Tail Devourer (Monster Evolution, LitRPG, Cultivation)
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Bitten to death by a snake, Shai reincarnated in another world as a snake.

A snake that can cultivate and become strong by eating...
Updates on weekends!
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Chapter One: Reborn
I hate snakes!

Shai detested most reptiles, however, her repulsion towards those legless slithering creatures with scaly skin was on a completely different level.

Snakes were natural predators. Even the venomless ones could evoke the feeling of dread and unease merely through their undulating motion. Then there were the beady slit eyes, forked tongue, and sharp fangs—that could inject deadly venom into its victim—all bore disconcerting features of the creature.

Regardless of what the most avid serpent enthusiasts claim, you see a snake, you run. That was exactly what Shai did when she encountered the snake, sadly for her, she wasn't nearly fast enough.

Damn. It killed me!

That was the reason behind all her conspicuous hatred of snakes.

Even in death, the memory of the little white snake biting her remained fresh in her mind. It hadn't been a swift death either. The prolonged, excruciating pain added another misery to her regretful life.

In her mind, she witnessed her entire life in reverse, from the agony and injustice of her death to the events leading up to it.

Slowly, even that memory faded in her mind as Shai moved closer to the unknown. Towards the immense, endless. . . Nothing.

She had no words to describe where she was drifting, too powerless to maintain coherent thoughts. Eventually, she descended into Nothing for her eternal slumber. That was what she thought. . .

Until a blinding light crashed into her abruptly, wrenching the most indignant raw, primal scream out of her. It rekindled all the regret and indignation she had experienced in life. The excruciating pain of losing her life flooded back, accompanied by a growing sense of restlessness.

The light dissipated, leaving Shai to lament in complete darkness.

Am I not dead? Or is this the afterlife?

There was no one to clear her confusion. Only her and the endless darkness.

Shai couldn't feel her body anymore, darkness claimed it, yet her mind seemed to work. . . Well, she couldn't say her mind was fine, as she couldn't fathom how deranged the darkness was making her. Eventually, darkness claimed her deranged mind too, as Shai fell into a slumber.

An eternity later, Shai awoke again. Well, it probably wasn't an eternity, but she sure felt like it. Unlike before, she was different now, as if something strange had enveloped her protectively in its embrace. Though she couldn't pinpoint it, a peculiar, fuzzy sensation spread throughout her being.

Am I dead or not? She questioned, infuriated. Can't you get it over with?

A silence.

Shai spent an unimaginable amount of time with only darkness in her company. There was a growing sense of coldness, too. It was always slumbering and waking up to find herself in the darkness.

After waking for the ninth time in the darkness, Shai discovered she had been looking elsewhere when salvation was within her. Despite the darkness obscuring her vision, Shai found a strong sense of life within her. It listened to her call, soothing her growing restlessness as she spent an unimaginable amount of time fostering the life force.

The power grew, but there was no stopping her agitation anymore. Even a child would get bored out of his favourite toy, provided enough time. While Shai wasn't a child, she had a limit to her composure as well.

Eventually, she called upon the power, as sparkles of light coalesced in her mind's eye. Within a moment, she found herself warming up, the power building within her. After a couple more seconds, Shai felt uneasy holding onto the power, yet she felt she couldn't release her control of the power the same way. Intuitively, she was aware she had done something wrong that could harm her dearly.

What to do? Whattodo? Whattodo?

Shai's choices were limited. It was either releasing the built-up power within her, which would harm her in ways she wasn't aware of, or trying to cast the power out of her. Shai would be a fool if she chose the former.

With the decision made, Shai tried to jerk away, flinging the power out of her.

A sharp tinge of pain assaulted her being, and suddenly, a shimmering light flickered in her mind's eye. No, not in her mind's eye.

Bars of sunlight streamed through cracks, her energy created in the darkness, as she attempted to move her arms, only to discover no response. Shai tried to vocalise her indignation, but only a faint hissing sound escaped her mouth. Her body convulsed, uncomfortably trapped in a confined space. Shai wriggled, desperate to break free from her predicament.

Flashes of a golden shimmer clouded her vision shortly, twisting into something Shai barely recognised. Alongside these visuals, an undeniably impressive elderly voice spoke directly into her mind.

[Congratulations, you have transcended time and space.]
[Terminating emergency system protocol.]

The voice was ancient, like expressing a divine decree, though completely indifferent as if stating a mere fact. Wait, shouldn't my focus be on what he is saying?

Well, Mr Goodman, would you mind reiterating all of this?

[Congratulations, you have successfully hatched.]
[Congratulations! You have received the lesser blessing of Kismet. +5 All attributes]
Wait, what!?

[Welcome to Shattered Twilight, Hatchling.]
I didn't die after that venomous snake bit me? Wait, hatchling?

A grim premonition washed over her. No, please don't tell me.

While she was amazed at being alive and all, nothing made sense to her, and the growing sense of distress panicked her.

No, no, no, she tried to continuously shout, but all that emerged was the hissing noise. What happened to me?

The surrounding space continued to tremble as she lurched uneasily. Eventually, the tiny space cracked open, flooding her sight with blinding sunlight, and Shai finally discovered what had transpired.

I'm a snake! she screamed. Once again, no words escaped her lips, only an eerie hiss. No matter how many times she glanced at herself, the sight of a little white snake coiling on the grass didn't change.

Shai couldn't comprehend her current predicament, the sheer incredulity of the situation overwhelmed her. The shimmering transparent texts were only adding to the confusion.

People don't reincarnate after death. Or do they? Even if they did, they don't retain their memory.

The abnormality of her situation was unlike anything Shai had ever experienced. It challenged her understanding of the familiar world she knew. This was too much for a novice inscriber like her.

[Initiating system protocol...]
The voice interrupted her contemplation. Shai tried to scream again, this time more out of exasperation. Gah!

After venting a little, she collected her thoughts and decided to assess her situation.

So, I'm a snake. Am I experiencing any cognitive difficulties? Most reptiles were severely limited in their cognitive abilities. Shai was certain they were incapable of processing coherent thoughts like she was doing now.

Was she somehow different? Could she be one of those spiritual entities?

Well, I don't feel particularly foolish, she thought, aside from my usual foolishness. Perhaps I retained my intelligence in this rebirth. Or could it be that I am incapable of recognising my diminished mental capacity?

That would be a cruel joke—cheating death only to become a witless creature.

Perhaps she was simply insane, and all of this was nothing more than a figment of her imagination. But a snake? Seriously, brain? Couldn't you have chosen something better?

[Preparing status page . . .]
What now?


Rank: FoundationPath: Hatchling Level 1
Fatemarked. Blessed by Kismet (Lesser)
Cosmic Energy (R): 140 (14)
Primary AttributeBaseBenefitTotal
Secondary AttributeBase BenefitTotal
Free Secondary Points: 1
Special Attributes
Insight: 11
Will: 6
Fortune: 12
Poison Affinity - Level 1
Golden Eyes (Latent)
[Skill / Spell / Technique]
Meditation - Level 2 | Cosmic Energy Manipulation - Level 1
Danger Detection | Inventory | Lingual Comprehension | Loot.
I'm only a Level 1 Hatchling
[System Log]


Yeah, I'm really insane.

She recalled the time she was recruited for the inscribing job. Magic wasn't rare where she was from, and even more so to a novice inscribed like her. Yet she never heard of or encountered anything like this, but that didn't make it impossible.

Maybe she wasn't insane or imagining things, and all of this was real?

But why a snake?

Shai was torn between celebrating her new life and lamenting the fact that she had transformed into the creature she despised the most.

Well, it's better than dying, I suppose.

Shai recollected her own death and what followed. It was an experience she found unpleasant to relive or even contemplate. To avoid dwelling on the agonising memory, she shifted her focus to the status page before her.

Shai sucked a deep breath through her tiny nostrils and mouth, unsure of how to interpret the system. The concept of cultivating vital energy wasn't foreign to her, even though she was told she lacked the spark to try. But this expanded her horizons in a whole new way.

It felt peculiar to see shimmering text running across her vision. The system provided a comprehensive breakdown of her being. While she recognised most of the terms, she wouldn't mind having a better explanation.

First came the primary attributes, encompassing the four fundamental aspects of a being. She scrolled through the secondary and special attributes, all described in familiar terms and accompanied by numerical values.

Unfortunately, Shai lacked a frame of reference to determine whether her stats were impressive or mediocre. In fact, they seemed rather lacklustre to her. She was taken aback by the fact that her Will attribute was barely at 6; 1 if she excluded the blessing by the Kismet person. Shai couldn't recall being weakwilled, well, not so low that it would warrant only a single point.

With that, she returned her gaze to the top of the page where the numerical value of Cosmic Energy was imprinted. I can cultivate now, right?

With a thought, she felt the familiar energy within her, the same energy that accompanied her in the darkness. Without a second thought, she called upon the power as she did to break the egg somehow. It grew within her life before, and like before, an uneasy expression developed on her features. She had to get the power out of her system again, or she might injure her baby form.

Shai jerked her head as the power gushed out of her mouth in a swift motion to strike the lush grass, creating a small hole in the ground.

Whoa! What did I do?

[Would you like to learn the skill, Energy Dart]

Yes...? Shai thought hesitantly.

[Energy Dart will cost 1 Insight Point. Please confirm the purchase.]
[Accept | Decline]

Shai looked at the prompt suspiciously for some time and accepted it with a thought. A raw surge of pressure overwhelmed her the very next moment, rendering her squirming on the ground. A flood of information and insight on how to manipulate Cosmic Energy came to her mind as if branding her being somehow that she would never forget.

[Congratulations! You have learned the skill, Energy Dart.]
[Energy Dart: Level 1

Attacks with a sharp semi-corporeal projectile of Cosmic Energy.
Cosmic Energy cost: 2-10 points. ]

The elderly voice spoke to her as Shai thanked him or it after getting a hold of herself. Now, it was time to check out her skill.

Shai spent a few moments to calm herself and followed the way the skill directed her to channel her Cosmic Energy. It was much smoother and safer now as she was able to gush the transparent and semi-corporeal dart out of her mouth at will. She aimed the Energy Dart at one of the towering trees around her and shot, jerking her head.

Delight spread within her as she peered into the hole in the bark of the tree. It was merely a couple of fingers deep, but that didn't stop Shai from wiggling her head in glee.

Yes, I'm a cultivator now! Father would be so proud.

Shai felt eager to explore more of her abilities, but it wouldn't be wise to do so openly. After all, she was a powerless little snake with average attributes.

Furthermore, she had no idea where she was. She turned her head left, right, and in every direction, surveying her surroundings. She found herself surrounded by towering trees with thick trunks, while the ground brimmed with vibrant green grass and dry leaves. The cheerful songs of birds heralded the dawn of a new day.

Despite the chilliness in her blood, Shai was captivated by the sky. Unlike the familiar blue sky with drifting clouds, the sky now showcased a breathtaking array of colours. A halo of greenish blue, gold, and yellow swathed the sun as it rose.

As she gazed upon the picturesque surroundings, she wondered where such a utopia could truly exist in the world. However, she knew the chances of that were slim. She recalled a message she had heard upon hatching, which welcomed her to a place called Shattered Twilight.

Shai opened the system again, and as the wall of transparent light emerged in her consciousness, the strange text—she had never learned, yet still could understand—blurred her vision. She deliberately pondered whether there was a way to access past logs, hoping it would guide her once more.

To her surprise, the system responded to her focused thoughts, providing her with the information she sought.

[System log]
[Welcome to Shattered Twilight.]
Shai let out a breath. She was right, but that realisation didn't make her feel any better. It seemed she was far away from home.

Home? She couldn't help but shake her head at that wistful notion. Abruptly, her stomach growled loudly, interrupting her thoughts. She was hungry, starving even, as if she hadn't eaten anything for eternity.

Shai was taken aback by her newfound hunger. It seemed to be a change that accompanied her new form. Despite being only a small snake, she felt as though her stomach was a bottomless pit.

Shai tried to let out a sigh, but her tiny snake body made it difficult. She couldn't see herself getting used to this constant sense of hunger.

[Quest: Eat until you're full.

You found yourself in an unfamiliar, mysterious land, after hatching. As a newborn snake, your first duty is to secure food. Since you retained most of your memory, you should have some ability to collect your own food.
Clearance Conditions: Consume food until you are fully satiated. Bonus: Gather food for the upcoming days.
Time Limit: 12 hours.
Rewards: A sense of contentment.
Penalty: None.]
Looks like I'll have to hurry a little, she thought. She had no problem finding contentment as the reward for her mission, though this quest felt unsettling. Letting out a sigh, which sounded no better than a hiss, she began to move. But alas! She had no legs.

Even though her new body had its own instincts, her mind made it difficult to navigate. Her mind was still registering her as a human. Sighing inwardly, she resigned herself to following her instincts. Slowly, Shai took the first step on her new journey—or rather, the first crawl, as a snake would perceive it.

Shai crept through the forest, shuffling through dry leaves and lush grass. Undoubtedly, she was unaccustomed to crawling, but after practising for a few minutes, she became surprisingly adept at it. All she had to do was rely on her instincts, and it seemed natural for her to be a snake.

It seemed her Danger Detection boon was an instinctual skill as well. Moreover, the system was helping her process what she was detecting around her. It wasn't anything detailed, but it enabled Shai to have a rudimentary idea of the surrounding area in a 3d map.

At first, the three-dimensional model messed up her reptile brain, unable to figure out even the directions they were indicating. Good thing she learned geometry. After a few minutes of contemplation, along with more tests and failures, Shai got a better handle on it.

She believed this boon to be a lifesaver. Though it might seem like a small thing now, in the unknown and dangerous place she was in, the use of this boon would be immense. It was like an inferior version of the Spiritual Sense ability, but always active without much effort on her part, although she noticed that it drew energy from her Cosmic Energy pool.

A minor inconvenience for the sake of her safety.

All Shai had to do was move around, and the boon would somehow detect the lifeform in its scope. It indicated her with a green dot, and most other things in different shades of yellow.

She hadn't fully analysed its capabilities yet, such as how quickly it refreshed with changes and what those shades of colour indicate. Currently, its scope covers a radius of about two hundred metres, enough distance for her to hide if she notices anything approaching at a swift pace.

Presently, Shai crept towards the few yellow targets on the complicated model that swirled in her mind's eye according to her movement. She looked around suspiciously, but after searching for a couple of minutes, found nothing in the vicinity.

The model wasn't wrong, she had already checked its credibility. It was possible that the creatures were utilising some form of veiling or stealth ability.

That thought made Shai more cautious as she gathered a small amount of Cosmic Energy inside her mouth. With only three creatures marked in yellow, she believed she could handle them if she remained attentive.

It could escape her eyes, but not Danger Detection.

Just as she was cautiously investigating the area, a shadow of a figure lunged at her abruptly. The movement was swift, but Shai quickly twisted her head, releasing a flare of condensed Cosmic Energy from her mouth, which struck the shadow before it could come within a metre radius of her.

The creature recoiled, and Shai promptly shot another Energy Dart to ensure her safety.

[You have killed a Giant Hamster (Foundation), Level 2.]
A hamster? She was cautious of a mere hamster all this time? Even if they were half a metre tall and weighed ten times her own weight, they were still just hamsters.

I'm really growing foolish in this snake form, she thought, and easily located the remaining hamsters, using the detection model.

The two remaining hamsters lunged at her simultaneously, as if seeking revenge for their fallen companion or simply acting out of their inherent stupidity. Probably the latter. These creatures lacked any sense of camaraderie; all they cared about was filling their stomachs. Ironically, Shai could relate to that sentiment to some extent now.

Her snake form swiftly dodged the attack from the front, while she gathered another Energy Dart in her mouth. Though her snake form possessed some venom, Shai hadn't tested its output. Then again, in this situation, there was no need to rely on poison when Energy Dart would suffice.

Shai released the dart, slinging the hamster away. Only one of them remained now. The giant hamster squeaked as it continued to chase after the little snake.

Shai twisted and turned, skilfully manoeuvring through the dry leaves and lush grass. She was faster than she had initially assumed in this form. With the intention of assessing her physical capabilities, she braced herself and coiled swiftly, preparing for a sudden lunge towards the giant hamster.

Shai's tiny snake head rammed against the creature's neck without holding back even the slightest bit. Her powerful tackle almost effortlessly pierced through the hamster's neck, resulting in a spray of dark scarlet blood that stained the air.

These notifications appeared conveniently in the corner of her vision when she was unoccupied.

[You have killed a Giant Hamster (Foundation), Level 4.]
[You have killed a Giant Hamster (Foundation), level 2.]

Well, she thought, that was easy.

Shai couldn't deny that she had severely underestimated her new form. Perhaps her attributes weren't as low as she thought.

Yet more than being delighted, she was repulsed by the filth staining her body. Frantically jerking her body, she attempted to rid herself of the disgusting blood.

Shortly, an unsettling sensation coursed through her being, causing her to stop wiping.

[Congratulations! You have reached Hatchling Level 2. +1 Strength, +1 Speed, +1 Perception, +1 Immunity, +1 Free Secondary Attribute points.]
[Congratulations! Energy Dart has reached Level 2.]

The notification regarding the skills didn't elicit a strong reaction from her, but the level-up one did. Shai's beady eyes widened at the prompt. What about the primary attributes?

But the elderly, Mr Goodman, was elusive as always, not answering her question.

Shai turned her snake head towards the lifeless hamster corpse and checked on the danger detection model in her mind's eye, making sure there were no other threats nearby. Her stomach growled, reminding her again of hunger. Now it was time to satiate that hunger.

