Switching the Scripts
This is an anthology of two-shots, each pair of stories exchanging an episode's plot line and the character it focused on. Instead of Xander making Amy do a love spell, he gets her to erase some memories. Instead of Willow mind wiping Tara, she does a little love spell.
Forget Me Not
As the dark haired teen's eyes slid away from the girl who just last night was his and back towards the wary witch waiting for his verdict, Xander Harris let a dark smirk spread across his face. The way his eyes narrowed with devious intent did nothing to settle Amy Madison's nerves.
"You and me Amy." His voice was low enough to almost be called a whisper and full of more than enough heartbreak to make Amy nod in sympathy. "We're going to do a little spell."
Blinking in shock, the witch who owes him at least one favour decides to take advantage of this two-for-one deal. "And you aren't going to tell the others about what you saw?"
"All depends on if this works." Shrugging at the words in an attempt to appear in control of something in his life, Xander's stare loses the edge.
Sensing a shift in her blackmailer's mood, Amy follows him down the hall and away from the whispers without any prodding. The gossip around his very public dumping was something even Amy had heard about.
Once the pair reached the stairs, Amy demanded answers as soon as they had some breathing room. "What kind of spell did you have in mind?"
"Cordelia thinks it's so easy to just forget someone you care about." Xander's face contorted with pain. "Well I want me some of that!" His voice rose with each word and was punctuated with his fist slamming against the door to an empty classroom.
"Come again?"
That doesn't sound like revenge.
"What could get under her skin worse than being completely forgotten?" Hissed Xander with his aaw clenched tight to conceal his true feelings.
I just want to stop thinking of her every five minutes.
"Probably easier if you just come over after school. This kind of thing can take a while." Weighing her options, Amy didn't take long to realize she was lacking in some of the more exotic supplies. "And I'll need you to pick a few things up at the Dragon's Cove, most of my mom's stuff got thrown out in the move."
"Clearly not all of it though..." Smirked Xander, his eyes seeming to bore right through the girl he used to consider a friend.
A red shade crept up Amy's neck and covered her cheeks. "Was hard enough hiding a few books. Was no way I could hide any of the smelly stuff."
After nodding at the fair point, Xander's expression suddenly went right back to a scowl. "I saw you just look at our teacher and mess with her mind. Why can't you just do that to me?"
"You've known Cordelia for how long?" Amy asked pointedly.
"Since the first day of kindergarten." His response was automatic and tinged with more than a little confusion. "Does that make a difference?"
"If I screw this up..." Amy let the suspense build in hopes it would convince him to change his mind. you'll probably think that's how old you are again."
That news froze Xander in place and really made him think things through. Or at least it would have if he wasn't such an impulsive person and currently filled with so much anger.
"How much money will I need?"
I can always get the necklace back from Cordelia and pawn it on the way.
Seeing that he wouldn't be dissuaded, Amy gave him the shopping list along with her new address. "Don't be late. My dad gets home just after six and I need time to air out the place."
The rest of the day did nothing to convince Xander his plan was foolish. All that his last two periods accomplished was to renew his conviction in forgetting Cordelia.
Even the teachers are laughing at me now.
It was awkward as could be when he confronted Cordelia about the gift. But with how much he had spent on it, it was the only way Xander could afford such expensive ingredients on short notice.
He practically ran the entire way once the bell rang at the end of the day. Not even stopping to talk with his friends, Xander just promised to meet them at the Bronze with a shout over his shoulder.
The receipt was enough to get a full refund on the necklace and at least the clerk finally gave him his first expression of sympathy.
Even Willow seemed a little too happy with what happened.
When he arrived at the magic shop and tried to pick up everything on the list, the owner very quickly pieced together the intent. The balding and slightly overweight man chuckled in a way that gave Xander pause, making him realize the clientele had to be made up of the kid of people his friends fought.
As he hustled out of the shop, Xander made a mental note to warn Willow about the owner.
The guy sold to Angel. Recalling the few times in the past the current threat had shown up with supplies, Xander hissed in annoyance.
