Vote tally - =\\TACTICAL WAIFUS QUEST//=

Adhoc vote count started by theJMPer on Sep 10, 2018 at 2:15 AM, finished with 30 posts and 13 votes.

Tally configuration

Simple majority
Post #5532
Post #5561


  • [X] "Marie, I can tell you're not really comfortable. You don't have to constrict yourself like that. Get comfortable. I won't... I won't avoid staring if that makes you feel ashamed of how you look."
    -[X] No jokes about 'set them free'. Straight talk about her being comfortable and yes, us even liking how she looks. We err too much on not looking at her, so much she feels bad about it.
    [X] Ask if she's comfortable. If there's anything that could make her feel more relaxed, she can and should let you know.
    [X] You've passed any point of plausible deniability. Pull her up and give her a big hug.
    -[X] If you squeeze right that sports bra will cone off. She needs to be more comfertable, and it'll immunize you eventually.
    [X] You've passed any point of plausible deniability. Pull her up and give her a big hug.
    -[X] If you squeeze right that sports bra will cone off. She needs to be more comfortable, and it'll immunize you eventually.
    [X] Ask if she's comfortable. If there's anything that could make her feel more relaxed, she can and should let you know.
    -[X] Besides, we've ah, stared enough to know that bra can't be pleasant.
    -[X] No jokes about 'set them free'. Straight talk about her being comfortable and yes, us even liking how she looks. We err too much on not looking at her, so much she feels bad about it.