SVPL: Monotype League

You know what, lets play a game. I've set an arbitrary time limit, if we can't go through a rotation by the back we'll just make all our picks at once.

@Nathaniel Wolff, I believe you're after Illusion?
I declare victory.

To refresh your memories, my Fire-types simply torched all the opposition and won 6-0 in every fight. Better luck next time.

Thanks y'all for participating! :)
Would you threadmark the draft order, or at least copy it to the "other stuff" post, please?
*Looks through thread and sees Primal Groudon. Ugh, there's not much I can do against that...

In any case, I choose 2 since I'm last right? My first pick is Dialga, so bye-bye 360 points.

*Edit: Changed my 2nd pick to Heatran as my free tier 1.
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*Looks through thread and sees Primal Groudon. Ugh, there's not much I can do against that...

In any case, I choose 2 since I'm last right? My first pick is Dialga, so bye-bye 360 points.

@Mortifer When it says "If you buy a Pokémon with a Mega Evolution, you buy both the Mon and the Mega Version" does it mean I pay double, or does it mean I just can't get the mon for free? So I want my 2nd pick to Mega Lucario/normal Lucario will I need to pay 120, or 240 and spend the last bit of my points?

@EllenTenshima You're next, I guess.

He already has his 2.

Arceus for 360.
