SV Saves the Multiverse (Closed)

Opening Post - Background and Powers
United Kingdom
A few things I forgot to do last night.....

Okay the idea for this came about as a result of another thread over on SB: SpaceBattles Saves the Multiverse (OOC) which was quite frankly a cracking thread - so I have asked for the original OP's permission to rehash this and that was given yesterday. So a big thank you to @Esarey for allowing this.

This is also inspired by this Lords of Gossamer and Shadow which quite frankly is a cracking RPG if ever there was one. Some of the ideas were then combined with DnD to create the Astulae RPG, and The Strange. so credit where it is due. All are awesome RPG's in their own right, so I recommend getting them. That said, this RP is heavily inspired by both LoGaS and the SB one, so bear that in mind.

IC - SV Saves the Multiverse

Back Story
You are pulled out of your universe, brought before a being that seems perfect in almost every way. To each of you the beings appears as something different, whether an old kindly bearded individual, a glowing being of light, or some sinister humanoid. You all start with a handful of powers and resources and told that you must all work together to stop them. You can pick from one of the races listed (advised) but you can play an alien should you so choose.

Threat Identifier: You are given a little mobile phone like device with details of them all on – one of the first on there is Asmodeus, Lucifer (angel), Tiamat, and a whole host of others – only a few are human.

Immortality: You are rendered essentially unaging (for those with biological bodies), immune to the ravages of illness or time. This does not mean they are invulnerable; can be killed by conventional attacks, including guns and knives. Your healing factor is just as powerful, but your regeneration can be overtaxed resulting in death. It does not stop you from finding other methods of immortality to improve what you already have.

Over the years you have explored your world, and come upon ways to leave, and eventually gain access although only at an initiate level, to something called the Grand Stair (see below). Specially created for you all is a place called Sanctuary, where all of the players can gather in relative safety from other predators - even other walkers of the Stair.

Grand Stair Abilities
  • Opening & Closing Doors
  • Unlocking
  • Locking
  • Holding
  • Wayfinding (Internal Compass)
  • Translation (Exegeneis – think Time Lords)
  • Return to Sanctuary - where all players can meet.
Feel free to experiment with some of the above abilities, you may find some of the these multi-purpose and not just working on the Grand Stair.

You can do anything
You must liberate the multiverse

Appearance: I recommend using pinterest or somewhere like that.
Narrative Hook:
Physical Talents
Mental Talents:
Social Talents:
Physical Training:
Possessions: You can pick any four items from fiction - within reason - no Strombringer or a Tardis. Although you are free to invent them too.
World: Brief facts about where you originate from
Biographical Facts:
Magic User:

Grand Stair
It winds through the multiverse, a behind-the-scenes tunnel connecting all of the Gossamer worlds through doors that link to almost every place a door can link. It is a vast, possibly infinite stairwell that takes many, many shapes and forms throughout its length. At places it is a winding sloped tunnel with rough-hewn stone steps and light provided by irregular torches; gas-lit wooden stairs with elegantly-carved panelling, carpeted steps, high walls papered and bedecked with oil paintings; an industrialized staircase with concrete walls and flickering fluorescents; and many, many more forms.

All along are the portals, fashioned in an equally bewildering range of shapes and sizes, united solely in their sense of being "door-like." To the initiated, these are the gateways to the universe, portals to the infinity of worlds. A warden can open these portals and move up and down its span, opening other doors into almost anywhere. These are always connected to their "real world" location, though that locale can be almost anywhere in our world or at some place within one of the worlds.

Though it is called the Grand Stair, it would be inaccurate to describe it solely as a staircase. Instead, it is almost a crazy quilt collection of staircases, halls, foyers, vestibules, landings, anterooms, passages, apparent lobbies, corridors, halls and amphitheatres, and even more convoluted sections of architecture, all connected in a branching, infinite fashion. There are sections that are clearly laid out as a maze, and sections that are simply long corridors with Doors arrayed on either side as long as the eye can see.

