it was a exit.

She alighted at the entrance and strode through maintaining an aura of confidence and control. The sight that met her inside nearly caused her to lose that aura.

The interior looked like a massive cross between a hotspring and a kitchen. Various pieces of meat and vegetables were suspended over or submerged in pools of water heated by the volcano below. At the centre of the space was a tall hairless biped with eight long arms each of which was chopping and sorting various foods.

Zangya raised her voice and spoke.

"You, where is the exit from this space into the greater ship? tell me and I might let you live."

The chef turned to her and spoke and a voice that could be heard over the bubbling and hissing of the kitchen.

"Oh a customer, sorry the meal is not yet ready but if come back in a hour mighty Matter san will finish preparing the meal set for you and the saiyan boy."

Zangya barred her teeth. The man had heard her fine, either he was mocking her or insane. Either way she would remind this fool why the Galaxy Soldiers name were feared. With a lash of power she formed and fired one of the signature techniques of the Galaxy Soldiers.

Pyscho Threads, thin wires of manifest power released from the hands which sapped an opponents energy and were all but unbreakable making them very effective for restraining foes. The wires glinting in the air wrapped around the chef to no effect. Zangya stiffened it wasn't that the chef had reserves large enough to not be dropped instantly there was no power flowing through the threads. But that was impossible every living thing had some power within them, unless ....

The chef confirmed her suspicions as one hand lifted a flap in his chest revealing a machines wiring and flashing lights.

"Sorry lass this chef is all iron and powered by a microfusion reactor I take a licking and just keep on ticking. But its clear that you is wanting your meal now so I will do my best to oblige you. Art of the Kitchen master Lycon's lament!"

Zangya had a bad feeling about this.

Gohan was in fairly bad mood for multiple reasons he been kidnapped by a alien maniac, again. He had gone Super Saiyan 2 recently which left him feeling caught between icy calm and murderous rage (or a vegetaover as he taken to privately calling the aftereffects). His only companion was a space pirate whose boss he had been in the middle of fighting to the death before he was grabbed.

Oh and everything looked the godam same. green flowers and rolling hills stretched on as far as the eye could see and he was starting to have the rising temptation to simply blast and keep blasting until he broke out of this repitive landscape.

Something distracted his thoughts of flora genocide. It was the pirate girl's Ki. Zangya wasn't it. It had suddenly flared up in way that just screamed fighting something strong. Maybe she had found an exit?

He turned and speed in the direction of her KI signature. To his glee he found a break in this endless landscape of flowers and hills. A mountain and at its top an metal building. Inside he was treated to a very strange sight. amidst numerous pools of steam water was a eight armed robot monk look alike that was busy tending a squirming giant spring roll. Zangya's head was poking out of one end and her feet another. Her face was a combination of fury, humiliation and just a touch of panic. He noted that despite having enough strength and power to easily crush Tien and Yamacha and fight the likes of Trunks she seemingly couldn't escape.

The chef was speaking in to cheerful voice.

"Oh stop struggling, I understand you are hungry but I can only cook you so fast."


Zangya strained against her confinement shutting out the android's inane babble. This was among the most humiliating experience of her centuries long life, being subdued by an android via so simple a gimmick as remote control of its environment and the element of surprise. If Bojack ever heard of this…..

What made the situation worse was that she found herself having real difficulty getting out of this mess and that it might very well end up lethal. The foodstuff she was encased in was composed of a number of reactive compounds that trapped and reflected her power back at her. She could easily generate enough power to vaporise this prison, its robotic creator, the mountain they were on and if she was sufficiently motivated a large part of the surrounding area, but the chemicals would cook her in the act.

She might be able to circumvent this if the dammed android wasn't constantly manhandling her prison or injecting more chemicals into it. Just a few minutes without the robots care and she could break free and make her displeasure known.

As she was flipped over, silently promising to torture the robotic nuisance to death slowly for this, she glimpsed the earthling boy standing at the entrance watching he predicament. Ah an opportunity. He could distract or deal with the robot giving her time to free herself. But how to convince him? they would gladly have killed each other not that long ago and he obliviously found amusement in her situation.

