Temp means you just lose the action on the turn, whereas permanent means you lose an action from that category until the Frostwolf Warfront is completed.
[] Plan Moneysucker
-[][Martial] Who do you Juju
-[][Martial] Aid to the Warfront
Relatively simple - we've already decided to prioritize quality over quantity and with us being the safe landing point for AoK forces (that Scourge lackeys will recognize as well), we really need to gear up for defending ourselves asap. But leaving Froswolves' job without personal actions is also bad - we kind need to force action on that front so that we're not stuck there.
-[][Warfront] Cleansing Coldtooth
-[][Warfront] The Risen Hawk?
-[][Warfront] Candlelight Meetings
Okay, hear me out on this one. Cleansing is relatively easy - the faster we help Frostwolves stand on their own, the faster we can withdraw our people. The Hawk, though, is a more passive choice - but I believe we need this info. We succeeded at Scarlet Monastery because we had ruined Scarlets' & Solliden alliance; information might just be our greatest weapon here as well. I mean, human & scourge alliance? They arleady paranoid about one another, pushing them further should be child's play. Same for cobolds - more allies is always good.
-[][Stewardship] Digging in Deathknell
-[][Stewardship] Port Solliden
-[][Stewardship] Fort Fenris
Fort Fenris seems like an amazing idea - it's a fortress on an island, primed to become a near unbreacheable stronghold with some love. Other things are the usual - more money, more infrastructure. I've seen some people want to build Council chambers - but what for? They currently have no tasks for us, so there is no greater reward. Once they get their shit together, we'll give them some power, but for now I think we have better things to do.
-[][Diplomacy] Skipped
As much as it hurts me to do this - we have no money for her, and I don't want to send a noncombatant to the front. So she gets to sit tight one turn.
-[][Intrigue] Aid to the Warfront
I don't want to start sabotaging or provoking our agressive neighbours while we're stuck fighting in another lands, therefore I'm just sending Belmont to the front.
-[][Learning] Putresstein's Monster
-[][Learning] Ancient Graves
We're actually out of money at this point, so these are the cheapest options to throw at Putress so that he doesn't start sulking that we're underfunding him again (which we kinda are, but eh).
-[][Piety] Ones With the Shadow
Bolstering our priests equals bolstering our armies and becoming a real bitch to fight.
-[][Personal] Shadows of the Ranger
As much as I want to personally deal with Frostwolves' front, Sylvanas needs to amass personal power. Right now she's... a lesser undead of an elven ranger? Not too strong compared to what the world is going to throw at us. Plus it may synergise with the Piety action.
Overall, this plan burns through all our gold to start several important projects - 2 key infrastructure points with massive return on investment and our third fortress; plus we begin the chain of quality upgrades for our military. Overall, we spend 2950 gold with this, but all the expensive projects are also really long (up to 4 turns), so we'll have time to recover our bank while those are completed.
While somewhat dubious of his ability to kill the Winteraxe Chief, Belmont is more than willing to whittle down the tribe and remove their influence from the region.
Not Nathanos? I thought that Nathanos and Banshees' Hands deal with sabotage and assassinations, Belmont is about information gathering and cyphers.
Also, questions: @mcclay we can't send Varimathras to the front? He's like, a Nathresim, he should love fighting. Same question about Aelthalyste. She's our head priestess, but she's also a banshee and a shadow priest, surely she kicks ass in combat? I'd also like to know if
-[][Warfront] Cleansing Coldtooth
-[][Warfront] Candlelight Meetings
contradict each other - one is talking to kobolds, the other is killing them xD.
I guess Plan Resources and Reconciliations is not a bad plan either, I actually really like it as a more cautious choice. Although I really dislike opening the second front with that martial action - any way I can convince you to drop it, @TempestK?
So... I'm thinking about something. Something so fecking epic that will encapsulate the full military genius of Sylvannas in a wonderful plan.
Have a look at this map of our zone, (from wow)
I assume that we hold the lower half of the mountains, while the Scourge has the upper half.
No option here actually contamplates a strategic plan in the long term. We gotta make that plan ourselves.