If you imagine every universe being represented by a single star, the Shadow is the void of space between them. However, that huge emptiness serves as both distance and ward, with the walls of reality keeping the worlds from bleeding into the emptiness of Shadow. The Grand Stair bridges many of these worlds, but there are even more worlds that do not have the equivalent of a Door and cannot be reached via the Stair. Still other worlds have been cut loose from the Grand Stair and are now unreachable. There are worlds where the barrier between reality and the Shadow has been breached, from minor anomalies to worldwide destruction. These worlds are often barred and cut free from the Grand Stair because of the risk of the Shadow.

There are an infinite number of worlds, each as real as the next, differing in minor and major details. Think of them as alternate realities, each a world and a universe of its own, existing side by side. Any world you can imagine exists somewhere, and any place you've heard of in fiction, films, poetry, dreams, myths, or even legend... they're all real, somewhere, and you can find them. In an infinite universe, every conjectured otherworld or hypothetical reality is not only possible, it is probable.

Caught between the two primal forces, Order & Chaos, and the only place where the Eidolon and the Umbra do not hold any power is within the Shadow, the place between worlds. All worlds are separated by this Shadow, the void between them. It is the nullity of reality, and in this stark nothingness float infinite worlds, drifting like wisps of gossamer (like the stuff of which they are named), floating in an infinite black void of nothingness, the place that is not a place. Shadow, as much as can be imagined, is cold and empty beyond all conception of coldness and emptiness.

At its most simplistic level, magic is the ability to influence the laws of the natural world and reality, for better or for worse. This presupposes that magical forces exist outside the sphere of reality and can be drawn in, or channelled, and then manipulated to cause an effect.

It is a natural force, like gravity or wind; it pervades the world and nourishes various magical creatures. However, it is entirely invisible to the vast majority of humanity. Currents of magic pass through cities and towns like intangible breezes and invisible fogs – magicians can see them and may know what they portend, but no one else can. The only evidence ordinary people have for the presence of magical energies is that occasionally the currents of magic pool and collect in certain locations, producing various spontaneous magical phenomena like mysterious fires that start without cause, objects that move when no one is around, and the occasional rain of frogs or fish.

A magician is, in effect, puncturing the unseen barrier between reality and the magical planes and controlling the through-flow of magical energy in the mundane world. In this way the prevailing laws of the mundane world can be shaped or altered according to the effects the magician desires.

Gaining Mystic Powers
The most common methods are-

1. Some magical ritual or procedure designed to produce enlightenment. If performed successfully, the target of this ritual or procedure is now enlightened.
2. A small number of people are born that way. Often such characters have either a trace of non-human ancestry or have ancestors who were powerful enlightened magicians.
3. However, even someone from a perfectly ordinary background may be born enlightened.
4. Finally, individuals who are exposed to powerful or unusual magic may sometimes become enlightened immediately after this exposure.

Tier 1: Casual Magic. Magic users at this stage vary from minor abilities to being able to decimate a house or building.

Tier 2: High Magic: The most powerful sorcerers are truly awesome individuals, men and women (and beasts) with the power to lay low armies with naught but a few words and gestures.

Tier 3: Mastery of Magic. It can even be used to shield whole cities (modern).

Tier 4: At its pinnacle, it can even be used to shield nations from more 'primitive' forms of magic, or provide an increase to the standard of living by the maintenance of innovative enchantments.

Tier 5: Planetary

Ambient: This is the ambient energy of the universe.

Innate: It is inherent in living beings an overflow of the life force that permeates and defines the everyday world. The fact is that within some people magic forms spontaneously.

External: This is magic drawn from the Magic Dimension.


Crystals: Some crystals can store or even help amplify the channelling mystical energies in the same that some batteries are able to step-up voltage or the amps.

Grimoires: This is where they record their spells. Each is capable of holding multiple spells. Some grimoires are disparate collections with no single theme whereas others are deliberate collections of spells of a particular nature, gathered together to reflect a particular mind set or requirement. Most can take unusual forms. In some cultures they are often recorded on scrolls or within tomes. However these are perishable, so some civilisations engrave grimoires on plates of metal, carve them into stone walls or even embed them in crystalline formations.

