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Part 1: Anime was a mistake

Your name is Major James Ryan, United...
Story Post 1: Anime was a mistake.
Part 1: Anime was a mistake

Your name is Major James Ryan, United States Army. You were an airborne Ranger up until a few months ago, when you broke your back fighting against SCIMITAR, a rouge nation set on total world domination. Their megalomania would be ridiculous if it wasn't so terribly real. They've carved themselves an empire out of the middle east and former Soviet states, and their fanaticism and unstable science shows no signs of slowing down.

But that war's over for you. You taught yourself how to walk again—barely, you still need a cane as often as not—, but you'll never jump again. Instead, you've been sidelined as an aide to the head of SOCOM, General Mike Thomas. With your first-hand experience in special operations, you've served him well.

And now you're watching him stare in downright wordless disbelief. The General cradled the point of his strong chin between his fingers and opened his mouth to speak, but no words came out. After almost a minute, he slowly closed his mouth again, like a fish gulping down water.He didn't know what to think of the soldiers he'd just inspected. None of you did.

On one hand, they'd performed feats of endurance and strength that only the borderline superhuman operators of Delta Force and the SEAL teams could match. A dozen-mile run—not a leisurely jog, a dead run—followed by breaching drills left little more than a hint of fatigue on their smiling faces.

As if that wasn't enough, one of the soldiers had suffered a compound fracture of the tibia just weeks before, but it hadn't seemed to affect a thing. Even the ex-Delta who trained them spoke nothing but praise of their performance.

But… on the other hand…

"Why," Major General Granger, a former Force Recon marine with a face that made a snow shovel look dignified was the first to find his voice. Ropes of muscle in a neck thicker than some tree trunks tensed and un-tensed as the devil dog's mind spun like an drunken gyroscope. "Are they girls?"

The question was on everyone's mind. The soldiers standing happily in the mud before you were all clearly female. Some hid it better than most, although their armor bulged over their chests in a most womanly way, but their long braids and smiling, girlish faces didn't leave a shadow of doubt.

Slowly, the two Generals—plus Taciturn former SEAL Admiral Boswell, who hadn't said two words in the past six hours—turned to face the lone civilian. The skinny scientist in an even skinnier tie looked at the glaring Brass Stare and gulped. "I… I don't understand the question," he mumbled."

"Why," Granger hissed though gritted teeth, "Are. They Girls."

"Uh—" the scientist glanced at you, sweat forming on his brow. You just shook your head and smirked. You knew better than to get between an angry Marine and the object of his wrath. "Uh… c-chromosomes?"

Granger blinked. "Chromosomes?"

"Y-yes," the scientist nodded, "Chromosomes. The gene therapy it, uh, it only works of it can bind to a Y-chromosome."

Granger blinked again. "Men have a Y-chromosome."

The bead of sweat on the scientist's pale face grew into a brilliant sheen. "R-right. I, uh, misspoke. It needs a—" he trailed off and glanced at you. "What's the one girls have?"

"X," you say, curious to see how this will go.

"Yes," he nods, "It needs an X."

"Men have an X too," said Granger. The man might be a Marine, but he knows his biology, you'll give him that. "Did you even try this on males?"

The scientist blinked. "M-maybe?"

"Unbelievable," General Thomas sighed, "Twelve billion dollars and this is what we get."

"Doctor," Admiral Boswell broke his silence for the first time. The old SEAL might've been getting a little thick with age, but his black uniform still pulled over tough muscle and tougher grit. "May I see your computer?"


"No reason," said Boswell with the kind of quiet malevolence special operators of that level seemed to exude when they were plotting something.

The scientist suddenly pulled the laptop close to his borderline-concave chest. "No," he said quietly. "No you may not."

"Doctor," Boswell didn't move a muscle. He just loomed over the doctor, like he'd convinced the universe to bend around him until his mighty bulk stood mere inches from the scrawny scientist. Must be a SEAl thing. "Please."

The scientist gulped, and carefully handed his laptop open. Boswell flipped open the lid with quiet grace and scowled at the choice of wallpaper. Two lovingly drawn girls with anatomically implausible chests and what seemed to be WWII airplanes mounted on their bare legs winked cutely at the camera while their shirts utterly failed to hide their exposed underwear.

"Why," General Granger was quite literally shaking with rage. He had to spit each word out one at a time to slip them past his fury, "Are. They. Not. Wearing. Pants."

The scientist cowered down, "Uh… m… magic?"

"I don't care," snapped Thomas. "Doctor, are you telling me you spent twelve billiondollars on… on…"

"Waifus," said Boswell without missing a beat.

The two Generals wordlessly pivoted to stare at the lone sailor.

"I was stationed in Yokosuka," said Boswell without a hint of shame. "Japan is weird."

