[SWN] Pioneering for Beginners - IC

They seemed generally in agreement, that was good now.

"If the beacon is the only sticking point for now we can come to that later. We will get our fuel and learn what we can. Once we have done other tasks we can investigate the beacon armed with greater knowledge unless we find greater reason to disregard it. Hopefully that will tell us if we should leave us on or not.

I am hesitant on maintaining a beacon that may draw in unknown entities but we lack in information now."

Looking back to the pilot, "Take us in, let's get fueled back up just in case anything happens."
Allayi Morganis

"Right away, Captain."

Hooking her arms back into the pilot chair, Allayi and her team started to calculate a course towards Thos. About five minutes later, the ship engaged its thrusters and moved towards the new destination.

For her part, Allayi was glad that her last break was only two hours ago, meaning she would be fit for duty a while longer. In a situation as uncertain as this, she very much preffered to rely on herself rather than her underlings.

Sector 387-AZ

Gontoya System 0204

18.9.3202 – Standard Terran Mandate Calendar

Thos - Moon Coulgakat - Nutak 4 Refuelling Station


Just as swiftly as you had made your way through your home system, was the travel from the edge of the Gontoya system to the region in which the planet Thos was performing its nerve rending turns and cycles, the nearly lifeless globe only adorned by a few scant lights on its surface and its fertile twin world currently performing the same endless dance on the other side of the system. Unable to find anything else of interest in the system as you made your way deeper into it, you headed for the first point of investigation the whole command staff had agreed upon: Coulgakat – one of the two moons that Thos could call its own and home to at least two still visible and functioning facilities, of course their state of repair was a mysteries to just about everyone till you got a closer and personal look at them.

Arriving at the early evening – of course evening if you would be back on Esrila- you make your way into the orbit of the moon without anyone noticing you: at least your sensors are giving you the all clear and no one seems to be painting you with weapons or trying to intercept you.

From close up you can see, that the broken moon-city you had seen before and which seemingly collaborated with an mention in your ships historical files, was perched inside of a large crater, with some facilities running in and out of it – or they would have, if many of them weren't simply broken by what seems to be even more orbital bombardment, as well as interior explosions and generator failures in some wings of the structure.

The Fuel station is making a slightly better impression: it seems quite intact from above and the architecture you can see so far is dominated by domes and hab-blocks, with a weird mix of original Mandate structures, knock-offs and some jury-rigged replacements all in-between. It must have been part of an orbital support structure in the past, because small smithereens of debris still seem to float around the moon and can be found on its surface in a rather wide spread, with a long scar of destruction on the surface making one think of a fallen cable or something similar that one connected the depot with a corresponding station above it.

In any case both locations are quite a bit away if one would want to reach them on foot in your spacesuits, but with your ship travel shouldn't take more than a few minutes at most. Either way – there is enough space for landing and the damages on both stations should make finding an entrance point easy enough. Now the rest is on you again. Where to land and who to send out?​

The Fuel station is making a slightly better impression: it seems quite intact from above and the architecture you can see so far is dominated by domes and hab-blocks, with a weird mix of original Mandate structures, knock-offs and some jury-rigged replacements all in-between. It must have been part of an orbital support structure in the past, because small smithereens of debris still seem to float around the moon and can be found on its surface in a rather wide spread, with a long scar of destruction on the surface making one think of a fallen cable or something similar that one connected the depot with a corresponding station above it.

"Captain, send the marines with me 'n Alexi to the fuel station. We"ll scout it out and get the ship fueled. If shit goes down, we"ll have a full tank if we need to bug out."
"I advise we see about approaching it carefully. While any potential automated defenses are likely defunct or at least breaking, who knows what's still there and what traps they might've laid there?

Since our land vehicles aren't rated for space capability, we'd have to send down troops on foot to secure it from the side.. unless we feel like hoping no one left anything nasty for docking ships. Finding the best path for the approach through the craters to avoid potential turrets or drone fire is what I'd focus on now."
"I advise we see about approaching it carefully. While any potential automated defenses are likely defunct or at least breaking, who knows what's still there and what traps they might've laid there?

