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My main language is not English, so this story may contain many errors, read it at your own...
My main language is not English, so this story may contain many errors, read it at your own risk.
Lyrical Nanoha Detonation. The title of the film was a Spoiler and Nanoha turned out to be a second Emiya Shirou.

Information from the offensive spell simply called Thunder flowed quickly into my brain. The amount of mana needed to use it, the correct hand movements, the equations and formulas used. My brain absorbed all that like a sponge, holding every ounce of information and making sure I never forget it.

But things did not stop there, different ways to improve the spell appeared in my mind, make it more powerful at the expense of less mana, shorten the amount of necessary hand movements, use simpler equations, use the least amount of resources for a greater result to the original spell.

The sound of a body hitting the ground took me out of my trance, I saw how a teenager of my age was stopped by the police with no opportunity to defend themselves.

Shit, how much time did I leave?

I looked at the wristwatch I was carrying with me.

Apparently I was gone about 5 minutes.

I frowned, that's why I hate when people use magic in public without warning. I'd better hurry if I do not want to be late for classes.

I continued on my way to school, ignoring the scene of the teenager being arrested and taken to a police patrol. Maybe that will teach you not to use magic in public so irresponsibly.

A few years ago, if this had happened, no one would have stopped the idiot teenager using magic for stupid purposes. But fortunately things changed and the city managed to get officers capable of using magic to deal with problems like these. Of course the authorities in charge of maintaining public order were not the only ones, fire stations, hospitals, supermarkets, schools, and in general any type of business or person able to afford the hiring of a user of magic for their own purposes.

To my bad luck the city soon filled with people capable of using magic, I have nothing against the magical users, but it is annoying to lose myself in my thoughts every time one of them uses a spell he had never seen. Even so, I can not deny the benefits they brought to this city. A reduction in crime rates, a faster response to incidents caused by magicians or irresponsible demons, a better medical service, you know, things that seem insignificant but that really make a big difference.

Now, if only I could control these stupid eyes of mine then life here would be less complicated.

When I arrived in the classroom I was not surprised to be the only person present, after all I tend to get up very early and be the first to arrive, that way I avoid getting caught in the middle of a crowd of students who are on their way to school. Unfortunately arriving early also means having to receive classmates who arrive first. Normally I would not, but courtesy is very important in Japan, especially when some of my classmates are billionaires or space magicians that can ruin my life or make me explode into a thousand pieces if I say something or behave with them in a way inappropriate

Some may call me paranoid, but it is paranoia that has kept me alive all this time. In a world ruled by monsters, paranoia is one of the few ways to survive.

The other options are to become a monster or be subordinate to one. Needless to say, none of those two is to my liking.

The next few minutes I spent sitting in my seat, reviewing the history book. This is when a normal person would think. What kind of teenager spends his time reading a history book?

The answer is, a really curious teenager about the important supernatural events that occurred in the last 50 years. Seriously, this world has been full of incredible events taken from a fantasy book. Magic, technology, demons, demon kings and a dozen other things.

I would love to spend my day studying everything mentioned above, unfortunately I am imprisoned in the prison called high school.

Why the hell do I need to go to high school? I bet I will not use anything learned here. Maths? My eyes practically give me a knowledge about mathematics superior to any person, it is true that only works in spells, but unless I choose to study a career where mathematics is very important, then it is a waste of time. English? I know English, it's not that hard to learn, hundreds of hours playing video games in English helped me. Physical education? Please, I can simply use magic to increase my physical abilities beyond my limits. History? I have learned more on my own than what the school has been able to teach me.

Attending high school is just a waste of time.

After a few minutes the first student arrived, I greeted him politely and he returned my greeting, with the passing of the minutes more students were arriving and I repeated the greeting process, it was until the seventh student arrived that I finally stopped. With other people here there is no need for me to continue doing so.

Every once in a while there was someone who greeted me, but they did it just out of courtesy. Not that I cared, I decided to distance myself from practically the whole class.

My eyes was attracted to the door when a couple of girls entered the classroom, both could be described as beautiful and elegant, blond and purple hair respectively, both were surrounded by an air of fun and elegance. But it is something expected when I take into account their positions.

What caught my attention was that they were not accompanied by the other 3 girls, usually the 5 of them come to school together.

Well, it does not matter, it's not my problem.

The classes went by in a usual way, nothing unusual happened. The only class that was worth paying attention to was the history class, the rest was easily forgotten.

