Symphogear MHX - There's Nothing Left But To Pick Up The Pieces...

Ok, preliminary count to decide if I need to switch my vote back and how it's going in general.
Adhoc vote count started by NHO on Sep 29, 2018 at 7:02 AM, finished with 352 posts and 17 votes.

  • [X] Plan git gud, git known
    -[X] Your Armed Gear is currently a sword. A fancy sword, forged from blue steel and almost as tall as you are - the handle in particular is insane - but there's more to it than that. It can be more. You just need to figure out how. (New!)
    -[X] You have a Symphogear. A Symphogear moves their operator as much as the operator commands the Symphogear - that's the entire point of Power Armor - so your job is therefore to figure out how to move better.Squeeze out more power, more efficiency, and someday jet thrusters. (New!)
    -[X] You fight like a drunkard. Which is fair, you learned to scrap on the schoolyard, not in a dojo. But now your future is the battlefield, and while most people don't bring swords to a gunfight, most people are also not bulletproof and superhumanly fast. Time to get better. (New!)
    -[X] You can go meet and greet the staff; the only people you've met so far are Ilya and Sofia and your bosses, but there's bound to be more people in the STS. Who knows? You might find someone interesting. (New!)
    -[X] Okay. You know a bit about Symphogears. You've worn one in combat, and while it was hectic at the time the feeling was actually kind of nice. But what is a Symphogear? What is its history, its abilities, and so on and so forth? There's probably a library and you're probably cleared. Proceed. (New!)
    [X] Plan An Officer And A Scholar (Also An Idol)
    -[X] Your Armed Gear is currently a sword. A fancy sword, forged from blue steel and almost as tall as you are - the handle in particular is insane - but there's more to it than that. It can be more. You just need to figure out how.
    -[X] You have a Symphogear. A Symphogear moves their operator as much as the operator commands the Symphogear - that's the entire point of Power Armor - so your job is therefore to figure out how to move better.Squeeze out more power, more efficiency, and someday jet thrusters.
    -[X] You can go meet and greet the staff; the only people you've met so far are Ilya and Sofia and your bosses, but there's bound to be more people in the STS. Who knows? You might find someone interesting.
    -[X] Okay. You know a bit about Symphogears. You've worn one in combat, and while it was hectic at the time the feeling was actually kind of nice. But what is a Symphogear? What is its history, its abilities, and so on and so forth? There's probably a library and you're probably cleared. Proceed.
    -[X] Aaron's always going on and on about the thousands of tiny jobs here and there he wants you to do. A night at a restaurant here, a social gathering there, a photoshoot in between… You might as well humor him from time to time. Work does help word get around.
    [X] Focus on physical conditioning. Get that physicality up to standard so you can keep up with your own Symphogear. Or, you know, for your own health. (New!)
    [X] Your Armed Gear is currently a sword. A fancy sword, forged from blue steel and almost as tall as you are - the handle in particular is insane - but there's more to it than that. It can be more. You just need to figure out how. (New!)
    [X] You fight like a drunkard. Which is fair, you learned to scrap on the schoolyard, not in a dojo. But now your future is the battlefield, and while most people don't bring swords to a gunfight, most people are also not bulletproof and superhumanly fast. Time to get better. (New!)
    [X] You might be a Symphogear now but you're also a singer. Go see your vocal coach and improve. You won't get better without practice, magic singing armor or not. (New!)
    [X] Aaron's always going on and on about the thousands of tiny jobs here and there he wants you to do. A night at a restaurant here, a social gathering there, a photoshoot in between… You might as well humor him from time to time. Work does help word get around.(New!)
    [X] Plan: Maximum Specialization
    -[X] Focus on physical conditioning. Get that physicality up to standard so you can keep up with your own Symphogear. Or, you know, for your own health. (New!)
    -[X] Every Harmonizer trains with their Relic, looking to deepen their connection with their Symphogear and unleash more of their potential, be it in raw synch ratio, abilities, or expressions. The ways to increase synchronicity are as varied as Harmonizers themselves; spend time looking for yours. (New!)
    -[X] You fight like a drunkard. Which is fair, you learned to scrap on the schoolyard, not in a dojo. But now your future is the battlefield, and while most people don't bring swords to a gunfight, most people are also not bulletproof and superhumanly fast. Time to get better. (New!)
    -[X] You might be a Symphogear now but you're also a singer. Go see your vocal coach and improve. You won't get better without practice, magic singing armor or not. (New!)
    -[X] Okay. You know a bit about Symphogears. You've worn one in combat, and while it was hectic at the time the feeling was actually kind of nice. But what is a Symphogear? What is its history, its abilities, and so on and so forth? There's probably a library and you're probably cleared. Proceed. (New!)
    -[X] Your Armed Gear is currently a sword. A fancy sword, forged from blue steel and almost as tall as you are - the handle in particular is insane - but there's more to it than that. It can be more. You just need to figure out how.
    -[X] You have a Symphogear. A Symphogear moves their operator as much as the operator commands the Symphogear - that's the entire point of Power Armor - so your job is therefore to figure out how to move better.Squeeze out more power, more efficiency, and someday jet thrusters.
    -[X] You can go meet and greet the staff; the only people you've met so far are Ilya and Sofia and your bosses, but there's bound to be more people in the STS. Who knows? You might find someone interesting.
    -[X] Okay. You know a bit about Symphogears. You've worn one in combat, and while it was hectic at the time the feeling was actually kind of nice. But what is a Symphogear? What is its history, its abilities, and so on and so forth? There's probably a library and you're probably cleared. Proceed.
    -[X] Aaron's always going on and on about the thousands of tiny jobs here and there he wants you to do. A night at a restaurant here, a social gathering there, a photoshoot in between… You might as well humor him from time to time. Work does help word get around.
[X] Focus on physical conditioning. Get that physicality up to standard so you can keep up with your own Symphogear. Or, you know, for your own health. (New!)

[X] Aaron's always going on and on about the thousands of tiny jobs here and there he wants you to do. A night at a restaurant here, a social gathering there, a photoshoot in between… You might as well humor him from time to time. Work does help word get around. (New!)

[X] You have technically never finished the base orientation package, because you were busy going on a mission to Germany and then extracting a legless Arms Dealer. Now you have time, so let's see what the base has to offer. (New!)

[X] You might be a Symphogear now but you're also a singer. Go see your vocal coach and improve. You won't get better without practice, magic singing armor or not. (New!)

[X] You fight like a drunkard. Which is fair, you learned to scrap on the schoolyard, not in a dojo. But now your future is the battlefield, and while most people don't bring swords to a gunfight, most people are also not bulletproof and superhumanly fast. Time to get better. (New!)
[X] Focus on physical conditioning. Get that physicality up to standard so you can keep up with your own Symphogear. Or, you know, for your own health.(New!)

[X] Every Harmonizer trains with their Relic, looking to deepen their connection with their Symphogear and unleash more of their potential, be it in raw synch ratio, abilities, or expressions. The ways to increase synchronicity are as varied as Harmonizers themselves; spend time looking for yours. (New!)

[X] You fight like a drunkard. Which is fair, you learned to scrap on the schoolyard, not in a dojo. But now your future is the battlefield, and while most people don't bring swords to a gunfight, most people are also not bulletproof and superhumanly fast. Time to get better. (New!)

[X] You have technically never finished the base orientation package, because you were busy going on a mission to Germany and then extracting a legless Arms Dealer. Now you have time, so let's see what the base has to offer. (New!)

[X] You can go meet and greet the staff; the only people you've met so far are Ilya and Sofia and your bosses, but there's bound to be more people in the STS. Who knows? You might find someone interesting. (New!)