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Welcome to Supernatural quest! This is my first time doing a quest (That I've properly planned)...
Welcome to Supernatural quest! This is my first time doing a quest (That I've properly planned) and I'm hoping you'll all enjoy it. I'll fill out this introduction more when I have time.

I drew some inspiration from https://forums.sufficientvelocity.c...-to-tread-overprotective-monster-quest.33506/ which is a great monster character quest, check it out.

Character Sheet:


Body 2
Mind 2
Magic 1
Divinity 1

Eldritch Soul - "...and so the Great Orator spoke, and the Eldritch did let his words define the..." + 10 to rolls when interacting with Eldritch beings. + 10 when rolling to resist metaphysical attacks. + 20 when rolling to learn and understand ???
Fractals of Eternity - "All One and Three and Six dimensions bowed and fractured before her, spiraling into..." Skill: Release Eternity 1.
Optimist - "Always look on the bright side of life..." + 5 to recovery, repair and social rolls.
Hidden Knowledge - "Keeping secrets is a tricky business for most." +5 when rolling to discover secrets, +5 when rolling to resist persuasion, +5 to rolls when acting on secret knowledge.

Release Eternity 1 - ???
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When you discover new mechanics you find them added here under more spoiler tags.

Most encounters and actions in the quest are decided by a D100 roll. To be successful, you must roll higher than a target number. The target will either be an opponent's roll, or a number set by the QM.

Roll bonuses are beneficial or detrimental. They are added or subtracted from the roll to make it easier or harder to succeed. Roll bonuses are caused by having an attribute advantage, traits or being in a certain situation.

Attributes are the traditional stats of your character. You start off knowing two of your attributes, Body and Mind. You learn about new attributes through successfully completing actions or discovering skills that use them. The higher the attributes level the more powerful you are.

Governs anything physical you do and represents how capable your physical form is.

Governs anything mental you do and represents how capable your mind is.

Governs anything magical you do and represents how capable your magic is.

Governs how the Universe views you and how much sway you have over reality.

When completing a roll associated with an attribute there is an attribute check. The relevant attribute's level is compared to the required attribute level. If your attribute is lower, you suffer a negative roll bonus, higher you suffer and positive roll bonus. This is attribute advantage.

Traits are passive effects that could be traditional perks or simply a status effect on the character. They usually grant a roll bonus, sometimes only in specific situations, and occasionally grant new skills.

Skills allow you to perform actions you wouldn't be able to otherwise. Increasing the level of your skill grants roll bonuses and eventually bonus effects when using that skill.

Sometimes a trait can make you character need something to survive, for example most mortals will gain the hungry trait. These traits cause your character to gain a new statistic called sustenance that will decay over time from a maximum to 0. The lower it gets, the more effects occur. You can have multiple sustenance traits at once.

Each turn is 3 hours in game. At 09:00 and 21:00 you can choose to play all 4 turns for that day/night in one go.
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Day 1, Arrival
You pull up outside the old, wooden house that you are supposedly living in now. As you admire the flaking paint and rotten steps, you remind yourself that yes the house was cheap, but its in a tiny village in the middle of nowhere. You don't trust yourself near anyone else after the incident.

(What was the incident?)

[ ] A pact made with a being that should not have been. Every instinct had screamed at you to destroy it, remove it from the universe but you stayed and made a bargain. You can't remember how it got there or the price you paid but upon sealing the deal the feeling abruptly vanished and the creature grinned at you without a face. Everyone else nearby went insane and your presence only made it worse, so you ran. +1 Mind, +1 ???, +1 ???, +1 ???, Trait: Eldritch Will, Trait: Nameless Soul. (Warning! Hard option!)

[ ] Something awoke within you when your manuscript for your first novel was lost in a fire. As you raged and cried, the world seemed to bend and fracture around you, moving in rhythm with your thoughts and emotions. Fractals of impossible shapes seemed to spiral from your body for a split second before everything returned to normal. + 1 Mind, + 1 Body, + 1 ???, + 1???, Trait: Eldritch Soul, Trait: Fractals of Eternity.

