Sympathy for the Forsaken: A Warcraft-AU CK2 Quest

[X] Plan: Honoring Our Word

Better do everything we can to keep Putress happy until we get the cure!
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I dont want to start pushing on another front untill we have time to buff or military a little more.
I would just like to point out that Deathknell is not a new front, it is a currently active front, where Forsaken Garrison troops are dying to the Scourge, Scarlet Crusade remnants, and giant spiders.

It is also the last part of Tirisfal we have not secured, directly to the south of Solliden, and behind the front line we've established in Silverpine Forest at Malden's Orchard.
Jaina is across the Great Sea making sure the Alliance doesn't fall apart, I'm actually not sure if Sylvannas has even met her at this point between the butterflies and our point in the timeline.
For the record, Nathanos had this to say regarding (his and) Sylvanas' past relationships:
It was around that time that I learned I was attracted to men, powers bless soft featured elven boys, and you began to dally with that mage girl from Dalaran.
Now, it's never outright stated that the mage girl from Dalaran was a certain blonde from Kul Tiras, considering Sylvanas' shipping history that is very much the direction our thoughts are meant to go.
With the loss of Stormwind and the human heartlands, Varian needs a W. And there are two major morale boosters for him and the humans here. Alonsus Faol and Uther's Tomb. I've got no doubt that the human priests will ask that we find Alonsus, either as a forsaken or as a corpse. Either or is a good deal for Sylvanas.

But to capture and hold Uther's Tomb, that's a big deal. It's a huge blow to the Scourge and gives both the Forsaken and Alliance a base camp against Andorhal and Caer Darrow.

[x]Southern Thrust
[x]Attached Shadows
Start our push through central Silverpine.

[x]Rangers of the Banshee
[x]Amani Scouting
We'll need our Dark Rangers to scout out Quel'Thalas. Here's a reward to motivate them. If we find living elves, good. We find living trolls, and we can actually communicate with them, good. Also, next turn I'd like to deal with the Brill Information before it gets stale.

[x]Checking the Books
I hope we never do Ancient Graves. Respect for the dead is something the Forsaken should have.

[x]The Belmont Legacy
Getting our spymaster's legacy back is more useful right now. Also, can't Vereesa visit us? Sylvanas is busy with her nation.
Turn 10 Results
Turn 10 Results
It was becoming more and more common for Sylvanas to make her council in places that were very much not the Council room. She was starting to wonder why they had even dug that thing out from the cold earth of Lordaeron at all, if they were going to be meeting in places like this abandoned homstead overlooking the Whispering Shore. From their perch the leaders of the Forsaken could watch to slow unloading of men and materials from Alliance transport vessels just off the coast. The living had finally returned back in force to Trisfal, and they were unlikely to leave now.

"I still think it is a mistake, doing business with them." Puttress hisses from his seat. The Royal Apothecary had been even deeper into his brooding as of late, not at all happy with recent diplomatic events. "They still see us as abominations, beneath the false smiles. Those settlers will always be far more loyal to their dual kings than to us."

"If they try anything, we shall know beforehand." Belmont speaks calmly, shuffling some papers. "The Undercity Lodge has been performing well, and I doubt that any group of disorganized colonists will manage to hide a plot from my men. Unless you want us to stick a Dark Ranger in every hovel and hut?"

Sylvanas sees Puttress bristle and rise for Belmont's bait. "That is enough, councilors. We have other bussiness to attend too." The two Forsaken calm, though their glares remain fixed on each other. Whew, minor crisis averted for now. "As I understand it we have guests all across our land." She turns to Nathanos. "Tell me of their activates."

"The Alliance has sent scouting missions down into Silverpine, stopping off at our base at Malden Orchard before continuing deeper in. They were gone for two weeks before returning north missing 11, a little less than half of their number. According to them much of Silverpine is crawling with the Scourge or its byproducts, making overland travel difficult. However in the south the situation is different."

He pulls out a small piece of paper, on which is a drawing of a large, canine creature standing on two legs. "They found these in great numbers in the south, around the village of Pyrewood they were especially thick. An ambush by these creatures forced them to retreat east, where they found the ruins of Ambermill. Ambermill seems to have once been owned by mages from Dalaran, but the wolf creatures killed or drove away the mages. The notes in the town called the things 'Worgen' and claimed that one of their own, an Archmage Arugal, worked with a Gilean nobleman to create the monsters. From there they crossed over the straits to Purgation Isle, which has come under the control of a wide variety of undead. This where they were forced to stop, as the seas were too rough to cross. They did manage to confirm that the Greymane Wall remains unbreached, and that there were lights on at Emberstone, suggesting that some civilization remains in Gilneas."

