Super Robot Wars: Galactic Strike

Turn 4: April 0087 - Stats
Faction Name
Faction Type
Faction Alignment
Special Trait:

Statistics (Nation-State)
Economy: Bankrupt/Depression/Recession/Stagnant/Growing/Strong/Booming/Hegemonic
Reserves: Nonexistent/Tiny/Small/Medium/Large/Very Large/Huge/Overwhelming
Stability: Collapsing/Unstable/Troubled/Stable/Fair/Good/Great/Utopian

Statistics (Autonomous Military/NGO)
Budget: Bankrupt/Penniless/Shortfalls/Funded/Growing/Strong/Overfunded/Runaway
Recruiting: Nonexistent/Tiny/Limited/Moderate/Heavy/Very Heavy/Extensive/Overwhelming
Unity: Fragmenting/Unstable/Troubled/Stable/Fair/Good/Great/Fanatic

Conventional Weapons:
Mobile Weapons:
Super Robots:
Special Technologies

Mechanized Companies:
Aircraft Wings:
Mobile Suits:
Mobile Armors:
Super Robots:
Special Units

Holy Britannian Empire
@VoidZero and @Valleron
Earth Federation
Capital: Pendragon (North America)
Territories: North America, South America, Japan, Oceania
Description: The pre-eminent military power of Earth, the Holy Britannian Empire is an absolute monarchy claiming to trace its roots back to Pre-Roman Britain. With the largest army on the planet and control of the Western Hemisphere, Britannia dominates the Federation Council, and has only grown in power since the One Year War, their landgrab of the Japanese archipelago, and their sponsorship of the Titans as a tool of oppressing potential Zeonic resurgence. However, their army and navy are huge, unwieldy, and expensive, and palace intrigues make modernization of their aging Knightmare Frames and repression of their subject states problematic despite the country's vast wealth and brutal policies.
Special Trait: Cold-Blooded Strategist. Under Schneizel and Cornelia's leadership, Britannian forces keep cooler heads and stronger contingencies. Ambushes and guerilla warfare are less effective in battles where they are present.

Economy: Growing (60 Production/turn)
Reserves: Large (60 Manpower/turn)
Stability: Unstable

Conventional Weapons: 2
Mobile Weapons: 3
Super Robots: 2
Warships: 2
Sakuradite Power, Apple of Idun, FLEIJA

Mechanized Companies: 172 Gen 1, 70 Gen 2
Aircraft Wings: 7 Gen 1, 16 Gen 2
Mobile Suits: 220 Gen 1, 75 Gen 2, 6 Gen 2+, 40 Gen 3, 2 Gen 3+
Mobile Armors: None
Super Robots: None
Cruisers: 28 Gen 1 Surface, 10 Gen 2
Battleships: 8 Gen 1 Surface, 4 Gen 2
Special Units: None

Advanced European Union
Earth Federation
Zodiac Alliance
Capital: Bremen (Europe)
Territories: Europe, North Africa, East Africa
Description: On paper, the AEU is an political union of democratic nations, and a subset of the greater Earth Federation. However, according to some outlandish rumors, true power in the AEU rests in the Romefeller Foundation, an alliance of corporate entities owned by aristocrats dating back to the 19th century. The Romefeller Foundation includes some of the largest arms manufactures in the Federation. Europe's economy has grown to have a massive war industry.
Special Trait: Wings of OZ, Shadows of Romefeller. The Romefeller foundation has established a strong web of influence both with the Federation's political structure, and within the Federation military itself, making it easier for it to manipulate events in its favor.

Economy: Strong (80 Production/turn)
Reserves: Medium (40 Manpower/turn)
Stability: Good

Conventional Weapons: 2
Mobile Weapons: 3 🧙‍♀️
Super Robots: 0
Warships: 2
Mobile Dolls
Brain Raid System

Mechanized Companies: 97 Gen 1, 50 Gen 2
Aircraft Wings: 10 Gen 1, 8 Gen 2, 5 Gen 2+
Mobile Suits: 133 Gen 1, 156 Gen 2, 10 Gen 2+, 20 Gen 3, 5 Gen 3+
Mobile Armors: 12 Gen 1, 10 Gen 2
Super Robots: None
Cruisers: 90 Gen 1 (Surface), 12 Gen 2, 7 Gen 2 (Submarine)
Battleships: 19 Gen 1 (Surface), 3 Gen 2, 2 Gen 2 (Surface), 2 Gen 2+ (Space)
Special Units: None

Far East Republic
Earth Federation
Zodiac Alliance
Capital: Beijing (Asia)
Territories: Asia
Description: Replacing the defunct Chinese Confederation at the start of the Universal Century, the Far Eastern Republic has weathered aggression from multiple other powers to remain a functioning democracy with de facto control and protection over much of the Asian mainland. At present, its main concerns are the ever-encroaching Britannians and the increasingly worrisome metaphysical distortions north of its borders.
Special Trait: Northern Patrols. FER excursions into the various anomalies in Siberia give them an unpredictable edge in learning new technologies and enhancing their soldiers' capabilities.

Economy: Booming (100 Production/turn)
Reserves: Huge (100 Manpower/turn)
Stability: Fair

Conventional Weapons: 2
Mobile Weapons: 3
Super Robots: 2
Warships: 2
Modern Stealth

Mechanized Companies: 75 Gen 1, 55 Gen 2
Aircraft Wings: 15 Gen 1, 24 Gen 2
Mobile Suits: 140 Gen 1, 132 Gen 2
Mobile Armors: None
Super Robots: 12 Gen 1, 14 Gen 2
Cruisers: 39 Gen 1 (Surface), 6 Gen 2
Battleships: 18 Gen 2 (Surface), 1 Gen 2
Special Units: None

Zodiac Alliance
Capital: Aprilius Colony (Side 1)
Territories: Side 1
Description: Founded as a safe haven and model society for Coordinators, humans genetically engineered for optimal capabilities and living in space, PLANT officially sat out the One Year War as a neutral state. Unofficially, the Coordinators look to Earth's brutal repression of other spacenoids and anti-genetic-engineering rhetoric with rapidly growing alarm, and an equally rapidly-growing army of home-grown mobile suits designed for Coordinator pilots.
Special Trait: Designer Humans. PLANT's Coordinator population is relatively small, but genetic specialization makes them very efficient at executing civic actions.

