SV Saves the Multiverse (Closed)

Name: David Patterson
Gender: Male
Age: 24
Narrative Hook: Just an old solider in way way over his head.
Personality:Quiet, focused, grim humor
Physical Talents: Great endurance to move and fight in his gear. Strong and agile blade arm.
Mental Talents: Extreme Strategic talent, intelligent, wise.
Social Talents: Mysterious, good looking.
Physical Training: Us army training, IG training, Mandolorian trained. Trained swordsman, CQC training, DMR Training.
Knowledge: Millitary studies, basic armour, minor smithing. Weapons maintenance.
Occupation: Interdemensional solider.
My badge
My armor
My gun
My sword

World: Identical to ours
Biographical Facts: Born to a broken home he was abused and in time he had sisters he tried to protect. He tried to protect everyone from a young age, believing in some ways only he deserved pain so he became a solider only to be told he had greater purpose so he trained with soldiers all over the multiverse.
Relationships: Scattered to the winds.
Magic User: No

My apologies, been trying to post for like four hours today but family stuff just kept happening. But you are approved. If you don't want any magic - feel free to pick two more items, but nothing too powerful.
My apologies, been trying to post for like four hours today but family stuff just kept happening. But you are approved. If you don't want any magic - feel free to pick two more items, but nothing too powerful.

How would you feel about.

Regeneration enchantment on my armor so that it repairs itself from damage (not super relevant in a fight but a life saver in a longer battle)

And a twin linked long las with all the trimmings
(Custom stock, folding into the grips bipod top of the line sight)

To be fair even if its slow to use , when used well it could take down a space marine.
How would you feel about.

Regeneration enchantment on my armor so that it repairs itself from damage (not super relevant in a fight but a life saver in a longer battle)

And a twin linked long las with all the trimmings
(Custom stock, folding into the grips bipod top of the line sight)

To be fair even if its slow to use , when used well it could take down a space marine.

Yeah, that is fine.
Updates will be done tomorrow.

@Zedalb: Sorry been a bit tied up this week with daughter's birthday and stuff, so will do your update then too.
Sorry for the lack of activity I've been looking at the thread and wanted to know how people are enjoying it? Pending response, I have noticed quite a few mistakes on my part and may consider rebooting this. Thoughts?
Sorry for the lack of activity I've been looking at the thread and wanted to know how people are enjoying it? Pending response, I have noticed quite a few mistakes on my part and may consider rebooting this. Thoughts?

All Gming is a learning experience.
You can and will always improve (the same is said of life).
I think its best to keep moving forward as long as people are enjoying it, so that you can get more experience and fix mistakes moving forward.
I'm right as rain.

You might want to consider bringing the party together soon, though, just for ease of GMing.
I knew someone was talking about getting a stand
And the DM and he was changing some stuff about stands but I can't find it
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What I should have done is not have you pick individual spells really, and just leave them generic for ease of play.

I will do an update later then.
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Okay so looking at changing magic somewhat - here goes-

As magic completely imperceptible to the vast majority of humanity and only a select few can sense and learn to use it. These individuals all share a common trait, known as magical enlightenment which opens the individual's mind to the currents of magic and allows them to see forces and beings invisible to everyone else. It is a profound change that transforms a character's life. Their prime focus is learning spells and then writing them down so that the spells of least importance can be carried around and those most useful or important are remembered – but like all things age can play tricks on the mind so quite often they tend to write these down too. Many have libraries full of old times-many in need of translating, or making sense of.

Casting: Invocation
Spells: Palladium or Runequest.
Circle: Pick one

This draws power into the world by establishing a connection of inexpressible awareness between individual and cosmos. Although it can wreathe a martial artist's fist in devouring fire or guide an arrow to an impossible target, true masters of mysticism claim that these worldly effects are a by-product, or stepping stone, to the true goal of personal transformation. Worse, they may be a trap, a test to see who is truly capable of separating himself from material distractions. Many mystics are perfectly content to stop at the fiery fists and arrows. Mystic techniques have been established by great yogis or seers of the past but they are cryptic and puzzling. The practitioner must use them as tools in an individualised inner quest, to find the truth hidden between the lines. They learn to channel their energies into enhancing their personal capabilities, sometimes far outstripping those of their fellows. Through a combination of meditative technique and applied knowledge, mystics can increase their likelihood of success with skills, invoke seemingly supernatural powers and develop incredible reactions to direct threats and other hostile situations.

Casting: Psychic
Spells: Jedi-like powers
Circle: Pick one

Their thought is that magic is a force or energy that can alter the fabric of reality at fundamental levels. They know that if the nature of a thing is understood it can be manipulated. On its own, this knowledge is called science, and by the understanding and application of transcendent knowledge. This is the manipulation of formulae that directly intersect with the very fabric of creation. These formulae are complex equations: a mixture of mathematical, psychological, existential and supernatural principals that allow the sorcerer to grasp a portion of reality and bend it to his will. Most find their power by unlocking the fabric of reality and shaping it through their ability to manipulate the rules of creation – moulding it, bending it or breaking it. The most powerful sorcerers are truly awesome individuals, men and women (and beasts) with the power to lay low armies with naught but a few words and gestures. The best sorcerers are rightly feared but to it to these levels requires a dedication to its cause and a willingness – or need – to engage in lengthy study and research.

Casting: Gesture, Psychic
Spells: You're friggin' Doctor Strange (MCU)

They perceive an impersonal universe and believe that among its immutable laws that there are exploitable qualities that can be conquered and used by conscious manipulation. Their thought is that magic is a force or energy that can alter the fabric of reality at fundamental levels. The ability to use magic is a hereditary trait passed down from a person's ancestors. Unlike most others they require something to help focus their abilities, through which they channel mystical energy – this can either be a wand, or a staff (stave) which are the usual preferred methods, and like the mage always use an invocation which are in essence a code that they have learned to help shape the energy into a familiar pattern aiding in them using it.

Casting: Invocation
Spells: Harry Potter

Would people prefer this, as being a damn site simpler?
I think it's much more streamlined

Saves arguing about spells and stuff. It just means I'll need to PM lists of the generic list of spells available. Although I fully expect players to invent on the fly, and it'll use a generic point system.

1-small stuff
2-Car sized
3-Bulding sized
4-Block sized

I think that should be sufficient power wise.
I will also have something called the Sanctuary which would allow you to go to any universe you choose - as long as i know it.