SV Profits From Strange Aeons! (DEAD)


Really in the mood for ribs.

In these strange aeons, even Death may want a bargain.
For some of you this situation is rather familiar, for some of you it's rather new and maybe a little distressing as you find yourselves seated around a conference table in a dark room with only a band of light running along the table illuminating you while at the head of the table a large screen flickers and displays an image of a strange symbol.
You are here as a test of your skills, particularly in the field of making profit. This is Earth, and the First Arcanotech War is some time away.
Images flicker of various news articles; stories about the invention of Arcanotechnology, of the rising tensions across the world between oil-producing nations and those that were switching over whole-heartedly to Arcanotechnology, and the rising power of the UN on the back of exclusive Arcanotechnology production.

Followed by aliens invading.
You know that it will lead to a sorry state of affairs. Which is why you are here. Tip the tide in their favour, make a profit doing so.
The windows opened to a sprawling, futuristic city, a massive mountain of steel and glass rising in the distance. However, it appears that the massive man-made construction is incomplete, and is looking like it is soon to fall into a state of disrepair.
A minor change to the timeline, the world's first arcology started but soon brought to a halt by the new economy.

This will be your first challenge.

This is a game for six players, operating as the controlling figures in the shadows for a new corporation with the aim of becoming a megacorporation, gaining global prestige by completing the world's first arcology, and then getting the world ready for the impending Arcanotech War and the future Aeon War.

If you can ensure that Earth is capable of surviving the war in a position to either win or get the hell off this damned rock, you win. Naturally, being wiped off the face of the planet means you lose, or being absorbed by Chrysalis Corporation, or being absorbed by the Ashford Foundation, you get the idea.

To apply, provide the following:

-Player Name:
-Character Name:
-Speciality: Pick either Business, Manufacturing, Research Or Military to gain a player bonus in that area.

After that, pick one of the following vote options for your starting techbase, and choose a location which will also give you your starting military choices.

Tech Vote:
[]Killzone (Petrusite Mine provided)
[]Terminator (Suspiciously empty of time travel research)
[]GDI (Tiberium Farm and Tacitus provided)
[]NOD (Tacitus and Tiberium Farm provided)
[]Ghost In The Shell/Appleseed

Location Vote:
[]Prague (Starting Military Forces: NOD)
[]Moscow (Starting Military Forces: Rise Of The Reds Russia Faction)
[]Dubai (Starting Military Forces: Mid-East Crisis 2 GOI Faction)
[]Berlin (Starting Military Forces: GDI)
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-Player Name: @Glint
-Character Name: Alisa Bosconovitch
-Gender: Female
-Speciality: Business

[X] Killzone (Petrusite Mine provided)
[X] Moscow (Starting Military Forces: Rise Of The Reds Russia Faction)

I always liked the way Killzone had that intimidating look. Also Russia. Because it's freaking Russia.
Character Name: Elizabeth Vera Azzarelli
Player Name: Simpli
Gender: Female

Speciality: Business


Elizabeth is a alluring femme fatale, ready to pull a gun at anyone any moment or simply lure them in with a silver tongue till the poor souls realised they had neither money or clothes left. She's standing 5 feet 7 inches tall and is probably a few inches taller thanks to her high-heeled shoes on her feet. She got dark brown eyes that always glare with a spark of calculation in them, her eyes surrounded with a layer of eye shadows, simply screaming that this lady is not to be trusted, yet, somehow people seems to just be addicted to her looks, moving towards her like metal pieces towards a magnet. Sharp, straight eyebrows, heavily enhanced with makeup to make them thick and black as night. She got a sharp arched nose, with a pair of thin lips underneath and also a layer of gloss over them. She got skinny cheeks and high cheek bones a thin and serious face overall. Her raven black hair is styled in a short cut, going sideways a little on the back of her hearth to emulate some motion.

Her body is slim and slender, a slender neck with feminine shoulders and long arms, that is decidedly good in shape and pleasant to the eyes. A fit body that's able to sneak through both slim corners or small windows, her waist is gentle and leads out to her unimpressive hips, not something wide and alluring, but still something mystic, the way she sways them when she walks. Her legs are long and mesmerizing, keeping people unfocused whenever she uses them, both for seducing and to interrupt those she's fooling. Her thighs are thick and soft, always brushing against each other when she strides forward. Her legs are long and perfectly sculptured and the way she walk, putting one foot in front of the other one shows off that she's very skilled at walking that way.