"We"ll be as careful as can be. If anyone else wants to come...?" Christopher glances at Symca "Your teleportin' would be useful for scouting around. Anyone else who doesn't come can standby to monitor the situation and guard the ship."
"I'd come if you'd like it or not. Better than being stuck in this box."

Symca flicked a listless strand of hair of her eyes, before frowning in thought.

"How many of the marines will we take with us? I think all of them. The ship can just close doors and be ready to depart if it needs to get away, while we, we need manpower."
"I'd come if you'd like it or not. Better than being stuck in this box."

Symca flicked a listless strand of hair of her eyes, before frowning in thought.

"How many of the marines will we take with us? I think all of them. The ship can just close doors and be ready to depart if it needs to get away, while we, we need manpower."

Christopher nods. "We"ll need 'em more than the crew on the ship."
"We"ll be as careful as can be. If anyone else wants to come...?"
"If this mission involved land vehicles or shuttles, I would be the one flying them simply because it would increase the chances of success.
Alas, seeing how everything will be done on foot, I'll remain here at the helm and shall stand ready to get us out if a swift exit is required. I am confident you'll be capable of finding the right kind of fuel without my aid."
"Given the range of any weapons capable of taking down this ship and the dangers of attempting an approach or escape on foot I believe it best if we get in close and keep the ship close at hand. We will move the ship in close and disembark into the refueling station. I do agree the marines should come with us, they will not do is any good on the ship and at worst can provide extra hands if needed on the station. Grab everything you might have forgotten and meet me for disembarkation, we might be the only humans to step foot on that station in a long while."


Coulgakat looked just as death from up close as the planet it orbited: craters, rubble and a few remaining lights on an otherwise barren surface, with your target dotting out like a small shimmering marble on an otherwise dark grey surface. As the spaceship closed up, you could see that while the core of the structure seemed to be identical with many of the makeshift, but planned structures built my colonies in the periphery of the Mandate so long ago, there were newer additions and damages that had been built after that period – proving that some kind of life must have continued on here, even after the supply convoys for the mining and colony effort stopped coming. If this was good or bad was open – but you might notice that some of the craters were in certain distances of the station, pieces of metal and similar leading towards them: anti-space emplacements maybe? Not part of the original refuelling station as there was an "orbital" docking station, but someone must have built structures later – before they were subsequently crushed.

On the positive side – nothing seems to lock on to you or paint your ship a giant target as you descend onto the moon, the atmospheric landing gear pushing out again and you only feel the faintest of vibrations as it sets down on the rock. Sensors are giving you the all clear for the surroundings but are reading energy inside of the fuelling station – as well as larger or smaller gashes and holes peppered through its southward side, unsure just what was the cause for each of them, but that would be a region to look for an entry or to keep track of when inside and tempted to pull of your helmet.

In that regard, the Naval Infantry fireteam was already one step faster than you: awaiting you at the airlock they were already dressed in the few working examples of armoured vacc-suits that had been recovered from Mandate-Era ruins on your home planet, or at least from those that could be entered and left alive. Corporal Hayes saluted smartly when the officers accompanying the expedition into the fuel station appeared, Private Alison holding another armoured vacc-suit for Chief Regith, while everyone else would have to make do with the flimsier Ship-suits that were available in large numbers and belonged to the standard equipment on the ship.

As soon as you were finished with kitting yourself out for the walk, the group would head into the airlock, the Naval Infantry taking point as the outer door started to open, the light of a new sun piercing your eyes and making you blink as you took stock of your surroundings: plain terrain, some craters here and there and the traces of human development strewn out as rubble and junk from whatever impacts had thrown them around. Gravity was lighter, walking easier – and thankfully the fireteam was too disciplined to start jumping around. The south side of the complex would be the closest and you could look for an entrance in the many damaged sectors – or you could try to circle around the base trying to find a still working entrance you could open up one way or another. In any case you have six hours of air and the ship is ready to back you up if necessary.
Carrying his medical bag in one hand Thomas panned his view across the alien geography, his heart lowered to see such destruction. To target the location in such a manner meant whoever had been here sought little more than annihilation and the deaths of all inhabitants. It was saddening but with effort these people would be remembered as kindred of their own.

There was no time to think further on it as well, their time was limited and they needed to uncover what they could. Stepping forth it took a moment to adjust to the different gravity and had to focus on walking with his natural gait suddenly ungainly as he proceeded down the ramp.