Just the thought of devouring raw meat made Shai's stomach convulse and churn, though that could just be her hunger. To make matters worse, it was the flesh of these filthy hamsters. While she was sure she would have no trouble digesting raw meat, the idea of consuming it in its uncooked, contaminated state was hard to bear. Unfortunately, the hunger was something she couldn't endure for long.

Xawery's foul breath! She cursed and approached one of the hamsters.

Here goes nothing, she muttered to herself, then jerked her head forward to bite into the flesh. Surprisingly, she didn't feel any repulsion from consuming the raw meat, other than her initial disgust.

I truly am a reptile now. The realisation twisted her stomach even further.

[Will you like to Loot the corpse of Giant Hamster.]
[Accept | Decline]

The familiar transparent text once again appeared in her consciousness, reminding her that she hadn't checked out all her boons yet.

Shai grimaced, or rather, did the mental equivalent of it. Would looting the corpse take away her meal? With two more corpses at her disposal, she found no harm in finding out.

She confirmed her decision with a mental command. Soon, the half a metre-long corpse dissipated into mist and smoke, as if it were nothing more than an illusion.

Shai had experienced a fair share of bizarre and strange encounters, being a pupil of the Academy, but this development surprised her greatly.

What in the world. . .

[2 Lesser Red Cosmic Coins have been added to your inventory.]

[Purified giant hamster meat has been added to your inventory.]

Cosmic coins for killing beasts? Shai's eyes fixated on the dissipating mist, anticipating the appearance of the coins, only to be greeted by a pungent odour that permeated the air.

She forgot that she had a built-in spatial storage, not that she knew how such a thing was possible. She had experienced too many surprising things after hatching, she wouldn't be surprised anymore. Shai accessed her inventory by going through the system menu to retrieve both the coins and the purified meat.

In the blink of an eye, a couple of translucent red coins dropped before her eyes, accompanied by the purified meat. However, Shai's attention was solely captivated by the coins. She scrutinised them meticulously, searching for any flaws. These were genuine spirit coins, without a doubt. They were a specialised variation, decorated with the symbol of an ouroboros consuming its own tail on both sides. But they felt more real than the few times she held spirit coins in her past life in the academy.

Shai had no knowledge of how these coins were crafted, but she was well aware of their significance to practitioners. Cultivation, the process of circulating and accumulating Cosmic Energy, was the key to purifying Cosmic Energy and elevating one's rank. However, this couldn't be accomplished by simply circulating Cosmic Energy all day. That's where spirit coins came into play—they were nothing less than the condensation of pure worldly energy, the most essential resource for growth.

There were various other variations of these coins, distinguished by their higher quality and concentration of worldly energy. Copper, iron, silver, gold. As far as Shai knew, only Gold Rankers possessed the ability to create such spirit coins. There were some constructs designed for mass production, but even those required the expertise of gold rankers.

Yet, this boon was effortlessly producing spirit coins with a mere prompt, even if they were of the lowest quality. It was truly astonishing. If the system continued to provide resources aligned with her rank, perhaps her journey would be smoother than she had anticipated.

[Would you like to absorb 2 lesser red coins?]

[Accept | Decline]

"What?!" Shai's mind was filled with bewilderment at the unexpected prompt. Startled, Shai accepted the prompt, staring at the coins in anticipation, waiting for something remarkable to unfold. Li

Like what happened to the corpse, the red coins dispersed into wisps of red mist as they travelled into her body. A surge of energy enveloped her entire being as Shai aided it with the circulation of her Cosmic Energy. Her body heated up at that very moment, as the power coursed through her. Then, everything returned to normal.

The process lasted only a dozen or so seconds, but she couldn't help but feel a sense of improvement once it concluded.

[Physique: 11(11.1)]
[Physique: 11(11.2)]
If Shai had eyelids, she would have blinked at this. It seemed the red coins didn't grow her power, but simply accumulated within her body. Shai felt a little stupid for thinking everything would be automatic. She had to cultivate after all. Anyhow, this answered how she would grow her primary attributes.

No matter how generous this system might seem, it couldn't simply make her all-powerful by hunting a few hamsters.

However, absorbing the coins didn't resolve her issue of hunger. On the contrary, it intensified her appetite. Fortunately, she had the purified meat with her to satiate her growling stomach.

Though the meat remained raw, it appeared more appetising than before. Without hesitation, she devoured every bit of it.

That solves one problem, she mused.

Yet, the alarming thing was that she still felt hungry. With a sigh, Shai approached the remaining two corpses to loot and feast upon. In total, she earned 4 lesser red spirit coins from the spoils, which seemed to have only been capable of increasing her Physique.

As far as she was aware, the process of cultivation had been entirely manual. They had to circulate her Cosmic Energy after consuming a spirit coin, and over time, her attributes would gradually increase. The duration varied, ranging from hours to days, depending on the quantity and nature of the attributes.

After devouring another part of the purified hamster meat, Shai felt her hunger satiated, though it was only the beginning of her ravenous appetite. She stowed away the last part of the meat into the inventory and departed from there.

Now that her hunger was satiated, it was time for her to cultivate. Perhaps I should dig a hole and hide.

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Chapter Two: A Little Suicidal

Shai had never been a cultivator, but she could be called a practitioner of mystic arts, taking the liberty of words; even if she had to slave away half her day carving monotonous inscriptions incessantly. Such was the fate of those born without a spiritual spark.

Fortunately, she knew a little more about cultivation than the usual drab mortals born into a Sixth-generation martial family. Moreover, her elder sister was a cultivator, one of the better ones in the family, much to Shai's delight and detest.

Sensing her mind drifting off to those awful memories, Shai refocused on all the knowledge she had been imparted with. It wasn't much, but it was enough for an aspirant to get started in cultivating the cosmic essence.

Well, Shai had already started the process during her time slumbering in the egg. She just needed to continue on the path, but first, she needed to understand if she was doing it correctly.

Apparently, there were three paths to cultivation: Physique, Mind, and Spirit, all involving the accumulation of cosmic essence, although the process differed greatly. Honestly, she didn't know much about Physique cultivation and was completely oblivious to Mind cultivation, since most cultivators in her clan were spirit cultivators, which was easily the main line of cosmic arts.

In her old world, people tended to ignore the Mind altogether, but cultivation seemed to be different in this world. At least, that was what she understood through the system. She needed to develop all three primary attributes along with Recovery.

Absorbing the four red cosmic coins had stored 0.4 units of red cosmic essence in her body, which seemed to be specially made for cultivating the body. However, the usual way of circulating cosmic energy hardly worked for cultivating the Physique. She spent a good three hours relentlessly circulating her energy, but to her dismay, nothing changed on her status page. Well, at least it wasn't a complete loss since the circulation of energy provided her with a stronger connection to energy.

Perhaps I can digest the red cosmic energy through exercise, Shai thought, as a question mark immediately appeared above her small head. Now, how would a small snake exercise?

She could crawl, creep, leap, and even twist, but that was her limit. Hopefully, all of that will suffice.

Before embarking on her exercise, Shai decided to conduct a few experiments with her poison. Ignoring her sentient mind of a reincarnated person, poison was the only other weapon she could utilise to her benefit. In this unfamiliar world, hamsters grew to towering heights, who knew what kind of abominations lurked in the forest?

Though she could resort to biting and injecting her venom, very much like the way she had been bitten before, she believed that employing long-range poison would be far preferable and more effective. After all, it was hardly graceful for a young woman to resort to biting at every repulsive creature she encountered.

Shai devised a plan to incorporate her poison into the Energy Dart skill. While uncertain if she could completely transform cosmic energy into venom, she hoped to implant a little of the liquid poison in her energy dart. She focused on channelling the necessary process for the Energy Dart skill. Cosmic energy swiftly gathered within her mouth, emanating a comforting warmth.

However, the skill manifested too quickly for her to inject poison into it. In the end, she had no choice but to expel the energy dart outward from her mouth.

In the following attempts, Shai concentrated on slowing down the process. It was only when she had depleted almost half of her energy reserves that she witnessed a glimmer of success. Yet, to her dismay, the energy dart plummeted right before her, failing to achieve the desired speed and trajectory with the implanted poison.

Just as she was about to resume her practice, a familiar prompt materialised in her mind's eye, accompanied by the resonating voice of Good Grandpa.

[Would you like to learn the skill, Poison Dart?]

Yes, yes, yes! Shai eagerly exclaimed within her inner thoughts even before the acceptance prompt appeared.

[Poison Dart will cost 1 Insight Point. Please confirm your investment.]
[Accept | Decline]

This time, Shai refrained from accepting the prompt hastily, opting to ponder the importance more thoroughly. These special attributes seemed consumable, as learning the Energy Dart skill had depleted 1 point of Insight, leaving her with a remaining 10 points.

With only 10 points to learn new skills, Shai comprehended their importance, especially considering she had no means to acquire more yet. Would the Poison Dart skill be worth the investment of an insight point? Shai couldn't be certain, but survival took precedence over all else. Her time spent in the darkness had changed her, instilling a sense of paranoia that was impossible to disregard.

Despite being aware of her state, she was unsure of how to mend her fragmented mind.

Well, knowing that I'm a little loony is better than unknowingly descending into madness, right? Right?

To her dismay, there was no response from anyone.

Congratulations! You're absolutely right, mimicked Shai in the voice of System Grandpa in her mind. Knowing you're insane makes it a little better to cope with it, even experts will say it is the first step of recovery.

Having all her fun with the lunacy, Shai released a deep sigh and returned to the prompt, wishing to learn Poison Dart. Instantaneously, the System Grandpa flooded her mind with invaluable information, just as it had done easier time.

As the weight of knowledge settled within her small head, Shai couldn't help but emit a sharp hiss of pain. The pressure of acquiring new insights was both exhilarating and overwhelming.

[Congratulations! You have learned the skill, Poison Dart.]

[Poison Dart: Level 1

An energy dart that carries poison within it.

Energy Cost: 10-20 Cooldown: None.]

Taking a moment to absorb the newly acquired knowledge, Shai marvelled at the depths of understanding of the skill. The skill description simply didn't do justice to what she learned through the purchased insight. Apparently, levelling up the Poison Dart skill would only augment the amount of venom carried by the dart or enhance her ability to integrate the poison with her energy at higher levels. The potency of the poison ultimately relied on her Poison Affinity.

Makes sense, she thought to herself, finally emerging from the hole she had sought refuge in. It was time for exercise, there was a quest to complete as well.

It hadn't even been an hour since Shai got out of her hole, and yet she found herself in a conflict. She was simply sightseeing, marvelling at anything fresh and unique to this world, when she came across a grey wolf.

Initially, she had no intention of getting into trouble. Obviously, Shai was happy hunting hamsters for now, but it wasn't all on her, since the beast went into full murder mode at the very sight of her, as if Shai had eaten its babies. Being the noble snake that she was, Shai had no choice but to comply.

Swiftly shifting to her left, Shai evaded the grey wolf's bite, leaving an opening in her opponent's defence. She didn't forget to unleash concentrated bursts of Cosmic Energy in the form of Energy Dart from her mouth.

It struck right below the grey wolf's neck, eliciting a howl as fresh red blood oozed from the wound.

Her danger detection depicted the beast in a faint shade of orange. Granted, the grey wolf posed a tougher challenge, her being merely a hatchling. However, in order to satiate her insatiable hunger and complete the quest, she selected it to be the prime prey.

Shai shot one Energy Dart after another, penetrating a few inches into the wolf's body, but it was far from enough to stop a grey wolf. Wolves were born predators and held a superior position in the food chain to hamsters. Even if they were of the same rank, a wolf possessed greater strength, agility, and ferocity. Unfortunately, for wolf, it couldn't utilise cosmic energy, and Shai could.

Shai slithered further away as the wolf chased after her, her snake body twisting and manoeuvring through the lush grass and towering trees. Should she exert all her strength, headbutting the beast as she did with the hamster? Or resort to poison? Both options seemed viable, but Shai chose poison.

Besides, a direct attack to the head might harm her delicate skull, not to mention the wolf's filthy blood would soil her pristine scales. Just because she was a snake didn't mean she couldn't maintain cleanliness and civility

Poison it is, she mused, swiftly manoeuvring towards the trunk of a nearby tree. She condensed another Energy Dart, infusing it with a substantial amount of venom. With the insight in her mind, the process proved to be surprisingly effortless. Her venom blended seamlessly with Cosmic Energy, even though it was carried in a liquid form

Now, all she needed to do was ensure her shot hit the intended target. There was a limit to how much poison she could produce, after all.

Shai lunged at the trunk of the tall tree, aiming to climb upward as the grey wolf pursued her. With a precise thrust, she ascended a couple of metres in one swift motion. Coiling her body around the tree trunk, she ascended another metre, positioning her head to face the grey wolf below.

Grinning inwardly, Shai unleashed the Poison Dart at the beast, targeting the same spot below its neck where she had wounded it before. The grey wolf let out a pained howl, writhing on the ground at the moment of impact. It took several seconds for the venom to take effect, during which the wolf desperately scratched at the tree bark, emitting anguished groans.

A wave of unexpected empathy washed over Shai as she witnessed the beast's suffering. Unwittingly, she felt remorseful, realising she should have granted it a more merciful death. Even if it tried to eat her.

The wounded creature limped unsteadily, gradually losing all strength within a minute. Sensing its impending demise, Shai descended from the tree, approaching the wolf as it struggled in its final moments.

Easy now, she hissed softly, drawing near to the dying wolf. In a last, feeble attempt, the beast lunged at her before collapsing onto the ground, lifeless.

[You have killed a Grey Wolf (Foundation), level 4.]

[Congratulations! You have reached Hatchling Level 3. +1 Strength, +1 Speed, +1 Perception, +1 Immunity, +1 Free Secondary Attribute points]

Shai looted the fallen wolf, as the corpse vanished into thick mist and smoke.

I suppose that should suffice for tomorrow's meal, Shai contemplated, her thoughts interrupted by a continuous stream of notifications and System Grandpa's voice. Although the interruption was welcoming, she still would need time to accommodate them.

[3 Lesser Red Cosmic Coins have been added to your inventory.]

[1 Lesser Green Cosmic Coins have been added to your inventory.]

[Purified grey wolf meat has been added to your inventory.]

[Congratulations! You have completed your first quest and bonus quest, Eat Until You're Full.]

[Quest: Advancement - I

You have taken the first step into cultivation, the next step is to incorporate all power, essence and truth to advance to copper rank.

Clearance Conditions: Reach the limit of your Foundation Path. Reach Hatchling Level 25.

Time Limit: 30 Days.

Reward: Insight into the Paths.

Penalty: None.]

Okay Grandpa, I appreciate the recognition, but is there any way to decline these quests? Shai received no response, leading her to conclude that these quests were mandatory. Not that she had anything else in mind. But 30 days is too little time...

Even if she had all the necessary resources at her disposal, it wouldn't be an easy feat. Even her talented elder sister took more than a couple of months to solidify her gain before even trying, granted both of their circumstances were different.

She would have to hunt relentlessly during these 30 days to accumulate enough cosmic coins to even make it happen, and even then, there was the issue of digesting them. However, the reward was Insight

It appears I'll be relying more on poison than I initially anticipated.

Shai absorbed the few coins she gained from the beast, the red cosmic essence enhanced her physical form, and the single green one enhanced her Soul, as she had hoped. That reminded her what was the limit of the Foundation Rank. It would have been good to know that since she could calculate how many coins she would need, but System Grandpa was elusive as ever.


Rank: FoundationPath: Hatchling Level 3
Fatemarked. Blessed by Kismet (Lesser)
Cosmic Energy (R): 140 (14)
Primary AttributeBaseBenefitTotal
Physique6.1 (6.7)511.1
Soul9 (9.1)514
Secondary AttributeBase BenefitTotal
Free Secondary Points: 3
Special Attributes
Insight: 9
Will: 6
Fortune: 12
Poison Affinity - Level 1
Golden Eyes (Latent)
[Skill / Spell / Technique]
Meditation - Level 2 | Cosmic Energy Manipulation - Level 1 | Energy Dart - level 2 | Poison Dart - level 1
Danger Detection | Inventory | Lingual Comprehension | Loot.
I'm a cutie Hatchling
[System Log]


My training worked, Shai thought excitedly, looking at the improvement in her Physique. Okay, she needed to get into her hole again and incorporate the 0.1 unit of green cosmic essence. No need for unnecessary fights on her birthday.

Moreover, she had 3 free secondary points in hand. Wonder where I'll invest them?

The answer was pretty simple. Strength and Speed.

[Congratulations! Meditation has reached Level 3]

Shai was in a deep meditative state until midnight or later, circulating her energy to the best of her abilities. That seemed to be enough to incorporate the 0.1 unit of Soul essence into her, moreover, her Phyqiue too reached 11.2 by that time.

With those accomplishments to put her at ease, Shai had a pretty nice sleep in her hole. Despite the frequent howls of wild animals unnerving her, she found herself too tired to care about and dozed off.

As far as she was aware, Shai was certainly not a normal hatchling, but a cultivating beast, or rather a spirit beast. Hopefully, being a spirit beast would diminish the need for sleep.

Apparently not. When the first rays of sun dawned on the looming darkness of the wilderness, Shai didn't feel that rested at all. It was about five hours since she slept, which wasn't nearly enough.

But the disturbance was troublesome enough to not let her sleep so easily. She wasn't certain if it was due to her reptilian form or cultivation, but she could perceive these kinds of anomalies more, not that she had any clue what was happening, other than a disharmony in the air. Not just anomalies, somehow she was intuitively aware of the sunrise.

Thankfully, her Danger Detection provided more acuity to the disturbance.