Thomas shook his head, then returned to the tirade he was building up to. "Waifus. We're in the middle of a war with a rouge nation, and you give us…" He stopped and composed himself. "I've read your report, for all their abilities, you've somehow managed to combine the worst teenagers of both genders have to offer. Twelve Billion! Unbelievable!"

"We're gonna have to use them," rumbled Boswell.

"What?" Thomas and Granger snapped at him in harmony.

"What's the public going to think when they learn we spent twelve billion on tactical waifus, then didn't even deploy them."

"The public?" Thomas glowers at the navy man, "What's the public going to think if they learn we're sending girls into battle?"

The three men stared at each other until Thomas' bluster fades. The girls might be young and girls, with all the inevitable problems both situations bring, but Delta, freakingDELTAvouches for their combat skills.

"Not it," said Boswell.

"What?" Thomas glares at him, "You can't… that's not how this works!"

Boswell just smiles.

"Can't put them with my marines either," said Granger. "Girls and devil dogs just don't go together. They'll cause hell inside of a day."

"The girls or the marines?" asked the Admiral with a sly grin.


"Well I'm not taking them," snapped Thomas. "This is a disaster waiting to happen."

For a moment, the three officers glare at each other. Then, with ominous precision, all eyes fall on you. Boswell's as inscrutable as ever, but Thomas has a glint in his eye that you really really don't like.

"Say," There's suddenly a honeyed edge to Thomas's voice. "Major, you're special operations qualified, right?"

You blink, and unconsciously clutch at the fabric of your uniform pants."Y-yes, sir," you stammer. You know where this is going, and you don't like it.

"How'd you like to command a unit of…" Thomas glances at Boswell, "What did you call them?"

"Tactical Waifus," says the taciturn Admiral.

"Yes, that," said Thomas. "You'll have a shoestring budget of course, and you'll have to keep your… girls out of the public eye."

"And keep them from doing stupid shit," adds Granger. After a moment he adds, "I have three daughters." Then he almost shivers.

"And before you respond," said Thomas, "You're the lowest ranking officer here."

"Which means you can't delegate it to someone else," adds Boswell.

You stare at the two officers and sigh, "Do I have a choice, sirs?"

"No," said Thomas.

"Nope," said Granger.

"Not really, no," said Boswell.

You sigh.

Your name is Major James Ryan, United States Army. And—because God both exists, has a horribly twisted sense of humor, and clearly hates your guts with a non-generic anger—you're now in command of a group of special-operations qualified, borderline-superhuman, hormonal teenage girls. Because apparently that's a thing now and it's all Japan's fault.

- - - - - - -
What do you do? Options include...
> Bite the bullet, go meet your girls. (if so, how do you approach them?)
> Avoid the bullet. Go find a bar. Get drunk. Like... really drunk. Like "Two plus two equals sandwich" drunk.
> Other.

GM's note said:
In the interests of writing something that suits my tempo better, this quest will not be updating very often. The meat of the quest will be planning operations for your girls, which I'll then write up as one cohesive unit. Think of it as less of a quest and more of a reader-directed story, if that makes sense.

Also, yes. This is a stupid, stupid setting. It wouldn't leave me alone, and now all of you have to suffer too.
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META POST: rules and stuff
This is a very rules-lite quest. Tactical Waifus (or "tacfus" )will have an ability score that I'll roll behind the scenes when writing up events. The girls can level their stats by performing activities on base, but if you make them work too hard they'll loose morale and get a debuff.
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META POST: characters and stuff

Fireteam 1
Riley Sharpe: team leader/fireteam leader

Skills (Tactical)
-Shooting 3d6, stealth 1d6, explosives 1d6
Skills (Waifu)
-Cute 2d6, sexy 1d6

-Favored Weapon: Battle Rifle (+1d6 Shooting)
-Cammo Netting (+1d6 Stealth when not moving)

-First Girl: Causes bonus SAN damage to Maj. Ryan.
Hannah Dean: machine gunner

Skills (tactical)
-Shooting 3d6, stealth 1d6, explosives 1d6
Skills (waifu)
-Cute 2d6, sexy 3d6

-Favored Weapon: LMG (+1d6 Shooting)
-Cammo Netting (+1d6 Stealth when not moving)

-Steady Hand: +2d6 Cute when not engaged in communication with the Major
Marie Knight: Assistant gunner

Skills (tactical)
-Shooting 3d6, stealth 1d6, explosives 1d6
Skills (waifu)
-Cute 1d6, sexy 4d6

-Favored Weapon: Battle Rifle (+1d6 Shooting)
-Cammo Netting (+1d6 Stealth when not moving)
-Strong Back: Does not suffer Encumbrance penalties

-Too Tight: Gains +1d6 Sexy when wearing a top.
Zoe Hill: Grenadier

Skills (tactical)
-Shooting 3d6, stealth 1d6, Explosives 2d6
Skills (waifu)
-Cute 1d6, sexy 1d6

-Favored Weapon: Grenade Launcher (+1d6 Shooting)
-Cammo Netting (+1d6 Stealth when not moving)
-Sapper: +1d6 to all Explosives checks, and adds 30ft to launch range of exploives.

