
I just started a Patreon!
The forest is calm and as the sun rises over a stream onto a clearing so do large groups of people start to rise. Confusion and a mild panic hits the crowd, they are in a new time and place taken from there lives, there homes, everything. They have only the clothes on there back, and there is no sign of the technological wonders that have dominated there lives in the past. Leaders start to emerge from the panic, people who have more than there clothes and who step up to organize this chaos to start gathering food and water to build shelter and do whatever else is necessary for survival. Though many people scatter, many others remain and work with them to start a colony of sorts. In time these people will learn that the land around them is more than forest and more threats and opportunity exist than they could of ever thought possible.

All right welcome to an experiment I have been wanting to run for a long time. In this game it will be both a role play and a quest. There will be four main players, the heroes and leaders, they will act as role players in a sort of council like game. They will work together to lead the other players to victory, those players being every follower and citizen of there group. Those players will be playing in a riot quest fashion, where they have 3 actions a day each. Every persons actions matter in this way and more players questing will directly help the heroes, though if they can't organize people properly they may bring upon there own ruin.

Scattered around the players are all types of mysteries, treasures, monsters, technology and so much more. If they can survive to gather it.

Hero application!(I plan to take four)

Appearance:(Picture preferred)
Greatest strength:
Greatest weakness:

Skill:Choose two or write in(will earn more IC)
Medicine: Help people recover from injury or sickness helps keep the comfort level up and combat the spread of disease.
Carpentry: The knowledge on how to build things with wood, with only the most basic of tools it is still highly limited though.
Hunting: The knowledge and skill in stealth to kill deer and other animals for food.
Melee:Stabbing really good like brah
Leadership: Gives a small bonus per follower helping you in a task
Athletics: Allows you to make much more progress on labor intensive projects like construction when you put yourself to work
Bowyer: The basic knowledge of bow and arrow crafting.
Fishing: How to catch, clean and prepare fish
Survival: Knowledge on edible plants and berries and basic techniques for shelter.
Teaching: Increase your community skill ranks much faster by putting in dedicated work yourself.

Item: Choose one
Incomplete local map
Bolt action rifle with five bullets
Book:Emergency care and transportation of the sick and injured (EMT Study book)
Survival Clothing
Local Language Cipher

Colony Sheet:

Size: (Voters last turn)
Comfort: 1.00 (Multiplier to all voter work, will move by 0.1 per turn)
Resources to be added as found

Stock pile:None

Colony Skills:
Ranged Combat:0
Melee Combat:0
Lumber gathering:0
Stone gathering:0
Tool making:0

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It's been a few minutes so I assume we can post now. If not, tell me.

Here are some ideas I got for sheets, but they're a total work in progress. Is this the type of sheet you wanted?

Name: WIP 1
14 (Should it be older?)
Strength: Diplomacy?/Tactician?
Weakness: Idealism?/Self Doubt?
Skills: Leadership/Teaching
Item: Local Language Cipher

Name: WIP 2
14 (Should it be older?)
Strength: FIghting?/Combat?
Weakness: Arrogance?/Cyncism?
Skills: Melee/Athletics
Item: K-Bar
It's been a few minutes so I assume we can post now. If not, tell me.

Here are some ideas I got for sheets, but they're a total work in progress. Is this the type of sheet you wanted?

Name: WIP 1
14 (Should it be older?)
Strength: Diplomacy?/Tactician?
Weakness: Idealism?/Self Doubt?
Skills: Leadership/Teaching
Item: Local Language Cipher

Name: WIP 2
14 (Should it be older?)
Strength: FIghting?/Combat?
Weakness: Arrogance?/Cyncism?
Skills: Melee/Athletics
Item: K-Bar

Yes you can post, and either of those would be fine, 14 would be a bit young given there are a bunch of 30 and 40 year old SVers.

Strength and weakness, I mean more as a person, but those could work for the most part.
Yes you can post, and either of those would be fine, 14 would be a bit young given there are a bunch of 30 and 40 year old SVers.

Strength and weakness, I mean more as a person, but those could work for the most part.
I'll rank up the age a bit then.