Economy: Hegemonic (120 Production/turn)
Reserves: Medium (40 Manpower/turn)
Stability: Stable

Conventional Weapons: 2
Mobile Weapons: 3
Super Robots: 0
Warships: 2
Genetic Engineering

Mechanized Companies: 20 Gen 2
Aircraft Wings: 20 Gen 2
Mobile Suits: 202 Gen 2, 98 Gen 2+, 94 Gen 3, 5 Gen 3+
Mobile Armors: 1 Gen 3+
Super Robots: None
Cruisers: 20 Gen 2 (Surface), 20 Gen 2 (Submarine), 40 Gen 2 (Space)
Battleships: 10 Gen 2 (Surface), 20 Gen 2 (Space)
Special Units: Gondwana (Generation 2 Flagship)

Axis Zeon
Zeonic Successors
Capital: Axis Colony (Mobile)
Territories: Side 3 (Contested)
Description: After the One Year War, those Zeonic forces that wouldn't lay down their arms but could escape Earth's gravity fled to the asteroid belt, taking with them a sizeable military, population, and gold reserve. Rallied under the recently deceased Admiral Maharaja Karn and behind the last surviving member of the Zabi family, Mineva Lao Zabi, the forces gathered at Axis Zeon are a significant worry for military planners in the Federation, and conflict with the Zeonic Successors is assumed to be an inevitability.
Special Trait: Heir to the Zabis. Axis Zeon commands soft power well in excess of a mining asteroid thanks to the presence of a legitimate heiress to the Principality of Zeon and a whole lot of leftover war loot.

Economy: Growing (60 Production/turn)
Reserves: Large (60 Manpower/turn)
Stability: Great

Conventional Weapons: 1
Mobile Weapons: 3
Super Robots: 0
Warships: 2

Mechanized Companies: 5 Gen 1
Aircraft Wings: 6 Gen 1
Mobile Suits: 115 Gen 1, 118 Gen 2, 122 Gen 2+, 1 Gen 3
Mobile Armors: None
Super Robots: None
Cruisers: 36 Gen 1+, 24 Gen 2
Battleships: 12 Gen 1+, 12 Gen 2, 1 Gen 2+
Special Units: Axis (Gen 1 Mobile HQ)

Martian Union
@Spktr Alpha
Capital: Chryse (Mars)
Territories: Mars, Deimos
Description: During the chaos of the One Year War, the manufacturing and resource-extraction operations on Mars were left adrift, with a population long resentful of colonial rule and economic dependence on Earth. With their parent companies cut off, or even annihilated in the conflict, the League of Ruling Companies declared Home-Rule. With the aid of their own self-manufacted security forces, PMCs such as Tekkadan, and Mars's various liberationist militias and Earth Federation deserters, the League was able to force recognition of their independence after the dramatic coup within and defection of the Outer Earth Orbit Joint Regulatory Fleet. On paper, Mars is a democracy, while in practice it is a chaotic collection of factions: the League of Ruling Companies is the main economic power, held in check by the iron-willed and extremely popular President Kudelia Aina Bernstein and her loyal militias and PMCs, while the state's formal military under charismatic General McGillis Fareed is made up almost entirely of Earth Federation defectors who seek an orderly society. Even the League itself freqently clashes with each other, fighting proxy wars with their clandestine mercenaries known as 'Ravens'. All of this means that Mars is a land of infinite opportunity, whether for profit, power, or chaos.
Special Trait: League of Ruling Companies. The League of Ruling Companies, a semi-cooperative trust of major corporations, holds significant power on Mars and extends influence all the way back to Earth and Jupiter. Luna-based Anaheim Electronics, the Jovian-based Teiwaz, and the 'Martian Three' comprised of Balena, Emeraude, and Zio Matrix are all a part of this league. Mars's independence is guaranteed by the League's economic influence over politics, the law, and the very means of production throughout the Solar System.

Economy: Hegemonic (120 Production/turn) - Going over the top of the budget scale gives +20 production for this turn only
Reserves: Small (20 Manpower/turn)
Stability: Troubled

Conventional Weapons: 2
Mobile Weapons: 2
Super Robots: 3
Warships: 2
Cyber-enhancement, Psycommu

Mechanized Companies: 31 Gen 1, 8 Gen 2
Aircraft Wings: None
Mobile Suits: 56 Gen 1, 60 Gen 1+, 101 Gen 2+
Mobile Armors: 12 Gen 1
Super Robots: 1 Gen 1, 1 Gen 2
Cruisers: 28 Gen 1, 12 Gen 1+
Battleships: 8 Gen 1
Special Units: None

Republic of Japan
Earth Federation
Zodiac Alliance
Capital: Tokyo, Japan (official); Kyoto, Japan (de facto)
Territories: Japan
Description: Declared in March UC0087 after the liberation of Britannia's "Area 11" by a coalition led by Zero the Black Knight, also known as Prince Lelouch vi Britannia. By agreement among the coalition, Japan was restored as an independent democracy with immediate Federation representation, and former radical and Getter Robo pilot Hayato Jin was swiftly proclaimed Interim President as the nation reconstructs itself after a decade of occupation.
Special Trait: Rising Sun of Democracy. With the successful overthrow of the Britannian regime, and a decade or more of experience running guerilla warfare among its leadership, revolutionary élan rules the day in Japan, vastly increasing national morale in fights where Japan's fledgling independence is threatened, especially by the old guard of Federation imperialists.


Economy: Recession (20 Production/turn)
Reserves: Small (20 Manpower/turn)
Stability: Troubled


Conventional Weapons: 2
Mobile Weapons: 2
Super Robots: 4
Warships: 1
Getter Rays, Sakuradite Power

Mechanized Companies: 3 Gen 1
Aircraft Wings: 1 Gen 1
Mobile Suits: 12 Gen 1, 8 Gen 1+, 4 Gen 2
Mobile Armors: None
Super Robots: 6 Gen 1, 6 Gen 2, 1 Gen 2+, 2 Gen 3+
Cruisers: None
Battleships: 1 Gen 1 (Surface)
Special Units: None

Titans Autonomous Corps
Autonomous Military
Earth Federation
Headquarters: Gate of Zedan (Side 3)
Territories: Side 3, Side 7
Description: Founded by the Federation to deal with Zeon stay-behind forces and repress any resurgence of independence movements in space, the Titans have an effective carte blanche to rule space with an iron fist. With the elite of Earth's militaries in their command and the brightest mobile suit developers in the Earth Sphere at their disposal, the Titans are almost unopposable.
Special Trait: 31 July Proclamation. The Titans are backed by the full authority of the Federation, and no action they take to guarantee peace is considered unlawful. It would take a unanimous vote of the Federation Council to revoke their supreme authority.