Meditation: This is the ability to reach a state of concentration by removing all extraneous distractions. Once achieved, this higher mind state permits the mystic to tap their inner powers and perform feats of parallel thought impossible to non-mystics. Increasing competence in Meditation improves the mystic's ability to concentrate on several mystical abilities simultaneously.

Staffs (Staves): These are usually about three to six feet tall made of mystically treated or enhancing material to enable the user to better channel magical energies. Without it many are nigh on powerless, and at best barely able to manage rudimentary tricks.

Communication: It can allow two users to magically communicate with one another; wordlessly transcending language barriers.

Immortal: This can be accomplished through a variety of methods.

Longevity: Through the increased storage of mystical energy it allows the user to age slower, on a 1-to-scale, depending on the individual reserves of the user.

Manipulation (Shaping) is the method used to change the parameters of a sorcery spell so that it can be wrought to meet certain requirements, such as increasing its range or duration. In their default form, sorcery spells are relatively feeble in scope, and through a mastery of manipulation massive levels of power are possible – effects that go far beyond what is here and now and visible.

Mystic Vision: All possess mystic vision, and appears immediately after becoming enlightened. It augments the magician's sight and can instantly determine if someone is performing some sort of magic or if an object has been permanently enchanted. They can use their mystic vision to notice the presence of ghosts, magical projections and other invisible magical beings. However without extra effort all can see is a vague glow or mistiness that indicates the presence of magic.

These powers do not involve tremendous changes in the nature of reality, but instead are minor adjustments, little "tweaks" to the temporary state of things. These subtle manipulations of pure will are less complex than actual spells.

Examples: Dampen, Dim, Flame, Hasten, Heat, Invigorate, Light, Tricks

Power Words
They are a limited form of magic, used mostly in a defensive way. Power words are easy to cast, instantaneous in effect, but have no lasting effect. Because it involves channelling a burst of energy they are always noticeable, never concealed. These involve things like

Examples: Death, Life-Force, Magic Negation, Mana, Neural Disrupt, Pain, Psychic Defence, Psychic Disrupt, Shut, Stun, Weaken Structure,

These are powers and enhancements available through seeking reclusive masters, supernatural gifts, divine blessings or progression within a cult. All are augmentations, but they are not magical powers; but are to some extent, fuelled by the same reserves that power common magic, and involves channelling the intangible forces that fire deeds of heroism.

Examples: Blind Fighting, Body Control, Leap, Projectile Parry, Power Blow, Spider climb, Tireless, Wall Leaping

It manipulates the natural order with varying degrees of subtlety and offers a host of effects that ease daily life or augment specific endeavours. The nature and effects are visible to all. Although the name denotes it as being rather banal, the spells can still be very powerful, if used carefully and thoughtfully.

This is magic devoted to a particular type of school. There are so many specialisations across the multiverse, varying from universe-to-universe. Included in this would be things like Pyromancy (Fire), Water (Hydromancy) etc.

Sometimes this is known as Chaos Magic. True mages eschew memorization of tricks and poems; they attune themselves to these essential forces, exerting their own will to reshape creation to their needs. While other magic users must be content with handful of spells which they have been fortunate enough to learn, practitioners study and control the essential forces of the universe. Learning and casting is a physically and mentally taxing process, but the rewards are great. Not shackled to a few simple enchantments left over and then pieced back together; rather they have sought to understand the true essence of magic and have a far greater degree of control over their powers.

To cast the individual lapses into a semi-trance, concentrating his or her conscious mind on the Sphere he wants to affect, while allowing his subconscious to concentrate on the Glyph that will be used to manipulate it. Unburdened by having to learn individual spells and keep dusty grimoires full of esoteric writings. Spells are really only pre-written examples of how a Sphere and a Glyph interact; they are easy to learn and are not costly in terms of the energy needed to make them work. Deep Magic is wilder and more potent stuff. The Mage decides what effect he or she wants and then manipulates the appropriate Sphere with the appropriate Glyph to achieve it.

