SV Original Magical Girl Crossover

Zaiyu being Break-in but getting sucked in anyway also taps into why Gloriana would even try assigning roles to the Break-in team. Well, that and assigning someone a villain role would be a good way to get people to gang up on them, but I take it that's a low blow she wouldn't go for. Not usually, anyway.

The first two, partially as an artifact of their respective brevity, function together quite well as a single introductory episode to establish the setting, characters, and style, along with a bit of more direct conflict at the end, whereas despite being the third, this feels very much like a "second episode" to me.

Arc 1 actually would've gone on longer if the voters made different choices, like going to that restaurant. But on the upside, I do like that I got to introduce the stat voting mechanic early.
a week or two at this point and is mostly along for moral support.

...Cue Fillia Traumatizing with Null BS and an aura that makes most entites flinch away when she switches into Purple persona.

ahhh.... I can't wait for peoples reactions to her~ Eeeeeeeeee intensifies

*Speaking of, Time to write up another AMA chapter ~*
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Out of curiosity. Are we keeping everyone transformed for this? Or are planning on having off time?

Can't say Fia staying in Purple persona for the entire time is particularly safe. For her. Or her allies.

Sorry for taking a while to get back to this, but it'd be pretty unlikely that everyone would be transformed 24/7. For some MGs that wouldn't even be possible (unless VR made massive modifications to them), e.g. Fool Bloom's Hanazakari run out of emotions if they're transformed too long.
I pictured the Breakout Team not being able to transform until they realise this world isn't reality, to really emphasise the moment.

About Zaiyu, if Blue Lotus was to be involved in this, I could imagine him being like an Iago (Shakespeare, not parrot) figure to Zaiyu, trying to spur on his worse traits. But then I realised Yumemi could already fill this role without adding another character, especially if she reminds Zaiyu of Starspite
Oh yeah what's up with the "Knight" thing I've seen assigned to a few characters in the Break-In Squad threadmark again? I might've missed something and I'm wondering why Skiold's hanging out there with "Courtesy", though I get he is a pretty polite kid.
Oh yeah what's up with the "Knight" thing I've seen assigned to a few characters in the Break-In Squad threadmark again? I might've missed something and I'm wondering why Skiold's hanging out there with "Courtesy", though I get he is a pretty polite kid.

I thought to add more flavour to all the characters assigned as Knight, we could give them one of the knightly virtues from The Faerie Queene (where the name Gloriana's from). They're Holiness, Temperance, Chastity, Friendship, Justice, Courtesy, Constancy, and the omni-virtue Magnificence.
Inessa from A Little Vice would get Chastity since that's already her Virtue, with Gula from the same work eventually getting Temperance. Magnificence would be Amanda given her high position, Sasori probably Friendship, and I thought of Courtesy for Skiold for that reason
I thought to add more flavour to all the characters assigned as Knight, we could give them one of the knightly virtues from The Faerie Queene (where the name Gloriana's from). They're Holiness, Temperance, Chastity, Friendship, Justice, Courtesy, Constancy, and the omni-virtue Magnificence.
Inessa from A Little Vice would get Chastity since that's already her Virtue, with Gula from the same work eventually getting Temperance. Magnificence would be Amanda given her high position, Sasori probably Friendship, and I thought of Courtesy for Skiold for that reason
I've also completely forgotten why they're being assigned the Knight role lol.
Sorry for taking a while to get back to this, but it'd be pretty unlikely that everyone would be transformed 24/7. For some MGs that wouldn't even be possible (unless VR made massive modifications to them), e.g. Fool Bloom's Hanazakari run out of emotions if they're transformed too long.
I pictured the Breakout Team not being able to transform until they realise this world isn't reality, to really emphasise the moment.

Righto~ Just checking~


That means Fia needs to find more dark alleys to transform in again! Nooo!

Thats a fun idea though, for sure. Not being able to transform~ Oh, gonna have fun with that heheheh~
I pictured the Breakout Team not being able to transform until they realise this world isn't reality, to really emphasise the moment.
Amanda will likely be an exception to this, simply as her role requires her to be able to as a court protector, but it's dependent on Gloriana giving her leave to wield Sidra. I mean, okay, it actually isn't but mindwhammy fantasy things so it is. It's not really a transformation either but…details.