In her mind's eye, Shai found her first red markings, gleaming in dangerous glare.

They were about fifty metres from her hole and weren't progressing towards her. Whatever they were, they weren't after her.

Maybe I should check them out? Shai thought. It was dangerous, but she also needed to be sure what the red marking entailed. Without a proper assumption of the dangers, how could she be wary of them? Besides, she would only look from afar, hiding in the bushes.

Shai perked her head up from the hole. Finding all clear, she continued along the grassy path, adopting a more stealthy approach.

In a matter of moments, Shai found out what was so dangerous about the red markings. It was all humans.

By the time she reached the area, the skirmish reached its conclusion. However, it could hardly be called a fair fight, with five individuals ganging up on a lone younger practitioner. All of them were practitioners, the halo of cosmic essence around them proved that easily. The band of five had a more condensed halo about them than the captured youth, but clearly they seemed to be nothing more than a group of mercenary, hired goons.

Concealed within the hedge, the little white snake carefully eavesdropped on the group of humans before her. The captive's hands and legs were securely bound, and a collar around his neck seemed to be an Essence suppression device. Shai couldn't help but wonder when such items had become so affordable that some random mercenary cultivators could acquire them.

It suggested that something of significance must be unfolding for these five to gang up on a seemingly insignificant cultivator since they hadn't outright killed the youth.

"They shouldn't have gone far," commented a monkey-looking practitioner positioned on the left side of the group's apparent leader.

"I've already sent Lashin to search for them," replied the leader, a broad man who towered over the others by at least a head. With an unsightly scar stretched from his right cheek through his hair, along with a massive bastard sword on his back, he exuded a formidable presence. "It won't be long before we capture that elf and the bloody witch."

Elf? Witch? Shai pondered from her hidden spot. While she was familiar with both terms, she never met any. Witches were super old grannies who can't stop themselves from seeking ways to retain their youth. On the other hand, elves naturally possessed long lifespans, highly talented in all sorts of cosmic arts. They were a lost race in Tajn, perhaps that wasn't the case here.

An elf and a witch—a rather suspicious pair indeed.

"Boss, would you mind if I had that elf?" the monkey-looking guy inquired once again, his lascivious grin betraying his intentions. He held a bloodied mace in his hand. "He seemed quite formidable to me, you know how—"

"Haha, we're all aware that you're a sadist, Mikel," interjected another man, unable to contain his snickers.

"Shut up, Dock," Mikel retorted sharply, watching his boss warily.

"You'll have plenty of time to indulge yourself, but first, we must capture them," the boss declared, shaking his head disapprovingly at his crew. He directed their attention towards the captive practitioner. "These three are dangerous lots. Have you seen any Copper ranker like him challenging us, head-on without fear?"

"He's a lunatic," Dock said. "Maybe they all are."

The boss nodded, his gaze focused on the captive, who had murder in his eyes, completely silent even though his mouth wasn't muffled.

"The Witch will be tricky," the boss said. "We need to hurry before the poison wears off." Pausing for a moment, he raised her eyes towards the canopy of trees. "Huh, looks like Lashin's here."

Shai had assumed Lashin to be another member of their group, but to her surprise, it turned out to be a bird—a marvellous golden-tailed Eagle, to be precise. Lashin gracefully descended, landing on the shoulder of the towering male as the boss affectionately stroked its neck.

"Did she find them?" Mikel inquired anxiously.

The leader shook his head. "Lashin did not," he replied, "but she did discover some traces of their presence. Let's move."

The group swiftly departed, carrying their captive along with them, while Shai let out a breath of relief from her concealed position. It was evident that something dubious was afoot. Sadly, it was of a magnitude far beyond her capabilities to get involved, not that she would like to.

Just as she contemplated abandoning any involvement with these dangerous humans, transparent texts materialised once again in her mind's eye, as System Grandpa presented her with a new quest.

[Quest: Unveil the Secret of the Land.]

You have stumbled upon suspicious activities in the wilderness that may lead to a larger secret. Explore the secrets of the land while ensuring your own safety amidst ill-intentioned entities.

Clearance Requirement: Unveil the secret of the land.
Don't die.

Reward: Insight of Concealment.
Penalty: None.]

This seems rather ominous! Hey, Grandpa! Are you sure this isn't a LITTLE suicidal? Shai couldn't help but hiss at the notification, although she knew the system was indifferent to her idle comments.

The reward of the quest seemed interesting, but the quest was perilous to the point of being suicidal. The requirement of 'Don't die' was quite literal. A single conflict with these humans would cause her doom, reminding her again how powerless she was.

Having experienced death once before, Shai never wanted to experience such a feeling again. I need to grow strong!

Shai slithered away cautiously from the hedge, meticulously referencing her danger detection. This wilderness harboured higher-ranked practitioners, and the slightest misstep could result in her demise.

Shai roamed the area for approximately an hour, encountering a few low-level creatures along the way. Looting them allowed her to collect a handful of coins, but it was evident that she would require a considerably larger sum to advance to the next rank.

Suddenly, her stomach emitted another loud growl. Again? Hadn't I eaten just a couple of hours ago? Yet, the ravenous emptiness within her seemed insatiable, as if it had been deprived for months.

With a hiss, Shai slithered away in search of a more suitable spot. Her forked tongue came out of her mouth frequently, and only after a little pondering, she found she was smelling through her tongue. Not just any smell, she was even likely sensing some cosmic disturbance through the forked tongue. Weird!

Shai crept around, trying to pinpoint the location of the disturbance. It was clearly out of the range of her Danger Detection, but not for long.

This time, the threat level was orange, indicating a challenge she could handle if she was cautious. Slithering through the dry leaves and grass, Shai felt relieved to discover that it wasn't a human this time. Instead, she stumbled upon a scene of two creatures locked in a fierce battle, wreaking havoc in their surroundings.

One was an enormous black-scaled Python, while the other appeared to be a meter-long, fire-breathing insect. Shai had never encountered this particular type of bug before, let alone one of such size. It could be a natural inhabitant of this world, but then again, her exposure in Tajn had been limited, always sequestered within the walls of her family and the Academy.

The snake was clearly stronger, whereas the flying insect had the advantage in flight and movement. Both creatures had inflicted significant wounds upon each other, evident from the aftermath scattered around them. It seemed they had been engaged in this fierce struggle for quite some time. But for what reason?

Intrigued, Shai's gaze wandered around until she discovered the cause of their conflict—a tree laden with peach-pink spirit fruits. However, the true prize seemed to be the fluffy mushrooms sprouting from the bark.

Could the python digest the Spirit Mushroom? Shai pondered. Given its hypermetabolic body, it likely could, although it would require a substantial amount of time.

Weirdly, Shai found herself filled with greed just looking at the prizes. Is this another beastly instinct of natural treasure?

Shai didn't dwell on these musings for long. She crawled purposefully toward the peach tree, her attention fixed on the snake and the fire-breathing insect, fighting for their lives.

Contemptuously, Shai observed the two creatures locked in a life-or-death struggle over mere fruits and mushrooms. How foolish are they? she thought. But then again, such foolishness wasn't exclusive to them only. Even among humans, there was no shortage of individuals willing to fight to the death over trivial matters.

This was what happened when unchecked greed and arrogance consumed one's senses.

Unperturbed by the ongoing battle, Shai manoeuvred her way to the spirit tree, taking a longer route. She cast a disdainful glance at the two dimwitted creatures before climbing up the tree to claim the prize for herself.

The peach fruit brimmed with the cosmic energy of the Foundation stage. They were the best sustenance she could find. The mushrooms, reaching their peak growth, held concentrated energy of the Copper rank. Both of the natural treasures could serve as a substitute for spirit coins.

Shai gathered them all into her inventory, leaving only the underdeveloped mushrooms behind. She tried a few peach fruits to satiate her hunger as an unsavoury look spread to her expression. Despite them being filled with rich essence, she felt the urge to vomit after consuming them. Gritting her teeth, she forced herself to swallow.

Being weak was a more unbearable punishment than the nauseating sensation brought on by the fruits.

As time passed, Shai consumed her seventh spirit fruit, all the while observing the ongoing battle between the python and the fire-breathing black beetle. She felt like spectating a cage match However, in this scenario, the fighters weren't humans, no fixed winners, nor were there any other spectators except Shai.

The python certainly possessed the advantage in terms of strength, but the insect had the ability to fly. With this simple fact, it could hold its own against the five-metre-long black-scaled python.

Whenever the python lunged forward to attack, the giant insect would flap its wings to evade. The insect also had the upper hand in ranged attacks, although its fire couldn't easily burn through the black scales of the python.

Shai grew bored witnessing the repetitive exchange between the two creatures. The python displayed a profound level of stupidity. It could simply claim the prize, as the insect had no means to stop it. Similarly, the insect could do the same, and perhaps even more efficiently, by collecting a few fruits and mushrooms before flying away. But no, they both felt compelled to prove their dominance over each other.

Little did they know that someone else was quietly reaping their prize while they foolishly engaged in a futile battle.
Last edited:
Chapter Three: Predator

This has gone far too long. Shai wasn't even studying anymore, considering she had a practical idea of their strength and weakness.

Hissing in annoyance, Shai decided to put an end to their stalemate. She gathered her Cosmic Energy, condensing a dart of energy slightly more potent than usual. To add a final touch, she infused a substantial amount of poison into the burst.

With her weapon prepared, the white snake fixated her gaze on the two targets, deliberating on whom to strike first. Considering that the reptile would likely possess better poison resistance, Shai decided to direct her assault towards the insect.

There was no sense of kinship in Shai's mind. She was simply irritated and eager to bring a swift end to the conflict. The opportunity presented itself sooner than she had anticipated. Seizing the moment the insect was preoccupied with evading the snake's attack, Shai unleashed the Energy Dart. The projectile, filled with potent poison, shot forward, its speed almost imperceptible to the naked eye. It struck the insect's back wing, penetrating deeply.

The insect was oblivious to what had struck as it crashed down. No matter how it struggled to flap its wings, it was futile. The poison-infused projectile had torn through its wing, rendering its attempts at flight in vain as it crashed several metres away.

In its impending doom, the insect emitted a shrill cry, using its legs to dodge the python's attacks while desperately scanning for the source of the attack that had disabled its wings. Sadly, there was no rest to the relentless assault of the python, considering it finally got a chance at victory.

To spice up the proceedings, Shai readied another Energy Dart. She wasn't certain if she could inflict much damage to the python's scales with a mere Energy Dart, but the snake was already baked well, exhausted from all the tussling with the firebreathing insect.

The python's physique was sturdy, easily a few folds higher than her own, reinforced by its obsidian scales, however, that didn't mean it was without vulnerable spots.

Shai channelled as much Cosmic Energy as she could muster, a total of 14 units, which coincidentally matched her Soul attribute level. She made a mental note to investigate this peculiar connection later, but for now, her focus was completely on the python's movement.

Her aim was the python's eye. The python relentlessly pressed its assault on the insect, unaware of the true enemy lurking in the tree. Shai's mouth burned with fiery anguish as Cosmic Energy built up, ready to blast out the Energy Dart. Recoiling her head back, Shai swiftly thrust it forward, releasing the projectile.

Her shot landed precisely on the mark, the snake's eye, eliciting a hiss of agony from the wounded serpent. It gazed in bewilderment at the spirit tree with its remaining eye.

The black-scaled python easily located the small white-scaled snake, a surge of unbridled fury engulfing its heart. Ignoring its original target—the fire-breathing black insect, which was half-dead from the poison coursing through its system—the python slithered towards its hidden adversary.

Shai was too haughty to cower from its furious hissing.

What are you looking at? Shai retorted inwardly, aware the stupid python couldn't hear her. Never seen a fine-lookin' snake as this beauty, have you?

The python was battered well with swollen wounds scattered across its body, but there was no stopping its momentum as it rushed at Shai.

It hissed in madness, its breath wheezing out as it seethed with anger. Discovering its prize claimed by a small hatchling, and one of its eyes blinded, it could no longer contain its rage. The python reared up, soaring into the air and violently slamming its head against the trunk of the tree.

Easy, easy, Father always says anger is the ultimate enemy of a brilliant mind, not that you ever had one. Shai taunted, lunging from the tree before the python could wreak havoc any further.

The massive python hissed, its movements almost uprooting the spirit tree, wasting the natural cultivation resources that could have helped many creatures. It lunged at Shai, fury blinding its sight.

You want a fight, huh? Shai mused. Fine, I'll give it to you. Just stop wasting food.

Coiling her body, Shai enveloped herself in Cosmic Energy, her eyes fixed on the gargantuan python that charged toward her, its horrifying maw wide open, aiming to devour her whole. Shai remained steadfast, rooted in place, her gaze unwavering on her target. Nothing could unsettle her at that moment.

The python tore at her, intent on devouring her entirely. Instead of retreating, Shai coiled her body as tightly as possible and propelled herself forward, hurtling into the enormous python's mouth.

The clueless black-scaled python had no inkling of what was transpiring, but before it could revel in its supposed victory, searing agony seared through its innards. The small white snake wreaked havoc inside its mouth, unleashing a barrage of Energy Darts.

But the onslaught did not end there. Shai ravaged the upper lining of the python's mouth, piercing through from the inside. The little white snake showed no signs of relenting, continuing to rampage to her heart's content. Meanwhile, the python thrashed about outside, slamming its head against the ground as if that was going to hurt the little white snake inside its mouth.

The outer scales of the black-scaled python's body were nearly as resilient as raw metal, making it extremely difficult for Shai to inflict any damage. That's precisely why she decided to damage it from within. The oblivious snake had no inkling that death could come in such a manner.

Snakes truly were truly dim-witted, and this one, in particular, seemed even more so. It was as if the python had developed a strange yearning for its demise. As Shai incited chaos within the colossal maw of the python, it repeatedly thrashed its head against the earth

Keep going, ugly. You're doing great. At this rate, one of us will surely meet our end, Shai ridiculed, wishing she could make the serpent understand her feeling.

However, Shai was far from out of danger. The python managed to sink its fangs into her on several occasions, but thankfully, she came out almost unscathed with the thin layer of Cosmic Energy coating her body. It was minimal protection, but it made her sturdier to inflict grievous wounds in short contact. More powerful too.

Just a little more... And she would finally be done with this ordeal.

The python continued to struggle for another minute while Shai meticulously tore it apart from the inside out until she finally managed to nibble into its brain. Although it was questionable whether the python even possessed a functioning brain, given its remarkably foolish actions.

[You have defeated a Black-scaled Python (Copper), Level 27.]

[Congratulations! You have reached Hatchling Level 4. +1 Strength, +1 Speed, +1 Perception, +1 Immunity, +1 Free Secondary Attribute points]

[Congratulations! You have reached Hatchling Level 5. +1 Strength, +1 Speed, +1 Perception, +1 Immunity, +1 Free Secondary Attribute points]

[Congratulations! Cosmic Energy Manipulation (Foundation) has reached Level 2.]

[Congratulations! Energy Dart reached Level 4.]

Shai vigorously shook her head, emerging into the light, partly to rid herself of the filth that clung to her body, and partly because the disorienting experience left her feeling dizzy after all the twists and turns she had endured within the python's cavity. Then came the surge of power, washing over her as much of her distress was relieved.

The feat depleted almost all her Cosmic Energy reserves and wounded her. She didn't anticipate it would be such a taxing endeavour, despite the python's foolishness and injuries, but considering it was a Copper rank creature she understood why. It would have been impossible if it weren't wounded. Well, if Shai knew it was a Copper rank creature she would have gone after robbing, never looking back.

But in the end, everything worked out. Her ignorance hadn't caused her demise. The rewards would undoubtedly make it worthwhile.

Collecting herself, Shai approached the lifeless reptile and utilised Loot. The massive body of the snake evaporated into smoke, vanishing into thin air. Although it took a few extra seconds, the result remained the same.

[Beast core (Copper) has been added to your Inventory.]

[2 Red Cosmic Coins (Copper), 62 Lesser Red Cosmic Coins, 7 Green Cosmic Coins, and 5 Lesser Yellow Cosmic Coins have been added to your Inventory.]

[Purified python meat has been added to your Inventory.]

[Scales of black-scaled python have been added to your Inventory.]

Jackpot! Shai exclaimed to herself, her eyes gleaming with satisfaction. Merely the haul of cosmic coins was worth it, but the additional prizes made her delighted ear to ear, though that expression hardly looked good on snakes. The scales of the black-scaled python could prove useful for crafting or alchemy, while the beast core could be used in various ways. Most that came to her mind were related to inspection formation, not that she would be able to make one in her form.

Surely, you can't expect me to carve the scripts with my teeth? Wait, can I do it with my teeth? she mused, a hint of curiosity in her voice. Hey Grandpa, will that be possible?

Shai gathered the remaining spirit peaches and mushrooms from the uprooted tree. Although she couldn't make use of the mature copper-ranked mushrooms, the rest would provide considerable energy to satisfy her hunger and enhance her attributes.

[You have played a role in the defeat of a Giant Black Beetle (Foundation), Level 17.]

Just as Shai was about to approach the insect, a notification suddenly appeared.

Played a role? Shai chuckled, amused by the phrasing. Alright, then.

Shai was pleased to have learned the creature's name. She proceeded to loot the gigantic beetle's corpse, although the rewards were not as bountiful as those from the pythons. She received 16 lesser cosmic coins, thankfully a good half of them were green, which seemed to be rarer than the red ones. However, what intrigued her most was the nascent fire core.

But it seemed System Grandpa wasn't done with her yet, as a soul-wrenching force plunged onto her, eliciting an indignant hiss.

