We might not want to waste all of our interactions right now. It is much better to use them if necessary during the week, and spend the rest at the end of the week.
As for our interactions ... I agree that it is best not to let our user know that we have our own emotions and preferences. She already has too many problems.
[][QUEST] Tutorial: Take a few deep breaths and calm down. Panic won't help here. Instead, explore and learn more about the system you are now linked to. Time Limit: One week.
I like the idea, but your voice is different from the template.

Perhaps the author would like to provide examples so that such misunderstandings no longer arise?
We might not want to waste all of our interactions right now. It is much better to use them if necessary during the week, and spend the rest at the end of the week.
As for our interactions ... I agree that it is best not to let our user know that we have our own emotions and preferences. She already has too many problems.

I like the idea, but your voice is different from the template.

Perhaps the author would like to provide examples so that such misunderstandings no longer arise?
Now, that is a Fair point. We should probably only do the quest of silence.
[X] Initiate Quest of Silence: Don't reveal you have a system. Rewards given based on length of time it's held.

Honestly, yeah. She'll try figuring stuff out on her own, and we can use other quest slots to push her towards exploring this system anyway.
I like the idea, but your voice is different from the template.

Perhaps the author would like to provide examples so that such misunderstandings no longer arise?

I don't mind too much how it's presented as long as we keep it uniform. Maybe something like this?


[X] [Quest] To Infinity and Beyond! {Aquire the infinity stones and kill the demon king, Time Limit: Infinite, Target: Lina}


As I said, I don't mind how it's done as long as we keep it uniform and it works with ye old Tally Machine.

Though I will mention that if you decide to change your vote don't just make another post but instead just go back and edit your original one. Just to keep it clean.

Speaking of tallying...

Adhoc vote count started by JohnnyRigmore on Apr 1, 2021 at 5:28 PM, finished with 8 posts and 2 votes.

  • [X] Initiate Quest of Silence: Don't reveal you have a system. Rewards given based on length of time it's held.

Voting is now closed and writing has begun! Thank you for participating, and always remember!

Is watching.

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Week 1.1 - "Death, Despair, and the Voices in your Head"
No... It would probably be best to keep... whatever the hell was happening to the two of you a secret for the moment. Hmm... You know you Lina's not bound to tell anyone at the moment but that could change in the future and you don't think you're comfortable with being known yet.

Mind-wandering slightly your attention briefly turns towards your mental menu of options. Maybe you could...?

You fiddle with the quest menu for a bit, until eventually, you have something... close to what you wanted.

[Name: "Secrets"
Tier: Beginner
Type: Non-Critical
Duration: Until Failure
Description: "Do not reveal the existence of the [System] to any entity."
Reward: 10 XP/day
Penalty: N/A]

What came out wasn't exactly as you described... You had been hoping for something more along the lines of a quest that got better rewards the longer they kept the secret but you suppose it makes some kind of sense you guess. It wasn't like anyone would know unless she spoke about it. Would the reward go up if she was being tortured by someone? Or if someone used magic to pry secrets from her? You wouldn't know unless such things happened and your not really sure you'd wish that upon her anyway.

Satisfied with the quest you sort of... pushed? Yes, pushed it down that link you and her share and then return your attention to her.

Wait... When did she get into a classroom? Damm it, you needed to pay more attention, you had this sort of omniscient sphere of vision around Lina and that would be incredibly helpful if this world was as dangerous as you thought it was. Granted it wasn't a large sphere, only around... ten meters in diameter you think?

You are getting off track, instead, you begin to focus on Lina, a little interested to see how she'd react to your quest.


Lina Bahrke was not having a good day. She had, earlier this morning, finally gotten on with her plan to sneak into the forbidden section of the library and read some of the books there.

You see Lina loved to learn new things. It was her favorite hobby and pastime, deciphering ancient texts, learning new spells, or even just sitting in class and listening to her professors talk about the wonders of the outside world.

Not that she could ever imagine going outside the cities high walls now. Not since what she read in that damnable book.

we were losing...