And we are building a whole logistics route to the Valley, so that when the Scourge is fighting in the Southern front our troops, from now on The Anvil, we will be able to quickly transport a full army from the North, the Hammer. This is a multiple-turn plan which relies on causing enough distruption in their ranks to keep them distracted, then striking with all we have from both sides when they are weakened.
This is the first part:
[X] Part 1: Setting the Forge
--[X]Southern Thrust: With Malden Orchard secured and a beachead established, Silverpine forest has been opened up for the Forsaken. Cautious advances south are now possibly, if deadly due to the terrain and hit-and-run nature of the enemy. Nathanos has put a massive graveyard known as the Spulcher, just south of the River Arevass, as the next target of expansion. Time: 1 Turn CoS: 74% Reward: Sepulcher taken
--[X]Shining Assault: The only proper landing spot big enough to support any type of major movement of people is the old Ferry. The necromancer Ravenclaw sent his undead gnolls to take the landing, and without their leader they've been stuck there every since. A strike team from Fenris Isle can cross Lordamere Lake to take the Ferry and establish a second beachhead in southern Silverpine. Time: 1 Turn Cos: 65% Reward: Decrepit Ferry taken, Southern Silverpine opened up.
This solidifies our position in Silverpine, eliminating most immediate threats to our maritime logistics corridor-
-[X] Stewardship
--[X]Digging in Deathknell - With the Valley of Deathknell fully secured, the time has come to reap the fruits of the Forsaken's long labor. The tiny mining town had recently discovered a new vein of gold. Primed to experience growth, and perhaps replace the almost tapped out veins in New Avalon and Hillsbrad, Vandermar's road to prosperity was cut short by the Plague and the Scourge. However with the mines cleared of spiders, it now seems that the Forsaken can finally make use of this mineral wealth. The growth of the mines will also mean more settlement in the Valley itself, helping cement that the Forsaken are there to stay. Cost: 300 Gold Time: 2 Turns CoS: 55% Reward: +400 GPT, Deathknell fully settled, Gold Mines Exploited
--[X]Port Solliden: The Whispering Shore is a small cove just a few hours to the north of the village of Solliden. While unused by Loraderon expect for the local production of small fishing vessels, this harborage is a prime spot to end the landlocked nature of the Forsaken. Using the nearby stone palisade formerly occupied by the Crusade as a headquarters, Forsaken construction teams and local living experts can begin work on constructing a small port. Cost: Free Time: 2 Turns CoS: 85% Reward: Port Built on the Whispering Shore
--[X]Fort Fenris: Fenris Isle is the main island at the center of a small string of smaller islets in the center of Lordamere lake. An important strategic point for control of all of western Lordaeron, it was often bloodily fought over by Dalaran, Gilneas and the Kingdom of Lordaeron. Because of this the Fenrisians were of especially mixed blood and often considered their own ethnic group. More Gilnean than Lordaeronian, they kept their own traditions and were often levied as expert mariners and swamp troops. Fenris itself was dominated by Fenris Keep, a truly ancient fort that had flown many different flags over the years, and one of the old Arcane Observatories of Dalaran. Both sunk into the isle's swampy ground when the Scourge attacked, with the latter being totally destroyed with the former got away with 'just' being half sunk into the earth. A concentrated rebuilding effort could raise the fort back up and give it more than a token skeleton crew garrison. Time: 3 Turns Cost: 500 Gold CoS: 75% Reward: Fenris Keep Rebuilt, Fenris Island Resettled, Efforts in the region boosted.
The only mandatory part here is Fort Fenris. Even in not completed, it is part of solidifying our presence and boots our naval capabilities.
-[X] Diplomacy
--[X]Her Majesty's Royal Foreign Service: Vellcinda has long wanted to create a proper diplomatic corp, and with the opening of the Forsaken to the Alliance of Kalimdor and the cementing of her credentials with the Codex Nerglish, she finally has her chance. Using both the records from the old Lordaeronian diplomatic service and what shes learned on the job so far, Vellcinda plans to train up an entire office of hardworking peacemakers. Time: 2 Turns, Cost: 300 Gold, CoS; 65%, Reward: Her Majesty's Royal Foreign Service created, +1 Diplomacy Option
Thinking long term here. More diplomacy options will allos us to recruit the kobolds and maybe create even more dissent into their ranks.