Probably worth saying that PW has zero masquerade as magic doesn't exist, Potentials are a recognised and highly valued part of society and after you become one that's just now part of what and who you are. It doesn't make you more so much as makes parts of you deeper. Or…something. I'm recovering from a cold, excuse my delirium.

I also do feel like Fia and Amanda may cross paths quite a bit given some of the recent explanations. Fia is going to be causing a lot of trouble for the kingdom, after all, and I can't imagine so beneficent a Princess as Gloriana not looking to the care of her subjects by sending Mandy out to deal with that.

Given how utterly instinctual Amanda is about helping people in pain, that could get rather amusing. I believe my words earlier were "hug her until she doesn't want more" or something in that vein.
Given how utterly instinctual Amanda is about helping people in pain, that could get rather amusing. I believe my words earlier were "hug her until she doesn't want more" or something in that vein.

"Stop hugging me you, you oaf! I-I'm not a squeaky toy!" Fia scribbles down onto her pad, blushing red as she tries to break free once again.

She fails. As always.

Much to her entourages amusement.

"We're meant to be enemies! Enemies! And not the type that get Aggressively Friendshiped!"
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"Stop hugging me you, you oaf! I-I'm not a squeaky toy!" Fia scribbles down onto her pad, blushing red as she tries to break free once again.

She fails. As always.

Much to her entourages amusement.

"We're meant to be enemies! Enemies! And not the type that get Aggressively Friendshiped!"
So, uh. On the matter of aggressively friendshipped…

How badly would she react to Amanda offering to heal whatever makes her mute? Because she probably could.

Also I had it pointed out to me that Mandy is likely to end up as this story's therapy mom and I can't escape the imagery now >.<
...Cue Fillia Traumatizing with Null BS and an aura that makes most entites flinch away when she switches into Purple persona.

ahhh.... I can't wait for peoples reactions to her~ Eeeeeeeeee intensifies

*Speaking of, Time to write up another AMA chapter ~*

For what it's worth, Sasori might come the closest to being another Null in the crossover, as he's also an entity that lacks inherent magic of his own* but absorbs the mana from other people. Though while it seems like Fillia passively absorbs nearby mana and dampens the effects of magic used on her, Sasori needs to actively absorb mana from others, either with a contract or by physically attacking them. If he gets through someone's magical defenses and breaks their skin with teeth, claws, horns, or spines, he can start draining their mana very quickly. A magical barrier remaining or regenerating will stop the process, though. (He has never attacked someone but if he's put in a situation where he needs to in order to survive, the process will be instinctive for him and distressing for everyone involved. And, if the victim does not have magic of their own, it will be lethal to them unless they immediately get a mana transfer to stop their soul from disintegrating.) So he might have a resistance to Null BS. The bloodthirsty aura is definitely going to scare him, though.

Also FYI, although Sasori is currently Beginner-rank in Something Wicked, making him the weakest level of magic-user in Something Wicked, he's still a heavily-armored melee-focused combatant who has two types of highly lethal venom, is essentially invulnerable to conventional arms, and can absorb most spells on contact. He can dish out and take a lot of damage and his concepts (more or less his elements?) are Destruction, Mimicry, and Soul, which is a very potent loadout (even if he hasn't really used it yet). His primary weaknesses are a lack of ranged attacks, having little magic of his own, his reliance on his contract with Zaiyu as life support, and being extremely nearsighted. Also he has no killer instinct and gets distressed easily. In AMA terms, he'd be kind of a terrible magical motivation-wise because he's neither broken nor chosen--he just woke up like this and has been treading water ever since. He simply has not felt the kind of hopelessness that people like Argent and Azure seem to have. Sasori was saved by someone before he could break completely, and he hasn't had time to reach a big resolution or find something to believe in yet. Which might irritate Fillia or give her something to focus on when she's trying to power-level a skittish catboy who doesn't want to fight.

Actually, that might make him even more like Fillia, who also just woke up like this and has been vibing.

*He is capable of permanently copying other people's spells and abilities if he manages to make his Mimicry rolls, but this has happened literally once so far.