What about Intelligance or Diplomacy for WIP1 and Willpower or Determination for WIP2?
Name: Ax Williams
Age: 25
Greatest strength: Wilderness Survival
Greatest weakness: Bad with people

Skill:Choose two or write in(will earn more IC)
Hunting: The knowledge and skill in stealth to kill deer and other animals for food.
Survival: Knowledge on edible plants and berries and basic techniques for shelter.

Basically a survival expert with absolutely no tact. He'll keep you alive, but piss you off while doing it. Is this good @Zedalb?
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Name: Ax Williams
Age: 25
Greatest strength: Wilderness Survival
Greatest weakness: Antisocial

Skill:Choose two or write in(will earn more IC)
Hunting: The knowledge and skill in stealth to kill deer and other animals for food.
Survival: Knowledge on edible plants and berries and basic techniques for shelter.

Basically a survival expert with absolutely no tact. He'll keep you alive, but piss you off while doing it. Is this good @Zedalb?

It's great!
Name: Elizabeth "Betty" Morgan
Age: 22
Greatest Strength: Amicable
Greatest Weakness: Stubborn

  • Melee
  • Athletics
  • Hatchet
Name: Elizabeth "Betty" Morgan
Age: 22
Greatest Strength: Amicable
Greatest Weakness: Stubborn

  • Melee
  • Athletics
  • Hatchet
Name: Ax Williams
Age: 25
Greatest strength: Wilderness Survival
Greatest weakness: Antisocial

Skill:Choose two or write in(will earn more IC)
Hunting: The knowledge and skill in stealth to kill deer and other animals for food.
Survival: Knowledge on edible plants and berries and basic techniques for shelter.

Basically a survival expert with absolutely no tact. He'll keep you alive, but piss you off while doing it. Is this good @Zedalb?
Name: WIP 1
14 (Should it be older?)
Strength: Diplomacy?/Tactician?
Weakness: Idealism?/Self Doubt?
Skills: Leadership/Teaching
Item: Local Language Cipher

Okay you three, seems to be little other interest, so are you guys ready to begin?

I think I am going to start a quest thread, you guys can RP IC in it and try to get people to vote on your plans/ actions work with you/each other.

I think I will start a PM so conversations and such can be copy pasted as one larger post instead of 20 small IC post.

Or would you guys rather me make an IC thread in RP you guys RP there and I copy paste it over (and format a bit) into a quest thread for the voters?
Okay you three, seems to be little other interest, so are you guys ready to begin?

I think I am going to start a quest thread, you guys can RP IC in it and try to get people to vote on your plans/ actions work with you/each other.

I think I will start a PM so conversations and such can be copy pasted as one larger post instead of 20 small IC post.

Or would you guys rather me make an IC thread in RP you guys RP there and I copy paste it over (and format a bit) into a quest thread for the voters?
I think the second makes more sense, but it's your choice.
Name: Xanatos Kane (Goes by Zane)
Age: 16
Strength: Empathy
Weakness: Idealistic/Pacifistic/Naive Tendencies
Skills: Diplomacy/Leadership
-Tactician later on?
Item: Local Language Cipher

Anything I should change? I'll clean it up tomorrow.
The incomplete language cipher! Page 1
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Explorer, I was like you taken from my world and brought here. I learned a little about the language before me and my people failed. Maybe you can learn from my mistakes as I watch the last of my people die of starvation and sickness. The language it wasn't until near the end I saw the patterns and started to put it together. It is everywhere, in the flowers, on the walls, in the buildings anywhere and everywhere keep your eyes open and you will see it. It's based on colors, encoded with meaning and how they are ordered. A painting can contain as much information as a dozen books, if not as direct.

It seems to rely upon encoding one color above the others to give more specificity to the ones below it.

This could mean poisonous plant. Red as a greater concept meaning danger, and green below meaning nature normally plants.

The colors seem conceptual and thus a bit subjective the messages not clear.
Honestly a lot of better games have come up recently, and I just don't feel like there was any real interest in this. So I think I will be calling it here.

I needed to format it better and make the council part more clear from the start and have formatting and such relevant to it.

I'm sorry for the time and energy you all put in.

I am rebooting this as a concept that will be more refined and interesting. You will have first dibs on a slot.

X-Com 2, City survival council.

You guys will be leading a small country town that has decided to put there weight behind X-Com and turn into a resistance town.

Now just to survive the aliens and the brainwashed humans send everything you can to X-Com and pray they come save you when shit hits the fan.