"We are on a short time table before we run out of oxygen. Move steadily towards the structure and seek out an openning large enough for us to move easily through, we cannot risk tears in our suits so ignore any tight fits. If you intend to spread out call out and maintain visual contact with at least two other members of the party." Thomas did not bark our orders as though he was a drill sergeant, instead speaking wirh a calm but firm voice he used when directing personnel in an operating room.
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Symca advanced down the ramp, pistol in hand, and low light goggles securely held across her face. Ignoring as best she could the jarring feeling of being in two different gravities as she stepped off the ramp, she flickered forwards ten meters, eyes scanning the ruins as she did. The most important part of any break-in is casing the place, but she wasn't exactly planning to enter quietly for once.

"Immediate entrance is over there," gesturing with her pistol as she talked, "and looks to be the expected entrance too the place. Damaged, but I can't tell if that's time or whatever finished the place off."
Thomas followed Symca's gesture and nodded to her assessment, "Neither time nor whatever threat decided to bombard this place has been kind to it. I only hope we can learn from what happened here and bring back benefit and hope instead of dread."
Christopher steps out of the ship with his grip tightened around his rifle in anxiety.

"We are on a short time table before we run out of oxygen. Move steadily towards the structure and seek out an openning large enough for us to move easily through, we cannot risk tears in our suits so ignore any tight fits. If you intend to spread out call out and maintain visual contact with at least two other members of the party." Thomas did not bark our orders as though he was a drill sergeant, instead speaking wirh a calm but firm voice he used when directing personnel in an operating room.

"How about we don't split up in the spooky unknown space station?"

Christopher walked to the side of the entrance and waited for the marines to go in first.
Chief Regith was feeling good but also wary. First steps on another world in how long? Though it was dampened by circumstances, seeing the craters made it hard to let what had happened and the potential for threats slip out of mind.

Contemplating the structure before them.. one side was good as another wasn't it? It wasn't like they knew anything about how it should be either way.. except that that wasn't true.

It was a standard refueling station, one that'd be like any other in the Mandate. Which meant their own structures back home were likely very similar.

"We should search around the side for something more intact. If we know how things should look instead of it all being a crumbled mess, we can get entry more easily." And notice any kind of traps locals might've set up against their invaders.
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With the closeness of your spaceships landing point to the remnants of the fuelling station, it doesn't take long for your group to travers the moonscape around the ruins. The whole station seems to have been built along three main corridors that lead towards a ruined elevated building that must have once held the cable going upwards towards the station in orbit of the moon – today only the long line of destruction starting there informed the onlooker of its original purpose. Still – as the tower was torn down into the direction pointing at your ship, you could easily keep track of just how far you were going and after maybe ten to fifteen minutes you had circled far enough to find a more intact entrance – or rather a whole module of it.

Before you a large octogon shaped towering structure was half-anchored into the floor of the moon and its rather high airlock and multiple smaller entrances easily made clear that you had found one of the two Shuttle docks the station had: there were two man sized entrances on your level and a closer examination would show that one of them was still working, the control panel next to it flickering on and off, showing a warning and then glitching again, switching between Mandate and half a dozen other languages you couldn't make out: seems like the energy supply on the inside was wonky.

As you could see it right now there were three different ways to get into the station: you could either have someone try to climb up the tower on the side and then somehow trigger the shuttle's main bay – their mere presence should be enough- or try to get the wonky door panel back into focus or use the lack of power on the other to force it open by sheer force.​

Alexei considered the entrances. The glowing panel was good, meant things were still going on in there. Which meant they had things to work with. That it was busted probably showed the place was abandoned.

He considered the situation before dismissing the thought to climb in. They didn't have that kind of time and the spy being able to teleport up there didn't occur to him due to the unusual and unknown extent of her powers to him. And unless someone spoke up he didn't think anyone had what it took to crack the door and he didn't feel like calling out the engineers for this.

"Marines, on me. We're cracking that door open." He gestured towards the unpowered one. He noted which ones were the most likely to aid him in that and directed everyone else in the group to divide between lookouts for the terrain around them and people ready to provide covering fire in case they had an unwelcome surprise on the other side of the door.