He shuffles his papers again. "As for our other guests, the Cenarion Circle and the Burning Ring have pressed past the Bulwark. After a half day of travel they made it to the ruined Felstone homestead. Combined Forsaken and Circle forces destroyed the Ghoul warlord there, along with machinery that seemed to be producing the Plague. The Circle has made the farm their main base of operation within the Plaguelands and lines of communication via runners has been established with the Bulwark. No major Scourge warlord seems to have taken notice of our intrustion and despite some early hiccups the Circle druids and shamans at Felstone and the Bulwark seem to be getting along just fine."

Sylvanas nods. "Excellent, the news from Silverpine is less than ideal, these 'Worgen' seem like they will be a major thorn in our side sooner or later, but the news from the Plaguelands is fantastic. A beachhead beyond the Bulwark means that we will have proper early warning if Araj or Gandling deicide to march westwards. Any progress on healing the land and reversing the Plague is good as well, anything that harms the Scourge should be celebrated." She turns towards Aelthalyste. "What if the Alliance probes into the Crusade?"

The banshee shrugs. "They are on going. Many of the priests came here with assuming our guilt, but at least some of them were willing to give us a chance. Even so I was worried that they were going to declare us murderers at the start; but a trip to Solliden shook their faith in the final verdict. The testament of the living on the crimes of the Crusade have lent credence to our claims. They are currently searching through the archives of Northshore and will be occupied with that for a long while. Many of them will always despise us, but barring some startling new revelation I do believe that the final report will come out in our favor."

The Banshee Queen grins. "Let the over zealous fools mewl all they want, we protected our people from certain death. Varimathras tells me that already a stipend has started flowing in as human settlers make their way into the countryside. Relations are tense, but I have full faith in our efforts to bring them into the fold. The days of being a scattered band of fearful refugees is over. Now, the Forsaken are rising."

+300 Income from Alliance Trade
+50 Income from Settler Stipend
-Living settlers colonizing areas of Tirisfal, Cultural tensions rising
-You have 4 turns to work on the Solliden docks, must be completed in 6

Martial (Choose 2) - Nathanos Blightcaller is Champion of the Banshee Queen and Ranger General of her armies. Under his watchful eyes he seeks to bring up the status of the Forsaken military from a ragtag group of walking corpses in rags and tatters to something resembling a professional army. Blightcaller is a master of using special forces and highly trained individual units to accomplish objectives. This elven approach to war makes him focus less on the mainline units of the Forsaken army.

[]A Distant Howl: A deal has been reached with the Orcs of Kalimdor: the Forsaken will attempt to find the long lost Frostwolf Clan and in exchange the Chiefdom of Durotar will the Forsaken gold and allow the Earthen Ring a permeant embassy in Undercity. Unlike the Amani, who are out of the reach of all expect for the Dark Ranger's, the Alterac Mountains are well within stirking range of Forsaken patrols out of Fenris Isle. Commander Louis Phillips, a former citizen of Stromgarde turned loyal servant of Sylvanas, has requested to take a wing of bats and search the mountains of the Frostwolf. Time: 1 Turn CoS: 65% Reward: Frostwolf found, 800 gold from Durotar, Earthen Ring Embassy Established. Must be completed in 2 turns

See Interlude Valley of War

[]Death in Deathknell: Deathknell: thats what the Army of Undercity know calls the Valley of Vandermar. It is a cursed post, surrounded by hostile undead and zealots; prone to ambushes and night attacks. But if the Scourge can be pushed back, the humans crushed and the spiders exterminated the mines of Vandermar, and its nearby graveyard, can be claimed for the Forsaken. Time: 2 Turns CoS: 55% Reward: Deathknell fully secured.