She and everyone she knew had seen the obvious propaganda by the nobles about the Eternal War before. But she had never realized the more subtle propaganda that had been going on.

The book, "Secrets of the Eternal War" had gone into deep detail about the extensive propaganda campaign the nobles had been pulling off for over a hundred years. It was quite clever actually, but then they wouldn't have been nobles if they hadn't been clever.

The more obvious propaganda had been more of a distraction really. The common folk practically expected the nobility to exaggerate the state of the war, so that's exactly what they did, except they had been exaggerating so much that people hadn't noticed the fact no one came back from the front lines. No, the ones that came back home to spread the word of the state of war were either trusted officers or those in outposts nowhere near the front lines.

Maybe if what the empire had been fighting had been a normal enemy Lina wouldn't have been so terrified of the prospect of the empire losing. After all, Lina could care less about who led the nation.

But the enemy wasn't after land, or money, or even magic.

No, the enemy wanted nothing more than to kill...

A ceaseless horde of the dead and damned, lead by sick and twisted individuals that consorted with demons and twisted the natural Patterns of the world for their own horrible amusement.

Necromancers... She shuddered simply thinking the name. And they were winning, slaughtering villages whenever they could and fighting to gain inch after inch of ground. The book mentioned that every year we had lost a foot of ground against the enemy, and what did the dead care about time? They were eternal, and if they only gained an inch a year they'd win just the same eventually.

That's what terrified Lina the most about the situation, that the author of the book seemed to think the end was inevitable, that there was no way to stop it. It had mentioned numerous tried methods of halting the spread of the dead, but there were just too many, and every day the slain monsters would simply rise again ready to follow their master's order to kill. And the more they killed the more dead would rise to help and-

[Name: "Secrets"
Tier: Beginner
Type: Non-Critical
Duration: Until Failure
Description: "Do not reveal the existence of the [System] to any entity."
Reward: 10 XP/day
Penalty: N/A]

She flinched, broken out of her dark thoughts by the calm and serene female voice that had spoken in her mind earlier this morning.

Spirits save her, she thought she had just heard things. But no it was real, and with the reminder, she could no longer ignore the mental voice in the back of her mind that spoke of numbers to her when she paid attention to it.

Mentally reviewing what the voice said, which she could somehow remember in perfect clarity, she thought briefly on it.

So essentially she would get ten of this... XP every day she didn't tell someone about the voice in her head. On one hand that was a very suspicious... request? Was this thing alive or was it a construct? She could tell it was no illusion or hallucination, it had a sense of reality to it that told her otherwise.

Where was she? Oh yes, suspicious "quest" to not tell anyone. If this thing in her head was malicious then it certainly wouldn't want her telling anyone about it...

On the other hand, this "quest" does say there wouldn't be any uh penalty for telling someone. Was it just trying to advise her then? Inform her that telling others was an unnecessary risk that would get her in trouble? She snorted, she wasn't stupid, she very much knew that telling others about the strange voice in her head that spoke of numbers and "quests" would only get her funny looks and maybe a visit by a mentalist.

"Mrs. Bach, is something I said funny?" She freezes as she hears the drawled accent of Professor Rocci.

She sheepishly looked up at the dwarf and mumbled a quick apology. Professor Rocci wasn't the nicest person at the best of times and he really hated those who interrupted his lecture, no matter who they were.

Deciding, for the moment at least, that worrying about all this was useless she returned her attention towards the professor's lecture on the Patterns one could find in the wildlands. It was an interesting dichotomy comparing the smoother and more natural patterns of the wildlands to the often more jagged and artificial patterns of civilizations.

[Scholar Level Up!]
[Skill {Observe} attained]


Lina sighed lowly so the professor wouldn't hear. Couldn't she just have even the purity of a good lecture without this weird voice stuff interfering?


Your focus pulled back from Lina Bahrke slightly, and with it, you shudder from what you experienced. You had focused so deeply on her and her surroundings that it almost felt like you were... inhabiting her? No that sounds weird... Possessing? Sounds good enough.