Budget: Strong (40 Production/turn)
Recruiting: Heavy (30 Manpower/turn)
Unity: Stable

Conventional Weapons: 2
Mobile Weapons: 3
Super Robots: 0
Warships: 2
Colony Laser

Mechanized Companies: 11 Gen 2
Aircraft Wings: 5 Gen 1, 6 Gen 2
Mobile Suits: 53 Gen 1+, 171 Gen 2, 33 Gen 2+, 24 Gen 3
Mobile Armors: 1 Gen 2+
Super Robots: None
Cruisers: 18 Gen 2
Battleships: 13 Gen 2, 1 Gen 2+ (in drydock)
Special Units: Jupitris (Gen 1 Flagship)

Autonomous Military
Headquarters: None (Guerillas)
Territories: None (Guerillas)
Description: Needless to say, someone exists to oppose the Titans nevertheless. Comprised of defectors from the Earth Federation military and deserters from Zeon stay-behind forces, the Anti-Earth Union Group and its associated paramilitary Karaba exist to oppose the current state of the Federation and its enforcers, while still holding onto the Federation's mandate of protecting humanity. With the backing of powerful economic actors, they might even have a shot at making real change.
Special Trait: The Moral Alternative. While the Titans have full legal authority, the AEUG exists specifically in defiance of that, and the more damage the Titans cause, the more defectors the AEUG will get from them and the Federation's other forces.

Budget: Funded (20 Production/turn)
Recruiting: Very Heavy (40 Manpower/turn)
Unity: Great

Conventional Weapons: 2
Mobile Weapons: 3
Super Robots: 0
Warships: 2

Mechanized Companies:4 Gen 1
Aircraft Wings: 2 Gen 1
Mobile Suits: 86 Gen 2, 1 Gen 2+
Mobile Armors: 1 Gen 2
Super Robots: 0
Cruisers: 7 Gen 1, 10 Gen 1+, 12 Gen 2, 2 Gen 2+, 10 Gen 3
Battleships: 1 Gen 1+ (Surface), 1 Gen 3
Special Units: None

Delaz Fleet
Autonomous Military
Zeonic Successors
Headquarters: None (Guerillas)
Territories: None
Description: A maverick Zeon remnant force formed around the Zabi family's Imperial Guard. Possessing mostly outdated mobile suits and a handful of large warships and specialty units, they have nonetheless become experts in guerilla warfare and terror strikes against the Federation in the intervening years.
Special Trait: Nightmares of Solomon. The One Year War veterans and experience in the Delaz Fleet mean that despite its small size, all of its elite units can fight more efficiently.

Budget: Shortfalls (10 Production/turn)
Recruiting: Moderate (40 Manpower/turn)
Unity: Fanatic

Conventional Weapons: 2
Mobile Weapons: 3
Super Robots: 0
Warships: 2
Mirage Colloid

Mechanized Companies: 3 Gen 1, 2 Gen 2+
Aircraft Wings: 2 Gen 2
Mobile Suits: 14 Gen 1, 23 Gen 1+, 10 Gen 2, 22 Gen 2+, 5 Gen 3+
Mobile Armors: None
Super Robots: None
Cruisers: 8 Gen 1, 14 Gen 1+, 1 Gen 2+ (Space)
Battleships: 1 Gen 1+

Cima Fleet
Autonomous Military
Headquarters: None (Pirates)
Territories: None (Pirates)
Description: In UC 0080, a crack Marine Amphibious Unit was exiled from Axis by a military court for a crime they didn't commit. These men and women promptly escaped the Federation mop-up operation to the Side 5 Shoal Zone. Today, still wanted by the government, they survive as soldiers of fortune. If you have a problem, if no one else can help you, and if you can find them, maybe you can hire the Cima Fleet.
Special Trait: Wetworks Experts. Attempting to locate or ambush the Cima Fleet is much more difficult than other factions.

Budget: Funded (20 Production/turn)
Recruiting: Moderate (20 Manpower/turn)
Unity: Fanatic

Conventional Weapons: 2
Mobile Weapons: 3
Super Robots: 0
Warships: 1
Corax Laser

Mechanized Companies: 1 Gen 2
Aircraft Wings: None
Mobile Suits: 20 Gen 1, 20 Gen 1+, 2 Gen 2
Mobile Armors: None
Super Robots: None
Cruisers: 8 Gen 1+
Battleships: None
Special Units: None

The Order of the Black Knights
Autonomous Military
Zodiac Alliance
Headquarters: Flying Battleship Shrike (Guerillas)
Territories: Western South America (Guerillas)
Description: Led by the enigmatic masked man known only as "Zero," the Order of the Black Knights is a paramilitary terrorist group whose membership is mostly comprised of Japanese nationals and other anti-Britannian dissidents, as well as a few foreign advisors and Britannian expatriates. They are curiously well-funded and operate a small number of modern Knightmare Frames, along with a handful of next-generation prototypes. Having won several propaganda victories against Britannia's Area 11 occupation forces, including assassinating the governor-general, their campaign for independence now shifts outside Japan and onto a more global stage.
Special Trait: Man of Miracles. With Zero's leadership, the Black Knights have a major advantage in ambushes, tactical retreats, and hit-and-run long as they're flashy.

Budget: Strong (40 Production/turn)
Recruiting: Moderate (20 Manpower/turn)
Unity: Good

Conventional Weapons: 2
Mobile Weapons: 3
Super Robots: 2
Warships: 2
Sakuradite Power
Gefjun Disturber

Mechanized Companies: 25 Gen 1, 22 Gen 2
Aircraft Wings: 4 Gen 1, 5 Gen 2
Mobile Suits: 60 Gen 1, 45 Gen 2, 1 Gen 2+, 23 Gen 3, 1 Gen 3+
Mobile Armors: 2 Gen 3
Super Robots: 1 Gen 2
Cruisers: 3 Gen 2 (Submarine), 4 Gen 2
Battleships: 2 Gen 2
Special Units: Ikaruga (Generation 2 Flagship)

United Nations Spacy
Autonomous Military
Earth Federation
Headquarters: Macross City (Mobile)
Territories: None
Description: With the discovery of Alien Starship 1 (unfortunately abbreviated as ASS-1), a concerted scientific and military survey was conducted to uncover the secrets of both its origins and its exotic technologies. It was dubbed the SDF-1 Macross after a surface-level understanding of its systems and technologies was achieved and reconstruction was deemed possible. After it inexplicably vanished from the surface of the planet on the dawn of the One Year War shortly after reconstruction was completed, it has drifted back into the Earth Sphere along with allied alien ships, warning of an alien fleet bent on torching the Earth for reasons unknown...
Special Trait: The Power of Culture. Through an understanding of a crystalline substance known as Fold Quartz and Sound Wave Energy that it produces and interacts with, the idol singers of the Tactical Sound Units of the Macross can turn the tide of battle by either bolstering the morale of their allies or making the opposition question everything they know through their singing.