77 + 22 = 99 vs 45 = Success

With the southern border secured and all other threats pacified or defended against, Undercity turns her full attention to the Vale of Vandermar. Two whole armies of infantry, backed up by swift cavalry and elite units, march into the valley to relieve the beleaguered defenders. The Scourge horde that camped in the southern part of the town stood for a while against the encroaching army, but was quickly smashed apart by the professional infantry. For three weeks the Forsaken went about a bloody bussiness, rooting out their enemies from the Vale. Running battles between Crusader guerillas and Forsaken outriders were a constant until the main Scarlet camp was found and destroyed. Dreadguards pushed into the Vandermar mines, burning out the spiders with fire and steel until the dark tunnels were cleansed and made ready for work

It was a bloody affair, but not for the Forsaken. The foes who had once terrorized the undead before had been broken with a strange ease. The Scourge seemed looser than before, even more mindless, some even attacking each other. The captured Crusaders were more prone to babbling about darkness and things in the mines than spite out vengeful prayers to the Light. For once, many of the undead are glad that they do not dream, for the night seems thicker this deep into the Whispering Forest. But no matter the misgivings of the soliders proper defenses are set up and a missive sent back to Undercity saying that the mines of Deathknell, as the town has been offically renamed, are ready to be worked.

Result: Deathknell Pacified, Mines Ready to be Worked

Stewardship (Choose 0, 1 Locked) - Varimathras is a Dreadlord, one of the great demon commanders of the Burning Legion. Forced into Sylvanas's service during the Third War he now is the Majordomo of Undercity and in charge of the running of the Forsaken as a whole. While not widely liked or trusted by the undead, Varimathras has managed to gain a measure of grudging respect for making sure that the Forsaken have food, shelter and the semblance of an economy. He is quick to note that you are running quite the deficit and the treasure you looted from the Lordareon Royal Vault will not last for much longer. Must be completed in 3 turns

[x]End of Hibernation: Above ground lies one of the largest and most beautiful cities in the world, though sadly currently in ruins. It seems a grand shame to waste the city of Lordaeron so. In this spirit Varimathras has drawn up plans for future Forsaken expansion into the ruined city above, properly claiming it and establishing both a top and bottom side populace. The risks of being discovered and dealing with a siege are great, but the prestige and national pride from completing such a project cannot be measured. Time: 4 Turns Cost: 300 Gold, Vulnerable to Siege During Construction CoS: 60% Reward: Restored Capital City, Diplo Rep Boost, Increased citizen happiness, ??? 3 Turns Remaining

2 Turns Remaining

Diplomacy (Choose 0, 1 Locked): Vellcinda Benton, a former scullery maid, was one of the first zombies to regain their minds in Tirisfal. A symbol of hope and freedom she gathered together a mass following and became incredibly popular among the average Forsaken citizen. In another life she might have been the Forsaken's Dark Lady, but instead she serves you a liaison to the people and the other powers of Azeroth.

[x] Codex Nergalish: An accord has been stuck with the Vile Fin Murloc tribe of the North Coast. However it is an agreement based off of pictograms and pantomime. Without a common language any further efforts to court the Vile Fin are likely to be a failure. However Vellcinda seems determined to do what no one has done before: learn the Murloc's language of Nergalish and then create a book instructing the reader on how to do the same. While no scholar, Miss Barton is possessed of a singular drive a firm grasp of both language and people in general. If any of the Forsaken can do it, shes the one. Time: 3 Turns Cost: 200 Gold CoS: 50% Reward: Nergalish Translated, Diplomacy Options Unlocked Two Turns Remaining

1 Turn Remaining

Intrigue (Choose 2) - Commander Belmont was a student of Ravenholdt Manor in life and death has only strengthened his love of all things shadowy and underhanded. A prime example of a Rogue he has quickly risen to the top of the local Thieves Guild, naming it the Undercity Lodge of the Ravenholdt and working to secure a home for his new people. A master of infiltration and information gathering, Belmont hopes to see the Forsaken dominate the information game in Lordaeron.

[x]Eyes on the Alchemists's: Sylvanas trusts Putress about as far as Vellcinda can throw him: not very far at all. The alchemist doesn't seem to be up to anything just yet, but Queen Windrunner doesn't particularly want to leave that all up to chance. Belmont is capable of sending a few 'minders' after Putress to make sure that hes not doing anything hinky. Of course, if the alchemist learns of this he'll likely be quite displeased. Time: 1 Turn Cost: 100 Gold CoS: 45% Reward: Putress Watched, Advanced notice if he starts to fuck around

58 + 14 = 72 vs 55 = Success

Puttress is a wary Forsaken, but one cannot be on their toes at all times. The creation of the Royal Apothecary Society has given Belmont ample chances to slip in agents and spies among the Society's ranks. A steady drip feed of information has started to come into the Undercity Lodge, and that information is passed onto you. Puttress is not pleased with your decision to join Alliance as an observer, or to let so many outside forces into Tirisfal. The Grand Apothecary seems to just be limiting his anger to rants at his subordinates and allies for now, but Belmont advises not to push him too far. With his knowledge of the Plague Puttress could be a dangerous opponent.