She's usually dressed very temptingly with low-cut that distract those around her if she wants to and a fair for the fashionable and dramatic that might make people doubt they are standing before a gang leader and not a fashionista. At the same time she takes great care to have her clothes as light and as unobtrusive as possible - after all being underestimated is something else than being unable to move through a fire fight because your dress gets stuck in places.

Tech Vote:
[X]Ghost In The Shell/Appleseed
It is versatile, proven and with Appleseed we are getting quite a lot of things to play around with here people. We can begin slow and lowball things at first, before branching off into the really useful things, ranging from full body cybernetics, to true AI and much more. Come one people~ Immortality is at our fingertips, why miss it?

Location Vote:
[X]Prague (Starting Military Forces: NOD)
We are going to be dropped into a setting full of Mechs and cultist of millennia old nasties all around - we might profit from not being caught or seen and what is stealthier than a whole military dedicated to run and strike attacks? And one shouldn't forget – black and red has lovely sleek curves~

This looks very interesting, though I'm not familiar with the setting if it's not an original... I'd love to post a character profile, unfortunately it'll have to wait for the morning since its rather late... :p

Gideon, I take it that it's only a single starting technology and location, it's just majority of whoever you pick?

Hope it's not full by the time I have a chance to create the profile... XD
Ooooh. My WiFi situation is too unreliable for me to commit, but I must recommend Ghost in the Shell/Appleseed. I'll admit that it's been a while since I saw either of them, and I'm unfamiliar with some of the other options, but I can say that Gits/Appleseed is imo superior to Terminator. Also has cute spider bots.

Also everything else. I'm not sure I even finished gits. I watched it and the cg Appleseed movie when I was around thirteen. But I remember enough to say that you guys ought to pick it.

Also the Major is absolutely the best and her hair is my favorite hair style. She's amazing. And the ost is amazing. Rip Origa.

Pick GITS/Appleseed please.
-Player Name: jacobplm
-Character Name: Francis Franco
-Gender: Male
-Speciality: Research

Tech Vote:
[X]Ghost In The Shell/Appleseed

Location Vote:
[X]Prague (Starting Military Forces: NOD)

Will expand later with appearance and backstory.
-Player Name: DarthThrawn
-Character Name:
Waylon Serrano

Tech Vote:

[X]Ghost In The Shell/Appleseed

Location Vote:

[X]Berlin (Starting Military Forces: GDI)
-Player Name: Pyro Hawk
-Character Name: Raptor Fyre
-Gender: Male
-Speciality: Military

Tech Vote:
[X]Ghost In The Shell/Appleseed
Location Vote:
[X]Prague (Starting Military Forces: NOD)

Yey, I got it up... :p I'd love to take the GDI military forces, but NOD actually fits what we're going to need to do a lot better probably. All about espionage, covert operations and the like. Sure we're going to be less capable in stand-up fights at the start, but I'm sure we can do some reverse-engineering, researching and out-sourcing of designs to acquire technology that'll fit the GDI's look and abilities in short order.
-Player Name: Shujin
-Character Name: Ramya Prasad
-Gender: F
-Speciality: Research

Tech Vote:
Location Vote:
[X]Prague (Starting Military Forces: NOD)
Looks like we're going to be very good at researching technologies and then marketing those technologies, though our military and manufacturing capabilities lag behind a bit. Not much though as we aren't focused on a single 'stat' or missing anything.

This going to be your standard 'Social, Research, Development, Production, Military, Covert' action layout Gideon? Just with the specialty giving a bonus to a few of those categories though small?

Or will it be something new?
Looks like we're going to be very good at researching technologies and then marketing those technologies, though our military and manufacturing capabilities lag behind a bit. Not much though as we aren't focused on a single 'stat' or missing anything.

This going to be your standard 'Social, Research, Development, Production, Military, Covert' action layout Gideon? Just with the specialty giving a bonus to a few of those categories though small?

Or will it be something new?

I'll put up a gameplay rules post shortly.
Finally got wifi working, love all these gits votes!
Okay, looks like we're pretty much in majority for Prague, NOD, and the GiTS/Appleseed aka ShirowTech techbase.

Gimme a minute to write up the gameplay rules, because there are a couple of changes now. Especially for those [CENSORED] Nat 100's.
I really want to know what those Nat 100s are about now... Because it sounds really hilarious...