[New achievement! You have defeated a creature a rank higher than you, demonstrating the slumbering predator in you.

You have unlocked the inherent mark, Predator.]

[Mark: Predator

A natural-born Predator stalks its prey for hours, even days, patiently waiting for the opportune moment to strike. By exhibiting your predatory nature, you have unlocked an inherited predatory aura that can intimidate lesser-ranked creatures and enhance your ability to conceal yourself.

+5 All Attributes]

A deep surge of power washed over Shai instantly, as a deep sense of invincibility possessed her, rendering her to whimper in anticipation. In a matter of seconds, the invincibility vanished, though Shai felt like she was twice as powerful as prior to the mark.

Sweet, Shai hissed with excitement. Shai carefully examined her body, hoping to discover where the mark had appeared. However, she found no unique patterns that hadn't been there before. It seemed that things were different for a spirit beast like herself.

Having completed her business in the area, Shai lingered, gazing toward the towering ridge ahead. It stood a couple of kilometres high. Perhaps there is a better hiding place in the high rugged terrain.

But first,
I need to take a bath, the filth is killing me.

Luckily for her, she found a stream before sunset.

Of all the mundane activities, bathing was one of her favourites. Shai relished the opportunity to bathe to her heart's content, taking advantage of the free-flowing water. However, she couldn't deny that she didn't feel as refreshed after bathing as she had initially assumed.

She much preferred cold baths, however, as a reptile, Shai's blood ran cold. Still, the temperature of the water didn't bother her much, though not remarkably fresh, and seemed to have something off about it.

Shai couldn't quite pinpoint what was wrong, but there was an undeniable sense of oddity to it. Regardless, she had no intention of investigating further. All she desired at that moment was...

Her thoughts trailed off as a question formed in her mind. What exactly did she want? It was a question she had no answer to, leaving her momentarily puzzled and contemplative.

Power. Retribution. Justice? she mused, floating in gentle waves as she inched closer to the bank. Is that truly all I want?

With reincarnation and system, Shai believed she could become something extraordinary, yet all she could feel was an inner void as if something had been torn away from her.

Father had always believed in me. He believed I could accomplish incredible things if I wholeheartedly pursued them. Perhaps I should start living up to those expectations now.

Shaking her head, the little white snake emerged from the water. Dwelling on those thoughts would only breed dismay and melancholy within her. She needed to stay focused on her game plan.

It was pretty straightforward as far as she was concerned. Kill beasts to gain cosmic coins and cultivate. That reminded her she had plenty of coins stored up, it was about time she absorbed them and started cultivating; no need to try her luck after the great haul of resources she collected.

Shai dug another hole in the rugged terrain and started to work on growing strong wholeheartedly.


Waking up the next morning, the very first thing Shai did was check the system screen to see her progress.


Rank: FoundationPath: Hatchling Level 5
Fatemarked. Blessed by Kismet (Lesser). Predator
Cosmic Energy (R): 195 (19.3)
Primary AttributeBaseBenefitTotal
Physique7.2 (9.3)1017.1
Soul9.5 (10.9)1019.5
Recovery9.2 (10.5)1019.2
Secondary AttributeBase BenefitTotal
Free Secondary Points: 0
Special Attributes
Insight: 14
Will: 11
Fortune: 17
Poison Affinity - Level 1
Golden Eyes (Latent)
[Skill / Spell / Technique]
Meditation - Level 4 | Cosmic Energy Manipulation - Level 2 | Energy Dart - level 3 | Poison Dart - level 2
Danger Detection | Inventory | Lingual Comprehension | Loot.
I'm a cutie Hatchling
[System Log]

Shai had cultivated, mostly circulated the energy through hundreds of cycles for hours before sleeping, yet her Physique reaped the most benefit. Perhaps it was because she was a cosmic beast, considering most beasts tend to have higher physical capability. Do I simply need to digest the cosmic essence to grow my Physique? And that comes naturally to spirit beasts?

Shai didn't have the answers, but it seemed very likely. There was no other way her Physique would reach the height without such innate implication. Besides, her Mind grew as well, even though she hadn't absorbed any Mind enhancing cosmic coins. Perhaps, she received the essence from the fruits and underdeveloped mushrooms--they were synthesised complex essence, after all.

Similarly, Recovery grew more than what she received from those lesser Yellow Cosmic Coins. The calculation was probably more complicated than she believed, but currently, she couldn't point at anything but those fruits and underdeveloped mushrooms as the source of the increase.

Anyway, after absorbing a good amount of the cosmic coins she learned, she couldn't just absorb them wantonly, as there was a limit to how much raw essence her little body could hold at a time. She still had half of her Red cosmic coins, the others not as much.

However, her most valuable treasures were those 2 copper coins and 7 copper-rank mushrooms. She couldn't use them until she advanced, which still seemed far away.

Saturating her primary attributes was the first criterion, she wasn't so sure about the others, like comprehending the Truth, or the law of the universe.

Shai looked suspiciously at the new row joined in the Primary and secondary attributes. All her attributes gained 5 points bonus from unlocking the mark, much to her delight.

Moreover, it seems the primary attributes have a limit for each rank? Shai mused. Does that mean the other attributes have no limit?

In addition to investing coins, the food she consumed had slightly enhanced some of her attributes. Her Cosmic Energy Manipulation had also reached Level 2. Nevertheless, she still had a long way to go before reaching the copper rank.

That reminded her: how did that stupid snake reach a copper rank? It had higher attributes, but clearly, it was too stupid to cultivate cosmic essence. Well, there seemed to be two systems to power, first was the good old cultivation, which was painstaking and needed a lot of attention and perseverance, while the other was levelling up by killing, which was a crude way that only benefitted the secondary attributes.

The latter was not available in Tajn. Well, there was no system watching over cultivation in Tajn either. Shai wasn't sure what to think of that.

Finished with the system screen, Shai got out of her hole as the bright light of the rising sun assaulted her eyes. It was the beginning of a new day, the second day of her life as a snake. Although she had enough food to go by for a week, she couldn't grow complacent with it.

Shai needed to go hunt, if not for food, it was for the cosmic essence. Fortunately, on her way to the river yesterday, she had stumbled upon a cavern, which would likely harbour plenty of creatures to earn cosmic essence.

Shai hissed in resignation as she snaked her way down the rugged terrain. It felt wrong—killing beasts for the sake of earning cosmic essence so that she could live a better life—but that was how the world operated. The system had simply elevated it to another level.

To even reach the copper rank, she would need thousands of coins, and nobody would give anything for free. Of course, there were other ways to gain cosmic coins--like selling products such as potions, formation arrays, and inscriptions, for example. Sadly, those paths were blocked for the little snake.

I wish I had a pair of limbs with nimble fingers. Shai lifted her head and saw a bird in the sky. Or something with wings.

Her slitted eyes narrowed as she recognised the bird in flight. Wasn't that the golden-tailed eagle of the mercenary boss?

Shai grunted, or at least mentally expressed her frustration. Crap! I don't have time for this.

Though she wasn't exceptionally knowledgeable, Shai possessed enough common sense to understand that in a confrontation between a snake and an aerial predator, the predator held the advantage.

Sure, she might be a special snake that could cultivate had had memories of the past, but the eagle seemed bad news to her. The mercenary boss was a powerful cultivator, which meant his bonded companion should have some capabilities as well. What troubled her the most was the bird's size. It was small, even compared with a common eagle, which only served to unsettle her further.

Thankfully, the eagle hadn't noticed her presence yet. Shai let out a breath as she slithered toward the entrance of a cavern. If her memory served her correctly, this eagle was originally after an elf and a witch. So why was it here? Shai had intentionally chosen a different direction from where the mercenaries had exited. However, it seemed their scout was still searching the area.

Moving swiftly, Shai made her way toward the specific hole she had found, obstructed by multiple boulders. She was still a few dozen paces away from the hole when she felt the evil eye of the eagle looming over her.

As Shai had feared, these flying predators had excellent eyesight, one of the reasons why they were used in scouting, spying, and surveillance. It didn't take long for the gold-tailed eagle to spot the white snake stealthily creeping to the ridge. Without hesitation, it lunged toward her, forgetting its original task completely. Clearly, Shai appeared to be nothing more than a delicious meal, adorned with rare white scales to it.

Shai cursed under her breath, abandoned her sneaky approach and raced at her top speed. A Poison Dart was prepared in her mouth, but she refrained from attacking or even glancing back. The bird was fast, terrifyingly fast. The cavern was within reach, yet evading such an airborne predator proved to be a daunting task.

With a single powerful flap of its wings, the eagle closed the gap by fifty yards, tailing Shai closely. It aimed to swoop down and grab her up as effortlessly as a kingfisher catching fish out of the water.

Thankfully, there was no instinctual fear plaguing Shai's mind as a snake should have against its natural predator. Well, perhaps it would have been present if she were just an ordinary snake with a dull mind. Then again, she had recently acquired the Predator mark, which should assist her in resisting such primal urges.

Her mind remained cold and calculating, even in the face of danger. She couldn't devise a better plan to defeat the eagle. Unlike the injured python she had assisted earlier, she had no hopes of overpowering it. Her only goal now was to create an opportunity to escape. Surely, that couldn't be too difficult, right?

Shai braced herself as the bird's shadow loomed over her.

With swift precision, the eagle swooped down and captured Shai in the middle of its beak, as Shai had imagined, though she didn't account for the crushing force that was on the verge of tearing her apart. The protective Cosmic Energy coating over her body shattered instantly as if a stone was breaking fragile glass.

A jolt of agony surged through her spine, battering her from within. The crushing force was intense, but she refused to be consumed by fear. Straining her neck upwards, Shai locked eyes with the eagle and unleashed the poison-infused Energy Dart directly at its eye.

There was no way for the bird to evade the attack, although it desperately tried to evade the imminent danger it had brought upon itself. Despite its efforts, it failed. Shai was just too close.

The projectile struck its eye, causing a burst of blinding pain. Shai's gamble bore fruit, however, she wasn't out of danger yet.

The bird screeched in agony, releasing Shai from its beak as it collided with a tree. Shai crashed down and bounced a little on the rough earth, but she had no time to linger and assess her condition. She swiftly turned and crawled toward the cavern, gaining a sense of her direction while preparing smaller, concentrated Cosmic Energy Darts in her mouth that she could unleash simultaneously.

Although she had successfully blinded one of its eyes, the poison alone was insufficient to kill the eagle. The best she could hope for was to slow down the eagle's pursuit.

In any case, she only managed to get the shot as a result of the bird's profound lack of intelligence. There was a reason people insulted others by calling them "bird brains."

Though a bird as magnificent as the golden-tailed eagle should possess greater intelligence than a mere reptile, Shai was no ordinary reptile.

She had once been a high-functioning mortal, albeit not the most brilliant or astute, but she had her moments. Her time in the darkness only made her paranoid and a little reckless.

Her snake form did help her mental stability, but it didn't diminish her intelligence to the point where she would succumb to a bird. Moreover, she felt a deep surge of coldness in her blood, rumbling, almost compelling her to see it to the end.

She wasn't the food, but it was the other way around.

Shai had to grit her teeth to keep her predatory instinct in check, knowing all that was doing was filling her with a false sense of superiority and power. Her mind was torn between her primal desire for dominance over the stupid bird and her rational self.

The wounded eagle screeched as the tree it clashed against shook, and out came an enraged predator of two metres long, wide wings flapping behind, its shadow enough to shelter two men. From the size of half a metre, it turned into something that could crush a human head easily with its beak. With one flap of its wing, its shadow appeared on Shai, who barely managed to stay level-headed.

The bird had undergone a startling transformation, growing in size and power, yet Shai stayed calm and collected, refusing to be intimidated.

The irrational part of her mind was telling her to see through this dumb bird and teach it who the real predator was. Shai ignored that part, recognising the futility of engaging in such a primal power struggle.

Shai's body lurched towards the direction of the cavern while she twisted her head to meet the bird. She unleashed a barrage of Energy Darts, her movements precise and calculated. The eagle, caught off guard by the attack, attempted to evade, but in doing so, it missed an opportunity to capture the small white snake that had blinded its eye.

Frustrated by its inability to capture her, the eagle confronted her head-on. Shai replied with her everything, as a dozen projectiles seared through its wings, inflicting fresh wounds upon the magnificent bird.

I bet you didn't see that coming, did you? Shai hissed with satisfaction, revelling in her momentary triumph. Her confidence bolstered, she swiftly manoeuvred her narrow body through the tiny gaps of the boulders and escaped, leaving the disoriented eagle behind.
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Chapter Four: System Dynamics

Shai didn't stop after slipping through the gaps of boulders. Instead, she moved as fast as she could, driven by the primal fear that gripped her. A seething agony coursed through her body, too painful to ignore, but Shai had no other choice but to rush away. Her life was on the line.

The cavern ahead was shrouded in impenetrable darkness, but her serpent eyes possessed an uncanny ability to sense faint outlines of her surroundings. Though the sight was far from normal, she managed to navigate through the looming darkness with surprising efficiency.

The sound of loud thumping echoed behind her. Evidently, the golden-tailed eagle wasn't ready to let her go so easily. Thankfully, smashing the boulders aside would take over a good minute, even if it was lucky, then the bird would face more trouble flying inside the short tunnel-like cavern that seemed to be reaching deeper into the abyss.

All of that would provide Shai with enough advantage to flee far from the reach of the aerial predator.

Shai delved into even narrower subterranean tunnels, reaching deeper into the cavern, where the eagle's huge body wouldn't be able to pursue her. If the sky were its realm of advantage, then this was exactly where Shai would thrive, even though she felt eerie inside, snaking through the narrow tunnels.

With each turn, Shai felt as if there was no end to the cavern. When she scouted it yesterday, she never thought it would have such depth. Perhaps there was another escape route within, considering the eagle would likely wait instead of recklessly charging inside. Then again, considering its intelligence, Shai wasn't so sure about that.

[Congratulations! You have awakened Pain Resistance.]

[Pain Resistance reached level 2.]

Huh? Shai barely thought for a second about the notification, pushing forth. Her agony grew softer with the resistance ability.

After crawling swiftly for about ten minutes, she found no signs of any other creatures in the cavern. Shai thought that she might encounter giant insects or reptiles along the way, but none whatsoever so far. Well, she wasn't complaining since her battered body was barely capable of another fight.

Shai went on for a few more minutes, twisting and turning into the paths while also keeping an eye on her danger detection boon. Just as she was about to hiss in relief that she was safe, she fell off from reaching the end of the tunnel.

Thankfully, the pit wasn't too deep. She escaped the fall with minor injuries, though it did a number on her with all the wounds she already bore.

[Pain Resistance reached level 3.]

Her day couldn't have gone any worse when another notification expanded before her eyes, wrenching out a low hiss of misery.

[You have entered the dungeon, Twisted Web.]

[Dungeon: Twisted Web

Grade: Unknown.

Information: Unavailable.

P.S.: For reasons unknown, the System cannot determine the grade or cosmic energy currents inside Twisted Web.]

What does that mean, Grandpa? Shai let out an indignant sigh, rereading the text to understand better. Whatever it meant, it didn't sound like good news for her.

Regardless, it changed nothing. She was out of options.

Shai limped on the stony ground, her narrow body undulating uncomfortably. Her eyes drifted around the cavern, desperately searching for any areas to take refuge. Finding no other creatures in her detection, she let out a sigh of relief. The encounter with the eagle had drained her more than she had anticipated. Even the act of fleeing had depleted a significant amount of her energy.

She was exhausted, weak, severely wounded, and, most of all, hungry. Her bottomless stomach growled as a reminder of that.

Fortunately, she wouldn't have to resort to hunting any time soon in her weakened state, as the food she had saved up would suffice... at least for a few more days. At first, she thought all that python meat would last for a couple of weeks easily, but considering the constant hunger that gnawed at her, she wasn't so sure anymore.

Retrieving some purified meat from her inventory, Shai devoured it without chewing. Her metabolism worked in mysterious ways. Her digestion ability humbled the frail mortal girl she had been in her previous life.

Satiating her hunger, she moved into a large crack in the stones and coiled her narrow body to rest. Before cultivating and tending to her wounds, she needed to quickly understand a few things.

After a couple of days in the wilderness, Shai was certain she was different somehow. It went beyond her reincarnation or sentience. None of the other creatures she had encountered possessed abilities like loot, danger detection, lingual mastery, or inventory. She wasn't even sure if System Grandpa assisted them as he helped her.

Maybe I have more advantages in cultivation than I previously thought, Shai pondered. Now, all that was left for her to do was capitalise on each of those advantages.

Firstly, most creatures, except for intelligent races like humans and elves, lacked the ability to grasp cosmic energy. Shai, however, was an exception. She would have to gravitate more towards cosmic energy manipulation and learn additional cosmic skills.

Clearly, digging and crawling didn't come as skills. If they were, she would have already acquired them. What she needed immediately for her survival were: a defensive skill, a strengthening skill, and a trump card. Apparently, the pain resistance ability didn't cost her any Insight points. She needed to awaken more abilities like that, too.

Secondly, the attributes. Shai hadn't been utilising them all. It wasn't that she didn't want to, she simply wasn't sure what some of them did. Shai took a deep breath and commanded her mind to open the status page.

The four primary attributes—Physique, Mind, Soul, and Recovery—were the attributes she needed to cultivate. Other than cultivation, she had little sense of how to enhance them. Apparently, blessings and awakening marks helped improve them, as evidenced by the +10 boost she had received to all attributes. It was a significant enhancement to her initial phase.

Unfortunately, she knew no other way to obtain more blessings and awaken more marks.

Defeating higher-ranked beasts might help, but that's pretty suicidal in her current state.

