SV Saves the Multiverse (Closed)

I did think about using something akin to what I am in Sci-Fi - Modern - OOC - Immortal to the End thread, whereby you have a pool of points (although I don't really count usage it just stops players taking liberties) - but I am wary that as you're starting off with a fair bit of power, and likely using your powers a lot it could kill the game. May just use freeform and tell you when your characters are tired from over exerting themselves. Might just be easier.
I did think about using something akin to what I am in Sci-Fi - Modern - OOC - Immortal to the End thread, whereby you have a pool of points (although I don't really count usage it just stops players taking liberties) - but I am wary that as you're starting off with a fair bit of power, and likely using your powers a lot it could kill the game. May just use freeform and tell you when your characters are tired from over exerting themselves. Might just be easier.
As long as you can keep an eye on it, that might work. The issue I'm wary of is that what would be a major expenditure of power in one setting would be a relatively minor one in another. As an example, the average Harry Potter wizard (though that is a pretty broken setting in some ways anyway) can cast all day, while an average DnD casters would run out after a relatively tiny number of spells.

To use a more personal example, the amount of elemental manipulation the A:TLA characters can do without tiring doesn't seem to have a hard limit outside of physical exhaustion (from my own memory, it has been a while since I watched the show). That would be at pretty hard odds with any system that limits it based on 'Mana' or the like. (Though I'd be plenty happy to set a limit and stick to it, since it's pretty broken otherwise)
As long as you can keep an eye on it, that might work. The issue I'm wary of is that what would be a major expenditure of power in one setting would be a relatively minor one in another. As an example, the average Harry Potter wizard (though that is a pretty broken setting in some ways anyway) can cast all day, while an average DnD casters would run out after a relatively tiny number of spells.

To use a more personal example, the amount of elemental manipulation the A:TLA characters can do without tiring doesn't seem to have a hard limit outside of physical exhaustion (from my own memory, it has been a while since I watched the show). That would be at pretty hard odds with any system that limits it based on 'Mana' or the like. (Though I'd be plenty happy to set a limit and stick to it, since it's pretty broken otherwise)

Actually Wizardry is partially based on Harry Potter, and the wand / staff (another trope I know), only without their phrases.

That said though how you tire when using magic WILL change with certain settings. For instance in LoGaS, you can go places where magic nullifies technology, or vice versa. Or the level of magic is extremely low, so unless you are puncturing a hole into the magic dimension would not suffer detriment. So I thought it better all players have some experience walking the worlds, and will have heard tales about such things, even if not having experienced it directly.

EDIT: To expand upon this slightly. For instance if a character went into a zero magic universe the law of thermodynamics WOULD take over, in the same way a hot cup of tea (coffee or anything else for that matter) would release its energy to equalise to room temperature. So the charge would remain for a short while before becoming inert once again. Conversely so, it would take time to recharge again upon reaching a magic rich environment. On the opposite end of the scale, if your characters went somewhere as magic rich like Rifts Earth, some magical items could explode due to possessing too much energy - so it kinda goes both ways.
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EDIT: To expand upon this slightly. For instance if a character went into a zero magic universe the law of thermodynamics WOULD take over, in the same way a hot cup of tea (coffee or anything else for that matter) would release its energy to equalise to room temperature. So the charge would remain for a short while before becoming inert once again. Conversely so, it would take time to recharge again upon reaching a magic rich environment. On the opposite end of the scale, if your characters went somewhere as magic rich like Rifts Earth, some magical items could explode due to possessing too much energy - so it kinda goes both ways.
Missed the edit again :/

Will we be able to know the magic level before heading into a world? It would be pretty awful to be carrying something delicately magical and it exploding or dying on us.

Also, how would extradimensional spaces work between worlds? (I'm thinking things like a bag of holding or portable hole) Would they only be accessible in their home universe? And how would 'no-magic' worlds affect them?
Missed the edit again :/

Will we be able to know the magic level before heading into a world? It would be pretty awful to be carrying something delicately magical and it exploding or dying on us.

I'd allow some kind of sense to gauge level prior to entering, but it won't be totally accurate.

Also, how would extradimensional spaces work between worlds? (I'm thinking things like a bag of holding or portable hole) Would they only be accessible in their home universe? And how would 'no-magic' worlds affect them?

A Bag of Holding would be accessible in all universes - depending on my previous caveat, about whether technological or magical. Obviously it would not be infinite in size, anymore than a Tardis is. I'd need to know what is the max it could safely store and how you extract stuff.