Sorry for taking a while to get back to this, but it'd be pretty unlikely that everyone would be transformed 24/7. For some MGs that wouldn't even be possible (unless VR made massive modifications to them), e.g. Fool Bloom's Hanazakari run out of emotions if they're transformed too long.
I pictured the Breakout Team not being able to transform until they realise this world isn't reality, to really emphasise the moment.

About Zaiyu, if Blue Lotus was to be involved in this, I could imagine him being like an Iago (Shakespeare, not parrot) figure to Zaiyu, trying to spur on his worse traits. But then I realised Yumemi could already fill this role without adding another character, especially if she reminds Zaiyu of Starspite

Zaiyu and Sasori don't have transformations so it's moot to them, but it would make sense to me if Kyoko and Rose don't have transformation access for a while.

Honestly, what I've read about Blue Lotus sounds a bit similar to Zaiyu if Zaiyu was, you know, terrible, so I'm down for that. But also, giving Zaiyu more deeply troubled female authority figures who tend to intentionally or unintentionally use him to vent their past trauma and achieve their current goals sounds excellent, so either is good.

Righto~ Just checking~


That means Fia needs to find more dark alleys to transform in again! Nooo!

Thats a fun idea though, for sure. Not being able to transform~ Oh, gonna have fun with that heheheh~

No! Fillia, don't bully magical girls who can't transform! Bad dark magical girl! Bad!

So, uh. On the matter of aggressively friendshipped…

How badly would she react to Amanda offering to heal whatever makes her mute? Because she probably could.

Also I had it pointed out to me that Mandy is likely to end up as this story's therapy mom and I can't escape the imagery now >.<

My understanding is that Fillia is mute more because of trauma than any physical injury, though there might also be a physical aspect to it. Unless Amanda can heal the FEAR that erupts whenever Fillia opens her mouth, healing the injury won't be enough. Though for all I know Mandy can do that.

Therapy mom! Therapy mom!
My understanding is that Fillia is mute more because of trauma than any physical injury, though there might also be a physical aspect to it. Unless Amanda can heal the FEAR that erupts whenever Fillia opens her mouth, healing the injury won't be enough. Though for all I know Mandy can do that.

Therapy mom! Therapy mom!
Yes, she can do that. Amanda's used her Practice to heal centuries worth of mental trauma with a word. It takes some focus for her to make that happen, but it's not exactly what she'd consider enormously difficult. She's from a world where humanity is stable, unified and full of hope for the future despite the threat of imminent existential annihilation. And she played a major role in getting her humanity to that point. She sees it as the right of every sentient being to be free to pursue the best expression of their self, and she's taken some very serious personal risks on occasion in support of that conviction.

To make it clear, there is very little within Amanda's focus of Mending that she can't do, and she's never been restricted to the physical. This is also why I'm nerfing the hell out of her ^^;

So, in essence:

Therapy mom! Therapy mom!
Yes, she can do that. Amanda's used her Practice to heal centuries worth of mental trauma with a word. It takes some focus for her to make that happen, but it's not exactly what she'd consider enormously difficult. She's from a world where humanity is stable, unified and full of hope for the future despite the threat of imminent existential annihilation. And she played a major role in getting her humanity to that point. She sees it as the right of every sentient being to be free to pursue the best expression of their self, and she's taken some very serious personal risks on occasion in support of that conviction.

To make it clear, there is very little within Amanda's focus of Mending that she can't do, and she's never been restricted to the physical. This is also why I'm nerfing the hell out of her ^^;

So, in essence:

Therapy mom! Therapy mom!

That's fantastic and incredibly overpowered, but Fillia has been stuck in a time loop for what's implied to be billions of years. The memories may not be present, but the FEAR... lingered. That's a little more than centuries worth of trauma. Therapy mom may have a real struggle on her hands.

Fillia's billions of years of trauma vs Amanda's OP therapy skills, FIGHT.
That's fantastic and incredibly overpowered, but Fillia has been stuck in a time loop for what's implied to be billions of years. The memories may not be present, but the FEAR... lingered. That's a little more than centuries worth of trauma. Therapy mom may have a real struggle on her hands.

Fillia's billions of years of trauma vs Amanda's OP therapy skills, FIGHT.
See, I get what you're saying on the serious level, and they're good things to know that will help a lot when it comes to writing their interactions.