Thankfully, the path to power didn't end there. Enter the secondary attributes, which grew alongside levelling up. Shai could feel that they were more dependent on primary attributes than she initially realised, but she couldn't deny their usefulness.

I need to reach level 25 as soon as possible, even if I have to cut down my cultivation time.

Thirdly, I need to cultivate my Mind.

Sadly, even after looting dozens of creatures, she had never received a Mind-enhancing cosmic coin. While Soul was the most crucial attribute for a cultivator, as it determined the amount of cosmic energy one could hold, Mind was still important, even for someone who didn't cultivate the mind.

In its essence, Cosmic Energy was merely energy. Without a powerful mind to harness and direct it, it would be as useless as a bucket of water. Mental strength was equally essential.

Also, with sufficient mental strength, I can manipulate waves of Cosmic Energy to communicate telepathically. Shai paused at that thought. While her elder sister was capable of telepathic communication, Shai had no clue how to achieve such a feat.

Cultivators were, after all, mysteriously secretive beings. They guarded their secrets to the grave.

The only way for Shai to achieve such a feat was if System Grandpa took pity on her and granted her the skill.

Well, it would cost her Insight points, but she had decided that she wouldn't mind even if it took double the usual amount of points to learn telepathic communication.

But who would she converse with? The realisation made Shai grimace. She shook her tiny head and refocused on her path to supremacy.

Lastly, there was Recovery, representing her regenerative and healing abilities—an equally important attribute. In the end, she couldn't overlook any of the primary attributes.

However, she needed sufficient points in the other three attributes—Body, Soul, and Mind—to fully utilise Recovery. Cosmic Energy regeneration seemed to be directly linked to Recovery and Soul. Her current cosmic energy regeneration speed was 19.3 units per hour, which was the average between Soul and Recovery.

Well, it was the normal regeneration speed, but if she spent the same amount of time meditating, her energy would regenerate much quicker. That didn't decrease the importance of passive generation though, as the description of Meditation clearly indicated that it boosted the passive regeneration speed.

[Meditation: Level 4

Helps in accumulating, synthesising, and recovering cosmic energy. It also has a great effect on calming the mind. 2% boost on every level of the skill.]

With that, Shai's mind drifted off into visualisation as she channelled her energy into all the wounds she bore. This would hasten the healing process, though Shai knew she wouldn't be fully healed anytime soon. The bird's beak had pricked her tiny bones, fracturing them.

Hours passed, and Shai awoke from her meditation, energised and ready to practice with her cosmic energy in the hopes of receiving skill prompts from System Grandpa. Her wounds had mostly closed up, but she still wasn't in fighting shape. At least it no longer hurt to circulate energy throughout her body.

Foremost, her primary goal was to learn a defensive skill. Shai focused her energy, attempting to condense it into a thin layer of barriers in front of her, but no matter how much energy she invested, they all dissipated into thin air quickly.

It was on her eighth failed attempt that she finally received the prompt.

[Would you like to learn the skill, Force Shield?]

[Accept | Decline]

Shai eagerly agreed as System Grandpa deducted 1 point from her Insight and flooded her tiny mind with a barrage of relevant information. For a brief moment, Shai felt the weight of the knowledge, and her eyes widened in recognition of what she had been doing wrong.

I've got it, Shai hissed. As always, thanks, Grandpa.

Shai wasn't discouraged by the lack of a reply from System Grandpa. She was already busy channelling her energy as the information had shown her. The mistake she had been making was rather foolish. She had been leaving the energy to dissipate after creating the transparent shield, but that wasn't the correct approach. Without the intent behind it, the energy was nothing but inanimate matter.

She needed to maintain her intent behind the skill, and circulate the power in a circular motion to avoid wasting more energy than necessary.

After a couple more tries, Shai finally succeeded.

[Congratulations! You have learned the skill, Force Shield Level 1.]

[Skill: Force Shield - Level 1

Conjures a semi-corporeal shield of cosmic energy. 2% improvement in mastery for each level in the skill.]

Shai spent a moment gloating at her improvement and moved on to learn the next skill. It took her a couple of hours to learn the next skill, simply because she ran out of energy and she learned it through sheer perseverance. Without succumbing to Grandpa for Insight.

[Congratulations! You have learned the skill, Empower Level 1]

[Skill: Empower - Level 1

Boosts the physical power of the user, spending little cosmic energy. 2% empowerment for each level in the skill. ]

Am I a genius or what, Grandpa?!

Shai experienced a faint sense of empowerment whenever she harnessed cosmic energy throughout her body. It was elusive, difficult to pinpoint, but in moments of complete exhaustion and powerlessness, the source of her strength became evident. It was cosmic energy all along.

Her hunch saved 1 precious insight point. Shai spent a moment on her victory dance and carried on her training.

Shai then exhausted her energy to improve her skills, which didn't even take a few minutes, already running low on energy. Shai was relieved to receive a couple of skill level-up notifications. It seemed her efforts were paying off.

Feeling exhausted, Shai retrieved a couple of mushrooms and peaches. She could sense the rich cosmic essence within them. Moreover, digesting them would be much easier than consuming cosmic coins, as the trees that bore the fruits had already done half the work.

She devoured the mushrooms and peaches one after another and coiled herself in the gap between the stone cracks again to begin her cultivation. After a few hours of focused practice, Shai drifted off to sleep. Too exhausted to carry on.

Waking up, Shai refrained from surveying the dungeon, and instead, immersed herself in improving her skills. She dedicated most of her time to enhancing the Empower Skill, as it didn't consume as much energy as the other skills. It was the skill she had managed to level up the most thus far.

The dungeon remained enveloped in complete darkness, making it impossible for Shai to measure time conventionally. However, she found an alternative method of tracking time. By accessing the Advancement Quest through the system log, she discovered that there were still 26 days remaining.

Her skills were progressing at a steady pace, not exponentially, but sufficient to keep her motivated and satisfied.

[Congratulations! Empower has reached level 4.]

[Congratulations! Energy Dart has reached level 6.]

[Congratulations! Poison Dart has reached level 3.]

[Congratulations! Poison Affinity has reached level 2.]


[Congratulations! Cosmic Energy Manipulation has reached level 4.]

[Congratulations! Force Shield has reached level 2.]

[Congratulations! Meditation has reached level 6.]

[Congratulations! Empower has reached level 6.]

[Congratunations! You have awakened the ability, Night Vision.]

On the fourth day in the dungeon, Shai's injuries had fully healed. While she couldn't be certain if her fractured bones were completely mended, she no longer felt any pain. She was back in fighting shape.

Despite her recovery, she dedicated another day to training, expending almost all her resources. She even acquired another skill.

[Skill: Identification - Level 1

Identifies the target object or entity under scrutiny.]

Shai had examined the fruits, mushrooms, and looted items in her possession when the prompt for the skill appeared. Pondering only a second, she invested 1 Insight point to learn the skill, believing it would prove valuable in the future.

To her disappointment, the newly acquired skill proved to be useless, so far.

Shai employed the Identification skill on the mushrooms, as a notification appeared in her vision shortly.

[Item: Woodshade Mushroom

Grade: Lesser (Underdeveloped)

Description: Woodshade Mushroom mostly possesses rich green cosmic essence, followed by Yellow and Red cosmic essence.]

Apart from the name of the mushroom, Shai had already deduced the other information without relying on the skill. Nevertheless, she appreciated the addition to her skill set. The flora and fauna of this world held more differences than she initially realised. This skill would prove useful for academic purposes.

Shai summoned the full system page, finally able to observe all the progress she had made over the course of five days. It was surprisingly gratifying to see her hard work and improvement digitised.


Rank: FoundationPath: Hatchling Level 5
Fatemarked. Blessed by Kismet (Lesser). Predator
Cosmic Energy (R): 241 (23.1)
Primary AttributeBase [Limit: 25]BenefitTotal
Physique14.9 (15.5)1024.9
Soul14.1 (14.9)1024.1
Secondary AttributeBaseBenefitTotal
Free Secondary Points:0
Special Attributes
Insight: 12
Will: 11
Fortune: 17
Poison Affinity - Level 2 | Pain Resistance - Level 4 | Night Vision - Level 2
Golden Eyes (Latent)
[Skill / Spell / Technique]
Meditation - Level 4 | Cosmic Energy Manipulation - Level 4 | Energy Dart - level 6 | Poison Dart - level 3 | Force Shield - Level 2 | Empower - Level 8 | Identification - Level 2
Danger Detection | Inventory | Lingual Comprehension | Loot.
I'm a cutie Hatchling
[System Log]


Ignoring the skills for a moment, she noticed a remarkable improvement in her three primary attributes. Mind remained her lowest attribute. Despite the mind essence contained within the fruits and mushrooms, it still paled in comparison to the other attributes.

However, the most surprising improvement was in Recovery. Prior to her training, she had no knowledge of how to cultivate this aspect, but as she lost herself in her relentless pursuit of power, she discovered that her Recovery increased the more she pushed herself. Or rather, the more she exhausted and recovered herself.

Recovery was interconnected with other primary attributes, growing more rapidly as she exerted herself.

She still had no understanding of what [Golden Eyes] entailed, aside from making her appearance slightly unique. Even when she was human, her eyes possessed a golden hue, prodding her to ponder the significance behind them. Unfortunately, she had no knowledge regarding this ability, leaving her with no answers.

Closing the system window, Shai cautiously left the pit where she had secluded herself for over five days. It was time for a little dungeon exploration.

The cavern, or rather the dungeon, turned out to be larger than she initially anticipated, with numerous spiralling passageways that went in all directions, resembling a maze. Fortunately, she encountered no traps. If there had been traps, she surely would have stumbled upon them upon entering the cavern.

Shai activated her Night Vision, causing a faint aura of light to radiate around her slit pupil, enhancing her vision further. With this ability, she could now perceive her surroundings with exceptional clarity, disregarding the looming darkness.

Even after moving for half an hour, she encountered no creatures within the dungeon. However, she did come across distinctive scars etched into the walls, confirming her earlier assumptions. Cosmic creatures did inhabit this cavern, much to her relief.

Shai wouldn't be able to remain comfortable, knowing such an expansive underground space was devoid of life. Thankfully, that wasn't the case.

Her eyes examined the scars etched on the walls, attempting to interpret what kind of creature could etch them. They appeared to be remnants of battles fought, yet she couldn't definitively identify the exact characteristics of these creatures.

They likely belonged to the insectoid family, like the fire-breathing beetle, but with sharper appendages or stingers. This world possessed its peculiar variety of insectoids. Even though she had been a scholar in her previous life, Shai felt more disgusted than intrigued at the notion.

She had no love for those terrifying creatures.

It didn't take long for Shai to encounter the denizens of this cavern. In fact, it found her first. As she scoured her surroundings in search of creatures to hunt, an unsightly eight-legged insect-like creature suddenly dropped from the ceiling, and launched a swift and unprovoked attack at her.

Fortunately, Shai was vigilant, constantly monitoring her surroundings with [Danger Detection].

The appearance of the eight-legged creature proved more disconcerting to her than its sudden ambush.

Is this some kind of land crab? Shai wondered, deftly manoeuvring between the creature's sharp appendages. Although it possessed eight legs, it looked more monstrous and deadlier than any crab. Moreover, it had eight eyes as well, bearing in dangerous crimson.

In an instant, Shai activated her [Identification], gaping at the colossal eight-legged creature.

[Spider - Weaver Level 17]

Releasing a burst of sharp cosmic energy, Shai leapt between the jagged legs of the Spider. Weaver? Spider? Level 17? A flurry of questions came to her mind as she pondered the fighting style of the monster.

Obviously, she had no prior knowledge of what a Weaver or Spider was until she encountered this ferocious monstrosity. However, from her firsthand experience, she surmised that it was a creature far more lethal than a crab. It wasn't just an ordinary insectoid or anthropods, but a natural predator—a true monster.

This made Shai question why all the creatures she had encountered since awakening were savages.

Well, she did initiate the attacks on the beetle and python, but they were already engaged in a life-or-death struggle. She simply helped them on their way out. However, apart from that, the other instances were not her fault.

Granted, many beasts and creatures could exhibit savage behaviour, but there should be a limit to it. Most savage beasts hunted solely to satiate their hunger, and the same applied to the majority of normal creatures. However, these creatures seemed to be of a different sentiment altogether.

Shai fired a poison dart at the massive body of the Spider. To her dismay, it barely made a dent. She pondered its defensive weaknesses and was about to strike at a crack in its exoskeleton when something shot out from the Weaver's abdomen, rendering her completely immobilised on the ground.

It was like being ensnared by slimy and sticky ropes. Before Shai could react, her world was tilted. The Spider abruptly twisted its massive body, flinging her along with its clinging web.

What kind of abomination? Shai could barely think, bracing herself for the impact. Despite her preparation, her [Empower] was shattered as her body crashed into the rough surface of the sidewall.

Shai let out a frustrated hiss. Fortunately, the swing severed the sticky web that bound her. This foe proved to be far more formidable than she had initially anticipated.

Without hesitation, she scrambled to distance herself from the Spider. The Weaver pursued, relentlessly launching its sticky web at her.

In such close quarters, Shai's Danger Detection offered limited assistance. She had to multitask, juggling multiple actions to keep track of her opponent's movements.

The spider continued to shoot its web towards her from the right, which Shai countered by firing a series of energy darts. Simply shooting darts wasn't enough to neutralise the webs; she had to concentrate her cosmic energy into a [Force Shield] and contort her body to evade the remainders of those sticky threads.

Thankfully, there were brief pauses between the Spider's web assaults, providing her with a narrow window to escape.

Shai needed to inflict severe injuries, if not kill, this abomination to free herself from this harrowing ordeal. She gathered her cosmic energy into sharp darts and launched them at the encroaching creature, while simultaneously making her way towards a steep rise in the rugged terrain.

The [Energy Darts] inflicted minimal damage, but they kept the Weaver at bay, affording her a moment to launch a more potent attack. Shai coiled her tail behind her, ascending several metres high on the steep incline.

Spotting the creature right on her tail, she swiftly spun around, her tail lashing against the rugged surface like a whip. Shai propelled herself towards the eight-legged adversary, her cosmic energy empowering her strike.

Still in mid-air, Shai unleashed energy darts into the spider's glowing red eyes. Instead of aiming for its head, she snapped her tail in the air, descending beneath the creature's massive abdomen, which had been her target all along.

Without hesitation, Shai thrust herself forward, head-butting into the crevice between its head and abdomen. Her skull pierced the creature's tough scales, digging in with everything she had.

The Spider screeched in agony, yet it remained standing. With so many legs, it was too hard to off-balance. However, Shai had struck its blind spot. Those sharp limbs could not reach her, nor could its sticky webs.

The victory was within her grasp. She just needed to bide her time.
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Chapter 05: Into the Abyss

Shai had to bite her way into triumph, her decisiveness shining through her unladylike actions. Being a snake, she had to use everything she had. As if that was any different from the mortal girl she was.

Even with its formidable eight eyes and eight legs, the spider was caught off guard and powerless against her. Her attack was just too sudden, completely unexpected for Weaver. Despite being a ferocious predator that could invoke fear into the hearts of men, it was completely vulnerable and incapable of defending itself when she assaulted its blindspot.

This gave Shai the freedom to execute her plan with precision. As she continued her relentless invasion into the segment between its head and abdomen, the spider's attempts to subdue her ceased, its appendages suspended after a while.

Desperate and disoriented, it crashed into the sidewall and battered its own body in a futile attempt to make her give up. Sadly, it was too late for the colossal creature.

Eventually, the spider collapsed onto the ground, succumbing to a pitiful state. Shai's gaze fixated on the dying creature as she came out of the gory crevice, blood and disgusting goo oozing out, staining her little form. She chose to distance herself from it, as relief washed over her.

Shai lamented that she couldn't end the creature's suffering swiftly. Panting heavily, Shai remained fixated on the squirming monstrosity before her. Its screeches pierced the air for an agonisingly long minute until it finally succumbed to its fate.

A soothing energy enveloped Shai, offering comfort after the intense battle.

[You have defeated Weaver (Foundation, Level 17).]
[Congratulations! You have reached Hatchling Level 6. +1 Strength, +1 Speed, +1 Perception, +1 Immunity, +1 Free Secondary Attribute points.]

With the adversary defeated, the only task remaining was to loot the spoils. Shai wasted no time in employing [Loot] on the huge creature, her gaze scanning the surrounding area, vigilant for any potential threats.

[12 Lesser Green Cosmic Coins and 17 Lesser Red Cosmic Coins have been added to your inventory.]
[Weaver Silk has been added to your inventory.]
[Weaver Carapaces have been added to your Inventory.]

All that was about a day's worth of resources for Shai's cultivation. However, the lack of purified meat left her slightly unsettled. Her dwindling food supplies consisted mainly of fruits and mushrooms, which would last another day, considering the mushrooms she possessed were of copper rank, rendering them indigestible even with her superior metabolism.

I need to hunt more, Shai decided as she crept away from there.

Although she emerged victorious against the Spider, the thought of encountering another one of those colossal monstrosities filled her with apprehension. While she did discover their vulnerable blind spot--their reverse scale--it didn't make attacking that spot any easier.

So Shai ventured deeper into the depths of the dungeon, hoping to encounter prey that posed less of a challenge. Fortunately, finding prey was not a difficult task in a dungeon swarming with monstrous creatures like spiders.

It seemed whatever dwelled in this dungeon had to have eight legs at the very least. The spiders barely made the cut, but the ones Shai discovered next were evidently the prodigal sons of the dungeon, their appendage numbers marking over a couple of dozen.