Can't be the only vampire he does business with.
That bitter thought bounced around inside his skull the rest of the way to Amy's new house. But once she answered the door and the smell of incense wafted over him, Xander's pain returned in full.
"Let's do this."
Being worried about screwing up and having Buffy's fists demand answers wasn't enough to stop an incredibly excited Amy from taking part in such an intensive spell.
How can I resist the chance to have a willing test subject?
Even if I mess up, I should still be able to learn enough to make his friends forget I was with him tonight.
Maybe I should make him forget what he knows about me while I'm at it. Smirking to herself, Amy was quick to let the blackmailer inside.
I guess I'm the one holding all the cards.
Unaware of his prior history with magic and how often spells go wrong around him, Amy Madison was completely unprepared for the spell's backlash. A cloud of thick purple smoke exploded out of the sauce pan being used as a cauldron and coating the white furniture with residue.
But Xander didn't wait around long enough to discover that fact. Instead he pulled his shirt over a torso covered in blue symbols and escaped before Amy demanded he try cleaning the burns in the carpet. "Thanks for the help Amy. Consider us even."
As the other teen dashed out of her living room, Amy could only feel her dread build at the mess around her. She would have blamed Xander for everything when her dad got home. At least if she could remember who that name belonged to.
While Amy did her best to make it look like a robbery, Xander didn't stop running until he was three blocks away. The sight of an unknown teen fleeing the house ended up being just enough for the witch's last minute lie to be believed.
Panting for breath near a hedge, Xander didn't spare the girl another thought once he realized the magic was a bust. The memories of Cordelia still filled his heart with pain and he cursed himself for daring to try something so stupid.
"Got anymore bright ideas?" He kicked a discarded shoe into the street with a frustrated growl. "Still know a few girls I haven't completely pissed off."
Not really wanting to watch his former flame have another great time on the dance floor, Xander steered his feet in the direction of home. "Not really fair to make Willow cheer two of us up tonight."
Knowing his friends would understand the lack of appearance, he let himself into his house with a hiss of frustration. Without even bothering to shout hello the distraught teen climbed the stairs to his rather messy room.
With his mind still full of racing thoughts, Xander actually did his homework without any need for Willow to pester him into it first. The headache brought on by math problems at least gave him a respite from the burning pain in his chest.
Xander didn't even glance up when his confused father poked his head into the room. The irritation on display was quickly replaced with confusion at the sight of open text books and an actually visible carpet.
"Your mom said someone broke in." Anthony Harris narrowed his eyes and stared at the baskets full of old clothes. "Guess that was just you cleaning up?"
"You keep telling me to grow up." The disgruntled son's eyes locked onto the box of comics in the pile. "Seems like the girls agree with you."
Even through the thick skull his family is known for, Anthony managed to stop himself from making a crude joke and tried to think back to the last girl his son was talking about. "Get turned down by that Buffy girl again?"
"You know about that?" Shock and shame mix in Xander's voice as he glances back to his father.
Returning the look with a snort of amusement, Anthony revealed his source of knowledge. "You listened to country music half the summer. Knew it was just about some girl when you didn't even bother getting a hat."
"I didn't get rejected..." Anthony was ready to play along with the fib until Xander revealed a surprise of his own. "I got dumped."
"Well good for you," Cheered a proud father as his son's face scrunched up in bewilderment. "Finally started playing the game."
"Wasn't on the field for very long." Annoyed at the good mood on display, Xander was not willing to join in.
The relieved tone to Anthony's voice is enough to make Xander hesitate in the sudden hug."I'm just glad you're playing for the right team. Was starting to really get worried about you."
"Well don't worry, I'll keep the music down this time."
It's not me you care about, just making sure I'm 'manly' enough.
"How hot was she?" His father paused at the door and made an attempt to give his son a break. "Because as long as she was an eight, you can blare the country as loud as you like tonight."
Xander's growl of annoyance just made his father smirk with toxic pride. "That's my boy."