-[X] Intrigue
--[X]Shadow of Dalaran: Ambermill seems to have been controlled by the Mages of Dalaran at some point, though they seem to have been slaughtered to a man by the Worgen. However the Kirin Tor are not ones to leave a place behind without hiding some secrets there. Belmont seems to think that his men can sneak past the Worgen and explore the ruins far more throughly than the Alliance's own scouts could. Time: 1 Turn, Cost: 100 Gold, CoS: 55% Reward: Dalaran Information
--[X]Aid to the Warfront: Instead of focusing on closer military actions, Belmont can instead choose to personally oversee the Forstwolf Valley warfront and direct Lodge operations there. Reward/Cost: Lose 1 Intrigue Action this turn, gain 1 Warfront Action
Warfront efforts and getting info on Souther Silverpine.
-[X] Learning
--[X] Putresstein's Monster: One of the main line-breakers of the Scourge is the Undead Abomination. Massive creatures made of up many dead bodies stitched together and enhanced with alchemical liquids and augments, Abominations can wreak havoc on regular infantry and cavalry. Their creation has been lost to the Forsaken, but it may be possible to regain such knowledge and bolster up the ranks of Undercity's armies with these horrible creatures. CoS: 70% Cost: 200 Gold Time: 2 Turns Reward: Able to Create Undead Abominations
--[X] Ancient Graves: Brill is built upon a massive burial site dating back to the first human tribes. The Arathi used to bury their most respected warriors, kings and shamans in great cairns. While these eventually eroded away, their burial chambers mixed in with crypt tunnels and collapsed graves to create a somewhat navigable warren under the massive graveyard just outside of Brill. Putress could be convinced to outfit an expedition to see what lies below. CoS: 60% Time: 1 Turn Cost: 200 Gold Reward: Artifacts??? Good Stuff??
Abominations for our Hammer. The rest if filler mostly, and I want to save money
-[X] Piety
--[X]Ones With the Shadow: With the creation of the Shadow Monastery and the discovering of the further thoughts of Natalie Seline, the contemplation of the deeper nature of the Shadow is now possible. Within the Monastery monks meditate in complete pitch black, letting the Shadow into their very souls as they try to become one with it. It they succeed, it may be possible to delve into a deeper realm of Shadow magic, to truly ascend past the mortal form into something more divine, if only for a time. Cost: 400 Gold, Time 2 Turns CoS: 50% Reward: Shadow Ascendants Created, Deeper Mysteries of the Shadow Studied
--[X]Elements of Shadow: The Elementals, the primal spirits of the land, do not seem to like the Forsaken very much. The undead are unwelcome in the Emerald Dream and the druids and shamans of the Alliance say that proper use of their arts is more than likely something not possible for the Forsaken. However shadow and the night are part of the world, and there are those among the Cult and the Earthen Ring who think that maybe a sort of peace might be made between the Forsaken and the natural world. Cost: 300 Gold, Time: ??? Turns, CoS: ??? Reward: Elemental Spirits of the Night and Shadow met, ???
Are we going to clash into the Scourge with abominations and incarnates of shadow? Of course we are!
-[X] Personal:
--[X] Personal Visit to the Warfront: While your time is precious, and your personal time even more so, it would be remiss of you to not spend some time on the frontlines with your troops. Not only will it raise morale, you are a great asset on the battlefield and can better coordinate the warfront from within Frostwolf Valley. Cost/Reward: Give the Warfront 1 Action this turn, ???
We need to kill a hero. Of course we are going to bring the Motherfucking Banshee Queen herself.
[]Death to the Winterax: The Winteraxe tribe of Ice Trolls seem to speak with the voice of the hated Lich King. If they are removed the Scourge factions of the Stormpikes and the Alteraci will surely fall apart. While somewhat dubious of his ability to kill the Winteraxe Chief, Belmont is more than willing to whittle down the tribe and remove their influence from the region. If he does so, it is hoped that at least skirmishes and infighting will start up again, if not outright interccine warfare. Cost: 200 Gold Time: 1 Turn CoS: 60/10% Reward: Winteraxe whittled down, tensions between Valley Scourge factions reignited, potentially kill Winteraxe Chief.