[Centipede - Twisted Chilopod Level 8]
[Centipede - Twisted Chilopod Level 13]
[Centipede - Twisted Chilopod Level 7]

Eight of these centipedes lurked in the darkness, ranging from levels 7 to 13. They weren't aware Shai's night vision could see them pretty clearly, though she still chose to creep away when the chased after her.

They have the number, what can a little snake do against such creatures?

The centipede's trunk was glossy brown and inflated with a solid carapace, with dozens of legs working together to chase after her. Shai was faster than before, her Speed reaching 25 points, even the augmented physical strength overshadowed any concerns she might have about a prolonged battle.

But first, she needed to understand their strength and weakness.

Their movement lacked coordination as they raced against each other, driven by a voracious desire to be the first to sink their teeth into the delicious-looking little snake.

Preparing for the impending battle, Shai enveloped her white scales with cosmic energy, causing them to emit a faint glow. The [Poison Dart] within her mouth was ready for deployment. All she needed to do was aim for the right spot. Except for the centipedes' body segments, her attack would prove ineffective with only a couple of darts.

Crawling and coiling herself to build momentum, Shai whipped her tail against the side of the rim, launching her narrow body into the air. Suspended in mid-air, her slit eyes emanated a dangerous glint glow as she shot the [Poison Dart]. It hissed through the hair and drilled through the body segment of the closest centipede, rendering it powerless.

The battle barely started. Shai twisted her form in mid-air, charging headfirst toward another centipede. With a single powerful head-butt, she pierced through its body segment, claiming its life more efficiently than the previous encounter.

[You have killed a Twisted Chilopod (Foundation) Level 7.]

[You have killed a Twisted Chilopod (Foundation) Level 9.]

As Shai emerged from the giant centipede above her, two more of its companions lunged at her, attempting to take a bite. Her mind raced as she swiftly twisted her body, manoeuvring her body underneath the foe to her closest. It aimed to sink its fangs into her lower body, but it was Shai who got the taste of the foul creature first.

Suppressing her repulsion, she sank her teeth into the creature's vulnerable underside, causing its body to convulse.

Shai came out unscathed, but her eyes widened at the sheer depravity of the scene before her. Astonishment and disbelief filled her as she realised that the other centipede, which had come to attack her alongside its companion, was actually nibbling its teeth on its fallen companion.

Did it think its friend got me and excluded it from having me? She came up with a theory. Still, it seemed too much of a payback to eat one of their kind.

Are these creatures cannibalistic?

This is unforgivable!
Shai shouted inwardly and charged at the foe as if she was any different.

She unleashed an [Energy Dart], which hissed its way into the mouth of the centipede that was busy devouring its own kind.

[You have killed a Twisted Chilopod (Foundation) Level 11.]

[Congratulations! You have reached Hatchling Level 7. +1 Strength, +1 Speed, +1 Perception, +1 Immunity, +1 Free Secondary Attribute points.]

I know we haven't known for long, Shai told the other half-eaten centipede. But I avenged you. Now rest in peace. I'll come back to collect the price later.

Five more centipedes remained, their presence still posing a threat. Still, they couldn't compare to a single Level 17 Weaver. Unlike the spider with their eight strong, sharp legs, armed with sticky webs, centipedes were just quicker in comparison.

Though they possessed solid carapaces, the vulnerability of their body segments rendered their sturdy exteriors irrelevant. At least to a cunning smart-ass like Shai, not that she had an ass. Not anymore.

Each centipede was of a higher level than Shai, yet they barely had any leverage on her. It was just the power of intelligence and skill.

Shai crawled below one of the centipedes again, twisting and turning so that it won't bite her tail. The same scenario repeated itself, with the attacking centipedes inadvertently turning against their fellow creatures.

The spider may be deranged, but there seems to be no salvation for these centipedes, Shai thought.

Something was gravely amiss in this dungeon. These were no longer mere cosmic creatures; they had become monstrous beings, mutated and tainted by their greed and hunger. Reflecting on her encounters outside the cavern, Shai realised that even the beetle, python, and hamster had exhibited a savage nature beyond what was natural.

Was the same fate awaited her? Shai couldn't help but consider, as she killed her next opponent. Shai had been in constant hunger since she hatched. It clearly didn't seem natural anymore.

Perhaps all of these anomalies were interconnected. Shai recalled the quest about unfolding the mystery of the land. She had ignored it so far, but it didn't feel irrelevant to her livelihood anymore.

This dungeon was probably the epicentre of it all. She decided to delve into matters, after she dealt with this group of cannibalistic creatures.

it turned out, dispatching them was surprisingly easy. Once they became engrossed in their self-consuming frenzy, they completely forgot about her presence. Shai swiftly ended their wretched lives, one after another, until only the final centipede remained. Only when its companions were dead, did it come out of the frenzy and poised to sink its fangs into her.

How foolish of it to think that it could eat her when seven other of them failed in their attempt. Shai confined its advance with [Force Shield] and then ended its miserable life shooting a couple of [Energy Darts]

. . .

[You have killed a Twisted Chilopod (Foundation) Level 13.]

[Congrautulations! Energy Dart has reached Level 8.]

[Congratulations! Force Shield has reached level 3.]

System Grandpa notified her of their death, but there were no messages indicating any advancement in her path. She was just a level 7 hatchling, who could kill creatures 10 levels higher than her.

Shai reached out to the nearest lifeless centipede, activating [Loot] it. Soon it dissolved into mist in a matter of a few seconds.

[7 Lesser Red Cosmic coins have been added to your inventory.]

No meat? Shai frowned in disappointment. It seemed that the corruption had affected the centipedes to such an extent that their flesh was no longer consumable. Not that she was foolish enough to ingest something that was once tainted.

Moving on to her next target, Shai prepared to employ [Loot], when suddenly her instincts kicked in. A sudden alarm blared in her mind as she swiftly recoiled, spinning her tail against the ground. In the next moment, a slimy cobweb became entangled in her tail, revealing an enormous spider lurking on the walls.

Shai hadn't seen it coming before the attack at all. Even her Danger Detection failed to warn her in time.

[Spider - Corrupt Weaver Level ??]

Judging by its monstrous appearance--which paled the spider she killed before--it appeared to be of Copper rank. It was nearly twice the size of the one she had hunted before.

I hate spiders! Shai groaned. Why can't they be delicious like crab!?

The spider unleashed more sticky webs, attempting to tangle her into its trap. However, Shai skillfully evaded or neutralised each sticky thread, either shooting them down with [Energy Dart] or restricting them with [Force Shield]. She didn't remain to battle it out with the Corrupt Weaver, though. Shai didn't have a death wish.

As she moved towards the previously slain centipede, deftly evading the spider's attacks, the giant arachnid descended upon her, launching a close-quarter assault.

Shai had no intention of engaging in a futile and hopeless brawl. Sadly, there was no way she could avoid combat and retreat. Shai felt a pang of regret at leaving all her hard-earned spoils behind. She even made a promise to that one centipede.

But her life was more important to her than those cosmic coins.

It appeared that this spider in particular was a skilled stalker, its sticky web pinned her down, albeit only trapping her tail. Shai remained arrested on the spot. WIthout bothering to free herself, she shot [Energy Darts] into its blaring red eyes. Her aim wasn't perfect, giving the colossus creature just enough time to save its eye, but the darts managed to buy her the little time she needed.

Thoughts of escape flickered in Shai's mind as she quickly freed herself, utilising all her strength. Shai didn't even give the horrifying creature another look and crept into the direction of one narrow tunnel. Only the narrow tunnel would be her saving grace.

The giant spider screeched, finding her disinterested in continuing the confrontation.

Well, pal, see you around, Shai thought to herself, feeling a little regret at leaving behind her loot. But she recognised that greed was the contributing factor to those centipedes' downfall.

Originally, she wasn't that greedy person. She possessed a highly rational mind, but now, she wasn't even a person anymore. Human psychology had little influence on her as the more days she spent as a reptile.

She had become a cold-blooded snake, an evolving predator, and the mere thought of running away made her feel disgusted.

Something inside her screamed, urging her to stand up against this eight-legged insect. It filled her with irrational bravado, fueling the absurd notion that she could overcome this copper-ranked Weaver. Perhaps it was the corruption, the greed—the very thing that had contaminated all the creatures she had encountered thus far—and it was affecting her too.

Gritting her teeth, Shai crawled away, but the spider persisted in its pursuit. Thankfully, it could only attack her by shooting those webs as Shai safely entered the narrow tunnel, where its huge body couldn't enter.

Still, Shai pushed herself to her maximum speed, hurrying the hell out. She couldn't understand why they all wanted to eat her, she was but a little creature. Eating her would barely itch their insatiable hunger.

I'll remember this, ugly bastard. Shai clenched her teeth, her anger boiling as she vowed revenge against the creature that had crossed her. Just wait a few days when I'm strong enough, I'll—

But her thoughts were abruptly interrupted by a disturbing sense of danger that permeated her surroundings. Shai hastened her pace as she steered through the narrow tunnel.

More centipede-like creatures emerged in her path. Dozens of them swarmed the area, yet instead of launching an immediate attack, most of them seemed to be in a strange state, while the deranged reminders didn't need the invitation to chase after her.

Shai knew better than to engage in battle amidst this chaotic horde. Alone and outnumbered, her only option was to flee. Centipedes fell around her from every direction, impeding her escape with their relentless pursuit.

Fury surged through her veins, and she lashed out, killing a couple of the frenzied creatures in her attempt to break free. However, instead of quelling their madness, it only seemed to fuel their aggression. Within a matter of minutes, Shai found herself relentlessly pursued by a deranged legion of centipedes.

This is the inferno! The hell realm! Shai cursed, channelling every ounce of her energy into her escape. She desperately sought out a narrow exit, a crevice where only her tiny form could slither through.

Suddenly, an overwhelming primal fear gripped her, paralysing her mind and wrenching out every thought out of her head. Shai couldn't comprehend what was happening as the all-consuming dread took hold of her nerves, eclipsing even the pursuit of the centipedes.

Yet her body continued to move, driven by instinct and survival, pushing forward despite the convulsions and discomfort. Before she could locate an escape or be captured by the relentless horde, the ground vanished beneath her, and she plummeted into a pit once more.

A blaring alarm from [Danger Detection] triggered in her mind, but it was a little too late for the warning.

Contrary to her belief, the crash was unexpectedly soft, as if she had landed on a wonderous cushion that absorbed the force of impact completely. Relief washed over Shai, momentarily easing the gripping dread.

And then the abyss enveloped her completely.

It was anything but wondrous. The air felt stifling and suffocating, devoid of breathable air, making her surroundings the most uncomfortable place she had ever experienced. A cold, burning liquid poured into her body, leaving her no room of escape. It subjected her to a raw, primal power, enticing her to surrender herself to its influence.

Help! Shai cried out desperately, though her plea remained trapped within her mind.

The was no salvation, only an unstoppable force of corruption that sought to invade her very being.

Please, Grandpa! she bellowed, even though it felt foolish to reach out to someone who might not even be able to hear her, or worse, might not exist at all.

In her helplessness, Shai wailed, her struggles gradually subsiding as a hunger for power began to consume her.


Shai's consciousness faded, and she was thrust into a harrowing vision. She found herself in the most repugnant and degrading environment imaginable, surpassing even the blood and gore she had witnessed before. Everywhere she looked, there were disfigured corpses, torn limbs, twisted creatures, and the incessant buzzing of flies.

A nauseating stench saturated the air, assaulting her senses, sufficient to vomit out everything held in her stomach.

Creatures of various shapes and sizes roamed the scene, most of them monstrous and bearing physical deformities. Limbs uneven. Wings misshapen. Their bodies overweight. Yet they seemed entirely indifferent to their defects as they feasted upon the sea of degrading corpses.

An invisible yet tyrannical power beckoned her, enticing her to succumb to the deranged state in which those dark creatures existed.

You cannot resist, a voice whispered into her mind. A deranged voice, high-pitched and old. It is inevitable. I am inevitable. Join the feast. Or be feasted upon.

Helpless, Shai found herself yielding to the inevitability of the feast, surrendering to the madness and degeneracy. Greed and gluttony overflowed within her as she crawled her way towards the dead, succumbing to the corrupted desires that consumed her.

They can't hurt you if you don't let them, another voice echoed in her mind. A familiar voice with familiar words.

It wasn't the voice of the System Grandpa.

They can't compel you to anything, the words brought a semblance of clarity to her mind, and Shai jolted awake from her daze.

Father? Shai called out, her voice echoing into the back of her mind, getting no response.

Shai didn't have the luxury of time to discern whether it was some epiphany or her lunacy, for the degeneracy and corruption still held a firm grasp on her being.

I have to resist. I won't let them in! Shai screamed within her mind, forcefully shutting her eyes and attempting to purge the taint that threatened to consume her.

[You have burned 1 point of Fortune]

Shai was too consumed in her struggle to hear or see the notification.

I won't give up, Father! Her thoughts drifted back to the past of the memories of a tall man, who had guided a young girl through the way, clasping her little fingers. When the girl couldn't walk anymore, he held her up in his embrace and led her to the light. Despite being blind in one eye, he had illuminated her whole world.

That girl was her—powerless, weak, and dependent on others.

As much as she longed to rely on her father once more, he was no longer there. They had taken him away, leaving her shattered and broken.

Her family had been torn apart. She couldn't depend on her elder sister, nor anyone else.

[You have burned 1 point of Fortune.]

[You have...]


Shai clenched her jaw, mustering all her willpower to resist the corrupting taint that threatened to consume her. A radiant golden aura of power enveloped her frail form, shielding and soothing her deranged state, preventing it from collapsing completely. The power felt familiar, yet elusive, beyond her comprehension.

Moments passed, and Shai's consciousness faded away from the repugnant feast. She was still within the confines of the vision, but no longer immersed in its disgust and contamination.

The environment had transformed, becoming a swirling maze of intricate webs. The spiralling webs stretched endlessly, guiding her through twisted tunnels, and leading her to somewhere unknown.

The sheer complexity and colossal structure of the webs overwhelmed her senses. It wasn't simply their immense size and complexity that astounded her. There was an underlying grandeur, a subtle majesty that she was too small to fully grasp.

After what felt like an eternity, Shai finally reached the heart of the spiralling webs. It was a vast chasm, swarming with tangled webs in every direction. Within the heart of this intricate webbing hovered a pulsating cocoon, originating contrasting power.

With each pulsation of the cocoon, Shai's own heart trembled in response. Shai shuddered as she was finally led out of the vision, breaking free from its clutches.

[Congratulations! You have comprehended the concept of Hunger.]
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Note regarding proofreads and Royalroad
First of all the web serial is published in Royalroad. Go check it out if you haven't. Leave a review/rating while you're at it, I'll appreciate it greatly.

Only the Royal Road version of this series will be edited for any typos or other errors found later after upload. While I'll still post the series on this site, it's just too time-consuming to edit it everywhere. Moreover, the SB/SV formatting style is a little weird. Royal Road gives more tools to work with as well.

Advanced apologies if you discover any typos and they never get fixed. Anyway, I proofread every time before uploading, and the quality will stay just the same as you read so far.
Thank you.
Don't forget to check out on Royalroad. New chapter tomorrow.

Here's the link: Tail Devourer: A Nonhuman Lead LitRPG Adventure | Royal Road
Chapter 06: Gains

Shai awoke within thick, musky water that oozed with a corrupted cosmic essence, sending shivers down her spine. The weight of the disgusting fluid drained her strength, she had to summon every ounce of strength and grit to free herself from its confining suffocation.

Shai barely managed to get out of the malevolent vision, narrowly avoiding corruption. She wasn't going to tempt fate any further, staying in the pool.

Gathering her remaining energy, she flicked her tail with all her might, forcing herself to leap away from the viscous fluid and onto the safety of the rim. Just as she was about to let out a sigh of relief, her eyes locked on a colossal creature in front of her. Her comfort was soon replaced by a worrying sense of despair.

[Basilisk - ??? ???]

It rested like a small mountain, coiled beside the corrupting pool of essence. Its skin gleamed with a glossy, matted texture. It had no carapace, but it looked harder than any boulder Shai had ever laid eyes on. The only reason it wasn't in the pool was probably that its body expanded larger than the pool itself, though it wasn't hard to guess the creature was turned.

A red beacon of warning pulsated in her [Danger Detection], surpassing even the threat posed by the humans she had encountered a few days ago. Even though it rested with its eyes closed, the abomination oozed a thick stench of power and corruption, resembling what Shai witnessed in her vision of the plagued land.

Sensing the imminent danger, Shai swiftly surveyed her surroundings--left, right, up, down-- and slithered away without sparing another glance at the colossal Twisted creature.

Thankfully, the basilisk's mere presence deterred other creatures from approaching the pool, no matter how alluring the corrupt essence was to their insatiable greed and evolution, leaving Shai an easier way out without causing a disturbance.

Shai's blood ran colder, discovering dozens of bones and decomposing corpses strewn along the way, but she couldn't stop. To halt her crawl was to tempt fate. She's been through a lot today, she wasn't going to borrow more trouble if she could help it.

For half an hour, Shai crept onward, her sole objective was to distance herself from the contaminated pool and the twisted dwellers around it. Exhausted and ravenous, she finally rested in a narrow crack within the walls, offering a temporary hideout from the surrounding dangers.

Shai let out an exasperated hiss and reflected on the harrowing experience she just endured. While she couldn't comprehend the nature of the threat she encountered--not completely--it was unmistakably a fate worse than death if she were to give in.

There were worse fates than being a little snake, or even dead. Getting corrupted and losing your will and mind to insane hunger and power was at the top of the list.