Somehow the heartbroken teen managed to stop himself from starting another fight with his father. He even managed to finish all of his homework before he usually got home from patrol, getting an early night for the first time since September.
Without the exhaustion that normally forced his eyes shut each night, Xander rose with the sun pouring in through the blinds he forgot to close Not ignoring the alarm a few minutes later, he whipped through his morning routine before his parents door even cracked open.
Ready as he ever would be to face the scorn of his classmates, Xander decided to waste some time digging his skateboard out of the junk in the garage. Jesse got it for him last year and since his death in the spring, Xander hadn't touched the thing more than a handful of times.
But a glance at his watch lets him know that it will be more than an hour before even Willow arrives on campus, Xander figured he may as well keep himself busy.
Otherwise I'll probably just try doing something even stupider.
He got distracted by Jonathan and his friends by a heated debate over the upcoming relaunch of Alpha Flight. It was so passionate that he missed the arrival of his redheaded best friend, being forced to chase after Willow when she passed his gaggle of geeks without a second glance.
Calling after her in the now crowded hallways, Xander was frozen with shock by the expression on her face when she finally did spin on her heels.
It's like she doesn't even recognize me.
When he doesn't have anything else to say, the annoyed Willow hustles into the library and leaves Xander forgotten in the hallway. "Guess I should have told her I was bailing. Maybe I should try talking to her at lunch instead."
Cordelia and the other cheerleaders turn that maybe into his for sure answer as they round the corner with snarky words being thrown at all around them. He tenses up in preparation for the tirade to turn his way and is shocked when it's only his ex that gives him the stink-eye.
His confusion isn't given time to peculate into any possible theories before the morning bell rings and Xander is forced to hurry to English class. "Actually did my homework for once. I'm going to shock the world when I have actual answers for Miss Cooper."
About to slip into his usual seat right behind the Slayer, Xander was once more frozen in place at a strange sight. Amy had taken his usual seat and didn't even spare him an apologetic glance.
Swallowing a worried lump, Xander started to think Amy had revealed his little blackmail plan.
Of course they'd be mad at me for being such a jerk. Probably going to get the silent treatment all day.
In his distraction Xander must have missed the role call. It took a waving hand an a rather vocal complaint to get the teach to correct the sheet in her hand.
"New student?" The teacher's remark stunned him into yet another moment of frozen stupor.
"Just changed my seat today." With a shake of his head, Xander glanced at his friend in hope she would finally make eye contact this time.
His hopes are dashed though as Buffy does give him her full attention at last. The same look of confusion on the face of the blonde was mirrored in about half of his classmates and Xander's foot began to tap nervously.
A cold chill crept down Xander's spine as he started to understand that something Hellmouthy had gone wrong with the spell yesterday. In hope that his theory was just paranoia run wild, he followed Buffy to the library for answers only to wish he hadn't.
Mid conversation, his friends pause stiffly as he passes through the swinging doors not even a minute later. "Hey, sorry I was a no show last night. Had some stuff to take care of."
He let the greeting hang awkwardly in the air, hoping one of the girls would at least tell him how much trouble he was in.
Need to know if I'm just apologizing for ditching them, or if they got told I was trying to give myself a magical lobotomy.
Both blink in confusion and exchange quick looks before Willow breaks his heart a thousand times worse than a mere dumping ever could have. "Who are you?"
"Alexander Harris," Buffy explained for him as Xander gaped like a dead fish. "He's in first period with me apparently."
"So you don't know him?" Willow turned her frown on a sweating Xander. "So Alex, you must be the guy Cordelia was whining about last night?"
"I can see why she kept you a secret..." When she realized her words could be heard out loud Buffy flushed pink. "No offence. You just aren't anything like Cordelia's usual fare."
Unable to formulate a coherent response that would convince either of them, Xander shuffled back out into the hallway in awkward silence.
All the girls in Sunnydale forgot who I am.
Laughter poured out of the library before he could come up with anything halfway believable and made Xander pause a final time. Only for once it wasn't shock that caused it.