Still, he is happy with the Royal charter and is hopeful that you will be using the Society to do more research continuing on. Belmont is fairly certain that if Puttress creates a conspiracy against you, only the most inner circle of the Society would join him at the moment. You are far too popular among pretty much all levels of Forsaken society right now for any plot against you to spread far. Regardless Belmont has stated that he will duitifully keep a close eye on Puttress and his Apothecaries.

Result: Spies inserted into the RAS, Puttress will be watched by the Undercity Lodge

[x]Amani Scouting: Your feelings on the Amani are complicated. Actually that is not quite right. It is better to say that you
despise the Forests Trolls with a burning passion, and on their part most of them likely feel the same. The High Elves and Trolls have had a long and bloody history together, but at the end of the day they're still living beings. Which puts them just a single step above the Scourge. Vol'Jin's request is fair enough, you would also be worried about your cousins in a long lost land, and the rewards promised are enticing indeed. The Dark Rangers are the perfect force to scout in the former lands of Quel'Thalas for the Forest Trolls. Time: 1 Turn Cost: 60 Gold CoS: 55% Reward: Amani scouted, 1000 gold from Vol'jin, Darkspear Shaman attaches to the Royal Apothecary Society. Must be completed in 3 turns

Continued in Interlude Zul'jin's Lament

Learning (Choose 1) - No one really trusts Grand Apothecary Putress all too much. A former alchemist in service to the last king of Lordaeron, Putress fell victim to the Scourge during Arthas's butchering of Capital City. Before he died Putress has been part of the royal effort to understand and combat the Plague of Undeath and carries that knowledge with him into death. While most of his attention is focused on the Plague his alchemical genius can be put towards other efforts easily enough

[x]A Royal Decree: Right now Putress is working mostly on his own or with a few scattered acolytes and apprentices to help him out. The apothecary has been asking for an offical royal decree naming a Royal Apothecary Society; an official research and development organ of the Forsaken government. Sylvanas is loathe to give Putress more resources and trust, but he is right in that an organized and dedicated society would be much more efficent at getting research completed. CoS: 60% Time: 1 Turn Cost: 100 Gold Upkeep: 50 Gold Reward: Creation of the Royal Apothecary Society, +1 Learning Action

43 + 14 = 57 vs 40 = Success

The Royal Apothecary Society always existed formlessly among the Forsaken. Puttress and his followers and apprentices had claimed the Apothecary Quarter as their own on day one of the Forsaken inhabitation of Undercity and a small network of labs, experiment chambers and shops appealing to the researchers had sprang up around him. What your charter did was make the RAS an offical part of the Forsaken government. Even as you watch from the bridge leading to the Trade Quarter undead mules carry great loads of materials and other supplies into the enterance to the warren of tunnels that make up Puttress's domain.

The Grand Apothecary has stated that his ambition is to create a sort of imitation of Dalaran there. Dormitories for students, grand lecture halls and well appointed labs. A well respected and learned faculty to teach new Apothecaries and lead research. From what Vellcinda tells you the Apothecaries of Lordaeron always felt jealous of Dalaran's majestic spires and reputation, and it seems that Puttress has finally gotten the chance to fulfill that dream of outdoing the city of wizard's. That fine by you, if hes focused on this project hes less likely to try and do anything against you.

Result: Royal Apothecary Society Created, +1 Learning Action

Piety (Choose 0, 1 Locked) - There is no formal head of the Cult of Forgotten Shadows, but Aelthalyste is the spirtual leader of the faith in all but title. Formerly a High Elf native of Stormwind, Aelthalyste fell into the company of the heretic Natalie Seline and was an eager disciple of the rogue bishop until her murder by the Church. Aelthalyste fled north to Lordaeron and hide some scraps of her works in the sewers of the Undercity. After being killed by Arthas during the sacking of Capital City she reemerged to spread the teachings of Seline and bring about the balance between Light and Dark.