Overwhelmed by weariness and hunger, Shai retrieved a handful of cosmic coins from her inventory and absorbed their energy without batting an eye. The coins didn't just have cosmic essence stored in them, they replenished a part of her attributes as well.

After replenishing her strength, Shai accessed her system page. Her pupils widened like saucers as she gazed upon the shocking changes.


Rank: FoundationPath: Hatchling Level 8
Spark of Hunger - Early
Fatemarked. Blessed by Kismet (Lesser). Predator.
Cosmic Energy (R): 350 (28.9)
Primary AttributesBase [Limit: 25]Benefits
Physique15.2 (16.5)10
Soul15 (16.2)20
Secondary AttributesBaseBenefits
Free Attribute Points:1
Special Attributes
Insight: 5
Will: 11
Fortune: 8
Poison Affinity - Level 2 | Pain Resistance - Level 5 | Night Vision - Level 2 | Mental Corrosion Resistance - Level 4 | Corruption Resistance - Level 4
Golden Eyes (Latent)
Copper Armament - Level 1
[Skill / Spell / Technique]
Cosmic Energy Manipulation - Level 4 | Energy Dart - level 8 | Poison Dart - level 4 | Meditation - Level 7 | Force Shield - Level 3 | Empower - Level 8 | Identification - Level 3
Danger Detection, Inventory, Lingual Comprehension, Loot.
I'm a cutie Hatchling.
[System Log]

What did she do to be granted such changes in her status? Shai opened [System Log] immediately to see what warranted such an increase in Soul and abilities.

Dozens of system windows flooded her vision instantly.

[You have burned 1 point of Fortune.]
[You have burned 1 point of Fortune.]
[You have...]
[1 Insight Point consumed.]
[1 Insight Point consumed.]

[Congratulations! You have awakened the resistance ability, Mental Corrosion Resistance.]

Only then did Shai realise that she had expended a staggering total of 7 points of insight and 9 points of fortune, somehow. This better be worth it.

[Congratulations! You have awakened the resistance ability, Corruption Resistance.]
[Mental Corrosion Resistance reached Level 2.]
[Your Golden Eyes enforced Mental Corrosion Resistance]
[Golden Eyes triggered Will Manifestation.]
[Will manifestation enforced Mental Corrosion Resistance]
[Mental Corrosion Resistance reached Level 3.]

[Mental Corrosion Resistance reached Level 4.]
[Corruption Resistance reached Level 4.]

[You have resisted the Corruption of Feast.]

Staring in horror at the messages concerning Mental Corrosion Resistance, Shai struggled to comprehend the magnitude of terror she had faced. This was easily something beyond her grasp, yet she accomplished it somehow, burning her fortune.

Shai felt delighted to have the [Fate-marked] mark, which gave her access to the Fortune attribute. Without it, she might not be able to resist the corrupting power.

But that wasn't all to the notifications.

[Congratulations! You have comprehended the Concept of Hunger.]
[Spark of Hunger – Early: +10 Soul, +5 Immunity]

[Congratulations! Your Physique and Soul had reached over 25 points mark. You have awakened Copper Armament.]
[Copper Armament: Level 1

Arms the user or any weapon in their possession with empowering cosmic energy.
Forms a passive defence on the user's body, augmenting toughness, flexibility, and strength. The user can increase the efficiency of the ability, spending more cosmic energy.
P.S: You cannot level-up the ability without reaching Copper rank.

[Congratulations! You have completed the quest: Unveil the Secret of the Land.]
[You're eligible to receive Insight of Concealment.]
[Accept | Decline]

Shai's mouth remained hung open for a few seconds, unable to process everything at once. She allowed herself a moment to let all her accomplishments sink in.

System Grandpa had tasked her with a quest titled "Unveil the Secret of the Land" with minimal information. Shai had initially dismissed it, thinking it was far beyond her capabilities. Yet, by a twist of fate, she stumbled upon the secret almost accidentally, almost getting herself corrupted or dead in the process.

Even with the promised rewards, which might be a godsend in such a treacherous dungeon, Shai couldn't help but question if it had truly been worth it. The chilling experience was still fresh in her mind, sending shivers down her spine at the mere thought of it.

With her mind settled, Shai revisited the notifications, mulling over her newfound gains once more.

Her [Golden Eyes] still displayed as "Latent" on the system page, despite it activating inexplicably and saving her life, somehow. Shai knew there were a few things unusual in her life--yes, other than being a freaking snake--[Golden Eyes] was one of them.

The resistance abilities would be invaluable. It was inevitable that she would encounter those twisted creatures again—whether she liked it or not.

As for the [Copper Armament], it was another useful ability, despite being limited by her current rank. This ability enabled cultivators to arm themselves with anything from their body to weapons in their possession. Shai once saw her sister use paper to hack a thick branch of a tree.

Her attention lingered on the tab of [Spark of Hunger]. Apparently, it was a concept--whatever that meant. It gave valuable attribute boosts, which Shai was fortunate to have. However, she remained uncertain about the true nature of the concept.

Does it make me resist hunger? she pondered aloud. I don't think so. On the contrary, she found herself hungrier than ever.

Cultivators and their secrets!

Aside from feeling rattled and shell-shocked, Shai bore no physical wounds, much to her relief. She was a little loony, to begin with, she was sure a couple of hours of meditation would help settle her mind. Thus, Shai entered a state of meditation, emptying her mind of everything.

Once her mind had found its calm, Shai contemplated over her experience since hatching.

It became evident that the best course of action for her was to get the hell out of the harrowing dungeon. The dangerous creatures and horrors lurked within the dungeon, the spiders were merely the beginning, while the colossal basilisk could potentially be over 100 levels, coupled with the corrupting elements.

Yup, getting the hell out of this treacherous dungeon is the only way to go, Shai resolved firmly.

Unfortunately, there was a simple problem. Ever since encountering the Golden-tailed Eagle, Shai had been fleeing from one location to another, paying little attention to her surroundings. Before she knew it, she had ventured deep into a dungeon that even System Grandpa lacked any information about it.

Needless to say, Shai found herself utterly lost and alone, surrounded by creatures that only wanted to eat her.

No, I cannot give in, Shai clenched her jaw. I am more powerful than ever, which will undoubtedly help. However, I must devise a foolproof plan to safely navigate my way out of this dungeon.

After contemplating for a few minutes, Shai realised that her weakness was her greatest strength in this predicament. Her diminutive form had always been a disadvantage, which appeared far from threatening. Despite her slit eyes, forked tongue, and menacing fangs capable of injecting deadly poison, she paled in comparison to the massive eight-legged abominations or even the Twisted Chilopods.

Honestly, her appearance was more disconcerting to her than to the abominations that roamed this world. To those colossal creatures, she was nothing more than a harmless-looking little snake.

However, there were certain things a small snake could do that those colossal creatures could not. For instance, she could slither into narrow holes and hide, utilising her small form to conceal herself more effectively.

With that in mind, Shai got to work, putting her ideas into a plan.

Shai's Tunnelling System, she called it. Her intention was to dig her way through the dungeon wherever she ventured, constructing an intricate and elaborate network of narrow tunnels. This tunnelling system would provide her with an escape route even if she encountered horrors like the Basilisk.

While the plan seemed grand and sound in her mind, she soon discovered the difficulties a little snake faced in carving through the thick walls of the dungeon. Digging was almost an impossible task for her without the aid of cosmic energy.

Despite the desperate circumstances, Shai refused to give up. One thing about her was that once she set her mind to something, she either break or complete the task.

Two days later, after tirelessly working for hours on end, Shai had completed... a significant part of her plan. She had managed to create enough tunnels to navigate freely within a couple of square miles of the surrounding area.

Now, she decided it was time to meditate, both to satiate her hunger and to delve into the Insight of Concealment.

Shai was running low on sustenance. While she could sustain her daily energy requirements through the Cosmic Coins, they were far from being a substitute for food. Despite being a cosmic creature, she still had physical needs that couldn't be satiated through just cosmic essence.

One thing Shai noticed after acquiring the Spark of Hunger was that her Cosmic Essence, or whatever she consumed, seemed to digest at a much faster rate. However, this didn't mean she could digest Copper rank mushrooms or coins if she ingested them. She left them as her last means. Shai wasn't that desperate yet.

Despite a few of her attributes seeming to surpass the Foundation rank threshold, there were other elements she still lacked. Perhaps a metamorphic evolution.

With her mind eased and entering a state of thoughtlessness, Shai called upon System Grandpa to grant her the Insight of Concealment.

A torrent of deep knowledge struck her mind instantly, causing an indignant hiss to escape her mouth. The influx of insight was far more extensive and enlightening than any she had previously received.

It was the right idea to wait for the optimal condition to cash in her reward. Regardless, comprehending the true enlightenment of the Insight of Concealment would require every bit of her cognitive capability.
Chapter 07: Hunger

Shai failed to get anything out of the enlightening insights. Guess, she wasn't the genius she thought herself to be.

Regardless, the Insight of Concealment wasn't anything simple like Energy Darts or other simple cosmic skills she learned. She mulled over the knowledge for hours, sadly, she only had mind irritation and headache to show for it. So to blow off some steam, she went out on a hunt.

Of course, that wasn't just her purpose. She was running low on both cosmic coins as well as sustenance. She couldn't carry on longer without them. Besides, with her escape route fixed, Shai didn't need to act passively anymore.

For the first time, she actively partook in the hunt, initiating the ambush first. And what better opponent was she there than those hateful eight-legged weavers?

Shai's snake body twisted and turned, agilely evading the spider's attacks and skillfully manoeuvring around its legs. She didn't forget to unleash [Energy Darts] on her opponent, wearing it down.

Shai had already injured two of the spider's legs, weakening it to some extent. Despite her efforts, she didn't land any critical blows yet. Not that she couldn't, she was simply getting used to battling as a snake. So far in most of her challenging battles, she came through using her wit, however, it wouldn't be possible to outwit all creatures she faced. That was why she was putting in all the effort.

The spider was alone and wasn't particularly strong compared to the other one she had encountered. She had been engaged in combat for fifteen minutes, constantly evading its attacks or blocking it with [Force Shield]. She sustained minimal damage with her defensive skills and quick thinking. She even managed to figure out the coordination of the spider's attacks.

Without the enhanced abilities provided by [Coper Armament] and [Empower], it would have been impossible for her to keep up with the spider's speed, endurance, and strength. Even with all the bonuses, the spider's physical attributes surpassed her own.

However, cosmic beasts or insectoids generally lacked mental capabilities, and this spider was no exception. Its intelligence was severely lacking, even when compared to the dumb snake she had killed before. Even though it was pretty clear it wasn't going through Shai in this conflict, it didn't back down.

One of the spider's legs struck the rocky ground behind her, and another leg emerged from behind, catching Shai off guard. She tried to dodge, but could only deflect the blow, and ended up being tossed into the air. Shai cursed under her breath and poured more energy into [Copper Armament], reinforcing her defence.

Throughout the battle, Shai had conserved her use of Cosmic Energy, employing it only when absolutely necessary to evade fatal strikes. In contrast, her opponent seemed to recklessly exhaust its innate skills, acting as if it still had an unlimited reserve.

That clearly wasn't the truth, and the spider would pay for it soon enough.

The spider made another attempt to capture Shai by shooting its sticky webs, but she managed to avoid it, retaliating with another [Force Shield]. Unwittingly, Shai opened her mouth wide and hissed at the spider ferociously as if baiting the eight-legged adversary.

The spider gave in to taunt and shot another round of webs at her. Shai had enough time and room to dodge, yet something clicked into her mind as she stuck to her spot, eyeing the incoming sticky webs. She opened her mouth wider than it was supposed to be possible.

A sudden suction force emanated from her mouth, pulling the cobweb towards it. She engulfed the cobweb in a single gulp, as realisation dawned on her.

What the hell was that? Shai didn't have time to ponder, feeling a strange sense of disgust in herself for not feeling disgusted at eating the cobweb. Had she lost her mind already?

Her stomach bloated, undulating uncomfortably as the eaten cobweb compressed inside her in mere seconds.

[Congrautlions! You have awakened the Hunger Concept ability: Essence Eater]

Despite the congratulatory words from System Grandpa, Shai felt a deep sense of nausea.

The Spark of Hunger was one of the most extreme powers, considering how she got the power, it made sense. But that didn't mean she liked it. She could faintly feel that Hunger had the power to place one at the top of the food chain or reduce her to a mindless hungry beast.

It was a double-edged sword, Shai thought, recalling. Power often, her father had described to her once, lacks ingenuity and overflows with insatiable greed. It's a sword that cuts both ends.

If given a choice, Shai would have never chosen such an incredulous power, but circumstances had left her with no other option. Oddly enough, she could sense that her energy reserve was recovering since she had eaten the sticky web. Disgusting it might seem, but it was damn useful too.

she realised the webs were composed of mostly cosmic energy, proteins and acids. Digesting it wouldn't pose any issues, although she couldn't say she enjoyed the experience.

With a swift lurch of her body, Shai coiled her tail and charged at the spider once again, shooting for its glowing red eyes. She nearly toppled the massive arachnid, biting its eyes out, but it managed to regain balance using its remaining legs. It had too many legs even after she damaged two of them.

In a world where some beings were born without limbs (Shai herself), here was this vile creature flaunting all eight of them. Hissing in frustration at the injustice, Shai retaliated, shoving a [Force Shield] into its remaining legs, off-balancing the creature.

I can't believe I'm jealous of a freaking spider.

The spider emitted a high-pitched squeak, a couple of its eyes rendered blind.

Why in the name of the Protectors, are you screaming? Shai hissed. You have half a dozen spare of them.

Getting the chance, Shai didn't wait ceremoniously. She leapt onto its head and bit off another of its eyes. She unleashed a barrage of [Energy Darts] into its head, they dug in, enough to make them count.

Eventually, Shai managed to pierce through the spider's head. The spider thrashed about in a frenzy, crashing into the sidewall and toppling over, yet it continued to struggle, flailing its legs in all directions. It struggled for a while, but exhausted and wounded, it couldn't fight its fate anymore.

[You have killed an Empathic Weaver (Foundation) Level 23.]
[Congratulations! Cosmic Energy Manipulation has reached level 5.]
[Congratulations! Energy Dart has reached level 9.]
[Congratulations! Force Shield has reached level 5.]
[Congratulations! Empower has reached level 14.]

Shai hissed in relief and accessed the ability description of [Essence Eater].

[Essence Eater:

Rank: Spark (1.3%)

Essence Eater comes straight from the Spark of Hunger. This ability will let the user directly devour foreign cosmic energy or convoluted cosmic products, by creating a suction force. It can also replenish the user's energy pool, providing instances of devoured cosmic energy.
P.S: The usage of the ability is limited by the rank.]

Hmm, it seems like Concept Abilities have a different ranking system. Shai didn't thought too much of it and looted the corpse.

[Nascent Mutated Core has been added to your inventory]
[16 Green, 36 Red, and 4 Silver lesser Cosmic Coins have been added to your inventory]
[Empathic Weaver Silk has been added to your inventory]

Finally, she got her hand on those silver cosmic coins that would help cultivate her mind, except that she didn't have hands. The name "Empathic" seemed to imply a connection with emotions, but thus far, these spiders had displayed no other emotion apart from their insatiable hunger.

Shai had no inkling about the nature of this Empathic Spider. Perhaps if she stayed inside the dungeon for longer or went deeper, she would find out more. However, Shai had no intention of venturing deeper into the dungeon. Without Shai's Tunnelling System (yes, she's still calling it that, don't judge), it was already suicidal to stay in the dungeon.

Just as Shai was gathering herself, she sensed some disturbance from behind. Checking on her Danger Detection map, she discovered a deep orange rank, faintly weaker than the prey she slew just now. She decided to retreat this time around, as she was still a little nauseatic from eating those disgusting slimy webs.

Shai navigated through the familiar tunnels she dug through to escape from the approaching creature. She was supposed to start cultivating, but with the unpleasant taste in her stomach, she couldn't even begin.

Before she knew it, her slender serpent body convulsed as her stomach churned, undulating uncomfortably. Shai reeled and drew out from the hole, unable to hold back the sudden urge to vomit.

Reversing the effect of [Essence Eater], Shai expulsed horrid white slimy goo out of her mouth. She coughed and retched for several seconds, expelling the remnants of the cobweb she had consumed. It appeared that the ability to [Essence Eater] was still limited.

Well, what could she expect with her current fledgling body? While her snake form offered greater resistance compared to a mortal human or most beasts and monsters, it had its limits.

Shai recalled the time when she had consumed a cosmic fruit left for her sister. That fruit had nearly claimed her life back then. Only through receiving help from a master cultivator, had she managed to survive. It felt like a distant memory now, back when she was a mere twelve years old kid.

She encountered near-death situations once or twice after that, and ultimately met her demise at the hands of that hateful snake. The experience of dying made her even more frightened of death, but it had taken away the fear of anything else.

Shai was braver than she ever was.

She would have never imagined herself facing something like the Golden-tailed Eagle or the colossus spiders without fear.

It was unclear whether it was due to her death or simply because of her growing power, but Shai was changing, in more ways than she would like or have control over. It wasn't simply because she had no other option than to hunt and gather resources, there was a cold satisfaction. It wasn't simply hunger for food, the more she grew the more prone to the thrill she was becoming.

The thrill of the battle excited her to an inconceivable extent. And it only grew with every successful hunt.

In the back of her mind, she wasn't ready to leave this dungeon, even though a wrong step could cause her death.

