Looking over it, his injuries aren't anything immediate. His face is burnt and his ear blown up. We take him back, they'll just wrap it up in herbs and hope it doesn't get infected, but otherwise the damage is done.

In an age when people die of colds this is a dangerous assumption to make. 'ye we'll give em some herbs' could very well end in his eye becoming infected and him dying. Just keep that in mind.

It's not 100% chance, obviously, but the chance he'll die increases every second you wait. Alternatively, the scar damage and loss of eyesight could be permanent.

Could we maybe lure the bird into ground that hosts the worms? Then they'd attack it.

Probably not a good idea. The bird would eat those worms as a light snack.

Looks to be Haast's Eagle, or very strongly inspred by it. A creature of New Zealand in our world, along with the Moa. Described in the legends of the Māori under the names of Pouakai, Hokioi, or Hakawai. Interesting

Good catch! It is indeed inspired by Haast's Eagle, although it is actually larger than Haast's eagle. Haast's is about half a human's height when standing without wings unfurled, while this Haakwai is about 2/3rds.

n addition to the concerns others have already bought up, a single firecracker against a monster prehistoric eagle doesn't seem like good odds to me. Particularly when the ones wielding it are five or six at the most. Picking one's battles is a virtue - if if will come back, we can meet it better prepared. Multiple grenades would be nice.

Boros' first firecracker fucked up because Yokan's firecracker was defective and exploded beside him. So long as this firecracker isn't defective he knows exactly where to attack the bird with it.

Although the Haakwai are obviously not going to be scared off by some firecrackers, if he can hit it then the smell of burning feathers will trigger a flight reaction for the bird. Unlike Haast's Eagle, Haakwai have a long history of interaction with humans and have a basic awareness of the danger of human weapons.
Although the Haakwai are obviously not going to be scared off by some firecrackers, if he can hit it then the smell of burning feathers will trigger a flight reaction for the bird. Unlike Haast's Eagle, Haakwai have a long history of interaction with humans and have a basic awareness of the danger of human weapons.
I think you'd need to make them as smart as ravens for people not to exterminate them. Eagles that specifically hunt bipedial things are kind of a threat.
Another interesting datum about the Moa and Haast's Eagles of New Zealand: they grew as large as they did thanks to the evolutionary process of island gigantism. Are we in an archipelago empire or what? o_O

Oh, and I stand by my reasoning: we have only one shot against the monster bird. If something goes wrong (a miss or a premature detonation, say), that's it.
Another interesting datum about the Moa and Haast's Eagles of New Zealand: they grew as large as they did thanks to the evolutionary process of island gigantism. Are we in an archipelago empire or what? o_O

Oh, and I stand by my reasoning: we have only one shot against the monster bird. If something goes wrong (a miss or a premature detonation, say), that's it.

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When you have moas, they will come :V
I'm sure as a 3 year old we are an expert on medicine and injuries, and thus well positioned to make an accurate diagnosis of our brother's condition.
As a 22 year old, I still know very little about medicine and injuries. This isn't meta-expertise (of which I have none), it's just a snap judgement. Must we pick one over the other, is it possible to get both?

Either we save our brother and definitely lose the meat, or we save some meat and the chance of our brother dying goes up a bit.

After the GM's post, I'm more inclined towards saving big bro, but given a choice between one or both, I certainly tried my best to pick both.

That said, the votes are almost overwhelmingly for refusing, so I don't particularly feel a need to change my vote anyways.
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As Boros himself mentions, we can't really do both. Splitting off into two groups, one taking your brother away and the other cutting the meat will take too long.
As a 22 year old, I still know very little about medicine and injuries. This isn't meta-expertise (of which I have none), it's just a snap judgement. Must we pick one over the other, is it possible to get both?

Either we save our brother and definitely lose the meat, or we save some meat and the chance of our brother dying goes up a bit.

After the GM's post, I'm more inclined towards saving big bro, but given a choice between one or both, I certainly tried my best to pick both.

That said, the votes are almost overwhelmingly for refusing, so I don't particularly feel a need to change my vote anyways.

What's so important to Vashti about saving the meat? So what if we lose the meat? Sure, there will probably be consequences, but would a 3 year old consider that?

There's also more than just the material benefits which we aren't going to see; this vote will shape others' perceptions of us depending on which way we choose.
The meat will affect perceptions too. Boros is pretty deadset on saving some part of the moa and the bird may very well come back later if you don't scare it off.