Added this not long ago.

Obviously your characters will grow, learn new stuff, get better at existing skills - and naturally pick up some more cool gear. For magic users to improve they can obviously get someone else to teach them, uncover a tome (could be electronically stored - thanks The Laundry for that idea). Alternatively, it is also possible to crossover and use other forms of magic, so a Wizard could easily become a Mage (i.e. no longer require the focus of a staff or wand). It is obviously logical for a Mystic to become a Sorcerer. In theory, anyone could crossover into the areas of another and it would just be another feather in their bow, another skill set obtained over their long life.
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Do we start with any 'mundane' equipment or funds when we begin? Not necessarily massive amounts of it, but enough that our first move doesn't have to be 'find a way to get some basic stuff together'.
Sounds like they're off the table unless @Zedalb tells me anything else to sway my opinion on it.

Actually I think I can.

Regen to the level there talking about seems to exist in two forms.
Grunts: with barely any intelligence the necrons swarm relying upon regen and good weapons to win.
Do these come back?
Sort of as there's no be individuality 100 soldiers worth of necrodermis tends to end up back as about 100 soldiers in enough time.

Much more magic zombie legion, where you just keep casting raise dead than true immortality.

In fact in some of the games there regen is fluffed as a small healing factors and hordes grow in time, to even greater than the original number.

Because its specifically more being teleported into the field not the same ones coming back.

Named necrons without there immortality item tend to die just fine.

More so sense I want to go scientist class.

Some of the fluff is crazy, what they aren't saying is much, MUCH of the fluff has consistently changed and been contradictory.

So what I want to do is be a necrom scientist.

No magic because in Canon lack a soul to attune to higher powers, and the goal is to find one and eventually save my people from there metal cafes.

As a necron I'd be tough, fast and strong, but we're all heroes and many throwing around magic and no one is figuring the jedis exact lifting capacity so it's kind of all gray and up to writing anyway.

My regen would probably be better to some extent, without access to more necrodermis I have to salvage all my little bits because growing more seems slow.

For crazy weaponry I was going to have a necron sword, which while great functions as a light saber and a light saber to try to combine the two and make something stronger. Some type of bag of holding because everyone will be needing one its so essential and I was thinking a tome on enchantment of some sort.

So since most stats are relative I can be noted to be above average and good, without us stressing it to an op extent.

Regen though nice is actual repairs in Canon and growing lost material will take time.

Weaponry is close combat and nothing special I'm more scientist than warrior weapons are projects and experiments that I will use if pushed, or if I get real training.
Do we start with any 'mundane' equipment or funds when we begin? Not necessarily massive amounts of it, but enough that our first move doesn't have to be 'find a way to get some basic stuff together'.

If by that you mean a travelling kit, sleeping bit and pieces and some gold and silver coins, and some food rations. Sure. I'd kinda take that as read to be honest - squishes would all have 2-3 days worth.
Actually I think I can.

Absolutely no one, unless at endgame stage should be having access to First one technology - which they do. So not happening, sorry but it isn't.
You want to an automaton powered by magic - awesome.
Want to play Scarlet Witch expy - yep, that's fine.
Want to play a Darth Vader expy on the Grand Stairs - love it.
Necrons, First Ones - absolutely no chance in hell.
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The problem with necron is that they are considered tough on the WH40k scale. Which mean it is universally agreed that they can talk several bolter rounds befoere dropping.

A bolter round is a rocket-propelled armor-piercing grenade.
I've made a decision, no to Necrons.
Absolutely no one, unless at endgame stage should be having access to First one technology - which they do. So not happening.

Yes but that's not something I'd have.

Like saying everyone from star wars has a death star.

There's a difference between species and personal knowledge i, irl can't build tanks or nuclear weapons even if my race as a whole is capable.
The problem with necron is that they are considered tough on the WH40k scale. Which mean it is universally agreed that they can talk several bolter rounds befoere dropping.

A bolter round is a rocket-propelled armor-piercing grenade.

And those rounds can't go through space ship hulls the marines use special explosives for that, but lightsabers can and there fine.

Also he didn't say toughness was an issue, but tech I didn't have or say I wanted.
Yes but that's not something I'd have.

Like saying everyone from star wars has a death star.

There's a difference between species and personal knowledge i, irl can't build tanks or nuclear weapons even if my race as a whole is capable.