She spoke raising her voice over the robots prattle about seasoning and stuffing,
"I travelled the stars when your ancestors where a twinkle in there fathers eyes. Protected flight through the void and interstellar navigation I am well versed in these topics. Keep this nuisance occupied for a short time and I will share what I known. Oh you should know it can control the environment "

Gohan watched the space pirate squirm under the android chefs less than gentle administrations. The situation was really amusing, but despite the mood he was currently in due to his recent transformation, he couldn't just let her get cooked. His father had taught him the sanctity of life and how cruelty wasn't to be indulged in. lessons he tried to take to heart. He prepared to step forward when the pirate made her offer.

How like her type to not even consider someone being willing help without an ulterior motive, well he was hardly going to complain if she gave him useful intelligence. He didn't have any idea about interstellar travel, so her help could be useful. His mind made up he jumped to super saiyan the golden power throbbing through him, he would destroy the robot. He would not however free her from her rather comical bondage. That he needed her help and that he wouldn't just let people die, didn't mean that he had any trust in her. If she couldn't get out herself after the robot was dealt with, he would not get her out.

The robot reacted to his power up by turning away from its prize ,saw him and charged. Gohan raised an eyebrow faster than most of his fellow defenders of earth could manage but not fast enough that anything more than level one should be necessary. He blocked an oncoming strike and the battle was on.

Her captor distracted Zangya barred her teeth, reached into the depths of her body and plucked at the primal violence of her peoples transformation. Muscles swelled, her blueish skin shifted to a shade of green and her power spiked. With a twist she ripped out of her humiliating confinement and flew into the fray.

Gohan had to admit The Robot was remarkably well equipped it could fly by means of rockets built into its myriad arms along with using said jets as weapons, its skin was armour of a high quality and it could regenerate damagaed parts of itself It had a seemingly endless supply of grendade it was fond of dropping whenever it moved making getting close troublesome. Its style was compex and innovative making full use of all its limbs.

He was forced to admit the thing was hard to put down. He had punched and kicked it about put it just kept attacking all the while screaming about how it was going to stir fry his entrails. Having enough of the robots constant attempts to gut him he gained some distance and begun charging an Kameha.

He was interrupted by a Green misile impacting the Robot. Zangya was loose and looking for some payback. With a lighting quick motion she caved in the androids chest with savage kick then took it's head off with a energy blast at close range.

The two exchanged a glance about to further discuss the conditions of their brief alliance. They were interrupted by a tinny voice.

"Your both becoming the main dish!" they turned to see the robot regrowning its head.

As one they blasted the annoyance with a twin energy assault that vaporized the android chef and atomized the mountain. Instead of an eruption of dust and debris there was a twister as all the material was sucked into a gap in the air. They descended to the hole and examined the other side.

The portal opened to a what appeared to be massive garden, a massive transparent ceiling showed the void of space empty of stars. Then it opened to what appeared to be a vast hangar full of spaceships of all varieties organic metallic and crystalline. Then it flicked to a room in which massive building sized machines hummed with power. Some kind of generators maybe? It would be easy for the two fighters to time their emergence into whatever location they wanted to go to.

Zangya was loath to let an opportunity to cause some mayhem to her enemies slip by. She readied herself to leap through the portal into the ship yard and destroy all that she could before making her escape but a strong hand restrained her.

"We need to know more about the enemy." The earthling boy told her. " I think I can see computers in that room with the machines, if we can access them we might learn some useful data, key locations force composition if this Lord Marcus has any enemies we can ally with."

Zangya was tempted to argue but she remembered the boy marching towards her as implacable as death with lighting crackling around him and thought better of it.

"Besides" the boy continued apparently oblivious to her mutinous thoughts "Those machines look important, after we learned what we can destroying them seems wise."

Together the space pirate and the boy hero leapt through the portal.