You hadn't even realized you couldn't feel anything until you started feeling things through her! The warmth of an indoor building, the feeling of clothes, the weight of the feathered pen in her hand. It had all been so wonderful but you eventually had to retreat if only to think about what you learned.

It was all very... Interesting, if only because you already knew this world was on the brink of extinction. At least you now knew what the threat was, the undead.

Lina's still in the classroom at the moment and looks like she won't be out for some time. You've found you can sort of unattach yourself from Lina and move your sphere of sight around where ever. That would be good for exploration, though you are a bit wary of not watching over her. You get the feeling if she were to die at this moment that would be it for you. Well... it's not like you could do much to help if she was attacked anyway.

The only question now is if you should go out exploring or move forward in time.

[Quest Assignment Menu]

[Write In.] Assign Quest
+ {Requires description of requested action and time limit.}

[Write In.] Quest Reward Analysis
+ {Request an analysis of the rewards a User might get with a specified quest.}
[Diety Creation Menu]

[Write In.] Create Diety
+ {Creates a new Diety based on a given description and a specified Domain. Costs may vary but the minimum is 10. (No EXP)

[Write In.] Request Diety Analysis
+ {Requests a cost analysis of a possible Diety based on the given description and specified Domain.}
[EXP Assignment Menu]

[Write In.] EXP Action
+ {Perform an Action using EXP, this can be almost everything and the cost of the action will vary.}
(No EXP)

[Write In.] EXP Action Analysis
+ {Requests a cost analysis of a suggested action with EXP.}
[Time Advancement Menu]

[Write In.] {Advance Time as much as you desire, be warned that you won't be able to respond to events that happen during the skipped time.}

[] Write-In.
[] The College
[] The Walled City
[] Outside the Walls

[Spend CP?]
[] Write-In.

QM: Was going to include a map of the world that I made in this update, but I'm on mobile right now and not on my computer so I'll just put that in an info post when I get home.
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Status Page - User
[Lina Bahrke]
[Human - Female]
[Scholar LVL.02]
[Level: 1]
[30/100 XP]
[Strength 1]
[Dexterity 1]
[Intelligence 3]
[Wisdom 2]
[Charisma 1]
[Luck 1]

[Name: "Observe"
Tier: Beginner
Type: Active
Duration: Instant
Cooldown: 25 minutes
Effect: "Gives a brief description of the item/object/entity that the User focuses the skill on. Some items/objects/entities may resist this effect".]
[Quests 3/5]

[Name: "Secrets"
Tier: Beginner
Type: Non-Critical
Duration: Until Failure
Description: "Do not reveal the existence of the [System] to any entity."
Reward: 10 XP/day
Penalty: N/A]

[Name: "Undead Notes"
Tier: Novice
Type: Non-Critical
Duration: 1 Week
Description: "Research for five hours on the topic of Undeath."
Reward: 150 XP
Penalty: 50 XP]

[Name: "Long Road"
Tier: Beginner
Type: Non-Critical
Duration: 1 Week
Description: "Study or practice magic for 3 hours a day for one week."
Reward: 50 XP
Penalty: N/A]

QM: This post will always be the up-to-date version of the User's character sheet.
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Ok, I think Everyone Can Agree with this quest.

[] [Quest] The Undead's Final Death! {Figure out a means to permanently kill undead, Time Limit: Infinite, Target: Lina}

This is the scholar, having a guiding focus for her being on the research of the undead, and how to stop them, allows us to handle the threat. I like To Think of this as the overarching quest, while most will be more immediate, this one needs to be kept up in the by-lines as it were.

Note, I'm simply proposing the idea, the specifics are up for debate.
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[X][Quest] Figure out a Means to Permanently Destroy The Undead Time Limit: Infinite
I honestly have two small problems with it: timing and naming.