Budget: Overfunded (50 Production/turn)
Recruiting: Very Heavy (40 Manpower/turn)
Unity: Great

Conventional Weapons: 2
Mobile Weapons: 3
Super Robots: 0
Warships: 3
Super-Dimensional Science
Song Energy

Mechanized Companies: 7 Gen 2
Aircraft Wings: 5 Gen 2
Mobile Suits: 53 Gen 1, 201 Gen 2, 19 Gen 2+, 17 Gen 3
Mobile Armors: 40 Gen 1
Super Robots: None
Cruisers: 2 Gen 1, 15 Gen 2, 2 Gen 2 (Space)
Battleships: 6 Gen 1 (Space), 3 Gen 2, 2 Gen 2 (Space)
Special Units: SDF-1 Macross (Gen 3 Flagship)

Global Defense Force
Autonomous Military
Zodiac Alliance
Headquarters: Star Rose (Side 4)
Territories: None
Description: In the wake of the fighting on Earth came the first appearance of the Wulgaru, hostile aliens from beyond Jupiter who immediately inserted themselves into the conflicts around the Earth Sphere. Indiscriminately attacking any faction and succeeding in pushing closer to Earth, the Global Defense Force was formed as PLANT's response to fight against their encroachment through the use of AHSMB (Advanced High Standard Multipurpose Battle Devices), advanced mobile suits that have had the best results against the Wulgaru.
Special Trait: Gifts from Abroad. The GDF has access to unique technologies that allow them to fight on an even footing with the Wulgaru, as well as insight into their culture, from covert contacts with Wulgaru defectors.

Budget: Strong (40 Production/turn)
Recruiting: Moderate (20 Manpower/turn)
Unity: Great

Conventional Weapons: 2
Mobile Weapons: 3
Super Robots: 2
Warships: 2
Genetic Engineering
JURIA System

Mechanized Companies: 6 Gen 2
Aircraft Wings: None
Mobile Suits: 50 Gen 2, 39 Gen 2+, 5 Gen 3
Mobile Armors: None
Super Robots: 4 Gen 2, 1 Gen 2+
Cruisers: 24 Gen 2
Battleships: 5 Gen 2, 2 Gen 2+
Special Units: Star Rose (Generation 3 Mobile HQ)

Science Fortress Laboratory
Zodiac Alliance
Headquarters: Science Fortress Laboratory (Mobile)
Territories: None
Description: Britannia's attack on the Photon Power Laboratories in January 0087 led to a hasty evacuation with the help of the Black Knights. With Professor Yumi captured and the original PPL mostly destroyed by Celestial Being's intervention, Acting Director Kouji Kabuto re-established Mazinger's organization aboard the submersible laboratory created by his father, escaping to Oceania and continuing to work to protect Japan and the world.
Special Trait: Ancient Secrets. The power of the Mazingers, although modern, is connected to an ancient alien civilization that's barely known of, let alone studied, and finding additional information about the Mycene can pay dividends in research.

Budget: Shortfalls (10 Production/turn)
Recruiting: Limited (10 Manpower/turn)
Unity: Great

Conventional Weapons: 1
Mobile Weapons: 0
Super Robots: 3
Warships: 0
Sakuradite Photon Power
Super-alloy Engineering

Mechanized Companies: 1 Gen 1, 2 Gen 2
Aircraft Wings: 1 Gen 1
Mobile Suits: None
Mobile Armors: None
Super Robots: 5 Gen 2, 1 Gen 2+, 1 Gen 3
Cruisers: None
Battleships: None
Special Units: None

Circle of Gaia
Earth Federation
Headquarters: Paris (Europe)
Territories: Ecological Recovery Zones throughout the Earth
Description: Descended from eco-terrorist monkeywrenching groups of the 20th century, the Gaians emerged as a united movement in the intense ecological rehabilitation necessitated by the Colony Drops and other planet-rending catastrophes of the One Year War. They are a fanatical sect strongest among the Federation's institutions of applied sciences. After receiving an ongoing grant of funding from the Federation legislature, the Circle immediately moved from prioritizing the environmental engineering of damaged terran biomes to the social engineering of terrestrial humanity towards hardline preservationist ends. In the rehabilitation zones the Circle has been entrusted to manage, refugees are sometimes forced at Mobile Suit-scale bayonet point to emigrate to space, to lessen the population burden on the precious Earth. Despite their own mixed reputation, strong support for the colonization of areas of space lacking their own living ecosystems has made the Gaians butt heads with the Titans.
Special Trait: Headhunter Contracts. The Gaians' political pull and the nature of their work has led to them becoming the official enforcement arm of the Federation's population relocation program. Through selective enforcement of these policies, the Circle of Gaia can expropriate extra budget, or negatively affect other faction's recruiting.

Budget: Overfunded (50 Production/turn)
Recruiting: Limited (10 Manpower/turn)
Unity: Fanatic

Conventional Weapons: 2
Mobile Weapons: 3
Super Robots: 0
Warships: 1
Mesozoic Terraforming

Mechanized Companies: 9 Gen 1, 4 Gen 2
Aircraft Wings: 1 Gen 1, 1 Gen 2
Mobile Suits: 47 Gen 2, 10 Gen 2+, 5 Gen 3
Mobile Armors: 0
Super Robots: 0
Cruisers: 3 Gen 1 (Surface), 1 Gen 2 (Space)
Battleships: None
Special Units: None

The Benerit Group
Headquarters: Benerit Front (Side 4)
Territories: Special Economic Zones in Asia and Africa
Description: Formed in the crucible of the One Year War by old-guard defense contractors banding together, the Benerit Group is a corporate conglomerate with strong ties to the military-industrial complex and the exploitation of the Earth's damaged hinterlands. Its current president, PMC veteran Delling Rembran, maintains an iron grip on the Group through force of money and personality, and on the proliferation of exotic technologies and weapons in the Earth Sphere through his enforcement contracts with the Federation.
Special Trait: Permet Monopoly. Controlling the underpinnings of interplanetary communications greatly enhances the Group's ability to gather or suppress information, as well as giving access to alternative paths to certain man-machine interface technologies.

Budget: Runaway (60 Production/turn)
Recruiting:Moderate (20 Manpower/turn)
Unity: Unstable

Conventional Weapons: 2
Mobile Weapons: 2
Super Robots: 0
Warships: 2
GUND Format

Mechanized Companies: 1 Gen 2
Aircraft Wings: None
Mobile Suits: 10 Gen 1, 86 Gen 2, 55 Gen 2+
Mobile Armors: None
Super Robots: None
Cruisers: 10 Gen 1, 2 Gen 1+, 6 Gen 2
Battleships: 1 Gen 2
Special Units: None
Last edited:
Turn 4: April UC0087 - NPC Stats
Earth Federation Forces
Coalition Military
Earth Federation
Capital: Dakar (Africa)
Territories: Africa, South America
Description: The Nation-States of Earth are, for the most part, members of the great supernation called the Earth Federation, which maintains its own military forces levied from its member states, though the constantly feuding Federation Council is loathe to actually use them and prefers separately-funded assets like the Titans. The Federation moves at the whim of the Nation-States that make it up, and isn't a playable nation in itself.
Special Trait: United Military. The Federation Forces are controlled by a majority vote of the Federation Council (currently Britannia, the AEU, and the Far Eastern Republic). Rather than an active faction, the EFF will act in the interests of the current Federation resolutions.