Gohan had always been a intellectual boy, his mothers pushing for an academic career had guided it but on a fundamental level fighting simply didn't drive his as a goal in of itself like it had his father. After his experiences with Dr Gero's androids he had dedicated some time into learning all he could about artificial intelligences and advanced computer systems. This tech was like nothing he had seen. It was undeniably alien and for all that it was metallic in composition it had a decidedly organic look to it.

Prodding the apparently touch sensitive screen he attempted to make sense of the confusing array of symbols and text that appeared. Sadly other than some Namkian prayer script Mister Piccolo had taught him and a few curse words in Saiyan he had picked up from Vegeta he wasn't fluent in alien languages.

He turned to the pirate and gestured at the screen.

"Can you read this?"

She examined it and shook her head.

'Its not one of the universal dialects the Kai's implant in the younger races. And it certainly isn't Heran so no clue."

"Perhaps I can be of assistance?" a polite voice asked.

Spinning on a dime the two captives found a ghostly looking alien behind them. Gohan was uncomfortably reminded of Frieza, though the tyrannical monster had never smiled so openly unless someone was dead or dying.

"Greetings I am CP – 345, designated holographic interface for all computer systems in this sector, how may I be of assistance?

Zangya gestured at the screen and ordered.

"Display a star map showing this ships relative position and territories controlled by ….. Lord Marcus. "

Very good ma'am the hologram seemed to expand and distort, it body shifting into a constellation of stars. A red dot with attached label current location was steadily approaching what looked like a galaxy abeilt one unlike any Gohan can heard of.

It was geometric, carefully ordered lines of stars spreading out from a central mass in ways to neat to be the work of nature. Zangya examined the map and he could see that like him she had never seen the like.

"Hologram indicate key areas in this galaxy, in relation to the domain of Marcus. Also explain the unusual shape of the galaxy displayed."

The hologram obliged, now several points on the map were marked with labels, Lord Marus's palace was in the galaxy's core. Prison worlds and several fortress planets were marked as well.

"The private galaxy of lord Marcus is actually the product of a vast effort to fold space time, several sections of the galaxy are actually parts of alternate locations accessible via spacetime folding, in this manner Lord Marcus's may access his dominion over multiple realities and timelines.

Ship is approaching the SH cluster which contains the following key points. The dominion of Necros which supplies Lord Marcus with Black Lantern soldiers, the war world of Asgard fallen which provides weapon and machinery for Lord Marcus's empire."

Gohan nodded this was useful information

"CP 345 what is this machine before us and what would happen it were damaged?"

"This device is the Engine that provides power to this sector of the ship and maintains shields while in warp. In the Advent of its destruction the ship would drop out of warp and lose shields. Destruction of engine would release R type spacetime disturbance, all engineering staff on within this room would be teleported to nearest planet in a safe indicated sector."

Gohan turned to Zangya met her assessing look and said.

"See we can cripple this ship and get out."

Now where to tell the hologram to teleport them to.

(The SH Reality cluster – a set of realities in which costumed Superhero's battle a wide variety of enemies. Includes the DC and Marvel sections. )

Choose your starting world:
  • [] Young Justice
  • [] Ultimate Spiderman
Goals/Approach to your time travelling across realities (Pick One)

- [] Destruction – The Duo will seek out and destroy anything and everything aligned with Lord Marcus, the tyrants time has come. (Their sense of Justice/Vengeance guides them.)
- [] Advancement – The Duo will learn what you can in each world you visit, gathering knowledge and skills, the sky's the limit now. (Their sense of Curiosity/Avarice guides them.)
- [] Return – The Duo will dedicate their time to finding a way back to their home reality, searching out technologies or magic's to accomplish this. (Their sense of Nostalgia/Caution guides them)

Once on world the duo will. (Pick three)

- [] Scout out the local environment, assessing culture, technology and power levels.
- [] Attempt to get a feel for each other's personalities.
- [] Establish a high end base of operations.
- [] Establish a non-descript base of operations
- [] Organise a proper spar to get a feel for each other's strengths and weakness.
- [] Write in – Subject to GM Approval
What is this? Seriously, what is this?
[X] Young Justice
[X] Advancement – The Duo will learn what you can in each world you visit, gathering knowledge and skills, the sky's the limit now. (Their sense of Curiosity/Avarice guides them.)
- [X] Scout out the local environment, assessing culture, technology and power levels.
- [X] Attempt to get a feel for each other's personalities.
- [X] Organise a proper spar to get a feel for each other's strengths and weakness.
  • [X] Young Justice
- [X] Advancement – The Duo will learn what you can in each world you visit, gathering knowledge and skills, the sky's the limit now. (Their sense of Curiosity/Avarice guides them.)