-Let It Burn: Gains +1d6 Sexy when something within ten feet is on fire.

Fireteam 2:
Shelby Wood: leader

Skills (tactical)
-Shooting 1d6, stealth 2d6
Skills (waifu)
-Cute 1d6, sexy 3d6

-Favored Weapon: Suppressed Rifle (+1d6 Shooting)
-Stealth Shooter: When firing while undetected, gain +1d6 Shooting.
-Ghostwalker: When moving, take no Stealth check penalty
-Sleek: Gain +1d6 Shooting or +1d6 Stealth when undetected.

-Swimmer: Gain +1d6 Cute or +1d6 Sexy when in swimwear
Annabelle Stone: Gunner

Skills (tactical)
-Shooting 1d6, stealth 2d6
Skills (waifu)
-Cute 1d6, sexy 2d6

-Favored Weapon: Suppressed LMG (+1d6 Shooting)
-Stealth Shooter: When firing while undetected, gain +1d6 Shooting.
-Ghostwalker: When moving, take no Stealth check penalty
-Sleek: Gain +1d6 Shooting or +1d6 Stealth when undetected.

-Dem Guns: Gain +1d6 Cute when carrying equipment but not armed.
Sarah Harper: Assistant Gunner

Skills (tactical)
-Shooting 1d6, stealth 2d6
Skills (waifu)
-Cute 1d6, sexy 2d6

-Favored Weapon: Suppressed Rifle(+1d6 Shooting)
-Stealth Shooter: When firing while undetected, gain +1d6 Shooting.
-Ghostwalker: When moving, take no Stealth check penalty
-Sleek: Gain +1d6 Shooting or +1d6 Stealth when undetected.

-Elefant Lady: Gains +2d6 Cute if she mis-speaks.
Sophia Hawke: Grenadier
Skills (tactical)
-Shooting 2d6, stealth 2d6, explosives 2d6
Skills (waifu)
-Cute 2d6, sexy 2d6

-Favored Weapon: Suppressed Rifle (+1d6 Shooting)
-Stealth Shooter: When firing while undetected, gain +1d6 Shooting.
-Ghostwalker: When moving, take no Stealth check penalty
-Sleek: Gain +1d6 Shooting or +1d6 Stealth when undetected.
-Sapper: +1d6 to all Explosives checks, and adds 30ft to launch range of exploives.

-Symphony of War: Gain +1d6 Cute and +1d6 Sexy when explosives are exploding

Sniper Team 1:
Abigail Scott: Spotter

Skills (tactical)
-Shooting 3d6, stealth 4d6
Skills (waifu)
-Cute 2d6, sexy 4d6

Favored Weapon: Claymore Mine (+2d6 Explosive)
Spotter: When working with someone with the Sniper perk, they gain +2d6 Shooting and this character gains +2d6 Stealth.
Sister In Arms: When with (Emma King) gain +1d6 to all Tactical rolls.
Strong Back: Does not suffer Encumbrance penalties.

Inseparable: Gain +2d6 Cute when with (Emma King)
Emma King
Skills (tactical)
-Shooting 4d, stealth 4d
Skills (waifu)
-Cute 2d, sexy 1d

Sniper: When working with someone with the Spotter perk, they gain +2d6 Stealth and this character gains +2d6 Shooting.
Sister In Arms: When with (Abigail Scot) gain +1d6 to all Stealth rolls.
Bitches Love Cannons: Gain +1d6 Shooting for every 5mm of bore size on the equipped weapon (up to 30mm)

Inseparable: Gain +1d6 Sexy and +1d6 Cute when with (Abigail Scot)
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[X] Bite the bullet, go meet your girls.

No getting drunk on the job. As funny as that is, that would just be unprofessional and would set a horrible precedent on the first day of our assignment.
[X] Bite the bullet, go meet your girls.

This should be interesting and getting drunk on day 1 would give a bad impression.
Not to mention the sheer disrespect it would imply.

True, we don't think they're any good right now, but showing up shitfaced on the job just says how much we don't trust them. It's almost insulting, really, and low morale is the last thing you want in a new, unproven limb of the armed forces.
[X] Bite the bullet, go meet your girls.
- [x] On one condition: I want the scientist's entire anime collection gone and him banned from any form of Japanese weeaboo shit for the rest of his life.

If we're doing this, I want the motherfucker responsible for this madness made sane and regular guys to back up our girls because I have seen enough yuri to last me a lifetime and it helps them acclimate better with someone 'mortal' to bond with.
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So… I'm guessing more than a few resemble known anime characters?