Sword of Fortune: Double Wager, a Tactical Mecha Quest

Chargen 1-4: Introductions
[x] Sword of Fortune is Understrength and Hardened
[x] Sword of Fortune,
AMX-02 Lynx

1st Command Squadron
[Company Commander] Capitano Rhea Silvia, Callsign: "Maris"​
Age: 16​
Origin: Guyenne Federation​
[Command Squadron Adjutant] Primo Tenente Ariadna Górski, Callsign: "Huzara"​
Age: 24​
Origin: Republic of Lehistan​
[Pilot] Sottotenente Elfriede Corvi, Callsign: "Raven"​
Age: 19​
Origin: Protectorate of San Valetta​
[Pilot] Sottotenente Simone Cattaneo, Callsign: "Adonis"​
Age: 20​
Origin: Nuovo Ausonia Republic​
[Pilot] Sottotenente Slavomir Strnad, Callsign: "Gryphon"​
Age: 26​
Origin: Eastern Protectorate​
2nd Armored Squadron
[Squadron Commander] Tenente Elin Vogels, Callsign: "Tangerine"​
Age: 22​
Origin: United Provinces​
[Pilot] Sottotenente Chanel Nungesser, Callsign: "Petite Mort"​
Age: 20​
Origin: Guyenne Federation​
[Pilot] Sottotenente Lars Konig, Callsign: "Hatchetman"​
Age: 19​
Origin: Rhone-Balt Confederation​
[Pilot] Sottotenente Charles Stripper, Callsign: "Vulture"​
Age: 20​
Origin: United Provinces​
[Pilot] Sottotenente Carmina Armani, Callsign: "Coccinella"​
Age: 20​
Origin: Nuovo Ausonia Republic​
3rd Armored Squadron
[Squadron Commander] Tenente Hafza Saab, Callsign: "Solitaire"​
Age: 24​
Origin: Guyenne Federation​
[Pilot] Sottotenente Feride Schweitzer, Callsign: "Black Cat"​
Age: 17​
Origin: Rhone-Balt Confederation​
[Pilot] Sottotenente Celiane Nagi, Callsign: "Khamsin"​
Age: 18​
Origin: Ausonian Afar​
[Pilot] Sottotenente Aiman Krupini, Callsign: "Broken Arrow"​
Age: 18​
Origin: Ausonian Taurica​
[Pilot] Sottotenente Victor Katona, Callsign: "Nighthawk"​
Age: 23​
Origin: Eastern Protectorate​
4th Armored Squadron
[Squadron Commander] Tenente Sofia Mandelbaum, Callsign: "Vorpal Bunny"​
Age: 23​
Origin: United Provinces​
[Pilot] Sottotenente Placide Brune, Callsign: "Ironclad"​
Age: 18​
Origin: Guyenne Federation​
[Pilot] Sottotenente Luisa Peviani, Callsign: "Schiavona"​
Age: 15​
Origin: Nuovo Ausonia Republic​
[Pilot] Sottotenente Simon Carbone, Callsign: "Jackal"​
Age: 16​
Origin: Ausonian Afar​
[Pilot] Sottotenente Kristofor Prifti, Callsign: "Bellforest"​
Age: 17​
Origin: Eastern Protectorate​
5th Support Unit
[Support Unit Commander/Logistics Officer] Primo Tenente Echo Schulz​
Age: 24​
Origin: Rhone-Balt Confederation​
[Company Doctor/R&D Lead] Primo Tenente Emil Byqvist​
Age: 19​
Origin: Kingdom of Gutaland​
[Company Chief Mechanic] Tenente Alya Farland​
Age: 18​
Origin: Guyenne Federation​
[Mechanic/Replacement Pilot] Aspirante Leanid Bonner​
Age: 15​
Origin: Guyenne Federation​
[Mechanic/Replacement Pilot] Aspirante Bosch Marin​
Age: 17​
Origin: Guyenne Federation​
[Company Mess Officer/Replacement Pilot] Aspirante Emmy Arts​
Age: 18​
Origin: Guyenne Federation​
Source: Republic Standard Mercenary Factfile, AC 2215

Giulius holds his hand over his cap as a gust passes, avoiding puddles on the road. The rain picks up from a gentle trickle to an audible pour as you lead him to the unit hangars. He surreptitiously produces an umbrella, not uniform and a quite luxe thing with double-sewn nylon stretched over fiberglass impregnated with a dark resin, extending from a varnished wood handle stained a bright cherry red. You remember you haven't eaten cherries in a long time.

The poles bend and warble in the intermittent wind, but don't break. He holds the umbrella over your head, not his, and does his best to keep his pace behind you. You're actually walking too fast, trying to get out from under his cover but he's well-fed and tall, with a frustratingly quick stride.

"You should know better than to hold an umbrella for a subordinate, Primo Capitano Garibaldi." You just about manage the words without seeming strained. Just over a grassy hill, you see the tin roofs and big canvas tents of the company's mustering grounds and hangars.

You can't be seen with him like this.

"You're not a subordinate." You don't look, but he sounds like he's smiling. "Rather, I like to think of this more like an exchange between services. Certainly, the Lynx proves well enough that you aren't reliant on Ausonia for equipment."