[ ] Your service in the Middle East culminated in a frantic hunt for an enemy sniper who took the lives of many friends. You hunted him for days before capturing, humiliating and brutally executing him. You were honourably discharged soon after with a full pension and were content until your elder neighbour was killed when thieves broke into her house. You found yourself consumed by anger and set off to hunt them. You can't remember anything of the hunt except coming to in some local woods, naked and covered in blood. You managed to sneak home expecting the police to arrive any moment but instead the news said that the thieves were found half eaten by a wild animal. You left the town soon after. + 1 Mind, + 1 Body, + 1 ???, Trait: Chosen by the Wolf, Trait: Military Training

[ ] You fell into the harbour during a storm and couldn't get out. The cold sapped your strength as you slipped under and blacked out. You awoke the next day, unharmed but sodden on the beach, and marvelled that you didn't even feel cold. Then your eyes widened in horror at the scene of every boat in the shelter of the harbour wrecked to splinters, the stone storm defences shattered beyond repair. You couldn't help but feel the bad luck was your fault so you left. + 1 Body, + 1 ???, + 1 ???, Trait: Touched by Water, Trait: Awoken Soul.

[ ] You investigated a fallen meteorite that landed in a field not far from your old town. When you reached it there was nothing unnatural until you looked away. In the corner of your eye, you saw the strange silver-blue metal move and it rapidly flowed towards you. You tripped over as you tried to get out the way and it flower over your face and into your eyes, mouth, ears and nose. You blacked out. +1 Body, +1 Mind, +1 ???, +1 ???, Trait: Hive Lord, Trait: Mutable

[ ] Write in a background story for Trait: Touched by (something here). It can be a classical element, an emotion or a concept, and will also grant Trait: Awoken Soul.

[ ] Write in a background story for another supernatural creature. There has to be an incident where their powers manifested or they lost control of the supernatural side. I will create two traits for the creature.
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[X] Something awoke within you when your manuscript for your first novel was lost in a fire. As you raged and cried, the world seemed to bend and fracture around you, moving in rhythm with your thoughts and emotions. Fractals of impossible shapes seemed to spiral from your body for a split second before everything returned to normal. + 1 Mind, + 1 Body, + 1 ???, + 1???, Trait: Eldritch Soul, Trait: Fractals of Eternity.
[X] A pact made with a being that should not have been. Every instinct had screamed at you to destroy it, remove it from the universe but you stayed and made a bargain. You can't remember how it got there or the price you paid but upon sealing the deal the feeling abruptly vanished and the creature grinned at you without a face. Everyone else nearby went insane and your presence only made it worse, so you ran. +1 Mind, +1 ???, +1 ???, +1 ???, Trait: Eldritch Will, Trait: Nameless Soul.
[x] A pact made with a being that should not have been. Every instinct had screamed at you to destroy it, remove it from the universe but you stayed and made a bargain. You can't remember how it got there or the price you paid but upon sealing the deal the feeling abruptly vanished and the creature grinned at you without a face. Everyone else nearby went insane and your presence only made it worse, so you ran. +1 Mind, +1 ???, +1 ???, +1 ???, Trait: Eldritch Will, Trait: Nameless Soul.
[X] You fell into the harbour during a storm and couldn't get out. The cold sapped your strength as you slipped under and blacked out. You awoke the next day, unharmed but sodden on the beach, and marvelled that you didn't even feel cold. Then your eyes widened in horror at the scene of every boat in the shelter of the harbour wrecked to splinters, the stone storm defences shattered beyond repair. You couldn't help but feel the bad luck was your fault so you left. + 1 Body, + 1 ???, + 1 ???, Trait: Touched by Water, Trait: Awoken Soul.

Well, this is new.
[X] A pact made with a being that should not have been. Every instinct had screamed at you to destroy it, remove it from the universe but you stayed and made a bargain. You can't remember how it got there or the price you paid but upon sealing the deal the feeling abruptly vanished and the creature grinned at you without a face. Everyone else nearby went insane and your presence only made it worse, so you ran. +1 Mind, +1 ???, +1 ???, +1 ???, Trait: Eldritch Will, Trait: Nameless Soul.

[x] A pact made with a being that should not have been. Every instinct had screamed at you to destroy it, remove it from the universe but you stayed and made a bargain. You can't remember how it got there or the price you paid but upon sealing the deal the feeling abruptly vanished and the creature grinned at you without a face. Everyone else nearby went insane and your presence only made it worse, so you ran. +1 Mind, +1 ???, +1 ???, +1 ???, Trait: Eldritch Will, Trait: Nameless Soul.