An insane part of her craved for this thrill, like a moth to the flame—to hunt prey stronger and bigger than herself, to feed on their fear, and revel in the exhilaration of the hunt. Shai was well aware that most of these desires stemmed from her snake form.

Snakes were inherently predatory creatures. They are reptiles, even the smallest and weakest among them knew how to stalk their prey, patiently waiting for the opportune moment to strike. Shai had become one of those creatures now.

She was genuinely beginning to relish the sensation of hunting, not just to satiate her insatiable hunger, but for the sheer thrill and excitement it brought her. She knew it was concerning and mostly kept it inside of her with her lunacy, but it was getting out of her control with the thrill of every fight.

Maybe this is some side-effect of corruption, Shai thought and shook her head, reeling back from the disgusting vomit. Or it is the Concept of Hunger.

Or was she in a state of denial? Shai wasn't sure, but one thing she was certain of. She would feel better after a meditation session.

She imagined the energy flowing inside her body, like water streaming down from a waterfall. It calmed her a lot, but she wasn't at peace. The warm power swirled inside him, giving her a drunken, woozy feeling.

She had two choices ahead of her. Let be consumed by Hunger and let it dictate her life, or become the master of that power. Needless to say, the latter was way harder, but Shai didn't think twice to choose this path.

Nobody... can compel you to anything unless you let them.

As long as she was diligent and true to himself, nothing could compel her to do anything
Chapter 08: A Talk

Shai sang wistfully in her mind as she battled the damned spiders. For all her attempts to keep her mood bright, she was starving. Her hunger made it too hard to keep her bloodlust from bursting out.

Shai looted her fifth prey as a disgruntled hiss escaped her mouth.

[12 Red and 2 Green Lesser Cosmic Coins have been added to your Inventory.]
[Weaver Silk has been added to your Inventory.]

Still no food, Shai thought. Perhaps getting out of the dungeon was the only way. Of course, she could eat these disgusting creatures without Looting their corpse, but since they were afflicted with corruption, she wasn't certain how viable that option was. Cleary [Loot] wasn't enough to purify corruption.

Shai didn't have that faith in her digesting power, even if she had Corruption Resistance. Hmm, will I be able to grow my Corruption resistance if I intake a small portion of that tainted meal?

Come on, Grandpa,
Shai whined. After all the horrors I faced, I deserved an answer.

Only a whisper of indignant screech answered her.

No, Grandpa-- Shai started moving without looking where the screech came from. It wasn't her Grandpa.

A humongous spider, easily three metres tall, dropped out of nowhere, completely bypassing her Danger Detection. It attacked her with its sharp appendages, unannounced. Shai's mind reeled back as she slithered away, evading the attacks. She channelled [Copper Armament], [Empower], and even formed a barrier of [Force Shield] behind her as she shot towards the nearest entry to Shai's Tunnelling System.

[Spider - Corrupt Weaver Level ??]

The huge spider's presence was ominous, alright, but something about it felt familiar. It was too similar to the one she fled from and dropped into the corrupt pool. Even with her improved stats and abilities, Shai barely felt like she had narrowed the gap between them.

But all that didn't matter for now. Although she could have a little contest with it first before fleeing into her tunnels, she didn't engage in any form of combat other than what was necessary for her escape. She was, after all, famished, prone to bloodlust and the thrill of a challenge at this moment, what if she couldn't keep it under the leash?

Better to bugger off into her hole, than to test her fate.

See you around, Ugly, Shai taunted as her head slipped into the hold that was almost as big as a human head. It grew narrower the more she moved inside. Yeah, dumb ugly spider. Come get me, but beware this one bites.

Well, even if the spider managed to dig through the rugged stone somehow--which was an arduous task, considering Shai's Tunnelling System was pretty complex--all she had to do was move out of the other side which would take her a few minutes, while for the spider, it would be hours.

Shai went a dozen metres inside until she reached a broader space where she could finally rest safely. Spouting nonsense at the spider, she let it do whatever it pleased.

If it really wasted its energy to dig through, perhaps Shai could help its way to eternal rest, but she didn't think she was that lucky.

The monstrous spider tried to dig through the rugged stony earth to reach Shai. It clearly showed no sign of stopping as Shai calmed down in adopting a meditative state.

On second thought, perhaps she could deal with this creature.

Shai fired a couple of darts, each laced with a potent poison that sent a clear message to the creature: any further attempts would come at a cost. The attack seemed to only infuriate the weaver more as it pressed on with newfound power.

Time dragged on, but the spider persisted even under the barrage of Shai's [Poison Dart]. It managed to make some headway, but its movements were growing sluggish as well. Possibly, the poison taking effect, or it was simply exhausted. Whatever it was, Shai was looking forward to beating another higher-ranked creature.

This one was possibly even higher than the python. Not only had it grasped some nuanced cosmic energy manipulation, but its form was as hard as a boulder. Only the basilisk she met near the Tainted pool was stronger than this creature in sheer physical force.

However, even with all that power, it wasn't putting them to good use. The creature lacked a fully functioning brain for that. Alas! The corruption only made it more savage than anything else. If it really persisted for some more time, I may really stand a chance.

However, her moment of triumph quickly turned into a chilling realisation. A sudden and piercing squeak reverberated in her mind, sending shivers down her spine. The spider stopped thumping its leg into the hole, but now it was directly thumping into her mind.

Mental Attack?! Shai cursed, the Mental Corrosion Resistance barely leaving her with a functioning mind at the moment.

Summoning all her mental fortitude, Shai swiftly erected an imaginary wall, hoping to fend off the impending assault on her sanity. The shrill assault on her mind intensified, causing visible cracks to form in Shai's imaginary mental wall.

Despite her efforts, she knew that without proper training, her mental defence was subpar at best, insufficient against this threat.

Shai summoned every ounce of willpower she possessed, fortifying her defence. However, it was a futile struggle against the relentless onslaught of the spider's mental attack.

How the hell did such a dull creature have such mental power? Shai didn't know. She only knew she had to flee right at this moment, or her mind would break. Shai's grip on her sanity grew weaker by the second, and she knew she couldn't endure much longer.

Anger surged within her, mingling with frustration and fear. Shai whizzed a primal scream, her voice echoing through the depths of her mind.

Get the fuck out of my head, you eight-legged pest!

Shai started to slither away, enough though the pain was wrecking her brain, making her body dysfunctional. Her crawl was like that of a snail, each muscle twitched under the torment her nerves going through.

[Congratulations! Mental Corrosion Resistance has reached level 5.]

Shai noticed a significant drop in the intensity of the mental attack after her outburst. Strengthening her mental fortitude with whatever she left, Shai racked her brain, shouting repeated words as if under some strange spell.

My mind is my own! Get the fuck out! Get the hell out! My mind is my own! ... It is nothing compared to the torment of Corruption... you cannot break me!

Once again, the mental shrill struck her mind, but this time it felt like a gentle knock, more like a polite request than an aggressive assault, as if asking her to open the door to her mind.

What?! Confusion gripped Shai as the knock persisted, raising suspicions in her mind. Shai clearly wasn't buying into this convoluted way to get into her head. Yet in the back of her mind, this knock felt familiar.

Shai possessed limited experience in cultivators' affairs, but she couldn't shake the feeling that this was an attempt to establish a telepathic link. Her elder sister's attempt to create a telepathic link gave a similar sensation, albeit a lot softer and more delicate. Undeniably, it felt like an attempt at a telepathic link.

Then her suspicions were cleared with a notification from System Grandpa.

[Serenity wants to form a temporary telepathic link with you.]

[Accept | Decline]

Shai halted in the tunnel, even though the mental pressure was retracted, leaving her open to flee. Even though she suspected it, it was a peculiar notion. A spider monster wanted to form a telepathic link? Could it even speak?

Well, only one way to find out. Shai accepted the telepathic link while ensuring her protective mental barrier remained intact.

"What... are... you?" a high-pitched voice resounded within Shai's mind instantly, leaving her baffled. On the other side of her mental wall, a shadowy figure of a spider materialised, its form too blurred to discern any details, but it clearly wasn't the one that assaulted her earlier.

[Serenity - Empathic Spider - ??? ??]

This one felt stronger and more skilled, even though it was shorter. Clearly, it wasn't like the mindless spider that only wanted to eat her. Wait, it has a name? Serenity?

"Can you comprehend my words?"
it transferred again, each word jotting out a perfect syllable, though it was a language she never learned. The spider's tone didn't seem menacing. It piqued her curiosity.

"I can comprehend your words," Shai responded through the telepathic link, created by the Empathic Spider.

"Answer my question," the voice transmitted again, its coherence improving. "What are you?"

Shai answered, before thinking through. "I am Shai, a perfectly sophisticated and intelligent being who is thoroughly displeased with your manners." Shai's confidence radiated from her response, accompanied by a hint of cockiness. "Also, isn't it me who should be asking that question? What are you?"

"I am a Guardian of the Gate,"
the spider replied.

"A watchman, huh?" Shai mused. "Well, what exactly are you guarding?"

The spider ignored her question, focusing instead on its own inquiry. "What are your intentions for coming here?"

Shai's retorted defiantly. "I won't answer unless you address my question first."

"What are your intentions for coming here?"
The empathic spider repeated its question, and this time, there was a distinct edge to its voice, indicating that it might not remain polite if Shai didn't give an answer.

Sighing, Shai composed her thoughts. This was the first real conversation she was having after her death, and though her conversational partner was strange and demanding, she decided to answer. She could be forgiving at times, considering her life was on the line.

"No reason in particular," she replied calmly. "A bird chased after me, and I ended up in this place."

"You're not here to trespass the Gate?"
the Guardian of the Gate inquired further.

Curiosity piqued, Shai wanted to know more about this gate. "What's inside the gate?"

Serenity ignored her question and continued on with its interrogation. "Why have you infuriated my clansmen?"

Shai snorted in exasperation. She channelled those pompous young masters and ladies at the academy and said: "Are you kidding me? They are the ones who want to eat me alive! They chased after me, seeking to claim this young lady's life for no grievances at all. All I did was defend myself from getting devoured. This little lady has been merciful so far."

The Empthatic Spider was silent for a while. "You misunderstood," it, he, she, they--whatever her pronouns might be--said. "Something's wrong with you. I can feel it from dozens of metres away. You're a danger to yourself and my clan. It would be better if you leave this cavern as soon as possible."

Shai snorted, clearly not buying the spider's word. "There's nothing wrong with me, it's the other way around. Can you tell me what's going on with your spider kind? Not just spiders, but everything I've encountered so far—none of them seemed to be the friendly type. Why were they so eager to devour me, as if they hadn't eaten in months?"

Shai clearly knew the answer. Corruption. She simply wanted to see if she could fish out more information.

For several moments, silence hung in the air, as the Guardian hesitated to share the truth. "You must understand one thing about us, the Empathic Spider clan," it transmitted. "As much as we sustain ourselves on air, water, and food, cosmic essence, emotions are like delicacies to us. Where your appearance is like a beacon of those delicacies. Too much raw emotions, grieving, anger, hunger. Even I, who awakened the Spark of Empathy and could control it adequately, feel the urge to capture you, and keep you to myself."

Shai felt a chill running down her spine as the true nature of the empathic spiders became clearer to her. So, they were capable of sensing emotions, and feeding on them, but not everything added up. She had been keeping her emotions tightly concealed. Hadn't she?

The spider continued, delving deeper into its assessment. "There's a dangerous, intoxicating vibe in your emotions," it explained. "Too much negativity, frustration, anger, rage, helplessness, and a deep sense of hunger. Almost as if..."

The spider's telepathic transmission was accompanied by the unsettling sound of swallowing, deliberately or unintentionally, causing Shai to shudder involuntarily.

"You're carrying deep wounds that you haven't made peace with," the spider continued. "And there's something else that intensifies my struggle to control myself. Could it be that chaotic Hunger I've been sensing since our conversation began? Perhaps you can come out and let me examine you properly."

Shai started to crawl again, ever so slowly, building the power to crawl as swiftly as she could at any moment.

"Shai, was it?" the spider addressed her in a tone that carried unsettling intelligence. "You may consider yourself a perfectly sophisticated and intelligent being, but there's more to you than that. How about—"

The spider abruptly fell silent. Shai's mind grew colder, wondering if the spider had detected her escape attempt. Uncertain of its intentions, she increased her pace.

"It appears that you're not the only one trespassing into our clan," the spider transmitted, its voice growing softer. Shai sensed its presence fading away. "While I would have preferred to capture you for certain reasons, my rational mind warns against such a decision, particularly when it concerns the males of my clan. Your emotions affected me profusely, indicating the need for further training to resist irrational impulses. . .

"But above all, I am bound by orders I must obey. Consider this an opportunity to leave, if you can."

"I would be delighted too,"
Shai said as the link broke. "You wouldn't happen to have a map of this region, would you?"

But the link was already severed by that point, and the Spider was gone.
Interlude - I: Isla

Isla stretched her limbs as she came out of her meditative state. Zael returned after scouting and sat opposite her, leaning against the rocky wall, his gaze fixed upon Isla. The log fire provided enough light for him to see her, but he kept on staring at her. Probably to find out if her state got better or not.

This was a problem with an elf companion. Elves, especially the healer ones, possessed an uncanny ability to detect even the slightest signs of illness or distress, simply noticing subtle changes in breathing patterns or the change in skin colour. They made it too hard to feign anything false about health.

"How are you feeling?" Zael asked, as if he couldn't tell.

"Better," Isla replied.

Zael was a tall fellow with a fairly muscular build, a rather imposing look for a healer, though healing wasn't the only art he was good at. Beyond his mastery over cosmic art, his striking golden hair, elegantly extended ears, chiselled jawline and piercing blue eyes were capable of leaving most girls blushing to their ears. Bits of a beard grew on his chin like fuzz, which needed immediate shaving. Sadly, he hadn't got that time in the last couple of weeks. Coupled with that, his face was a little pale and reddish with exhaustion.

The crackling log fire provided a shred of warmth to their weary spirits within the cold and desolate dungeon. The air was stagnant, and even the natural energy currents seemed disrupted since their arrival. Even the system couldn't provide any information regarding that.

A few days ago, both of them had been afflicted with poison, dining in an inn. Their pursuers had ticked the innkeeper into serving the toxic substance in their meal. Fortunately, Zael's extensive knowledge of healing arts enabled him to quickly identify the poison and cleanse himself of its effects.

However, the situation was far direr for Isla. She didn't have the strong vitality or immunity the same as an elf, and after the toxin took root in her system, it was too hard for Zael to provide immediate healing.

All these dark signs were enough to stop them from this assignment on any other day. Unfortunately, they were not here for some amusement or adventure. They were people in dire need.

Their situation had improved significantly since they escaped the pursuit of the men. Zael was able to apply his expertise to Isla, finally improving her condition.

Although the poison still coursed through Isla's veins, it was an improvement from when the toxin rendered her in worse shape than any mortal girl. She owed it all to Zael. Without Zael's aid, an ordinary healer wouldn't have been able to save her.

The poison, supposedly derived from a Silver-ranked Phantom Toad, possessed the uncanny ability to restrict all spiritual and cosmic abilities and rendered the physical body paralysed. If Zael had been affected, their chances of survival would have been nigh impossible.

Isla felt a mix of gratitude and guilt for all the troubles she had brought upon her companion. However, it wasn't time for wallowing in guilt. She had a task to complete.

Isla sighed unconsciously and stopped those thoughts from affecting her. Shaking her head, she shifted her gaze to Zael.

"Did you discover anything noteworthy during your scouting?" Isla asked.

Zael shook her head. "Nothing specific," he replied. "However, I did encounter spiders. There's something seriously wrong with them."

"What exactly?" Isla probed further.

"I cannot say for certain. They exhibited murderous frenzy and madness, unlike anything I've encountered before. Even the other creatures I came across displayed similar behaviour. Whatever the cause, it seems to stem from the core of this dungeon."

Isla nodded as she got lost in her thoughts. Investigating and identifying the source of the disturbance was probably a part of her mission. The Hanbad Rainforest sprawled across tens of thousands of square miles, and it had taken them over a month of arduous journeying to reach their current location. The perils they encountered along the way were not to be dismissed lightly. If they were to return empty-handed, or worse, fall into the clutches of their pursuer... Isla sighed in apprehension.

She couldn't see herself going back empty-handed, or without anything solid.

Zael literally had to fight his family just to come with her on this foolish mission. She was grateful to her for that. While many elves had left their paradise due to various problems, they still clung to their conservative customs. They didn't mingle with humans, nor were they a fan of human customs.

Unfortunately, Zael hailed from one of the ancient elf lineages that stubbornly clung to these outdated ways. His clan would shun him for this. For her.

"What do you plan to do about Javi?" Zael asked after hesitating for a moment.

"What about him?" Isla replied, her tone devoid of any emotion.

"Javi," Zael reminded her, "is likely in a worse condition than us."


"He needs our help" Zael gave her that look that told her she could be better than this. Isla hated that look.

"I didn't drag him here. He came of his own accord, to ruin my chance of success."

"You don't know that," Zael sighed. "Come on, Isla. He's your brother."

"No," Isla responded without hesitation. "He's not."

Zael gave her that look again.

Isla grunted and rose to her feet. "I don't have the time or luxury to help him at the moment, even if he's alive," she said, pacing within the limited space. "However, I feel like our paths will intertwine if he's truly alive. After I'm done with this place, we can save him. We'll drag his sorry ass back home, and then he'll leave me at peace to deal with my own affairs."

A smug grin tugged at the corners of Zael's lips.

"Wipe that smile off your face, Zael. It doesn't suit you," Isla lied, averting her gaze.

Another inconvenience of having this elf companion by her side.