The recess on the other hand was quite interesting.

Being the antisocial being that I am, not eat in the company of anyone in the recess, I do not even really bring a bento or money to buy food, I do not find it necessary. But thanks to that I am able to pay the utmost attention to the gossip of the school.

Especially the most talked about news during the last week.

The appearance of the seventh Campione.

The first mention of this news was on Tuesday of last week on the internet. An unknown person stated on Twitter that the Seventh Campione had finally appeared, claiming that he was in Japan, more specifically in Tokyo.

The internet naturally exploded with this news, many people doubted its veracity, while others believed strongly in the news. It was not until Sasha Dejanstahl Voban publicly declared the birth of a Seventh Campione, that the doubts were finally cleared, only to give way to major problems.

The Campione are considered the strongest humans that exist and normally rule over the country or state in which they live, Sasha Dejanstahl Voban rules all of Hungary, but it is well known that he never stays long in his country, deciding to travel to other parts of the world to find and defeat strong opponents.

The appearance of a seventh Campione in Japan is good and bad news.

Good because there is now someone capable of defending Japan in the event of a war.

Bad because now there is an imbalance of power.

To put it in simple words, the Campione are not the only beings that rule in this world. There are beings called Primogenitors, which have a power equal to or greater than that of the Campione. There are only 3, each of them ruling over a country in separate continents.

It is no secret to anyone that the Campione and Primogenitors do not get along, especially since Voban tried to start a war against them, fortunately he ended up retiring. Nobody knows the reason, but it is rumored that Lost Warlord, the first Primogenitor, defeated him in combat and forced him to forget his plans.

They are just rumors, and Lost Warlord and Voban have refused to give a public statement.

But with the appearance of a Seventh Campione things have become complicated. Now the Campione not only have a greater numerical advantage against the Primogenitors, but that Japan has become a target if a war between both sides should explode.

But things get worse.

A few months ago the rumor began to run of the existence of a fourth Primogenitor. And not only that, the rumor also says that the fourth Primogenitor is living in Japan, more exactly on Itogami Island.
If the rumor were true then there would be another imbalance of power that could lead to a war.

But it gets even worse.

Because Itogami Island is located about 300 kilometers south of Tokyo. Only 300 kilometers from the territory of the Seventh Campione.

But it gets even worse.

The city in which I live, Uminari, is only an hour and a half away by car to Tokyo.

That means that if the Seventh Campione and the Fourth Primogenitor, for some stupid reason, decide to declare war, then it is very likely that Uminari will be hit by the conflict.

In other words, Uminari and all living beings that inhabit here will be erased from existence.

I do not know how much to worry about that, as far as I remember, the Seventh Campione is really just a high school student looking for a quiet life. But I can not be sure that this is the case, not in this world.

I can not say anything about the fourth Primogenitor, since I do not remember much about Strike The Blood, but hopefully it will be someone equal to the Seventh Campione.

In the best case, both will be good people and will not declare war on each other.

In the worst case, both will be idiots, they will declare war and most likely destroy Uminari in the process. If this happens then I will have no choice but to kill them.

Although I would prefer not to lose my anonymity and my peaceful life because of two idiots.

Oh, well, I'll worry later about that, for the moment I'll just enjoy peacetime.
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Lyrical Nanoha, Campione and Strike the Blood? Hm. Curious, there might be more but... we'll see.

I look forward to seeing how you make all three of it work.
If we ignore the incidents that occurred a few years ago then Uminari could be considered a relatively safe city, with an occasional assault or murder, but the latter are too strange. Because of this people can go out at night without having to worry about being attacked by either a human or a demon. The police department also contributed much to the settled peace in the city, with members of the police force able to use magic what little crime there was in the city quickly was crushed under the weight of the law.

And how to forget the little girls playing heroes, patrolling the city for a few hours to make sure everything is fine and there are no people in danger. I envy their ability to jump into danger for the sake of other people without caring for their own well-being, if I was as little interested in my survival as they were then maybe I could avoid working for a terrorist organization.

Although calling them terrorists would be an overstatement, it would be more accurate to call them a rebel group that sometimes resort to extreme methods to make themselves heard by the world. Some might argue that regardless of their intentions resorting to such barbaric and cruel methods is not the right way to get the world's support. But if those people saw the kind of ostracism they are subjected to by society and the cruel torture and experiments that the government and different organizations carry out on them, then those people would realize that the terrorism carried out is well justified.