Though I'm not sure the reason you're so pissed off at them is because they make us OP, or an enemy... Meh, either way, still entertaining... XD
I remember the Nat 100s. I remember. Fucking insane, they were.
Ah, the Nat 100s that Gideon's games seem to be cursed with rolling all the time. Yeah, I know those, and they are both funny hilarious, and despairingly hilarious at the same time.
Remember when I rolled like, two Nat 100s followed by a Nat 1 and went comatose? And then later we found a giant Nazi submarine? @-@
Gameplay Rules
General Actions:
All players have the following actions. To prevent action bloat, they will only have these actions and any special unlocks and traits gained will just provide bonuses of various kinds.

-Business: This is where you conduct trade, diplomacy and generally do the legwork that will allow you to gain new markets and manufacture/research new products.
-Manufacturing: Want to build new facilities? This is where you go. Want to set up a production line? This is where you go. Want to arm and equip a private army? This is where you go. You also need this action if you want to upgrade a product to a newer model/iteration.
-Research & Design: You can't make new products without first figuring out how to make them. This is where all research is done and while most simple projects can go straight from the drawing board to the CNC Lathes, more advanced tech will require an additional action in this category to test out prototypes. If you want to make variants of a product or upgrade to a new version before release, this is where you go as well.
-Military: You are in the unique position of being able to manufacture and direct your own private military forces, though don't go advertising that. Use these actions to direct them. THIS IS NOT FOR MANUFACTURING FORCES, RECRUITING FORCES OR OTHER MUNCHKIN BULLSHIT.


-Covert & Esoteric: With magic (and the Hounds Of Tindalos) being a thing, and the fact that in this setting if you want to fling fireballs you need to be Para-Psychic, this is where you work on that, and also do all that lovely spy stuff. Hell, if you somehow start your own cult (I hear the Nazis tapped into a few places that might have beings willing to provide power and who might actually not wish to annihilate the universe doing so...), this is also where you would direct them. No metagaming for early Tagers, the stars have not yet aligned, and if you're crazy enough to try and make your own Shoggoths, who am I to stop your obvious lunacy. Who knows, maybe you'll discover your patron's identity this time...

Nat 100's, or the bane of Gideon's existance:

Let's face it, the veterans among you know about the Nat 100's and they will be inevitable. To try and avoid chains of miraculous devilry, a Nat 100 must now be confirmed with a D20 roll attempting to beat 10. Failure makes it a Critical Success, Success lets the Nat 100 proceed without incident.

Oh god, now I've just opened the door to chains of Nat 20's haven't I?

War Is Hell:
When a battle starts, all turns will focus on delivering the plans for the battle and running it with the aim of winning. When the battle is over, turns will resume as normal.

Supports, Abstaining and Skipping:

We all know that Real Life is a bitchy bitch that bitches constantly and gets in the way, and sometimes you just can figure out a good action for the categories.


Up to three actions can be made Supports of different players. However, you can only support a given player ONCE.

You can abstain actions where you can't figure out actions and don't have Supports available. You just focus on doing the drudgework to make sure everything is going smoothly, or tapping the database to find something interesting. It may turn up interesting results.

Skipping is basically you telling the other players that for that turn you're going on vacation in the Bahamas, or clubbing in Hong Kong, and so forth. Basically, this is you throwing up your hands and saying 'Fuck it, party time.' The sole benefit of this is that you reduce any SAN damage taken and if you have taken wounds, those heal up in double the time as well.

The Endgame:

Let's face it, I know how you people operate. Those of you who aren't intending on becoming the shadow-masters of the NEG will likely be leading the charge to kill Hastur's avatar, turn the Hive Ship into a new asteroid ring around Earth, and basically be the ones standing on a pile of corpses holding a banner in one hand and firing a rotary-barrel railgun in the other.

That's fine.

Just know that you are up against The Crawling Chaos, Hastur, Dagon and Hydra, and billions of Migou. And that's if you don't get looked upon with suspicion by the NEG or the Eldritch Society tries to infiltrate you. Or you fuck up and don't find a way to ward your minds and bodies against the subtle brainwashing of the cults.

In any case, the game ends in 2092, when Cthulhu finally wakes up of his own volition. This may be avoidable, but who knows?

There's your endgame. Your starting point is in 2017, and the rise of New Frontierism.

May whatever god is watching have mercy on your souls.
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