Air: It governs the movement of the winds, the hurricanes and the tornadoes—elements which have the capability to soothe or to destroy.
Earth: This includes all minerals and metals, be they base or precious, solid or liquid.
Fire: The third element. This Sphere governs all aspects of fire: smoke, heat, a flames. It also covers the associated elements of light and darkness.
Water: This includes liquids composed mainly of water or which rely on it for their composition: lakes, rivers, streams, the sea, the rain, wine, milk, and dew.
Fauna: All beasts of subhuman intelligence, including insects, fish, birds, and reptiles.
Flesh: This Sphere covers all aspects of human intelligence and physical being. Anything that directly affects the flesh and intelligence of sentient beings is the province of this Sphere.
Flora: This includes all vegetation, from the lowliest fungi to the greatest of trees.
Spirit: The Sphere of the senses: Sight, sound, taste, smell and hearing. This Sphere also governs the soul—the base from which all senses are judged to have emerged from —to summon forth the inhabitants of other planes.

Creation: It governs the making of things from raw materials and, in some cases, the making of things where no raw materials are available.
Diminution: This effects the reduction of things in size, shape, mass and density.
Direction: This masters the movement and redirection of things, either up, down, side to side, or in any permutation possible within the limits of earthly physics.
Dismissal: This power allows the user to dismiss creatures that may have come from other worlds.
Enhancement: This is the opposite of Diminution and promotes the growth or acceleration of things.
Inhibition: This enables the stopping and prevention of things.
Summoning: The glyph allows the mind of a sorcerer to enter into the realms that are unseen and untouchable by ordinary people—it allows the sorcerer to draw forth otherworldly entities.
Transmutation: Allows for the changing of one thing into another - be it water into ice or steam, or flesh into stone or metal. This is the glyph of ultimate chaos and as such is the most difficult glyph to master.

***If the user wishes to work magic using either a Sphere or a Glyph not specialized in studying, the effort is much greater and the cost in magic far dearer.

Casting: Psychic
Tools: NA
Traits: NA
Aspects: NA
Pick one Sphere and two Glyphs, or two Spheres and one Glyph.

As magic completely imperceptible to the vast majority of humanity and only a select few can sense and learn to use it. These individuals all share a common trait, known as magical enlightenment which opens the individual's mind to the currents of magic and allows them to see forces and beings invisible to everyone else. It is a profound change that transforms a character's life. Their prime focus is learning spells and then writing them down so that the spells of least importance can be carried around and those most useful or important are remembered – but like all things age can play tricks on the mind so quite often they tend to write these down too. Many have libraries full of old times-many in need of translating, or making sense of.

Sources: External (Magic)
Casting: Gesture, Invocation, Ritual
Tools: Grimoire
Traits: Mystic Vision
Aspects: Low, Common, Circle, Power Words
Pick five low, five power words, four spells and one circle.

This draws power into the world by establishing a connection of inexpressible awareness between individual and cosmos. Although it can wreathe a martial artist's fist in devouring fire or guide an arrow to an impossible target, true masters of mysticism claim that these worldly effects are a by-product, or stepping stone, to the true goal of personal transformation. Worse, they may be a trap, a test to see who is truly capable of separating himself from material distractions. Many mystics are perfectly content to stop at the fiery fists and arrows. Mystic techniques have been established by great yogis or seers of the past but they are cryptic and puzzling. The practitioner must use them as tools in an individualised inner quest, to find the truth hidden between the lines. They learn to channel their energies into enhancing their personal capabilities, sometimes far outstripping those of their fellows. Through a combination of meditative technique and applied knowledge, mystics can increase their likelihood of success with skills, invoke seemingly supernatural powers and develop incredible reactions to direct threats and other hostile situations.

Sources: Ambient, Innate
Casting: Psychic, Gesture (Mudra)
Tools: Meditation
Traits: Longevity
Aspects: Low, Talents, Common, Circle
Pick five Low, Five Talents, five spells and one circle

They know that if the nature of a thing is understood it can be manipulated. On its own, this knowledge is called science, and by the understanding and application of transcendent knowledge. This is the manipulation of formulae that directly intersect with the very fabric of creation. These formulae are complex equations: a mixture of mathematical, psychological, existential and supernatural principals that allow the sorcerer to grasp a portion of reality and bend it to his will. They are born with the ability to use their entire brain at one time, unlike common men and women who only are able to use about 10% of their brain. This additional brainpower also allows each spell caster became more skilful with calculations due to the said brain.