- [X] Scout out the local environment, assessing culture, technology and power levels.
- [X] Establish a high end base of operations.
-[X] Organize a proper spat to get a feel for each other's strengths and weaknesses
[X] Ultimate Spiderman
[X] Destruction – The Duo will seek out and destroy anything and everything aligned with Lord Marcus, the tyrants time has come. (Their sense of Justice/Vengeance guides them.)
[X] Scout out the local environment, assessing culture, technology and power levels.
[X] Attempt to get a feel for each other's personalities.
[X] Establish a non-descript base of operations
[X] Young Justice
[X] Advancement – The Duo will learn what you can in each world you visit, gathering knowledge and skills, the sky's the limit now. (Their sense of Curiosity/Avarice guides them.)
- [X] Scout out the local environment, assessing culture, technology and power levels.
- [X] Attempt to get a feel for each other's personalities.
- [X] Organise a proper spar to get a feel for each other's strengths and weakness.
[X] Young Justice
[X] Advancement – The Duo will learn what you can in each world you visit, gathering knowledge and skills, the sky's the limit now. (Their sense of Curiosity/Avarice guides them.)
- [X] Scout out the local environment, assessing culture, technology and power levels.
- [X] Attempt to get a feel for each other's personalities.
- [X] Organise a proper spar to get a feel for each other's strengths and weakness.
[X] Young Justice
[X] Advancement – The Duo will learn what you can in each world you visit, gathering knowledge and skills, the sky's the limit now. (Their sense of Curiosity/Avarice guides them.)
- [X] Scout out the local environment, assessing culture, technology and power levels.
- [X] Attempt to get a feel for each other's personalities.
- [X] Organise a proper spar to get a feel for each other's strengths and weakness.

Is it wrong for me to want Gohan and Zangya to develop a Vegeta/Bulma relationship?
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[X] Young Justice
[X] Advancement – The Duo will learn what you can in each world you visit, gathering knowledge and skills, the sky's the limit now. (Their sense of Curiosity/Avarice guides them.)
- [X] Scout out the local environment, assessing culture, technology and power levels.
- [X] Attempt to get a feel for each other's personalities.
- [X] Organise a proper spar to get a feel for each other's strengths and weakness.
[X] Young Justice
[X] Advancement – The Duo will learn what you can in each world you visit, gathering knowledge and skills, the sky's the limit now. (Their sense of Curiosity/Avarice guides them.)
- [X] Scout out the local environment, assessing culture, technology and power levels.
- [X] Attempt to get a feel for each other's personalities.
- [X] Organise a proper spar to get a feel for each other's strengths and weakness.
[X] Young Justice
[X] Advancement – The Duo will learn what you can in each world you visit, gathering knowledge and skills, the sky's the limit now. (Their sense of Curiosity/Avarice guides them.)
- [X] Scout out the local environment, assessing culture, technology and power levels.
- [X] Attempt to get a feel for each other's personalities.
- [X] Organise a proper spar to get a feel for each other's strengths and weakness.​
[X] Young Justice
[X] Advancement – The Duo will learn what you can in each world you visit, gathering knowledge and skills, the sky's the limit now. (Their sense of Curiosity/Avarice guides them.)
-[X] Scout out the local environment, assessing culture, technology and power levels.
-[X] Attempt to get a feel for each other's personalities.
-[X] Establish a non-descript base of operations

Survival 101 states that when in a unknown environment the first thing one should do is secure shelter after that we simply gather information and get used to each other we can worry about gauging each others power later.