-[X] Warfront
--[X] Death to the Winterax: The Winteraxe tribe of Ice Trolls seem to speak with the voice of the hated Lich King. If they are removed the Scourge factions of the Stormpikes and the Alteraci will surely fall apart. While somewhat dubious of his ability to kill the Winteraxe Chief, Belmont is more than willing to whittle down the tribe and remove their influence from the region. If he does so, it is hoped that at least skirmishes and infighting will start up again, if not outright interccine warfare. Cost: 200 Gold Time: 1 Turn CoS: 60/10% Reward: Winteraxe whittled down, tensions between Valley Scourge factions reignited, potentially kill Winteraxe Chief. SYLVANNAS GOES HERE.
--[X]The Risen Hawk?: The Alteraci Scourge are an utter enigma to the Forsaken, and thusly must be scouted and unraveled before they become a major issue. Unlike other Scourge factions it seems that the living are ontop, with human rogues and necromancers commanding a large force of undead gnolls out of a icey cave on the side of the Valley. Belmont wishes to spy upon this strange group and figure out what exactly their deal is. Cost: 200 Gold, Time 1 Turn CoS: 65% Reward: Information on Alteraci Scourge gained. INTRIGUE ACTIONS GOES HERE.
Step 2 of the plan involves creating more dissent, using our extra diplomacy actions to ally the kobolds, use more intrigue actions to know all their movements, and start pushing if a target of opportunity arises.
Step 3 is full scale invasion from both sides, crushing the divided scourge under the threat of abominations, expanded shadow magics, and coordinated assaults from a place with the stuff that really wins wars: logistics.
[X] Plan: Expansion and Consolidation
-[X]Pushing the Fields: Cost: Potential loss of Infantry and Elite Infantry units Time: 1 Turn CoS: 55% Reward: Central Frostwolf Valley Retaken, Situation further stabilized for Frostwolf Clan
-[X]Candlelight Meetings: Cost: 100 Gold (Candles) Time: 1 Turn CoS: 50% Reward: Agreement with Kobolds
-[X]Death to the Winterax: T Cost: 200 Gold Time: 1 Turn CoS: 60/10% Reward: Winteraxe whittled down, tensions between Valley Scourge factions reignited, potentially kill Winteraxe Chief.
-[X]The Risen Hawk?: Cost: 200 Gold, Time 1 Turn CoS: 65% Reward: Information on Alteraci Scourge gained
The Alterac Valley Warfront is not only on a time limit, it's a drain on our actions until completion if we want to actually make consistent progress. To that end, I'm taking (practically) all the actions available. Continuing to push forward into the valley to keep the enemy on the backfoot, alongside targeting the Winteraxe trolls to potentially cause a split in the Scourge forces. Hopefully we can get some good information on the Alteraci during the chaos. While that's all happening, negotiating with the Kobolds to keep in line with the Forsaken's ideals, as well as preserving our forces for the fight against the scourge.
-[X]Into the Vale: Cost: Potential damage to Elites and Elite Infantry Time: 1 Turn CoS: 55% Reward: Venomweb Vale Secured
-[X]Integrated Military Command: Cost/Reward: Lose 1 Military Action permanently until Frostwolf Valley is secured. Permanently gain 1 Warfront Action in Frostwolf Valley
Venomweb Vale is the last remaining area within Tirisfal that's hostile to us, and with it's elimination all our enemies should be on the other side of fortifications. The other action can go to helping integrate the military command in Alterac Valley, to help with the push into the center valley specifically (if that matters). Since it obviously won't be the last martial action on the warfront, having it there makes sense.
-[X]Digging in Deathknell: Cost: 300 Gold Time: 2 Turns CoS: 55% Reward: +400 GPT, Deathknell fully settled, Gold Mines Exploited
-[X]Port Solliden: Cost: Free Time: 2 Turns CoS: 85% Reward: Port Built on the Whispering Shore
-[X]Fort Fenris: Time: 3 Turns Cost: 500 Gold CoS: 75% Reward: Fenris Keep Rebuilt, Fenris Island Resettled, Efforts in the region boosted.
First off, Port Solliden is required, since we actually only have 2 turns to complete it @mcclay , which is the time required to build it. Moving on, the mines in Deathknell are a very good source of income, and will help us with the incoming settlement that we agreed to with the Alliance iirc. Finally, starting up the construction of Fort Fenris, which will also help with settlement, but more importantly, will be a major boon for our incoming Silverpine campaign.