Taking the lead he'd work with the strongest of the expedition team to force it open with some proper leverage and exertion.. or at least leverage that was hopefully proper enough.
Asmodemus threw 2 2-faced dice. Reason: Cracking that door Total: 3
1 1 2 2

With the closeness of your spaceships landing point to the remnants of the fuelling station, it doesn't take long for your group to travers the moonscape around the ruins. The whole station seems to have been built along three main corridors that lead towards a ruined elevated building that must have once held the cable going upwards towards the station in orbit of the moon – today only the long line of destruction starting there informed the onlooker of its original purpose. Still – as the tower was torn down into the direction pointing at your ship, you could easily keep track of just how far you were going and after maybe ten to fifteen minutes you had circled far enough to find a more intact entrance – or rather a whole module of it.

Before you a large octogon shaped towering structure was half-anchored into the floor of the moon and its rather high airlock and multiple smaller entrances easily made clear that you had found one of the two Shuttle docks the station had: there were two man sized entrances on your level and a closer examination would show that one of them was still working, the control panel next to it flickering on and off, showing a warning and then glitching again, switching between Mandate and half a dozen other languages you couldn't make out: seems like the energy supply on the inside was wonky.

As you could see it right now there were three different ways to get into the station: you could either have someone try to climb up the tower on the side and then somehow trigger the shuttle's main bay – their mere presence should be enough- or try to get the wonky door panel back into focus or use the lack of power on the other to force it open by sheer force.​

Symca looked up at the tower, before looking at the marine leader.

"I think I could get up into the tower, actually. Teleport to the top, rapell down into it, and then get the door open from the controls."
Symca looked up at the tower, before looking at the marine leader.

"I think I could get up into the tower, actually. Teleport to the top, rapell down into it, and then get the door open from the controls."

Chief Regith pondered that before nodding. "Alright, makes sense having someone approach from a different angle while we work on this route. Take care though, we can't exactly get backup to you quick."
Asmodemus threw 2 6-faced dice. Reason: Door cracking actual roll Total: 8
6 6 2 2
Stepping forward Thomas spoke out, "let's hold off on splitting our group immediatly. Give the marines a shot to crack the door for us to open it or let you teleport through. If they fail we can go at this from two directions while they keep working on it."
Christopher found a piece of cover and crouched behind it while the marines began their work on opening the door.

With the captain's order, the whole group stayed together as Chief Petty Officer Regith moved towards the door, Private Allison following him and slinging her machinegun back onto her shoulder – taking her place on the other side of the faulty airlock. "With you sir.", she reported diligently on her radio, her hands going to her utility belt, before she remembered that the space-suits meant that the usual equipment that involved a shovel weren't there anymore. Giving you a slight shrug, her hands gripped the edges of her part of the open door, waiting for a moment – before she and Regith started to pull together, their arms flexing as their gloved hands clung to the heavy metal of the airlock. Thankfully even staying open and lacking in some repairs, hadn't resulted in the bearings of the doors to break and with just another grunt of effort, the two halves of the door swung apart, sending the two marines stumbling for a moment, while the door slid into the paths it ought to do and gave you a good look at the airlock.

Around three meters wide, two meters high and five meters long, it was quite spacious for a secondary or even emergency airlock, if push came to shove you could try to get the whole group inside of it if you decided to cycle through it. Something that seemed possible as the newly opened room not only gave you a good look at a second closed and seemingly quite intact airlock, but also one that seemed to be functioning and still powered – with a still glowing and only slightly dusty terminal informing you of the malfunction in the outer door, as well as advising to close it with the emergency lever to your left, to avoid blowing out the air on the other side of the airlock before you.​

Stepping into the airlock Thomas attempted to inspect it, "It is interesting it still has power and registers a remaining atmosphere. Let us continue onward then and see what we uncover next."
Stepping into the airlock Thomas attempted to inspect it, "It is interesting it still has power and registers a remaining atmosphere. Let us continue onward then and see what we uncover next."

"It's suspicious alright. So much to be intact with centuries of neglect? I don't buy it." Christopher stepped inside and flicked the safety off on his rifle. After everyone stepped inside, Christopher pulled on the emergency lever.
Gunman threw 1 8-faced dice. Reason: 1 Total: 3
3 3