Conventional Weapons: 2
Mobile Weapons: 3
Super Robots: 0
Warships: 3

Mechanized Companies: 20 Gen 1
Aircraft Wings: 20 Gen 2
Mobile Suits: 900 Gen 1, 110 Gen 1+, 350 Gen 2, 2 Gen 2+
Mobile Armors: None
Super Robots: None
Cruisers: 43 Gen 1, 20 Gen 2, 3 Gen 2+
Battleships: 20 Gen 1, 20 Gen 2, 1 Gen 2+, 1 Gen 3
Special Units: [Redacted]

Wulgaru United Pan-Galactic Empire
Expeditionary Force
Capital: ???
Territories: ???
Description: A species of alien invaders from outside our solar system. Little is publically known of them aside from their advanced technology and the fact that, thankfully, they're in conflict with the other invading aliens.
Special Trait: Extrasolar. The Wulgaru are part of a galaxy-spanning organization, and continuously receive reinforcements from outside the solar system. They cannot be fully defeated unless this source of materiel is neutralized.

Conventional Weapons: 2+
Mobile Weapons: 2+
Super Robots: 4+
Warships: 2+
Super-Dimensional Science

Mobile Suits: ??? Gen 2/??
Super Robots: ??? Gen 3+, ??? Gen 4+
Cruisers: ??? Gen 2/??
Battleships: ??? Gen 2/??
Special Units: ???

Zentradi Main Fleet
Roaming War-State
Capital: None
Territories: None
Description: The parent organization to the 67th Zentradi Fleet that the SDF Macross negotiated a truce with. The Zentradi as a whole do not recognize that truce and their scouts have been sighted in the Outer Solar System, likely intending to pursue the 67th as deserters. As a species, the Zentradi are giants with only a military and no culture to speak of, rendering their attitudes alien despite having a 99.9% genetic compatibility with humanity. Zentradi also reproduce solely by cloning, and their fleets are segregated into male and female (Meltrandi) factions that often war with each other, and they also appear to be hostile to the Wulgaru.
Special Trait: Noculture. Zentradi as a species are focused solely on the prosecution of war for its own sake, and have no other culture, rendering them...unpredictable when it comes to diplomacy.

Conventional Weapons: 2
Mobile Weapons: 2
Super Robots: 0
Warships: 3
Super-Dimensional Science
Genetic Engineering

Mobile Suits: ??? Gen 2
Cruisers: ??? Gen 1/2/3
Battleships: ??? Gen 1/2/3
Special Units: ???

Vega Zone
Terrorist Organization
Capital: ???
Territories: The Arctic Circle
Description: The culmination of a decade of attacks by gigantic kaiju, Professor Alrich zu Lando and his cohorts utilize salvaged Dinosaur, Mycene, and alien technology to commit acts of destruction against the Earth Sphere with the apparent goal of world conquest.

Metal Beasts: 3

Metal Beasts: ??? Gen 1/2/3

Celestial Being
Private Armed Organization
Capital: None
Territories: None
Description: A mysterious organization who proclaimed a mandate to end all armed conflict with the mobile weapon Gundam. Little is known about them besides the advanced technology that allows them to appear and strike without warning with small teams or sometimes solitary advanced mobile suits.
Special Trait: The God of Wisdom. As long as they control Veda, Celestial Being chooses orders after reading every other human faction's orders for the turn.

Mobile Weapons: 3+
Warships: 3+
Quantum Supercomputing

Mobile Suits: ??? Gen 3
Cruisers: ??? Gen 3
Turn 5: May 0087 - Stats
Faction Name
Faction Type
Faction Alignment
Special Trait:

Statistics (Nation-State)
Economy: Bankrupt/Depression/Recession/Stagnant/Growing/Strong/Booming/Hegemonic
Reserves: Nonexistent/Tiny/Small/Medium/Large/Very Large/Huge/Overwhelming
Stability: Collapsing/Unstable/Troubled/Stable/Fair/Good/Great/Utopian

Statistics (Autonomous Military/NGO)
Budget: Bankrupt/Penniless/Shortfalls/Funded/Growing/Strong/Overfunded/Runaway
Recruiting: Nonexistent/Tiny/Limited/Moderate/Heavy/Very Heavy/Extensive/Overwhelming
Unity: Fragmenting/Unstable/Troubled/Stable/Fair/Good/Great/Fanatic

Conventional Weapons:
Mobile Weapons:
Super Robots:
Special Technologies

Mechanized Companies:
Aircraft Wings:
Mobile Suits:
Mobile Armors:
Super Robots:
Special Units

Advanced European Union
Earth Sphere Union
Capital: Bremen (Europe)
Territories: Europe, North Africa, East Africa
Description: On paper, the AEU is an political union of democratic nations, and a subset of the greater Earth Federation. However, according to some outlandish rumors, true power in the AEU rests in the Romefeller Foundation, an alliance of corporate entities owned by aristocrats dating back to the 19th century. The Romefeller Foundation includes some of the largest arms manufactures in the Federation. Europe's economy has grown to have a massive war industry.
Special Trait: Wings of OZ, Shadows of Romefeller. The Romefeller foundation has established a strong web of influence both with the Federation's political structure, and within the Federation military itself, making it easier for it to manipulate events in its favor.

Economy: Strong (80 Production/turn)
Reserves: Medium (40 Manpower/turn)
Stability: Good

Conventional Weapons: 2
Mobile Weapons: 3 🧙‍♀️
Super Robots: 0
Warships: 2
Mobile Dolls, Brain Raid System, Armure Lumière

Mechanized Companies: 97 Gen 1, 50 Gen 2
Aircraft Wings: 10 Gen 1, 8 Gen 2, 4 Gen 2+
Mobile Suits: 127 Gen 1, 150 Gen 2, 7 Gen 2+, 26 Gen 3, 9 Gen 3+
Mobile Armors: 8 Gen 1, 10 Gen 2
Super Robots: None
Cruisers: 90 Gen 1 (Surface), 9 Gen 2, 7 Gen 2 (Submarine)
Battleships: 19 Gen 1 (Surface), 3 Gen 2, 2 Gen 2 (Surface), 2 Gen 2+ (Space)
Special Units: 1 in progress

Far East Republic
Earth Sphere Union
Capital: Beijing (Asia)
Territories: Asia
Description: Replacing the defunct Chinese Confederation at the start of the Universal Century, the Far Eastern Republic has weathered aggression from multiple other powers to remain a functioning democracy with de facto control and protection over much of the Asian mainland. At present, its main concerns are the ever-encroaching Britannians and the increasingly worrisome metaphysical distortions north of its borders.
Special Trait: Northern Patrols. FER excursions into the various anomalies in Siberia give them an unpredictable edge in learning new technologies and enhancing their soldiers' capabilities.