The pact is the harder option, as you might be able to guess from the description.
[x] You fell into the harbour during a storm and couldn't get out. The cold sapped your strength as you slipped under and blacked out. You awoke the next day, unharmed but sodden on the beach, and marvelled that you didn't even feel cold. Then your eyes widened in horror at the scene of every boat in the shelter of the harbour wrecked to splinters, the stone storm defences shattered beyond repair. You couldn't help but feel the bad luck was your fault so you left. + 1 Body, + 1 ???, + 1 ???, Trait: Touched by Water, Trait: Awoken Soul.
[X] Something awoke within you when your manuscript for your first novel was lost in a fire. As you raged and cried, the world seemed to bend and fracture around you, moving in rhythm with your thoughts and emotions. Fractals of impossible shapes seemed to spiral from your body for a split second before everything returned to normal. + 1 Mind, + 1 Body, + 1 ???, + 1???, Trait: Eldritch Soul, Trait: Fractals of Eternity.
[x] You fell into the harbour during a storm and couldn't get out. The cold sapped your strength as you slipped under and blacked out. You awoke the next day, unharmed but sodden on the beach, and marvelled that you didn't even feel cold. Then your eyes widened in horror at the scene of every boat in the shelter of the harbour wrecked to splinters, the stone storm defences shattered beyond repair. You couldn't help but feel the bad luck was your fault so you left. + 1 Body, + 1 ???, + 1 ???, Trait: Touched by Water, Trait: AwokenSoul.
[X] A pact made with a being that should not have been. Every instinct had screamed at you to destroy it, remove it from the universe but you stayed and made a bargain. You can't remember how it got there or the price you paid but upon sealing the deal the feeling abruptly vanished and the creature grinned at you without a face. Everyone else nearby went insane and your presence only made it worse, so you ran. +1 Mind, +1 ???, +1 ???, +1 ???, Trait: Eldritch Will, Trait: Nameless Soul. (Warning! Hard option!)
Voting is closed!

Tallying votes...

Winner with 5 votes:

[x] Something awoke within you when your manuscript for your first novel was lost in a fire. As you raged and cried, the world seemed to bend and fracture around you, moving in rhythm with your thoughts and emotions. Fractals of impossible shapes seemed to spiral from your body for a split secondbefore everything returned to normal. + 1 Mind, + 1Body, + 1 ???, + 1???, Trait: Eldritch Soul, Trait:Fractals of Eternity.

Updating character sheet...

Character sheet updated.

Loading next turn...
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Day 1, 15:00
You shudder as the memory passes through you, the culmination of years of effort, a labor of love and tears just gone. Vanished in a span of minutes.

You hate those drugged up neighbors who had left some appliance or another on whilst letting their minds roam free.

It's a good thing that they…

(Choose one)

[ ] Burned in the fire, dying from their actions. Trait: Ruthless

[ ] Burned in the fire, but escaped to learn their lesson. Trait: Harsh Lessons

[ ] Weren't in when it happened. No one deserves to burn alive, even those you hate for what they did to you. Trait: Strong Morals.

[ ] Managed to call the fire services or many more would have died. Trait: Optimist

You grit your teeth as the anger floods you, the same as before.

A wave of purity floods you, the feeling of being something larger, something beyond…

You clamp down on the feeling. The cracks, those dreadful, terrifying, beautiful fractals fade away from your clenched fists as you berate yourself.

You can't let that happen in public, you…

(Choose one)

[ ] Fear them taking you away. The government, the military, someone will come and experiment or use you. Trait: Paranoia

[ ] Need to control it before you reveal yourself, a strong front must be presented. Trait: Strength is a Virtue

[ ] Must hide it, it is a curse set upon you by evil itself and you must purify yourself. Trait: A Noble Cause.

[ ] Will stay to the shadows and only use it away from prying eyes. You keep your secrets to yourself, after all, a secret told is a secret no longer. Trait: Hidden Knowledge

Shaking your head at the lapse, you turn to face the house once again. Two stories and something out of the last century, it needs some work, and that will take time.

It's a good thing you have plenty of time.

Turning around, your smile at the sight, you may be in the middle of nowhere but the area is gorgeous.

You just love a house…

(Choose your house's location)

[ ] On the shore of the lake, its a few miles along from the village. Tiny waves lapping against a small pebbled beach just meters from your porch.

[ ] Nestled deep in the woods. Some may find this spooky come night, but you love the mystery and atmosphere.

[ ] Up on hill overlooking the village and lake. The view is gorgeous and the chill wind refreshes you.

You check your watch, it's just gone three in the afternoon and you guess, looking at the Sun sliding across the sky, you have another six hours till it gets dark.

It's probably best to enter the house and unpack now, but then again you could probably explore the area first.


(You have 3 action points, 1 per hour.)

[ ] Enter the house and begin unpacking. 1 AP.

[ ] Enter the house and completely unpack. 3 AP.