Most find their power by unlocking the fabric of reality and shaping it through their ability to manipulate the rules of creation – moulding it, bending it or breaking it. The most powerful sorcerers are truly awesome individuals, men and women (and beasts) with the power to lay low armies with naught but a few words and gestures. The best sorcerers are rightly feared but to it to these levels requires a dedication to its cause and a willingness – or need – to engage in lengthy study and research.

Sources: Ambient
Casting: Psychic
Tools: Grimoire (Encantus)
Traits: Mystic Vision
Aspects: Low, Common, Circle
Pick five low, four spells and two circle.

They perceive an impersonal universe and believe that among its immutable laws that there are exploitable qualities that can be conquered and used by conscious manipulation. Their thought is that magic is a force or energy that can alter the fabric of reality at fundamental levels. The ability to use magic is a hereditary trait passed down from a person's ancestors. Unlike most others they require something to help focus their abilities, through which they channel mystical energy – this can either be a wand, or a staff (stave) which are the usual preferred methods, and like the mage always use an invocation which are in essence a code that they have learned to help shape the energy into a familiar pattern aiding in them using it.

Sources: External (Magic)
Casting: Invocation
Tools: Crystals, Staves, Wands
Traits: NA
Aspects: Low, Common, Power Words, Circle
Pick five low, ten spells, and five power words

Example Species- you are of course free to choose to play some kind of alien, that is totally your choice.

Obviously your characters will grow, learn new stuff, get better at existing skills - and naturally pick up some more cool gear. For magic users to improve they can obviously get someone else to teach them, uncover a tome (could be electronically stored - thanks The Laundry for that idea).

Alternatively, it is also possible to crossover and use other forms of magic, so a Wizard could easily become a Mage (i.e. no longer require the focus of a staff or wand). It is obviously logical for a Mystic to become a Sorcerer. In theory, anyone could crossover into the areas of another and it would just be another feather in their bow, another skill set obtained over their long life.

Magic & Technology
How tired you get using magic WILL change with certain settings. For instance you can go places where magic nullifies technology, or vice versa. Or the level of magic is extremely low, Only those puncturing a hole into the magic dimension would not suffer detriment in using magic. So I thought it better all players have some experience walking the worlds, and will have heard tales about such things, even if not having experienced it directly.

For instance if a character went into a zero magic universe the law of thermodynamics WOULD take over, in the same way a hot cup of tea (coffee or anything else for that matter) would release its energy to equalise to room temperature. So the charge would remain for a short while before becoming inert once again. Conversely so, it would take time to recharge again upon reaching a magic rich environment. On the opposite end of the scale, if your characters went somewhere as magic rich like Rifts Earth, some magical items could explode due to possessing too much energy - so it kinda goes both ways. Now in order to offset this slightly, all players will have an innate sense, to be able to gauge the magic level of the world in question, in order to avoid things exploding.
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Hmmm... Seems interesting... Can we do anything we want with the template? Make Expys and such?

Also what's Narrative Hook for?
Roger Dee - Wong
Name: Wang-Hong Yuan
Gender: Male
Age: 26
Narrative Hook: Wants to see justice in the multiverse, loves animals
Personality: Outspoken, Quick Witted
Physical Talents: Fast, strong, and quite agile, and lots of stamina
Mental Talents: Indomitable Will, Intuitive, Sharp Mind
Social Talents: Charming, Aloof.
Physical Training: Martial Art Master,
Knowledge: Physics, Genetics, smattering of chemistry
Occupation: Martial Artist, Mystic
Armour, Mana gun, Rune Blade, Shield
World: It mostly consists of Iron Age materials, but not quite approaching modern day, although magic is common in the forms of objects that harness it, such as cantrips lights, or magical burners, a cleaner way to cook than to use gas.
Biographical Facts: Born of a broken family, beaten as a youngster was eventually rescued by a travelling monk that gladly took the youth in and trained him at a nearby monastery.
Relationships: Only the monks in the monastery, parents are deceased.
Magic User: Mystic
Cantrips: Dark, Flame, Heat, Invigorate, Light
Talents: Leap, Projectile Parry, Power Blow, Spider climb, Tireless
Common: Absorption, Barrier, Fire Fist, Mystic Sight
Circle: Electricity
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How did the items from across fiction come into our possession? Did they get given to us by the figure, or have we been dimension-hopping before that point and picked them up?