[x]Shadow Monastery: The Scarlet Monastery is a place of immense import for all religious beings in Loraderon, and that includes those not of the Light. The holy significance of the Monastery makes it a great place for the Cult of Forgotten Shadows to move its headquarters to. This would grand the Cult more legitimacy and allow it to begin looking into the creation of monks and the study of deeper mysteries. Cost: 1000 Gold Time: 4 Turns CoS: 10%/90% Reward: Scarlet Monastery Turned into Shadow Monastery, Cult of Forgotten Shadows Gains formal Headquarters 3 turns remaining

2 Turns Remaining

Personal (Choose 1) - Sylvanas Winderunner, the Dark Lady of Undercity, Banshee Queen of the Forsaken. She fought against Arthas and at his side and was legendary even before her death as Ranger-General of Silvermoon as one of the Windrunner Triplets. It is through her force of personality that the Forsaken are brought together and by her will and desires that they work. She will not let her people be slaves again.

[x]Mushroom Cakes and Ooze Tea: Vellcinda was once a maid in the employ of a noble lady and has picked up some of the customs and pleasures of the high class of Lordaeron from her. A simple tea, a fad started by southern Gilneas, will do a lot to bring her and Sylvanas closer together and prompt Vellcinda to open up about all the juicy, potentially useful gossip she over heard on the former nobility of Loraderon. They may all be dead but hey, that never stopped the Forsaken before. CoS: 75% Time: 1 Turn Reward: +Relationship between Sylvanas and Vellcinda, GOSSIP

"And they were roomates!"

You have to stifle a laugh as Vellcinda finishes her story. "By the Shadow they were roomates! I thought things like that only happened in university or trashy romance novels."

She shakes her head vigorously. "No I swear on my unlife its true! Why do you think the Dark Rangers and Dreadguard have been sideyeing each other for the past few days? Both sides think that the other impinged the honor of one of their own."

You finish laughing and sigh. "I'll have to speak to them both about it, but if thats the worst thing that comes out of the Vandermar campaign I'll be happy."

"Ah, I'm sure those two will figure it out on their own. I've seen it a thousand times before. Passionate night leads to awkwardness for a few weeks. Either they'll just never speak to each other or they'll move in together." She pauses to think. "Before we all, you know, died, I'd have just said that they'd have a child from some source or another by midwinter. Guess they'll just have to get a bat or a cat then?"

You reach up and scritch Lirath behind the ears, the light brown Dire Bat chuffing happily. "Well, I can personally attest to the usefulness of a bat. Lirath here has been a complete dear and a great help so far."

"He is a good boy, its true." Vellcinda coos as she also gives that good, good boy some pats. After a bit of Bat Adoration she looks at you, her smile slowly softening. "Speaking of Windrunners, how are you holding up with the news about your sister?"

You freeze. Emotions do not come strongly in the Forsaken, due to the damage dealt to their soul by undeath, but when it does come it comes with great force. Your core aches for a second and it takes you a while to respond. "I had...Finished mourning my family a long time ago. It feels good that shes alive but it also hurts." You chew on your lip for a second before speaking. "I...feel jealous that she lived while I didn't, angry that she didn't come looking for me, terrible for feeling that way and exhausted from having spent so much energy over what I thought was her death. That some of my family at least survives makes me as dizzy with happiness as we can get, but its happiness tainted by other things."

She nods and reaches out to take one of your hands in hers. "I understand. Its natural to feel those things, we're still creatures of some emotions after all. Don't feel ashamed for how you feel, but don't give into the more negative ones either." She gives you a wide, sincere smile as her thumb lightly strokes the top of your hand. "Sylvanas, I'm always here for you if you want to talk."

For a second you're whirled away to the past. Another woman is smiling at you, the soft light of the moon above Quel'Thalas filtering in through the window. It had been two days after the 10 year anniversary of Lirath's death and you had been doing your best to keep it in, be the stoic Ranger-General that your people needed. She had told you the same thing that Vellcinda had and in front of this woman you had known only for a few had jsut broken down. You can almost see her golden hair shining in the light of the moon as she talked about how her own brother had died. You had cried together and for that month you had kept her close when you could.