[ ] Drive back into the village and explore. 3 AP.

[ ] Explore the surrounding area. 1 AP, repeatable.

[ ] Enter the house and explore. 1 AP, repeatable.

[ ] Use a skill or perform an action. 1 AP.

[ ] Write-in. Variable AP.
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[X] Plan Harsh Mind
-[X] Burned in the fire, but escaped to learn their lesson. Trait: Harsh Lessons
-[X] Fear them taking you away. The government, the military, someone will come and experiment or use you. Trait: Paranoia
-[X] Nestled deep in the woods. Some may find this spooky come night, but you love the mystery and atmosphere.
-[X] Explore the surrounding area. 2 AP
-[X] Enter the house and explore. 1 AP
[X] Managed to call the fire services or many more would have died. Trait: Optimist
[X] Will stay to the shadows and only use it away from prying eyes. You keep your secrets to yourself, after all, a secret told is a secret no longer. Trait: Hidden Knowledge
[X] Up on hill overlooking the village and lake. The view is gorgeous and the chill wind refreshes you.
[X] Explore the surrounding area. 1 AP, repeatable.
[X] Enter the house and explore. 1 AP, repeatable.
[X] Enter the house and begin unpacking. 1 AP.
[x] Burned in the fire, dying from their actions. Trait: Ruthless
[x] Need to control it before you reveal yourself, a strong front must be presented. Trait: Strength is a Virtue
[x] On the shore of the lake, its a few miles along from the village. Tiny waves lapping against a small pebbled beach just meters from your porch
[X] Explore the surrounding area. 2 AP
[X] Enter the house and explore. 1 AP
[X] Burned in the fire, dying from their actions. Trait: Ruthless
[X] Will stay to the shadows and only use it away from prying eyes. You keep your secrets to yourself, after all, a secret told is a secret no longer. Trait: Hidden Knowledge
[X] Nestled deep in the woods. Some may find this spooky come night, but you love the mystery and atmosphere.
[X] Explore the surrounding area. 1 AP
[X] Enter the house and explore. 1 AP
[X] Enter the house and begin unpacking. 1 AP.

Edit: I'm getting Tom Riddle vibes from these votes. :D
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[X] Managed to call the fire services or many more would have died. Trait: Optimist
[X] Will stay to the shadows and only use it away from prying eyes. You keep your secrets to yourself, after all, a secret told is a secret no longer. Trait: Hidden Knowledge
[X] Up on hill overlooking the village and lake. The view is gorgeous and the chill wind refreshes you.
[X] Explore the surrounding area. 1 AP, repeatable.
[X] Enter the house and explore. 1 AP, repeatable.
[X] Enter the house and begin unpacking. 1 AP.
[X] Managed to call the fire services or many more would have died. Trait: Optimist
[X] Will stay to the shadows and only use it away from prying eyes. You keep your secrets to yourself, after all, a secret told is a secret no longer. Trait: Hidden Knowledge
[X] Up on hill overlooking the village and lake. The view is gorgeous and the chill wind refreshes you.
[X] Explore the surrounding area. 1 AP, repeatable.
[X] Enter the house and explore. 1 AP, repeatable.
[X] Enter the house and begin unpacking. 1 AP.
[X] Plan Harsh Mind
-[X] Burned in the fire, but escaped to learn their lesson. Trait: Harsh Lessons
-[X] Fear them taking you away. The government, the military, someone will come and experiment or use you. Trait: Paranoia
-[X] Nestled deep in the woods. Some may find this spooky come night, but you love the mystery and atmosphere.
-[X] Explore the surrounding area. 2 AP
-[X] Enter the house and explore. 1 AP
[X] Managed to call the fire services or many more would have died. Trait: Optimist
[X] Will stay to the shadows and only use it away from prying eyes. You keep your secrets to yourself, after all, a secret told is a secret no longer. Trait: Hidden Knowledge
[X] Up on hill overlooking the village and lake. The view is gorgeous and the chill wind refreshes you.
[X] Explore the surrounding area. 1 AP, repeatable.
[X] Enter the house and explore. 1 AP, repeatable.
[X] Enter the house and begin unpacking. 1 AP.
Seeing as there are no more replies...

Voting Closed!

Tallying Votes...

4 votes each for Optimist and Harsh Lessons, rolling D2 to decide.

1D2 = 1

Optimist wins with 4 votes!
Hidden Knowledge wins with 7 votes!

The House on the Hill wins with 7 vote!

Enter the house, begin unpacking then explore the house and the area.
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