-[X]Aid to the Warfront: Reward/Cost: Lose 1 Diplomacy Action this turn, gain 1 Warfront Action
Vellcinda should do what she does best, and reach out to races previous deemed "beasts" in order to foster co-operation with the Forsaken.
-[X]Up on Sorrow Hill: Cost: 190 Gold, Time 1 Turn CoS: ??? Reward: Information on Sorrow Hill
-[X]Frostwolf Valley Branch Lodge: Reward/Cost: 1 Intrigue Action permanently until Frostwolf Valley is secured. Permanently gain 1 Warfront Action in Frostwolf Valley
The Sorrow Hill Warlord is the only remaining completely unknown factor in the Western Plaguelands, and I don't want to cause chaos in Andorhal without knowing what their deal is. The other action is setting up a branch lodge in Alterac Valley, because even if we succeed on killing the lead Winteraxe troll, there will still be things to do to further our efforts; info gathering, scouting, sabotage, etc.
-[X]Ancient Graves: CoS: 60% Time: 1 Turn Cost: 200 Gold Reward: Artifacts??? Good Stuff??
-[X]E'ko Coolers: Cost: 1500 Gold Time: 2 Turns CoS: 54% Rewawrd: E'ko Gathered on a large scale
It turns out we can afford Puttress's super expensive option this turn! So we might as well get started on it now, so the connected martial option can complete in 1 turn next turn. It should also please Puttress in the meantime, if the grave looting expedition turns out to be a bust.
-[X]Spreading the Shadow - Brill: Cos: 75% Cost: 100 Gold Time: 1 Turn Reward: Cult of Forgotten Shadows established in Brill.
-[X]Remembering Seline: Cost: 300 Gold Time: 1 Turn CoS: 65% Reward Nataline Seline fully canonized within the Cult, Cult Religious Order Dedicated to Seline Created
With all the expansion and settlement, we should make sure the Cult of Forgotten Shadows expands as well, especially with the incoming settlers from the Alliance. While we're at it, we should make sure that the narrative around our cult's founder is made clear, which should also strengthen the cult ideologically.
-[X]Personal Visit to the Warfront: Cost/Reward: Give the Warfront 1 Action this turn, ???
Last but not least, Slyvannas returns to the Forsaken only to go out immediately to the Alterac Valley Front. More seriously, Slyvannas is the strongest fighter the Forsaken has, and whether it's helping in the push towards the center valley, or targetting the Winteraxe Trolls, her help will be invaluable in our efforts in the valley this turn.
Current gold: 2954(Stored)+1260(Income)-286(Expenses)=3928
Total plan cost: 500(Warfront)+800(Stewardship)+190(Intrigue)+1700(Learning)+400(Piety)=3590
Remaining gold: 3928-3590=338
And we are building a whole logistics route to the Valley, so that when the Scourge is fighting in the Southern front our troops, from now on The Anvil, we will be able to quickly transport a full army from the North, the Hammer.
We don't have the manpower for that. We don't have even 1 full army yet, we must keep some forces at Frostwolves warfront; and you plan to broaden our front more? That's a suicide imo.
Funny thing is - logistics matter infinitely less for living dead. Military logistics, as far as I know, are about denying enemy food, water, clothes and medicine while securing your own. None of these things matter to the Scourge. Scourge should be defeated with tactics.
Venomweb Vale is on our side of the mountains dividing Tirisfal and the Plaguelands, and is right next to the Shadow Cathedral, which is the center of our Religion. So if anything, it's closing a front. (If we consider it a part of the former Scarlet Crusade Front) And Venomweb Vale only has giant spiders, not Nerubians.
-[X][Warfront]Cleansing Coldtooth: Coldtooth Mine was dug by Alteraci settlers shortly before their kingdom fell, hoping to get at recently surveyed rich veins of iron found in the Valley. While both their expedition at Coldtooth and a dwarven attempt to revitalize the Irondeep Mines failed when Alterac was destroyed, the infrastructure is still there to begin pumping out iron and thus military supplies for the conflict. The only catch is that Coldtooth is infested with Kobolds, a pathetic and xenophobic who have oft been annoying pests and thorns in the sides of the peoples of Azeroth. Forcing them out of the mines and claiming it for the Forstwolf-Forsaken coalition will be, while not amazingly safe, not that dangerous either. Cost: Potential Damage to Infantry Units Time: 1 Turn CoS: 75% Reward: Coldtooth Mine Claimed, Smiting Industry restarted for Frostwolves, Local military equipment able to be produced.