Not to mention what the rest of the village will think, not so much of you but of your family. That was the largest moa, after all.
The meat will affect perceptions too. Boros is pretty deadset on saving some part of the moa and the bird may very well come back later if you don't scare it off.

Not to mention what the rest of the village will think, not so much of you but of your family. That was the largest moa, after all.

I am voting on what I think would be in character though.

We just tried to cheer up our sister, after all.
As Boros himself mentions, we can't really do both. Splitting off into two groups, one taking your brother away and the other cutting the meat will take too long.
No, we can't do both, I'm aware.

But Boros also says our brother will live, and the meat will be stolen. We could conceivably do the meat and then tend to his injuries and have him be okay, but it's exceedingly unlikely that we could tend to his injuries and then come back for the meat.
What's so important to Vashti about saving the meat? So what if we lose the meat? Sure, there will probably be consequences, but would a 3 year old consider that?

There's also more than just the material benefits which we aren't going to see; this vote will shape others' perceptions of us depending on which way we choose.
Absolutely. And one of the things people will learn about us is whether we panic, or if we can stay calm during an 'incident' and do what has to be done.

There are arguments for both actions in terms of IC motivations, future consequences, and character perceptions. Don't act like the option you want is the only good option (for an unexplained definition of good).

I'm fully aware as aware as can be expected of the possibilities and the consequences for both options, and I voted to take a risk in hopes of a better overall outcome.

I am voting on what I think would be in character though.

We just tried to cheer up our sister, after all.
That's effectively pointless. We're 3. Our character is hardly established, and more importantly, both options are things our character could do! Hence having the options! We determine our character, not the other way around.

If it's a question of voting for whatever is most 'in character' as if we didn't determine that for ourselves, then you might as well simply be reading a story!
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No, we can't do both, I'm aware.

But Boros also says our brother will live, and the meat will be stolen. We could conceivably do the meat and then tend to his injuries and have him be okay, but it's exceedingly unlikely that we could tend to his injuries and then come back for the meat.

The main issue is that Boros is not a rational actor here. He says that because he's trying to convince you. He really doesn't know anymore than you do whether your brother will live.

I am voting on what I think would be in character though.

We just tried to cheer up our sister, after all.

Both actions make sense. You're an impressionable three-year old and Boros is a stern nine year old. You like your sister and your brother but you don't have the capacity for concrete judgement in the same way as an older person, and the consequences are not entirely clear to you.
The main issue is that Boros is not a rational actor here. He says that because he's trying to convince you. He really doesn't know anymore than you do whether your brother will live.
Absolutely. Considering I know approximately as much about his injuries as our character, you can point to me as somebody who has been convinced, rather than somebody who is certain of the outcome.

As I mentioned before, your previous information about his injuries actually changed my mind. Saving him is more important given that information.

Information we don't actually have IC, and which I didn't have when I made my vote, and which won't really matter because the votes have already gone in a certain direction and that is unlikely to change.

Rather than arguing over the best option right now, I'm actually just trying to argue that both options are reasonable depending on your knowledge and values, whereas Arcus seems to be arguing that saving the meat is both unreasonable and OOC. I disagree with that.
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If it was unreasonable and OOC I wouldn't have put it as a fucking option :V
That's one argument for it, yes.

But voters tend to not trust GMs. Traps, traps everywhere.

"You're a magical witch, and a girl with a bloody sword is standing right in front of you, prepared to attack you. Do you

[] Fly away on your broom
[] Use magic to attack
[] Punch her in the face!"

Protip, some of those actions are better than the others.
That's one argument for it, yes.

But voters tend to not trust GMs. Traps, traps everywhere.

"You're a magical witch, and a girl with a bloody sword is standing right in front of you, prepared to attack you. Do you

[] Fly away on your broom
[] Use magic to attack
[] Punch her in the face!"

Protip, some of those actions are better than the others.

[Yes] Stab yourself in the heart
That cuts a little close to a currently running quest. I dunno if it's intentional, but it does sound a bit derisive. :V


[X] Refuse
In the very quest you bring up, I begged the voters not to be stupid.

They've been pretty good about not picking the one that should definitely lead to our instant death.

I don't blame the QM, I'm reasonably certain that had we picked other options early on or even certain options in the current vote, getting in close for melee isn't suicide. But boy does it look like it.
[X] Uncork the Moa Pee, cut into the top of the container to open it up, and throw it at the Hakwaii's eyes

Like, even if we die, it's a good trade for the village for us to kill this thing.