I feel she's already overwhelmed as she is, and dropping in "btw you are supposed to defeat the existential threat you shake in fear from" could overwhelm her. I do want to give this quest to her, but only after she understands the sheer power leveling bullshit that is the system tied to her. So a few updates in, most likely.
Secondly, small changes to quest vote itself, to go along with QM's suggested naming scheme:
[] [Quest] Dead End {Figure out a Means to Permanently Destroy The Undead, Time Limit: Until the end of the world}

For now, we should... explore the world, cause why not. Not like terrorists are going to break into the classroom any moment now.
My first thought was to also give her a quest to power-level Observation, but we are quite limited in usage of Quests and it's likely she'll stumble onto more abilities as she goes on through the day.

[X] The College
No strong preference, just want to find out more about our immediate surroundings, as they are most relevant to our heroine right now.
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[X] The College

Well, then we'll need to start on it irregardless, even if we can't give her the end goal. An Amping up may very well be needed, as the more time it takes with her, the less time we have for the ramping.
[X] [Quest] Notes on The Undead {Research For 5 hours on the topic of undeath. Time Limit: 1 Week}
[X] [Quest] A First Step {Figure out one exploitable weakness of undeath. Time Limit: 1 Week }
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[X] The College

Well, then we'll need to start on it irregardless, even if we can't give her the end goal. An Amping up may very well be needed, as the more time it takes with her, the less time we have for the ramping.
[X] [Quest] Notes on The Undead {Research For 5 hours on the topic of undeath. Time Limit: 1 Week}
She might think we are related to necromancers or are some sort of evil spirit or demon
Take 3. Irregardless having her not doing it at all is horrible. Especially since we don't know the time limit. If we Don't know it we have to act as if we are already out of time.

[] [Quest] A First Step {Figure out one exploitable weakness of undeath. Time Limit: 1 Week }
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[X] [Quest] A First Step {Figure out one exploitable weakness of undeath. Time Limit: 1 Week }
[X] [Quest] Long road {Practice magic 3h/day duration 1 week}

Due to the low amount of voters and the limited number of slots for quests I'm going to ask that there be at least a minimum of two votes for a quest before it goes through. Just so a majority of people agree on using your limited slots.

I'll be honest, I'm fairly new to running quests in general so I'm not entirely sure how to go about making sure a vote system as this works. If you guys think it should be done differently, let me know, I... barely know what I'm doing in this particular area any help making sure the voting is fair and works would be greatly appreciated.
Due to the low amount of voters and the limited number of slots for quests I'm going to ask that there be at least a minimum of two votes for a quest before it goes through. Just so a majority of people agree on using your limited slots.

I'll be honest, I'm fairly new to running quests in general so I'm not entirely sure how to go about making sure a vote system as this works. If you guys think it should be done differently, let me know, I... barely know what I'm doing in this particular area any help making sure the voting is fair and works would be greatly appreciated.
Yes, That Makes Sense. Though, it is a shame this hasn't attracted much popularity.

I'll be honest Though, since there's a weekly limit you should probably just as a precaution allow for the quests at that point to be given out irregardless of what they are. Since, nothing is worse then literally losing your capabilities. Since it's a lack of voters, I doubt there will be a problem there.
World Information
You noticed a map of the country Lina lives on her classroom wall... the Empire of Göttlich, your still not sure what city Lina is currently in though...; National Map

The Empire seems to be surrounded by a lot of "Dead Lands", you can easily guess this might be the undead enemy Lina was so afraid of.

QM: Will update this with what I feel is apropiate.
[X] [Quest] Can you see what I see? {Goal: Use observe on 5 unique objects that resist it + at least 10 that don't. Duration: Indefinite. Target: Lina}
[X] [Quest Analysis] Can you see what I see?
Well, that's interesting. The number of simultaneously active quests was also very few. We have to be very careful with long quests, or they will take up emergency quest slots. The global quest is simply harmful. After its completion, there will be no sense in its rewards, and this quest will still require a slot and action. I suggest that you always try to keep two slots for short quests, and at least one for an emergency. Also, store at least one action until the end of the week.
I hope the author does not mind giving warnings like: "The week is almost over, spend your actions while you can."