Edit: Also, do we assume proficiency with them?
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Hmmm... Seems interesting... Can we do anything we want with the template? Make Expys and such?

Sure go right ahead.

Also what's Narrative Hook for?

It should tell me something about what drives your character.
See the above example.

How did the items from across fiction come into our possession? Did they get given to us by the figure, or have we been dimension-hopping before that point and picked them up?

You've done a bit of hopping previously, so you are not a total newb to the dangers, i.e. getting stuck because a door could be permanently closed (at your level anyway), but that will change as you learn and acquire new abilities.
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Simply.Are we playing modified variants of ourselves equipped with four items?

just checking - no, you're the actual character then.
Now I'm gonna add this, as it is quite important, and useful - particularly on the magic subject.
Magic is not split up the same in every universe, for instance Gurps has some interesting ideas for circle magic you could choose from, as I'm sure do other RPG's or book series. So you have a fair amount of creative license to be honest.
just checking - no, you're the actual character then.
Now I'm gonna add this, as it is quite important, and useful - particularly on the magic subject.
Magic is not split up the same in every universe, for instance Gurps has some interesting ideas for circle magic you could choose from, as I'm sure do other RPG's or book series. So you have a fair amount of creative license to be honest.
Sooo..... we are to make OCs.Not us after changes.Hm.You remember my martial artist girl from that rifts campaign that aborted, would she work?
Bevillia - Xin Sivian
Name: Xin Sivian
Gender: Male
Age: 32
Narrative Hook: Trained from Childhood to fight in a seemingly-endless war. That war just got a lot bigger with his Awakening. (Sense of Duty, Moral Obligation)
Personality: Quite easygoing, and slow to anger. Keeps a cool head in most situations. He has a general dislike for Fire users from his background, but keeps it under control.
Physical Talents: Great Physical Condition, Great Stamina.
Mental Talents: Highly Focused, Used to Battlefield Conditions.
Social Talents: Some Training in 'Acting Noble'. Somewhat charismatic.
Physical Training: Martial Arts Training (Through Earthbending).
Knowledges: Good knowledge of Geology,
Occupation: Soldier, Earthbender, Minor Nobility. Multiversal Traveller.
Possessions: Hat of Disguise (Pathfinder), Ring of Freedom of Movement (Pathfinder), Ring of Sustenance (Pathfinder), Necklace of Adaptation (Pathfinder).
World: Xin hails from the Earth Kingdom of a variant of the World of Avatar: The Last Airbender that had a much less one-sided war against the Fire Nation. Great battles were fought across the continent, and masters of Bending made great use of their craft against armies.
Biographical Facts: Born into the ranks of lower nobility, he was trained as an Earthbender almost from when he could walk. Making his way into the army and onto the battlefield at 18, he honed his skills through a decade of combat before Awakening in the aftermath of the Disaster at Omashu. Cast adrift into the Multiverse, he began the slow road towards mastery of his now-expanded skills.
Relationships: Parents and younger siblings in his home universe.
Magic User: Deep
- Sphere: Earth
- Glyphs: Direction, Transmutation
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munchkinomatic - Ferrous Magnus
Name: Ferrous Magnus
Gender: Undefined
Age: 420

Narrative Hook: Collect all technological wonders in the universe.
Unlock the Lexion, through that, become a Numidium
Personality: Ferrous Magnus is a solf-spoken and polite robot. He is not very emotional, even if he is capable of feeling something like that, and prefer to rely on cold logic as an escape. At heart, he is driven by a desire to build and innovate, a base urge that he could not control.
Physical Talents: Extremely strong and tough. Fast. Nigh-unlimited Stamina
Mental Talents: Inventive. High learning speed and capacity. Insane mental speed and precision. Hyper attentive and anilytical. Automaton mind.
Social Talents: None
Physical Training: Advance Markmanship
Knowledges: Engineering. Architecture. Automaton constructions and programing. Advanced magical theories and application, deep magic.
Inventor, builder, scholar, interdimensional traveller.
-Dingbot Prime
Chief among Prime's abilities is the ability to assemble other dingbots, though the copies tend to be moderately inferior. All dingbots are fairly good mechanics of other machinery, and Prime is presumably better than most.