Sorry, but it still is not happening.
Necron, even the most basic grunts, are pretty overpowered just because they are necrons.

Aside from being tough enough to take multiple futuristic rocket propelled grenades. Their most basic weapons eat tanks.

For crazy weaponry I was going to have a necron sword, which while great functions as a light saber and a light saber to try to combine the two and make something stronger. Some type of bag of holding because everyone will be needing one its so essential and I was thinking a tome on enchantment of some sort.
You mean the interdimensional sword that phase through armors and kill thing by creative transdimension telefrag?
Necron, even the most basic grunts, are pretty overpowered just because they are necrons.

Aside from being tough enough to take multiple futuristic rocket propelled grenades. Their most basic weapons eat tanks.

You mean the interdimensional sword that phase through armors and kill thing by creative transdimension telefrag?

Fluff against effect armor worked better against it than light saber.

Sorry, but it still is not happening.

I see you have given up reason and this is just a strong emotional no, now.
Fluff against effect armor worked better against it than light saber.

What is the material involved here? You can't make comparision unless they were used on the same thing.

Weapon A can go through wood, but weapon B can't go through metal. There's nothing to compare.

Beside, lower power than a lightsaber doesn't say anything. There's two thing in the universe that lightsaber cannot cut: another lightsaber, and bullshitium with the only description being "cannot be cut by lightsaber"

This still doesn't address that a necron warrior would requires a batallion of 21th century battle tanks firing nonstop for an hour to maybe, probably, take it down.

How about player Terminator? Necrons are just Termi expies hastily covered with Egyptian paint aftet all
Not at all - I'm just not prepared to indulge arguments to justify something that breaks the OP (mine). Why not try playing something else?

Not prepared to indulge arguments= not going to listen to or respect you enough to respond to your reason = emotional response.

You give me a reason there bad I fix it.

You still say no, with no noted reason.

That is emotional.
Not prepared to indulge arguments= not going to listen to or respect you enough to respond to your reason = emotional response.

You give me a reason there bad I fix it.

You still say no, with no noted reason.

That is emotional.
Dude, chill it.

He doesn't want to turn this in a debate VS thread.

For some so fluff heavy like WH40k, that's what gonna happen.

If you're willing to nerf Necrons until they fit in, why not just play terminator

Just to be clear, you read the wiki link I gave on the items, right?
Dude, chill it.

He doesn't want to turn this in a debate VS thread.

For some so fluff heavy like WH40k, that's what gonna happen.

If you're willing to nerf Necrons until they fit in, why not just play terminator

Just to be clear, you read the wiki link I gave on the items, right?

Orks and Jedi and equally fluff happy.

That's not my issue

My issue is in asking me for a counter argument, me writing a big ass one for, mobile.

Then rudely ignoring it for a one sentence irrelevant , wrong reason.

You would have old one knoweldge, when I litteraly would not.

Don't ask me to argue then do it in not bad but terrible faith.
@Zedalb, you really aren't setting yourself up well for being a player in any regard.

You proposed something you thought was fair. The GM said no after reviewing it, but giving you the chance to provide reasoning for him to overturn his decision.

You then provided reasoning, but the GM didn't think that was good enough to overturn his decision, and finalised his ruling of 'No'.

Then you argued further.

Whatever your opinion on the GM's decision, it is final, and acting otherwise is only going to result in arguments. If you can accept that, do so and alter your plans. If not, move on to another game where the GM is more to your liking. Back-and-forth arguments are going to result only in disruption, especially if you set a precedent that it is okay to do so.
@Zedalb, you really aren't setting yourself up well for being a player in any regard.

You proposed something you thought was fair. The GM said no after reviewing it, but giving you the chance to provide reasoning for him to overturn his decision.

You then provided reasoning, but the GM didn't think that was good enough to overturn his decision, and finalised his ruling of 'No'.

Then you argued further.

Whatever your opinion on the GM's decision, it is final, and acting otherwise is only going to result in arguments. If you can accept that, do so and alter your plans. If not, move on to another game where the GM is more to your liking. Back-and-forth arguments are going to result only in disruption, especially if you set a precedent that it is okay to do so.

You are following that pattern by arguing with me.

If what you said was true you would of pmed me.

Your post is inherently hypocritical contributing to more of the same.

I unfollowed and am only back when alerted
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@RogerD, do items eventually transform back on their own if magically transformed in this, or are the magical transformations permanent?