This is impossible. You cut to the chase, rather than waste more time in the rain.

"Appearances, Primo Capitano. I can't..."

He laughs. This is somehow worse than him taking it poorly. "Ah, need to look tough then? Should have said so. Machismo afflicts all fraternities of arms, it seems."

You step ahead of the cover of his umbrella and walk into camp with Giulius a few paces back. By the time you get over to the heat and shade of the central mess tent, your brown hair is matted to your head. Emmy is running a stock pot to render down bones and edible but past-freshness from the last few days' forage into broth to accompany the evening meal. She's also taller than you, a few years older and better fed thanks to her position at camp as a spare pilot and the obligations of tending the mess. Her hair is ruddy brown, almost orange in the light of the cooking fire and cut short, held back with a whited dish towel folded into a triangle and tied like a bandana.

She tosses you a dry dish rag and makes a face, then straightens out and salutes as the Ausonian officer slips in.

"This is our handler and attache to the General's office. Primo Capitano Giulius Garibaldi." You mop the rain off and gesture over to him. There's the actinic tinge of pollution and inert Janissary micromachinery, a sign of being uncomfortably near the front lines. "Primo Capitano, this is Aspirante Emmy Arts. She's one of the unit's reserve pilots, and operates the mess tent."

Giulius offers a hand, then clasps with his other as Emmy accepts it. You notice a habit. "All by yourself? It must be quite a job to keep all these pilots fed."

"I can usually draft some help. Nobody here just sits around waiting to be fed." Emmy, like me isn't a 'small-talk' person. This time however, she seems to be taking the attention as praise.

Giulius sniffs the air, then looks over to the aluminum cauldron where a hundred pounds of bones. "I don't suppose I could have a little bit of that without working in the mess, could I? I still have to do a tour of your grounds before I head back to war planning. Oh, and what is it?"

She runs the ladle over the surface, gingerly skimming a thick layer of fatty, brownish sludge from the first cook and then passes a pair of metal mugs through the liquid to give us each a decent-sized drink. You didn't ask, but Emmy caught you staring. "Brodo. Bones from a hog we caught last night, wild onions, root vegetables, wild rosemary and juniper berries that were too dry to eat normally."

Your guest takes a deep sip, his breath visible as he exhales. "Mmm, not bad at all. The last ingredient adds a little tartness to cut through the richness from all the collagen you've extracted from those bones."

Emmy nods. "Something to chase the cold out. Summer can't come soon enough, sir."

You're still nursing yours. It's too hot. Your nose is congested so you can only smell a little.

"We should head over to the hangars if you want to inspect the units."

Giulius seems to agree, and reluctantly steps out from the open mess tent and back out into the rain, cup stil in hand. "I had a glance while we were passing through, so I don't think that'll be necessary. Though I have enough time to talk to your officers, if you think that is permissible. Particularly the Lynx's designer."

[ ] Head over to the command tent and introduce him to your XO, Ariadna Górski.
[ ] Go to the hangar repurposed into the main engineering area and introduce him to your company doctor and RnD chief, Emil Byqvist.
[ ] Go to the tent where your personal Lynx is actively being repaired and introduce him to your chief mechanic, Alya Farland.
[ ] Find a way to fob him off.
Apologies for the delay. I ultimately got into a bit of a worldbuilding/research spiral and then things got moderately busy at work.
What even are the benefits of leading him to the different parts or of fobbing him off to someone else?
What even are the benefits of leading him to the different parts or of fobbing him off to someone else?
Putting him in touch with the XO would be good procedure. Either the RnD chief or chief mechanic would make him happy, but the former of those two wouldn't be good infosec. Fobbing him off fast-forwards.
[x] Head over to the command tent and introduce him to your XO, Ariadna Górski.

Let's follow prpcedure then, and make it harder for him to see our custom mechs inner workings.
[x] Head over to the command tent and introduce him to your XO, Ariadna Górski.
Not sure this guy is super trustworthy? So let's just follow procedure
[X] Go to the tent where your personal Lynx is actively being repaired and introduce him to your chief mechanic, Alya Farland.

I dunno why ya'll don't like the man. I think his interactions with us is pretty cute! Just trying to not spook the child soldiers is all.

Besides, he's bound to know about our machines sooner or later, might as well do it on our terms in a controlled environment.
I dunno why ya'll don't like the man. I think his interactions with us is pretty cute! Just trying to not spook the child soldiers is all.
Sounds like grounds to doubt our shaky authority. Sure we won't (hopefully) be punished due to this being the opening acts and all that, but it is still a character choice on what to do.
[X] Head over to the command tent and introduce him to your XO, Ariadna Górski.

For the time being I think a professional approach might be best.
[X] Head over to the command tent and introduce him to your XO, Ariadna Górski.
[X] Head over to the command tent and introduce him to your XO, Ariadna Górski.
[X] Head over to the command tent and introduce him to your XO, Ariadna Górski.

Honestly, I like him too. I think we should be friendlier with him.

But that doesn't mean we show him our mech garage without giving our mechanics plenty of advance warning to tidy up.
Adhoc vote count started by GAWR on Jul 10, 2021 at 2:41 AM, finished with 18 posts and 14 votes.

Here's the tally for the votes.