At the same time, my meme/humour complex is just spitting out how this just means Amanda will get to bury the poor girl in hugs and, well:

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See, I see what you're saying on the serious level, and it's good things to know and will help a lot when it comes to writing their interactions.

At the same time, my meme/humour complex is just spitting out how this just means Amanda will get to bury the poor girl in hugs and, well:


Bold of you to assume I do not also see this as an absolute win. 😂

The only way to defeat Fillia is to pick her up and refuse to put her down.
Character Goals
Probably should start thinking about the writers' turn order at this point. Not that it needs to be sorted immediately, since we still need time to catch up on all the crossed-over works.
I was gonna volunteer to write the first chapter, since I'm familiar with most of the works crossed over (The Practice War is currently my blindspot, though Amanda doesn't have to be introduced immediately), but I was also wondering if @Shadell would like to go first, since her starting things off would probably get more reader attention (then again, she'd also be busy with the climax of A Little Vice).
Of course, I also have summer courses to finish, and naturally still have Fool Bloom to update, but those shouldn't impede a single 4-5k word chapter.

I think we should wait until we've worked out a out loose outline of the main plot points of Ayaka and Nanase's storyline, and how best to fit in the crossover characters into it, before we can figure out the order of writers for the project, especially in light of some of the later discussion regarding whether team BreakOut retains their memories or not.

To help us out along that score, I'd suggest we take the answers to the questions I made a while back and refine them into 1 line writer's goals and character goals, and then use those as guidelines for the chapter order once we've finalized Ayaka and Nanase's storyline. My suggestion would be to structure them as follows::
  • Each writer writers a list of 2-3 one-line goals that they would like to achieve in this first story. Goals should be something specific and achievable, e.g. "I want to write a chapter where my character crosses over with X character", "I want my character to punch Mathurine in the face at the end of the story" etc.
  • For each viewpoint character (i.e. the character who will be the main point of view for the chapter you will write), writers should establish:
    • One long-term goal: This is the overall goal of your character at the point in their life where you "extract" them from your main story for the crossover. While this may not be directly relevant to the crossover story, the long term goal should help inform your character's attitudes towards being stuck in La Val Sans Retour.
    • One mid term/Story goal: this should be your character's goal throughout the crossover story.
    • One or two short term goals: the main stepping stones your character needs to complete to achieve their mid term goal. Some steps may be completed later in the storyline. For BreakOut characters (and possibly Break-in ones too), one of the Short Term goals may be related to the character's role in La Val Sans Retour.
Here's a couple of worked examples.

Writer goals: Thy-Robocop
  • Write prologue/intro to Story 1
  • Introduce Mathurine, Gloriana and other crossover characters
  • Introduce Charlene and Lucia as a "Fake audition"

Character Goals: Ayaka (Last Name TBC)
  • Long-term: Heal all the victims from the monsters created by Huli in their attacks
  • Mid-term/Story 1 goals: Find and Reabsorb her construct Nanase to regain her full power
  • Short Term:
    • Start: Locate Nanase in La val Sans Retour

With regards to the chapter each writer is supposed to write, one thing I would note is that at the moment (if I've counted correctly), we have 8 writers on board. If each contributes 1 chapter with an average of 4.5k words, the story would end up being 36k long, which falls short of the novel-length >50k I suggested. That is not a major problem in itself: depending on how the story is structured, we may be able to cover the necessary plot points within that short of a space.

More importantly, some of you are proposing to include several characters from your setting to the storyline, and my main concern would be whether each writer can do all those characters justice within one chapter of up to 5k words, particularly if there are multiple viewpoints you'd like to show. If you do want to keep all characters in and have multiple viewpoints, and get to the >50k wordcould, then it is quite likely that we may be heading towards each writer contributing 2 chapters each, instead of one. The latter might be a good choice in the long run, as it can allow writers who are doing the early chapters to have a better chance to show off their characters once the plot starts developing in later chapters.

Anyway, that's one option to consider, and there are many other ways we can sort this out, so let me know what you think.

About tense, I was definitely leaning third, works best by far with PoV transitions. I have seen first person stories with PoV switches (think Dracula did this actually), usually they list 'PoV [character]' with each switch, but it's not as seamless as in third. And second person and PoV switches are like oil and water.
It is actually possible to use second person in non-interactive stories to good effect, Italo Calvino's A King Listens comes to mind (though even that was a short story), but yeah it's incredibly tricky to pull off.