Economy: Booming (100 Production/turn)
Reserves: Huge (100 Manpower/turn)
Stability: Fair

Conventional Weapons: 2
Mobile Weapons: 3
Super Robots: 2
Warships: 2
Modern Stealth

Mechanized Companies: 75 Gen 1, 63 Gen 2
Aircraft Wings: 15 Gen 1, 24 Gen 2
Mobile Suits: 125 Gen 1, 117 Gen 2, 15 Gen 3
Mobile Armors: None
Super Robots: 12 Gen 1, 12 Gen 2
Cruisers: 36 Gen 1 (Surface), 6 Gen 2
Battleships: 18 Gen 2 (Surface), 2 Gen 2
Special Units: None

Earth Sphere Union
Capital: Aprilius Colony (Side 1)
Territories: Side 1
Description: Founded as a safe haven and model society for Coordinators, humans genetically engineered for optimal capabilities and living in space, PLANT officially sat out the One Year War as a neutral state. Unofficially, the Coordinators look to Earth's brutal repression of other spacenoids and anti-genetic-engineering rhetoric with rapidly growing alarm, and an equally rapidly-growing army of home-grown mobile suits designed for Coordinator pilots.
Special Trait: Designer Humans. PLANT's Coordinator population is relatively small, but genetic specialization makes them very efficient at executing civic actions.

Economy: Booming (100 Production/turn)
Reserves: Medium (40 Manpower/turn)
Stability: Fair

Conventional Weapons: 2
Mobile Weapons: 4
Super Robots: 0
Warships: 2
Genetic Engineering, N-Jammers

Mechanized Companies: 20 Gen 2
Aircraft Wings: 20 Gen 2
Mobile Suits: 145 Gen 2, 74 Gen 2+, 124 Gen 3, 5 Gen 3+
Mobile Armors: None
Super Robots: None
Cruisers: 20 Gen 2 (Surface), 20 Gen 2 (Submarine), 27 Gen 2 (Space)
Battleships: 10 Gen 2 (Surface), 15 Gen 2 (Space)
Special Units: Gondwana (Generation 2 Flagship)

Capital: Axis Colony (Mobile)
Territories: Side 3
Description: After the One Year War, those Zeonic forces that wouldn't lay down their arms but could escape Earth's gravity fled to the asteroid belt, taking with them a sizeable military, population, and gold reserve. Rallied under the recently deceased Admiral Maharaja Karn and behind the last surviving member of the Zabi family, Mineva Lao Zabi, the forces gathered at Axis Zeon are a significant worry for military planners in the Federation, and conflict with the Zeonic Successors is assumed to be an inevitability.
Special Trait: Heir to the Zabis. With the harmony of Mineva Lao Zabi and Haman Karn, and the successful reconquest of Side 3, Axis has cemented itself as the capital of a true Neo-Zeon.

Economy: Growing (60 Production/turn)
Reserves: Large (60 Manpower/turn)
Stability: Fanatic

Conventional Weapons: 1
Mobile Weapons: 3
Super Robots: 0
Warships: 2

Mechanized Companies: 5 Gen 1
Aircraft Wings: 6 Gen 1
Mobile Suits: 85 Gen 1, 92 Gen 2, 110 Gen 2+, 21 Gen 3, 5 Gen 3+
Mobile Armors: None
Super Robots: None
Cruisers: 32 Gen 1+, 22 Gen 2
Battleships: 12 Gen 1+, 12 Gen 2, 1 Gen 2+
Special Units: Axis (Gen 1 Mobile HQ)

Martian Union
@Spktr Alpha
Capital: Chryse (Mars)
Territories: Mars, Deimos
Description: During the chaos of the One Year War, the manufacturing and resource-extraction operations on Mars were left adrift, with a population long resentful of colonial rule and economic dependence on Earth. With their parent companies cut off, or even annihilated in the conflict, the League of Ruling Companies declared Home-Rule. With the aid of their own self-manufacted security forces, PMCs such as Tekkadan, and Mars's various liberationist militias and Earth Federation deserters, the League was able to force recognition of their independence after the dramatic coup within and defection of the Outer Earth Orbit Joint Regulatory Fleet. On paper, Mars is a democracy, while in practice it is a chaotic collection of factions: the League of Ruling Companies is the main economic power, held in check by the iron-willed and extremely popular President Kudelia Aina Bernstein and her loyal militias and PMCs, while the state's formal military under charismatic General McGillis Fareed is made up almost entirely of Earth Federation defectors who seek an orderly society. Even the League itself freqently clashes with each other, fighting proxy wars with their clandestine mercenaries known as 'Ravens'. All of this means that Mars is a land of infinite opportunity, whether for profit, power, or chaos.
Special Trait: League of Ruling Companies. The League of Ruling Companies, a semi-cooperative trust of major corporations, holds significant power on Mars and extends influence all the way back to Earth and Jupiter. Luna-based Anaheim Electronics, the Jovian-based Teiwaz, and the 'Martian Three' comprised of Balena, Emeraude, and Zio Matrix are all a part of this league. Mars's independence is guaranteed by the League's economic influence over politics, the law, and the very means of production throughout the Solar System.

Economy: Hegemonic (120 Production/turn)
Reserves: Small (20 Manpower/turn)
Stability: Unstable (WARNING)

Conventional Weapons: 2
Mobile Weapons: 2
Super Robots: 3
Warships: 2
Cyber-enhancement, Psycommu

Mechanized Companies: 31 Gen 1, 8 Gen 2
Aircraft Wings: None
Mobile Suits: 56 Gen 1, 60 Gen 1+, 101 Gen 2+
Mobile Armors: 12 Gen 1
Super Robots: 1 Gen 1, 1 Gen 2
Cruisers: 28 Gen 1, 12 Gen 1+
Battleships: 8 Gen 1
Special Units: None

Republic of Japan
Earth Sphere Union
Capital: Tokyo, Japan (official); Kyoto, Japan (de facto)
Territories: Japan
Description: Declared in March UC0087 after the liberation of Britannia's "Area 11" by a coalition led by Zero the Black Knight, also known as Prince Lelouch vi Britannia. By agreement among the coalition, Japan was restored as an independent democracy with immediate Federation representation, and former radical and Getter Robo pilot Hayato Jin was swiftly proclaimed Interim President as the nation reconstructs itself after a decade of occupation.
Special Trait: Rising Sun of Democracy. With the successful overthrow of the Britannian regime, and a decade or more of experience running guerilla warfare among its leadership, revolutionary élan rules the day in Japan, vastly increasing national morale in fights where Japan's fledgling independence is threatened, especially by the old guard of Federation imperialists.