"They sound happier than than ever do when I'm around." Bitterness filled Xander as he made a choice that would alter his entire life. "Why make them miserable again?"
Despite Xander's depressing decision to walk away from his friends. He hadn't quite picked up on the fact that some people would still remember him and not agree with another choice being made for them.
It took most of the afternoon for Oz to convince his girlfriend she had somehow forgotten her oldest friend. But when he had nearly given up on finding a way, Willow opened her locker and revealed his proof.
"See!" Ecstatic at the pictures taped to the door, Oz was showing enough emotion to show this was serious. "That's from the dance last spring."
"Oh..." Willow went pale at the thought of her mind being messed with. "We need to talk to Giles."
With the resident genius now on board, Buffy quickly caved to the mounting evidence. "I think we need Miss Calendar's help."
"Truly?" Shock and hope mixed in Giles voice. "You would be alright with asking her for help?"
"She's the only person we know who could fix this." Trying to keep her own feelings out of it was incredibly hard for Buffy. "I'd rather get to the bottom of this before we forget who you guys are." But the unsettling feeling of not knowing was too much and forced her hand.
Jenny was shocked at the chance to help and fully on board once it was clear her memories had also been altered. Rage at whoever was responsible had the estranged women united in righteous cause.
With none of the needling over her terrible romantic choice, Cordelia knew something freaky had happened. She demanded answers from an incredibly relieved Buffy and actually got one without any snark.
"He's not freaking out and demanding you fix it." Cordelia scowled at the librarian in disappointment. "Is he?"
"Right." Point made, Giles realized the obvious place to start would have been with the lad involved. "Does anyone know where he is right now?"
"Probably at home..." Cordelia waited in vain for somebody to volunteer, sighing when she realized it was all up to her again. "Which neither of you can remember the location of. I'll go get him."
She raced across town, turning into a neighbourhood she had avoided like the plague. But today she was beyond caring and pulled up right behind the beat up pick up truck in the driveway.
Expecting the door to be opened by someone resembling trailer trash, Cordelia was quite surprised when a smiling Jessica Harris let her inside and up the stairs. The confrontation with Xander didn't even take an entire sentence before her ex caved.
"What the hell did you do?" She pushed past him and made Xander give his whole attention to her.
"You can remember me?" The shock on quickly becomes desperate relief. "I never thought I'd miss one of your insults so much."
Before Jessica even had time to even wonder about the pair, her son was practiaclly pulled from his room by the ear. "This is all your fault. You're damn well going to help fix it."
"I already said okay!" Whined Xander as he was at least given time to slip on shoes.
"Sorry for bothering you with this." Watching Cordelia flash a stunning smile his mother, Xander couldn't "Xander just forgot we had a group project."
"I can see why he was so upset." Anthony let out a snort of amusement when he heard the engine rev outside. "She's definitely out of his league."
Cordelia was completely caught off guard by such a put together family and demanded answers the second her passenger door slammed shut. "What happened to being ashamed of your family? That was practically normal."
"Mom kind of had a breakdown when she 'realized' she didn't have a single sober memory of me. She's promised to quit and I actually believe her this time." Even asking that much without bitterness took most of Xander's willpower. "Not you really care though." Willpower that didn't quite last.
"I came to get you, didn't I?" Her return glare was full of all the passion Xander finds irresistible. "So tell me what you did so this can all get wrapped up before dinner. I have plans tonight."
Rising to the bait, he snapped right back at her with a somehow equal amount of the emotion. "And I'm so heart broken over you, I already pawned that necklace for pocket change!"
Faces almost pressing right against each other, Cordelia could feel the electricity build between them.
It's not like anyone cares what I do with him anymore. That thought was all the push Cordelia needed to close the distance between their lips.
When they did finally return to the school, it was eventually discovered that which was lost couldn't just be returned so easily. Without a receptacle meant to store the memories, Jenny explained they would be nearly impossible to recover.
"The best chance would be sharing Xander's own memories." Her answer at first seemed promising.