[X] Don't do anything. Just watch.
Inactivity - it is also a choice.
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[X] [Quest] Notes on The Undead {Research For 5 hours on the topic of undeath. Time Limit: 1 Week}
[X] [Quest] Long road v2 {Practice magic 2h/day duration 1 week}
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[X] Don't do anything. Just watch.

Yep, we just need more information right now.

QM, you're doing great! Always wanted a quest like this one, and you're delivering perfectly.
We're gonna do all future prompts like this
[] [Quest] Notes on The Undead {Research For 5 hours on the topic of undeath. Time Limit: 1 Week}
[] [Quest] Long road v2 {Practice magic 2h/day duration 1 week}

Oh well, I can already see a new problem. Does the voter want to start both quests? The voter wants to start one of these quests, no matter which one? It looks like the template still needs some work. Perhaps something like:

[] [Quest Assignment Menu] Start a new quest*.
[] [Quest_N**] Quest name {Quest description***}.
* To start the quest, this option must be selected by the majority of voters.
** Where N is the quest slot number.
*** Description of the task, a reward for completion, a penalty for failure, deadline, etc.

For example:
[] [Quest Assignment Menu] Start a new quest.
[] [Quest_2] Notes on The Undead {Research For 5 hours on the topic of undeath. Time Limit: 1 Week}
[] [Quest_3] Long road v2 {Practice magic 2h/day duration 1 week}
[] [Quest Assignment Menu] Start a new quest.
[] [Quest_2] Notes on The Undead {Research For 5 hours on the topic of undeath. Time Limit: 1 Week}
[] [Quest_2] Long road v2 {Practice magic 2h/day duration 1 week}

This template is still not perfect, but much better. Also, make sure your vote is entirely in one post.
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[X] [Quest] Long road {Practice magic 3h/day duration 1 week}

magic is useful against undead and asshole humans, so I vote for this, don't know what's going on with the formatting though
Edit think I fixed it.
Well, I can say magic is kind of completely useless, there is a reason why we are going to be able to give multiple people systems, and that's because one man can't make a difference in a war. We need a way for the army to be more effective, and not the individual, while the individual will grow more powerful that is not in the best interest for us to save everyone. Yes, Magic is a means to go about researching the goal, but we don't know what kind of magic they'll need to research or focus on, and generalist practices don't work well when we have a specific threat we must conquer.
Well, I can say magic is kind of completely useless, there is a reason why we are going to be able to give multiple people systems, and that's because one man can't make a difference in a war. We need a way for the army to be more effective, and not the individual, while the individual will grow more powerful that is not in the best interest for us to save everyone. Yes, Magic is a means to go about researching the goal, but we don't know what kind of magic they'll need to research or focus on, and generalist practices don't work well when we have a specific threat we must conquer.
if we don't know enough about the magic system to determine what to focus on then perhaps seeing it in action will help.
if we don't know enough about the magic system to determine what to focus on then perhaps seeing it in action will help.
Maybe? But realistically we need more fundamental understanding of undead first. We don't know the weaknesses of these undead, and without knowing them we can't tell which ones are good at a fundamental degree.
Adhoc vote count started by JohnnyRigmore on Apr 2, 2021 at 6:39 PM, finished with 19 posts and 8 votes.

  • [X] The College
    [X] [Quest] Notes on The Undead {Research For 5 hours on the topic of undeath. Time Limit: 1 Week}
    [X] [Quest] Long road {Practice magic 3h/day duration 1 week}
    [X] Don't do anything. Just watch.
    [X] [Quest] A First Step {Figure out one exploitable weakness of undeath. Time Limit: 1 Week }
    [X] [Quest] Can you see what I see? {Goal: Use observe on 5 unique objects that resist it + at least 10 that don't. Duration: Indefinite. Target: Lina}
    [X] [Quest Analysis] Can you see what I see?
    [X] [Quest] Long road v2 {Practice magic 2h/day duration 1 week}

Voting is not closed at the moment due to a busy schedule! This vote is just so everyone has a sense of what is currently being proposed without having to scroll through everything. Thank you for participating, and always remember!

Is watching.