Economy: Stagnant (40 Production/turn)
Reserves: Small (20 Manpower/turn)
Stability: Stable


Conventional Weapons: 2
Mobile Weapons: 2
Super Robots: 4
Warships: 1
Getter Rays, Sakuradite Power, Quantum Supercomputing

Mechanized Companies: 3 Gen 1
Aircraft Wings: 1 Gen 1
Mobile Suits: 12 Gen 1, 8 Gen 1+, 4 Gen 2
Mobile Armors: None
Super Robots: 6 Gen 1, 6 Gen 2, 2 Gen 3+, 1 Gen 4+
Cruisers: None
Battleships: 1 Gen 1 (Surface)
Special Units: None

Autonomous Military
Earth Sphere Union
Headquarters: Side 7
Territories: Side 7
Headquarters: Jupitris (Mobile)
Territories: Side 7
Description: The corrupt Titans were purged, leaving the Earth Sphere Union in need of a more loyal and less horrendously war crimey sword. Paptimus Scirocco, seeing the writing on the wall, struck a deal with the mastermind behind the ESU's rise for him and his personal loyalists to remain in that role, albeit without the blanket criminal immunity. Equipped with the best of Jovian engineering and the resources of , the A-LAWS represent a new start for peacekeeping on Earth.
Special Trait: Scirocco Design Bureau. Between the genius mind of the Man from Jupiter and an unheard-of amount of computer-aided design, the A-LAWS outpace even the most advanced private concerns in developing new mobile weapon designs. "+" Mobile Suits and Mobile Armors cost 3/4 the normal production (1.5x base price, rather than 2x)
Special Trait: [Level 7 Clearance Required]

Budget: Strong (40 Production/turn)
Recruiting: Heavy (30 Manpower/turn)
Unity: Stable

Conventional Weapons: 3
Mobile Weapons: 3
Super Robots: 0
Warships: 3
Cyber-Enhancement, Psycommu, Quantum Supercomputing, GN Particle Physics, Mobile Dolls

Mechanized Companies: 5 Gen 2, 5 Gen 3 Automated
Aircraft Wings: None
Mobile Suits: 40 Gen 2+, 40 Gen 3, 8 Gen 3+
Mobile Armors: 1 Gen 2+, 1 Gen 3+
Super Robots: None
Cruisers: 20 Gen 2
Battleships: 10 Gen 2, 1 Gen 2+ (in drydock)
Special Units: Jupitris (Gen 1 Flagship)

Londo Bell
Autonomous Military
Earth Sphere Union
Headquarters: None (Guerillas)
Territories: None (Guerillas)
Description: With their assistance in forming the Earth Sphere Union and ejecting the old order from power, the AEUG was granted not only amnesty by the new government, but commission as an autonomous task force that would represent a united Earth Sphere response to threats to all of the Earth Sphere. How the former AEUG will fare working alongside the former Titans in the A-LAWS is an open question.
Special Trait: Vindicated by History. Reformed from the AEUG, Londo Bell represents moral objectors to the old Earth Federation and a continuity between the Earth Federation Forces and the ESU military. By being on the right side at the right time, Londo Bell has put itself in a position to receive extra volunteers transferring from the ESU regular forces.

Budget: Funded (20 Production/turn)
Recruiting: Very Heavy (40 Manpower/turn)
Unity: Great

Conventional Weapons: 2
Mobile Weapons: 3
Super Robots: 0
Warships: 2

Mechanized Companies: 4 Gen 1
Aircraft Wings: 2 Gen 1
Mobile Suits: 74 Gen 2, 1 Gen 2+, 20 Gen 3
Mobile Armors: 1 Gen 2
Super Robots: 0
Cruisers: 5 Gen 1, 10 Gen 1+, 12 Gen 2, 2 Gen 2+, 10 Gen 3
Battleships: 1 Gen 1+ (Surface), 1 Gen 3
Special Units: None

Delaz Fleet
Autonomous Military
Headquarters: None (Guerillas)
Territories: None
Description: A maverick Zeon remnant force formed around the Zabi family's Imperial Guard. Possessing mostly outdated mobile suits and a handful of large warships and specialty units, they have nonetheless become experts in guerilla warfare and terror strikes against the Federation in the intervening years.
Special Trait: Nightmares of Solomon. The One Year War veterans and experience in the Delaz Fleet mean that despite its small size, all of its elite units can fight more efficiently.

Budget: Funded (20 Production/turn)
Recruiting: Moderate (40 Manpower/turn)
Unity: Fanatic - overflow grants a bonus to damage inflicted in combat for this turn

Conventional Weapons: 2
Mobile Weapons: 3
Super Robots: 0
Warships: 2
Mirage Colloid, Stutzer Upgrade

Mechanized Companies: 3 Gen 1, 2 Gen 2+
Aircraft Wings: 2 Gen 2
Mobile Suits: 14 Gen 1, 23 Gen 1+, 10 Gen 2, 22 Gen 2+, 5 Gen 3+
Mobile Armors: 1 Gen 2+
Super Robots: None
Cruisers: 8 Gen 1, 14 Gen 1+, 1 Gen 2+ (Space)
Battleships: 1 Gen 1+

Britannia (Black Faction)
Autonomous Military
Earth Sphere Union
Headquarters: Flying Battleship Shrike (Guerillas)
Territories: South America (contested), Oceania (contested)
Description: Once upon a time, the Order of the Black Knights were a ragtag group of Japanese dissidents following the mysterious masked tactician, Zero. Now that Japan is independent and Zero has been revealed to the world as Lelouch vi Britannia, Eleventh Prince of Britannia, they've formed the core of a group supporting Lelouch's claim to the thrown, in an attempt to wrest half the planet Earth from the clutches of those who would stand athwart history and atop the necks of the oppressed (and are also, you know, supporting the legal heir).
Special Trait: Man of Miracles. With Zero's leadership, the Black Knights have a major advantage in ambushes, tactical retreats, and hit-and-run long as they're flashy.