Remembering Dracula did get me thinking that maybe first person PoV switches could work if we presented the story in diary format, or given the setting game log format (though that could give away the world being VR early on), especially for Fillia since she wasn't designed with third person in mind. Or we could have regular first-person till the reveal, then switch to game log format?
The Bartimaeus series switches between first and third person for the two POV characters, and it works well. Mostly because of the way it shows how differently their minds work, but it can be done if some of the characters need to be written in first person and some in third to really get them right.

Regarding tenses, Aleph and EarthScorpion's "A Christmas Catastrophe" and its sequel have each chapter done in the narrative voice and style of the viewpoint character's original story, so if their Viewpoint character was narrating in first person in their original story, that would be how they narrate in their chapter. Same would apply if they were narrating in third person, or second.

They also had this thing going on whereby, although the story as a whole isn't a Quest, some of the characters in it are from Quests, and so their chapters are in Quest update format, complete with a (fake) vote at the end.

I get the appeal of wanting to start with presenting the VR world as real before revealing otherwise. But if we go that route (doubly so if Break-in are alreqady active), then after the reveal we probably ought to flashback to when Ayaka originally recruited the Break-in team, with flashbacks to Nanase's pre-VR life later on. I'll admit I originally pictured the story starting with Ayaka (I'll also admit I still prefer the name Ageha, but everyone might be too used to Ayaka by now).

I recall Thy-Robocop talking about running a prologue in Quest form first. No idea if that's still gonna be a thing, especially as more story details have been worked out since, but if it was the initial 'Breakout team thinks VR world is real' setup could fit well there

The first one is a really good idea!

I suggested the prologue in Quest form as a way to help establish some of the details of the setting, back when we were still working things out. I think we've got a few details nailed down that running a prologue Quest isn't needed, but if that is something you'd all like to run then we can work out how best to do so.
I'm pretty sure she could, assuming Sasori isn't too tall.

Sasori is probably close to six and a half feet tall in his current condition. But he has pretty poor posture despite walking on his toes like a cat (...or an Estil), so petting him shouldn't be that difficult. In his defense, his anatomy is a bit weird. The disproportionately big claws, massive tail, and subtle muscular dissonance mean standing upright like a human would be uncomfortable for him. He'd be naturally gifted at swimming or flying under his own power, but he hasn't done either of those things yet.
Sasori is probably close to six and a half feet tall in his current condition. But he has pretty poor posture despite walking on his toes like a cat (...or an Estil), so petting him shouldn't be that difficult. In his defense, his anatomy is a bit weird. The disproportionately big claws, massive tail, and subtle muscular dissonance mean standing upright like a human would be uncomfortable for him. He'd be naturally gifted at swimming or flying under his own power, but he hasn't done either of those things yet.
It's all good. Amanda can pick up the other two and stand on a footstool.
Yes, she can do that. Amanda's used her Practice to heal centuries worth of mental trauma with a word. It takes some focus for her to make that happen, but it's not exactly what she'd consider enormously difficult. She's from a world where humanity is stable, unified and full of hope for the future despite the threat of imminent existential annihilation. And she played a major role in getting her humanity to that point. She sees it as the right of every sentient being to be free to pursue the best expression of their self, and she's taken some very serious personal risks on occasion in support of that conviction.

To make it clear, there is very little within Amanda's focus of Mending that she can't do, and she's never been restricted to the physical. This is also why I'm nerfing the hell out of her ^^;

So, in essence:

Therapy mom! Therapy mom!

That's.... huh....

Fia can't say she's ever really thought about how it'd feel to be able to talk again. Like, sure, she's wanted to. But at the same time...

The muteness has become something of a constant through the many loops. A little frustrating at times, sure.

But something to latch on to. To say that this is her. And not someone else.

The muteness may be more then just trauma and physical damage~ Though those are both factors as well~

Afterall... who doesn't like some meddling hmm~?

...sidenote that Fias only like 5 - 5'2 tall.

So. Uh....

Pint sized terror. (Don't let her hear you say that)