[X] Plan Senior hero -[X]A man in his 70s putting flowers on the grave of last comrade from the army. The man has had it enough he has no one left to lose "pessimistic never suited optimistic did I am not giving on a better tomorrow" -[X]Tireless: Gain 20% increase in energy and energy regen. Resting doubles energy regen. -[X] Research the downtrodden and forgotten of the city: You must research the downtrodden, forgotten, and the cases of the lost for 3 hours a day. -[X]Enhanced nerves: Your nerves are enhanced to increase reaction time. As a side effect your hand eye coordination is through the roof and you're slightly faster. +1 agility. -[X]Toughen up: You can 'Toughen up' giving you increased defense for as long as this ability is active. When activated, gain 8 defense(1 defense stops 1 damage). Can use this ability for 10 seconds with cooldown 20 seconds. Cost 0.
[X] Plan Making her way back -[X]A woman left for dead in an alley. She's bleeding out barely awake or alive, yet she has a fire in her eye. You hear "I'll keep going, no one will stop me." -[X]Tireless: Gain 20% increase in energy and energy regen. Resting doubles energy regen. -[X] Research/Create!: You must use 3 hours to either learn, or create/upgrade something
--[X]User rewards:+1 free stat point and +1 intelligence (Skill point can upgrade skills/abilities). Bonus to what you worked on.
--[X]System rewards: 6 Xp(Base) with possibly more if they go above requirements. -[X]Telekinetic Shield: Generate a shield around yourself. The shield has [Intelligence] hp and [Intelligence/10] rounded down defense. Cooldown to refresh: 30 sec. Energy cost: 8. -[X]Enhanced nerves: Your nerves are enhanced to increase reaction time. As a side effect your hand eye coordination is through the roof and you're slightly faster. +1 agility.