Of course it is not as if upon learning of such atrocities people suddenly change the way they view victims, they are more likely to actually encourage acts of torture and murder because from their point of view the terrorists deserve that.

Once society looks at you as a monster it takes a miracle to change the way they see you.

After all, I did not join the terrorists just because I needed people to back me up in the event that I was involved in a conflict. I also did it because if my secret were to come to light then I would be hunted by the whole world and the only people I could trust minimally would be others just like me.

After all, terrorists may be monsters in the eyes of the world, but those monsters take care of each other.


The atmosphere in the classroom was ... gloomy. The nervousness and fear displayed by many of the students was painfully obvious, and the silent and almost mysterious conversations that some cliques had on the latest topic in the city simply added to the already high tension in the room.

However, this tension and gloomy atmosphere was not limited only to the classroom, the entire school and even the city shared the same state. And who can blame them? With the latest news, it has even been considered to suspend classes temporarily until all the chaos is resolved.

The murmurs and nervous chatter stopped when the teacher in charge of teaching the math class, Yui Amano entered the room. The students previously scattered around the room took no time and returned to their seats quickly before Professor Amano ordered them.

"Good Morning." She saluted with her characteristic emotionless voice and blank expression. Personally I thought it was a small pity that she will not show more emotions, with her beautiful face, long silver hair and hypnotic purple eyes she was a beauty that any man would wish to have, her figure was worthy of a professional model and admirers and invitations to dates by part of other teachers were not in short supply. Although due to her personality and outspoken character she always ended up immediately knocking down any romantic breakthrough.

"How all of you will already know the recent wave of murders that occurred in our city has caused panic and terror." Without any kind of warning or finesse she casually commented on the currently most controversial topic, as expected of Amano-sensei. "The murderer responsible for these deplorable acts has not yet been caught, this fact has caused both the police department, the parents and the principals of all the schools of the City of Uminari to reach an agreement to suspend classes until let the murderer be caught or the killings stop. "

The gasps of surprise were immediate, the classroom erupting into conversations about the news given by Amano-sensei and what it meant not only for the school, but for the entire city.

"Today will be their last day of school. During noon the principal will hold a meeting where all students will be present to hear the official announcement as well as the instructions that they must follow during the time that school will be suspended. Attendance is mandatory and anyone who is not present will have a decrease of 2 points in their final grades. "

The punishment for missing seems too severe to me, but considering how serious the situation is, I couldn't blame them.

"Open your math book to page 142, problem number 13." Amano-sensei continued with the class in a normal way, as if only a few seconds ago she had not spoken about such a sensitive and important topic.

The students around me did what she told them with varying degrees of enthusiasm, but it was clear that all of them were preoccupied with the recent announcement and thinking in their minds whether themselves or someone they knew might be the next victim of the serial killer.

I did not share the same concern as my colleagues, after all the murderer behind this incident would never harm me.

The advantage of being on the side of the monsters.


Curiously, the schoolyard was the place selected to make the official announcement. Not surprisingly, with the number of students in the school, placing the announcement inside a particular building like the gym would not have been a good idea. The courtyard, on the other hand, is able to encompass the entire student body without problems and the speakers placed around the entire school would ensure that any irresponsible student who has decided to miss is able to listen regardless of where they are hiding.

Now if only the teachers had decided to do a good job and organize all the stupid students instead of throwing them out into the yard to wreak havoc, then waiting for the fucking announcement would have been more bearable.

With the more than 400 teenagers scattered in and around the courtyard and with the teachers forming a kind of perimeter to prevent any student from escaping there were few places where I could sit quietly while the director introduced himself.

Before I had a chance to find a comfortable place to wait, the director finally started talking.

What the director was announcing was actually very important, apparently classes will not only be suspended, there will also be a curfew throughout the city, from 7pm it will be forbidden for any minor to remain outside the home, those who are caught breaking the curfew will be arrested, adults are also required to follow this rule.

There were other announcements, such as the extra assignments that the teachers will give us at the end of the day or that any minor who walks through the city without the company of an adult will be escorted by the police officers back to their home.

However, my attention was diverted when my cell phone began to vibrate, curious to know who had decided to send me a message, I took it out of my pants pocket and read who the sender was.

Cannibal Raijuu.

Come to the docks tonight at 1:00 am. There is a job I need you to do. Don't worry about the police patrols, they will be busy.

Attentively; your good friend and servant Tiir Rimbul.
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