Suddenly you stand up, Vellcinda starting with surprise. "I, well, I need to go." You turn from her and head towards the door, ignorining her questions, but as you leave you turn to say "I'll...think about that offer. Thank you." before you go.

Results: GOSSIP, Sappy Bullshit, +Relations with Sylvanas and Vellcinda
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Good news? We won a crushing victory in the Valley of Vandermar and got the mines. Bad news? We got some Old God/Void influence going on.

Good news? We got the Royal Apothecary Society up and running and that be the boom that comes from it. Bad news? We know Putress is upset, and is venting. (At least in the RAS.)

Good news? Sylvanas and Vellcinda spent some good time tighter and Sylvans getting it out out of her system? The bad? Noting really. The feels...

Can't wait for Valley of War and Zul'jin's Lament. The former given the mess I'm sure we're find, and the latter...things don't sound too hot for the Amani.
Another woman is smiling at you, the soft light of the moon above Quel'Thalas filtering in through the window. It had been two days after you had gotten the news about Lirath and you had been doing your best to keep it in, be the stoic Ranger-General that your people needed. She had told you the same thing that Vellcinda had and in front of this woman you had known only for a few had jsut broken down. You can almost see her golden hair shining in the light of the moon as she talked about how her own brother had died. You had cried together and for that month you had kept her close when you could.

Uuh, I feel like an ass for pointing it out, but Jaina was around 10 years old during Second War, when Lirath died.
The foes who had once terrorized the undead before had been broken with a strange ease. The Scourge seemed looser than before, even more mindless, some even attacking each other. The captured Crusaders were more prone to babbling about darkness and things in the mines than spite out vengeful prayers to the Light. For once, many of the undead are glad that they do not dream, for the night seems thicker this deep into the Whispering Forest.
Ah, it seems that Zakajz's presence underneath the Whispering Forest can be felt in Deathknell. In game you either need to use King Thoradin's sword "Strom'kar, the Warbreaker", which is currently lodged in his skull, or the living dagger of the Old Gods "Xal'atath, Blade of the Black Empire", which is most likely in the hands of Twilight's Hammer at the moment.

Trusting Xal'atath is a fool's errand, and is impossible for us to know about IC anyway, so we should probably just use Strom'kar. Which means we'll need to find ourselves a Warrior Hero to wield it, as our current martial heroes are all Rangers.
Ah, it seems that Zakajz's presence underneath the Whispering Forest can be felt in Deathknell. In game you either need to use King Thoradin's sword "Strom'kar, the Warbreaker", which is currently lodged in his skull, or the living dagger of the Old Gods "Xal'atath, Blade of the Black Empire", which is most likely in the hands of Twilight's Hammer at the moment.

Trusting Xal'atath is a fool's errand, and is impossible for us to know about IC anyway, so we should probably just use Strom'kar. Which means we'll need to find ourselves a Warrior Hero to wield it, as our current martial heroes are all Rangers.

"How are we to defeat Zakajz?"


A glowing exclamation point appears over Sylvanas head.

"Now we wait."

Interlude: Valley of War
Valley of War

The mountains of Alterac have been inhabited as long as humans have existed in Azeroth. The Zandalari and latter the Amani trolls ruled over the lowlands, but escaped human slaves could find solace in the high peaks and hidden vales where their masters would not come after them. There they fought and feasted with the dwarves of the mountains, who had come up north from their hidden halls in Khaz Modan to settle upon the ruins of their ancestors. There man and dwarf quarelled with troll, kobold and gnoll, all far away from the watchful eyes of the great empires.

Eventually the dwarves would slowly wane, the population of man taking all good land and pushing them out. Most fled south, either back to Khaz Modan or to the small dwarven keep of Dun Garok. A few stayed, hiding out in smaller fortresses and spiting man. For as the troll Empires fell humanity grew to rule the peaks. The Alteraci Confederation was one of the first tribes to bow to Thoradin, after the great emperor bested Ignaeus on the slopes near his great keep. As Arathor prospered the tribes slowly civilized and moved out of the highlands into great valleys better for building cities and towns.

This valley, the one that Louis Philips now looked over, was one of those places that mankind had left long ago. According to the Apothecary that had accompanied the expedition there was once a human village here, a key player in the Alteraci Confederation and a nexus of commerce with the local dwarven town of Dun Baldr. But as the dwarves closed themselves in the earth money had dried up and the people slowly left. The village had rotted away with time and the fortress had stood empty, only wind echoing in its passageways. Until recently, that is.

