[X] Did the thing - you researched, looked for clues, asked questions to betatesters, so that you could master the game's mechanics before it was even out.
[X] I Draw Forth... Pot of Greed!: You believe inthe spleen of the cards. Being a charismatic person with little empathy for people over the internet has led many to believe you are a high-functioning sociopath. Maybe they're right, or maybe you just know what to say to make them think so. Also, you excel at strategy and minigames.
[X] Shy Loner: You've never been good at interacting with people. For some reason, talking with others just makes you a little panicky. You're fine with people you're close to, but strangers have you on edge. You made an effort to learn how to stay calm in such situations, but that somehow translated to looking 'cool and aloof'. You've got no idea how.
[X] Broke your piggybank, worked part-time and begged your parents for extra pocket dough to buy the game with all DLCs when it came out. Pre-ordering has its perks.
[X] Broke your piggybank, worked part-time and begged your parents for extra pocket dough to buy the game with all DLCs when it came out. Pre-ordering has its perks.
[X]1337 Trollgamer: The secrets of magic are open before you. By magic, I mean the ability to find exploits and glitches, including the capacity to enable the Respawn
---[X] Fear Not The Ganker: Your combos are crazy, and you are an excellent multitasker and respond well to combat. Your APM is heads and shoulders above that of the other players.