Although Dingbot Prime's intelligence is surely an example of the way in which a "strong Heterodyne" can "truly warp laws of nature", it does apparently need to be wound regularly (though this may have been reduced by a subsequent improvement), and its own dingbot procreations are inferior to itself.

In a recent strip, Gil and Tarvek theorize that the Primes actually possess a rudimentary Spark, a belief that seems to be proven correct when they begin exhibiting "other Sparky behavior" (violence, unruliness, and egomania).​
-444 Bear Killer
This legendary pistol, which origins were lost, is the most powerful pistol ever made, with an overall length of 348 mm, a barrel length of 237 mm, a weight of 2105 g and a maximun effective range of 1000 m.

The 444 Bear Killer is a powerful pistol. It is capable of killing most humanoid enemies in a single hit, and is capable of downing the most powerful enemies, such as the Deus Ex or Interceptor in less than 4 shots, since it uses armor piercing rounds. While the 444 Bear Killer has excellent stopping power, it should be noted that it has a maximum capacity of only 4 bullets and has a relatively long reload time.​
-Locked Dwemer Lexicon, containing all knowledge, from basic to eldritch, needed to
construct Numidium.

The Lexicon was a device created by the Dwemer used as a portable information repository, stored with the sophisticated knowledge of the Dwemer.

The Numidium, also known as the Brass God or Brass Tower,[1] is a colossal humanoid golem of the Dwemer civilization. At its base, the Numidium is an omnipotent reality wrapping engine, an artificial God devised and constructed by mortals.​
-Blueprints for building a Sierra Madre Vending Machine, and the chips.
The vending machine is in fact a self-contained matter transformation device. It can recreate any item (limited by the templates stored in its memory) by using Sierra Madre chips as a battery and source of raw material for the created goods. It can also take certain items and transform them back into Sierra Madre chips.

The machine demonstrates something astounding about pre-War civilization. As the chips are not some form of nanotech feedstock, but simple alloys of common and fissionable elements (see Coin Operator), the machines use nuclear fission/fusion to process this material not only into tools, but edible food and even prescription chems.​

Ferrous Magnus could not tell for certain where was his origin world. His name suggested a world where Latin, and thus Roman, or an analogue thereoff, has developed, but his inner working shown many similarities to the Dwemers' creations in The Elder Scroll verse. Unfortunately, the only man who could answer for certain was dissappeared long ago. He first achieved consciousness on an oddly barren and lifeless world, which he seemed to be the sole occupant.
Biographical Facts: The masterpiece of a mysterious, dimensional hoping tinker. The first second he achieved consciousness, Ferrous was gripped with an urge to build and improve, both himself and everything around him. He acted on this craving, and built. For hundred of years, he built and built, yet soon he realized that his world could no longer support his ambition, so he drained it dry into order to craft a gate that would let him find other worlds, worlds that would support his ambition.

Unfortunately, the gate malfunctioned, burning centuries of progress to cinder as it consumed the world and shunted Ferrous Magnus into the Darkness. He was lost, and soon was found.
Relationships: None
Magic User:
Sphere: Earth
Glyph: Enhancement, Transmutation​
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Okay made a few slight changes this morning - removed Tricks and renamed Cantrips to Low Magic - it made more sense. Tricks (as previously described) are included under low magic.

To be fair I'm not worried about it being a trope, we are playing fantasy. It worked in Stargate, Lucy, and Sorcerer's Apprentice (from which Sorcery in this is very much derived) :)

Sooo..... we are to make OCs.Not us after changes.Hm.You remember my martial artist girl from that rifts campaign that aborted, would she work?

Feel free to post her and I'll take a look.

Do we get to aqquire new glyph?