Is there a reason why you are taking this action instead of opening up diplomacy with the Kobolds? As Candlelight Meetings says, it would be going against our actions so far to slaughter them out of hand. If the diplomacy is successful, not only would we not have to waste soldiers' lives in clearing the mines, the Kobolds would probably take up the mining themselves, freeing up our limited manpower in the region for other things.
We don't have the manpower for that. We don't have even 1 full army yet, we must keep some forces at Frostwolves warfront; and you plan to broaden our front more? That's a suicide imo.
My plan is to stall, and then come back with abominations and mega shadow magic to their rear. There are humans there with the scourge, who need food. They might have reinforcements from the Plaguelands. We can deny all that with simply being able to mobilize on the other side of Lordamere Lake, instead of having to carry all our troops by bat.
Funny thing is - logistics matter infinitely less for living dead. Military logistics, as far as I know, are about denying enemy food, water, clothes and medicine while securing your own. None of these things matter to the Scourge. Scourge should be defeated with tactics.
@Varder : Cleansing and Meetings are non-compatible due to cleansing being about slaughtering the people you'd be meeting with in Meetings. Belmont is handeling the assassination since, as ex-Ravenholdt, hes actually the most qualifed person in your command staff to be doing assassination and sabotage missions. Aetlhlaystaers is busy Vibing on the Mysteries of the Shadow and isn't really a big fan of combat anyways. Varimathras has expressed 0 interest in going to the Valley and is busy running your entire bureaucracy anyways.
@Tomcost Alterac Valley isn't on that map you posted. Its in the mountains next to Alterac Keep, never properly showing up on the map of Alterac Highlands since pretty much no PvP zone shows up on an outside map. I'm going with the scale in WoW being highly abstracted for the player's sake, so Alterac is the size of an actual small country, rather than a suburb. There are a lot of valleys hidden in those mountains.
@Doctor Elsewhere is right that you have 2 turns to finish Port Solliden, and also that Venomweb Vale is full of regular giant spiders on your side of Tirisfal, not Neurbians in the Plaguelands.
Is there a reason why you are taking this action instead of opening up diplomacy with the Kobolds? As Candlelight Meetings says, it would be going against our actions so far to slaughter them out of hand. If the diplomacy is successful, not only would we not have to waste soldiers' lives in clearing the mines, the Kobolds would probably take up the mining themselves, freeing up our limited manpower in the region for other things.
@Tomcost Alterac Valley isn't on that map you posted. Its in the mountains next to Alterac Keep, never properly showing up on the map of Alterac Highlands since pretty much no PvP zone shows up on an outside map. I'm going with the scale in WoW being highly abstracted for the player's sake, so Alterac is the size of an actual small country, rather than a suburb. There are a lot of valleys hidden in those mountains.
I'm aware of WoW's oversimplification of the true scale, and I assumed that Alterac Valley was in the Mountain Range. My point was that, with it being so big, we need something better than bats to arrive to that place, and that means infraestructure, a proper port, and a means to move abominations and meat wagons eventually.
I thank you for your clarification, but I need to ask: is there something wrong in what I said?
I'm aware of WoW's oversimplification of the true scale, and I assumed that Alterac Valley was in the Mountain Range. My point was that, with it being so big, we need something better than bats to arrive to that place, and that means infraestructure, a proper port, and a means to move abominations and meat wagons eventually.
I thank you for your clarification, but I need to ask: is there something wrong in what I said?
@mcclay , I've been meaning to ask but I always forget. Do we have any individual mage or warlock lying around? Or maybe even a necromancer? I don't mean enough to make it relevant for combat, but there should be some in Forsaken society, right?
@mcclay , I've been meaning to ask but I always forget. Do we have any individual mage or warlock lying around? Or maybe even a necromancer? I don't mean enough to make it relevant for combat, but there should be some in Forsaken society, right?