Not all the Orcish tribes fought against humanity with the same vigor, or had retreated back to their doomed homeworld with the Dark Portal closed. There had been tales from the end of the First War of a massive army of orcs traveling north to attack Lordaeron, but the attack had never materialized, as Louis looked down upon the bustling village of greenskins below, the pieces clicked into place. This 'Frostwolf' clan, that the Warchief of the Alliance was said to be from, must have been that rumored army. Only the terrified men and dwarves of that age had been mistaken, for surely there had been women and children among that band. It seemed as if an entire confederation of villages was cramped into the back corner of the valley. Tents pushed up against each other, lean-tos and wooden and hide buildings crammed together. It reminded Louis of the refugee camps in the immediate aftermath of the Plague, and of tales of what Solliden had looked like when the Queen had come to it. This could not have been how these people had lived for several decades, right?

"Our path down is clear, their sentries are watching the valley far more than the mountains." Avlia, his Dark Ranger second in command, said. "I also saw lights deeper in, around where the 'abandoned' dwarven keep is."

Louis nods. "Worrying but we'll ask the orcs about it, if they don't try to kill us at first glance." He looks at his small party. "Alright lads and lasses, brush the dust off and get ready. We're going to be descending into the valley as quiet as an elf in a troll village. Once we get to Objective Alph Avlia and Venomweb, first name Hannah and the expedition's apothecary, "will try and make contact since they're the least rotted out of all of us."

Two hours later Louis was cramped under a rock, cursing his flint and tinder as he tried to strike up a pipe. Smoking had become something of a safe social habit among the Dreadguard, as without lungs the Forsaken had little to fear from its ill effects, and the placebo imagined buzz still relieved some stress. Finally, just as he had gotten a decent light, Avlia pokes her head over the rock. "We've made contact with the orcs and I got you an audience with their chief."

Louis curses his ill luck and stands. "Right, second and first squad will follow us to the village entrance and then take up ready positions around it. Hopefully I'll get us permission to come in. If the situation deteriorates I'll blow a whistle. When that happens go in, help us get extracted from the situation and then we'll retreat back north."

With a chorus and nods and words of affirmation from his troops Louis follows Avlia towards the crowded camp. "Word of warning captain," she said in her apathetic monotone, "they don't like the undead. Nearly tried to kill Venomweb when they saw her." She tilts her head up north, to the abandoned keep. "Think the Scourge got here before we did."

With those encouraging words the two enter into the Frostwolf Village. Avlia had been downplaying the orc's distrust. Louis felt the stares of hundreds of angry, nearly murderous pairs of eyes on his back as he walked through the middle of the camp. Nearly even being in there was armed, warriors and mothers alike clutching axes and clubs in white knuckle grips. Louis got the distinct impression that if he made a wrong move he'd have less than a second before he was dogpiled on by legions of unhappy orcs.

But it wasn't just hate he saw in their eyes. Louis had died starving in the mud of a refugee camp outside of Capital City and he recognized the same sunken cheeks and empty eyes from that place here. Many of the 'warriors' were stick thin for an orc, fear showing up more on their faces than anger. Whatever was happening up here, in this valley, it was startlingly close to what had happened to Lordaeron and the rest of the Eastern Kingdoms. He needed to find out what was happening in this valley, and quickly.

The squat orcish keep that looked over the encampment seemed especially crawling with energy. Louis had not been born when the Second War ended, but his father had told tales of the crude fortresses of the Horde that had held out against days of sieges. This was not one of those bastions of warrior might, instead as he entered Louis saw many families cramped into rooms or corners. Laundry hung across the top of the twisting halls and most of the fire pits and torches were occupied by orc matrons either washing clothing or cooking up food. Food that seemed to be pine needles and worms and other things that could be easily scavenged from inside the camp. Just what the hell was going on in this valley?

He would swiftly gain his answer as he came into the main room of the keep. Unlike the others it seemed that the Chief had not allowed settlement into it, though judging by the pile of furs in the back that was likely because he himself was sleeping there. Upon a throne of bone, flanked by two great wolves, sat a old orc. A bandana covered his eyes, but he still looked up and stared directly at Louis as he came in. In front of the throne a nervous Hannah Venomweb stood fiddling with her hands.