But Giles was quick to dash those hopes. "That would just give you all an exact copy and likely have bleed over with his own opinions."
Wasn't really so keen on sharing all my dirty little secrets." Xander eventually shared his relief when the girls decided against that plan.
"Just make new memories." Wise words from Oz had everyone realize a simple solution was already present. "It's not like I knew any of you a few months ago."
"It would seem that is the best course of action for now," Admitted Giles with a frustrated glare directed solely at the cause of his current troubles. "Only a true imbecile would just mess around with memories."
"Good thing we don't have any of those here." A pointed glare from Jenny accompanied the salty words she had for Xander.
Not willing to just forgive the teacher just yet, Buffy turned her glare onto the techno-pagan. "At least Alexander just screwed up because he was hurting." She could easily see the desire to just remove the pain and couldn't quite hate him. "You lied to all of us for months."
Xander's eyes widened at the use of his full name even as Cordelia smirked in thought beside him. But even he knew it would be stupid to interrupt with a correction right now.
"And I've spent weeks trying to make up for my betrayal." Taking full blame for her disciet, Janna Kalderash met the furious stare of the Slayer.
"How you planning that?" Doubtful at that even being possible, Buffy was at least willing to hear her out for Giles' sake.
It's hard to ignore how much the silent treatment is hurting him.
"The soul curse may have been lost to my people." Jenny let herself smirk with pride at what she had nearly accomplished. "But my translation program should be finished in just a few days."
While everyone else made relieved sounds, Cordelia brought up another good point. "Can you at least change the escape clause? Because I'm really not liking how happy Buffy looks at that news."
"Can you do that?" Desperate for a yes, Buffy needed to sit down when she got a cautiously positive nod from Jenny.
"Maybe curse the demon this time." With another pearl of wisdom for his friends, Oz pointed out Angel wasn't even the original target.
The rest of the school year was a piece of cake once the threat of Angelus was put on a new leash. A simple rewording of the curse and it was the demon who couldn't experience the moment of happiness.
With that being something Angel assured everyone was decades away, they all enjoyed a spring dance free from an apocalypse. Once they confirmed Spike and Drusilla had left town, even the vampire with a soul was able to enjoy the night of well earned revelry.
Taking advantage of the chance to reinvent himself, Xander happily let his girlfriend replace his wardrobe. The only thing he really insisted on keeping was the name he was given by Willow. Even if she now thought it rather childish, that just made cemented his choice.
The friendships Xander had thought lost did grow strong again. But it wasn't magic that fixed everything, simply had work and dedication to making sure the relationships didn't wither.
Without memories of sleepovers in footie pyjamas, Willow wasn't quite ready to prepare for the dance with Xander. Instead she got ready at Buffy's house and this simple change ensured that no illicit smooching ever took place.
When Faith made her appearance in the fall, it was a sad call to Jamaica that confirmed the Council had yet again left Giles in the dark. This is what ensured he gave England a call when Gwendolyn Post arrived claiming to be Faith's Watcher.
This was quickly dismissed as false and the new addition to the Sunnydale team never had her trust broken. Faith was even willing to give Wesley a chance when he arrived, not yet having her trust in the Council shattered beyond repair.
Still trusting her friends, Faith didn't ignore Buffy's shout in the alley. The deputy mayor was able to share what he knew of the mayors plans and the Boston born girl never became a wanted criminal.
At graduation while they watched the serpentine body of the mayor smoulder, a haze of celebration overcame the group. As Faith watched Cordelia discuss her upcoming road trip with Xander, she realized her time in Sunnydale was at an end.
What Faith didn't realize though, was that the pair didn't plan on returning either. But with no ill will towards the lovers, Faith had no problem offering them work.
Xander was so happy with his life, he didn't even have a rude remark when it was revealed Angel had been turned human by Mohra blood. He was simply smug that his name is what convinced Angel to keep his beating heart.
Note: The next pair of chapters is going to be Willow casting a love spell instead of a memory charm. I have about 8 more planned swaps, so please feel free to suggest more.