I figure the ones you have are quite powerful.
However, I'll add this caveat that over time you'll be able to do stuff outside of your spheres and glyphs listed - if the user wishes to work magic using either a Sphere or a Glyph not specialized in studying, the effort is much greater and the cost in magic far dearer.

However here is a Deep Magic idea though-

See the Past-Sphere: Spirit. Glyphs: Transformation and Direction. This spell allows the caster's spirit to travel backwards in time and to observe what has happened in the recent past in the particular location occupied by the caster.

I'm thinking of being a necron.

That is definitely off the table - as would any other Elder or Ancient race :)
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Possessions: Hat of Disguise (Pathfinder), Ring of Freedom of Movement (Pathfinder), Ring of Sustenance (Pathfinder), Nature Amulet (GURPS),

I take it the Freedom of Movement allows you to not be hindered by various types of terrain?
Sustenance go without food and water - roughly how long?
Nature Amulet - what does that do?
Other than that your character looks fine.
I take it the Freedom of Movement allows you to not be hindered by various types of terrain?
Sustenance go without food and water - roughly how long?
Nature Amulet - what does that do?
Other than that your character looks fine.

Here's the quotes from the sources. I tried to avoid stuff that would be too 'Direct Combat' in use.

Ring of Sustenance said:
This ring continually provides its wearer with life-sustaining nourishment. The ring also refreshes the body and mind; its wearer needs only sleep 2 hours per day to gain the benefit of 8 hours of sleep. This allows a spellcaster that requires rest to prepare spells to do so after only 2 hours, but this does not allow a spellcaster to prepare spells more than once per day. The ring must be worn for a full week before it begins to work. If it is removed, the owner must wear it for another week to reattune it to himself.

Ring of Freedom of Movement said:
This gold ring allows the wearer to act as if continually under the effect of a freedom of movement spell.
Freedom of Movement Spell said:
This spell enables you or a creature you touch to move and attack normally for the duration of the spell, even under the influence of magic that usually impedes movement, such as paralysis, solid fog, slow, and web. All combat maneuver checks made to grapple the target automatically fail. The subject automatically succeeds on any combat maneuver checks and Escape Artist checks made to escape a grapple or a pin.

The spell also allows the subject to move and attack normally while underwater, even with slashing weapons such as axes and swords or with bludgeoning weapons such as flails, hammers, and maces, provided that the weapon is wielded in the hand rather than hurled. The freedom of movement spell does not, however, grant water breathing.

Nature Amulet said:
These protective talismans make the wearer immune to a broad class of "natural" attacks, including bare-handed attacks, wood or stone weapons, animal or vegetable attacks and nonmagical elemental attacks (normal fires, windstorms, avalanches, lightning, natural extreme cold). The amulet has no effect on magic (including elemental attacks like Fireball, Shape Earth or Lightning) or forged or cast metal weapons. Note that while the wearer cannot be crushed or directly harmed by water or earth, he can still suffocate or drown. For instance, if a person wearing this amulet was standing under 1,000 tons of falling earth, he would not be crushed, but unless he could be dug out in a few minutes he would suffocate.
Okay made a few slight changes this morning - removed Tricks and renamed Cantrips to Low Magic - it made more sense. Tricks (as previously described) are included under low magic.

To be fair I'm not worried about it being a trope, we are playing fantasy. It worked in Stargate, Lucy, and Sorcerer's Apprentice (from which Sorcery in this is very much derived) :)

Feel free to post her and I'll take a look.

I figure the ones you have are quite powerful.
However, I'll add this caveat that over time you'll be able to do stuff outside of your spheres and glyphs listed - if the user wishes to work magic using either a Sphere or a Glyph not specialized in studying, the effort is much greater and the cost in magic far dearer.

However here is a Deep Magic idea though-

See the Past-Sphere: Spirit. Glyphs: Transformation and Direction. This spell allows the caster's spirit to travel backwards in time and to observe what has happened in the recent past in the particular location occupied by the caster.

That is definitely off the table - as would any other Elder or Ancient race :)

If you edit in quotes or replies they don't get notified, I was mostly done with a sheet since I saw no innital response, is there any particular reason a necron, without magic would be out.

Great tech, but no magic and it seems to work to me.