"You are the rest of the undead," the orc's voice was old and gruff, but surprisingly soft for an orc, "that have come to disturb my already desperate people." He leaned forwards in his seat and Louis could see the air shimmer around his head. "Tell me, have you come to finish us off, or do your masters just wish to mock our suffering."

Louis suddenly found his lips very dry. He licks them before continuing. "Ah, neither, Chieftain of the Frostwolves. I have come on the behalf of Queen Sylvanas and the Forsaken. We were sent to see if the Frostwolves still lived."

The old orc's blind gaze stayed locked on him. "For six months the rotting dead have attacked us. We have been pushed from our hunting grounds and homes further and further north until the entire tribe was forced to shelter here. I have not heard of the Forsaken and this Sylvanas. I have heard of the Scourge, and the cruel Vanndar who leads them in this valley. Why should I not assume that you hold the same masters?"

"Because we have fought against the Scourge and their curse for years, instead of just six months!" Louis was surprised by the intensity and anger in his voice. "Call us rotting or cursed or whatever. But don't you dare say that we still follow those who slaughtered and enslaved us. The Forsaken are those who have taken up arms against the Scourge under Lady Sylvanas." He stands a little taller now. "We are the free undead of Lordaeron. We have built a home for ourselves between attacks by human zealots and the same Scourge that threaten you; call us monsters, but do not insult us or Queen Sylvanas by saying that we as the same as the fucking Scourge!"

There was silence in the chamber after that last shout until the old orc started to laugh. It is a tired, quiet laugh that almost strains the ears to be heard fully. "Elementals be kind, the visions were correct. Undead fighting the undead? I'd almost thought the spirits of this land were fully insane." He shakes his head with a final chuckle. "I am Drek'Thar, shaman of the Frostwolves and its chieftain until Go'el returns to take up the mantle."

Louis takes a big sigh of relief. They would not be fighting the orcs on this day. "I am...pleased to hear that. I am Commander Louis Philips of the Dreadguard, sent here on orders of Lady Sylvanas to scout the Alterac mountains for the Frostwolves." He looks at Avlia before continuing. "I would ask that my men be allowed entry to the camp. If there are Scourge about I do not want them to be in a position to get ambushed."

Drek'thar nods and Louis motions Avlia to go retrieve the rest of the expedition. "I am curious, Forsaken of Lordaeron, why have you come to these mountains now. There is a great inland lake and many miles of rough country between your land and this valley. How did you even hear of the Frostwolves in the first place?"

Louis nods. "Recently a ship from across the western sea came to our lands, bearing representatives from a grand alliance in Kalimdor. On it was an orc." Drek'thar shifts forwards in his seat. "Nazgrel of the Frostwolves, representing Thrall, Warchief of the Alliance of Kalimdor and also of the Frostwolves."

Drek'thar grins as he leans back in the throne. "The line of Durotan still rules. You have done well Go'el." He shakes his head and speaks to Louis now. "I will be blunt, Forsaken of Lordaeron. Our situation is precarious. As I said before, six months ago a vast army of the enslaved dead marched into the valley. We had dealt with Scourge raids before, but this was different. At its vanguard was a company of undead dwarves, clad in dark armor. At their head was a dwarf in armor made of ebon metal, holding a blade that whispered and sang with runes. This army swept north and over the course of the last months has pushed us here. If we are not given help soon, we will be destroyed."

Louis stands to his full height and holds out a fist. "I cannot promise aid, for I am not Queen Sylvanas herself, but I will do my best to lobby her and General Blightcaller. I will make them see the righteousness of your cause. When I return, Drek'thar of the Frostwolves, it will be at the head of an army of liberation. You have my promise on that."

The old orc grins. "I will hold you to that, Louis of the Forsaken. May our fates be forever intertwined in the eyes of the Elementals."

76 + 22 = 98 vs 35 = Greater Success

Result: Frostwolves found, situation in Alterac Valley Ascertained, 800 gold from Durotar, Earthen Ring Embassy in Undercity

Good news? We found the Frostwolves.

Bad news? We got Dwarf Scourge Death Knights and Vanndar Stormpike of all people leading them.
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Well we can only send a army on boats in Lordamere Lake and land in Alterac Mountains, the land routes are a no go as both going through to many enemies, but we can send food via air