Budget: Strong (40 Production/turn)
Recruiting: Moderate (20 Manpower/turn)
Unity: Great

Conventional Weapons: 2
Mobile Weapons: 3
Super Robots: 2
Warships: 2
Sakuradite Power, Gefjun Disturber

Mechanized Companies: 25 Gen 1, 22 Gen 2
Aircraft Wings: 4 Gen 1, 5 Gen 2
Mobile Suits: 55 Gen 1, 37 Gen 2, 5 Gen 2+, 21 Gen 3, 5 Gen 3+
Mobile Armors: 2 Gen 3, 1 Gen 3+
Super Robots: 2 Gen 2+
Cruisers: 3 Gen 2 (Submarine), 4 Gen 2
Battleships: 2 Gen 2
Special Units: Shrike (Generation 2 Flagship) (in drydock)

United Nations Spacy
Autonomous Military
Earth Sphere Union
Headquarters: Macross City (Mobile)
Territories: None
Description: With the discovery of Alien Starship 1 (unfortunately abbreviated as ASS-1), a concerted scientific and military survey was conducted to uncover the secrets of both its origins and its exotic technologies. It was dubbed the SDF-1 Macross after a surface-level understanding of its systems and technologies was achieved and reconstruction was deemed possible. After it inexplicably vanished from the surface of the planet on the dawn of the One Year War shortly after reconstruction was completed, it has drifted back into the Earth Sphere along with allied alien ships, warning of an alien fleet bent on torching the Earth for reasons unknown...
Special Trait: The Power of Culture. Through an understanding of a crystalline substance known as Fold Quartz and Sound Wave Energy that it produces and interacts with, the idol singers of the Tactical Sound Units of the Macross can turn the tide of battle by either bolstering the morale of their allies or making the opposition question everything they know through their singing.

Budget: Overfunded (50 Production/turn)
Recruiting: Very Heavy (40 Manpower/turn)
Unity: Great

Conventional Weapons: 2
Mobile Weapons: 3
Super Robots: 0
Warships: 3
Super-Dimensional Science, Song Energy

Mechanized Companies: 7 Gen 2
Aircraft Wings: 7 Gen 2
Mobile Suits: 65 Gen 1, 180 Gen 2, 18 Gen 2+, 31 Gen 3
Mobile Armors: 40 Gen 1, 3 Gen 2
Super Robots: None
Cruisers: 5 Gen 1, 22 Gen 2, 2 Gen 2 (Space)
Battleships: 4 Gen 1 (Space), 6 Gen 2, 2 Gen 2 (Space)
Special Units: SDF-1 Macross (Gen 3 Flagship)

Global Defense Force
Autonomous Military
Earth Sphere Union
Headquarters: Star Rose (Mobile)
Territories: None
Description: In the wake of the fighting on Earth came the first appearance of the Wulgaru, hostile aliens from beyond Jupiter who immediately inserted themselves into the conflicts around the Earth Sphere. Indiscriminately attacking any faction and succeeding in pushing closer to Earth, the Global Defense Force was formed as PLANT's response to fight against their encroachment through the use of AHSMB (Advanced High Standard Multipurpose Battle Devices), advanced mobile suits that have had the best results against the Wulgaru.
Special Trait: Gifts from Abroad. The GDF has access to unique technologies that allow them to fight on an even footing with the Wulgaru, as well as insight into their culture, from covert contacts with Wulgaru defectors.

Budget: Runaway (60 Production/turn)
Recruiting: Moderate (20 Manpower/turn)
Unity: Great

Conventional Weapons: 2
Mobile Weapons: 3
Super Robots: 3
Warships: 2
Genetic Engineering, JURIA System, GN Particle Physics

Mechanized Companies: 6 Gen 2
Aircraft Wings: None
Mobile Suits: 42 Gen 2, 32 Gen 2+, 25 Gen 3, 5 Gen 3+
Mobile Armors: None
Super Robots: 2 Gen 2 (1 under repair), 3 Gen 2+ (1 under repair)
Cruisers: 24 Gen 2
Battleships: 5 Gen 2, 2 Gen 2+
Special Units: Star Rose (Generation 3 Mobile HQ)

Photon Power Laboratory
Earth Sphere Union
Headquarters: Atami (Japan)
Territories: None
Description: Good news, Japan is free and the team is back at Mt. Fuji. Bad news a lot of other stuff is at Mt. Fuji.
Special Trait: Ancient Secrets. The power of the Mazingers, although modern, is connected to an ancient alien civilization that's barely known of, let alone studied, and finding additional information about the Mycene can pay dividends in research.

Budget: Shortfalls (10 Production/turn)
Recruiting: Limited (10 Manpower/turn)
Unity: Great

Conventional Weapons: 1
Mobile Weapons: 0
Super Robots: 3
Warships: 1
Sakuradite Photon Power, Super-alloy Engineering

Mechanized Companies: 1 Gen 1, 2 Gen 2
Aircraft Wings: 1 Gen 1
Mobile Suits: None
Mobile Armors: None
Super Robots: 5 Gen 2, 2 Gen 3
Cruisers: None
Battleships: None
Special Units: None

Circle of Gaia
Headquarters: Paris (Europe)
Territories: Ecological Recovery Zones throughout the Earth
Description: Descended from eco-terrorist monkeywrenching groups of the 20th century, the Gaians emerged as a united movement in the intense ecological rehabilitation necessitated by the Colony Drops and other planet-rending catastrophes of the One Year War. They are a fanatical sect strongest among the Federation's institutions of applied sciences. After receiving an ongoing grant of funding from the Federation legislature, the Circle immediately moved from prioritizing the environmental engineering of damaged terran biomes to the social engineering of terrestrial humanity towards hardline preservationist ends. In the rehabilitation zones the Circle has been entrusted to manage, refugees are sometimes forced at Mobile Suit-scale bayonet point to emigrate to space, to lessen the population burden on the precious Earth. Despite their own mixed reputation, strong support for the colonization of areas of space lacking their own living ecosystems has made the Gaians butt heads with the Titans.
Special Trait: The Phantom Pain. As the "moderate" Earth-first faction, and with the spin of rejecting overreach by the ESU rather than outright rebelling against it, the Circle of Gaia attracts genuine ideologues and disappointed defectors of the more militant anti-Spacian groups on Earth. The Circle receives bonus units when OMNI, the Britannian Empire (Schneizel Faction), or some autonomist rebels take losses.

Budget: Runaway (60 Production/turn)
Recruiting: Limited (10 Manpower/turn)
Unity: Fanatic

Conventional Weapons: 2
Mobile Weapons: 3
Super Robots: 0
Warships: 1
Mesozoic Terraforming, Mesozoic Terraforming Prototype

Mechanized Companies: 9 Gen 1, 4 Gen 2
Aircraft Wings: 1 Gen 1, 1 Gen 2
Mobile Suits: 24 Gen 2, 20 Gen 2+, 25 Gen 3
Mobile Armors: 0
Super Robots: 0
Cruisers: 3 Gen 1 (Surface), 1 Gen 2 (Space)
Battleships: None
Special Units: None

The Benerit Group
Headquarters: Benerit Front (Side 4)
Territories: Special Economic Zones in Asia and Africa
Description: Formed in the crucible of the One Year War by old-guard defense contractors banding together, the Benerit Group is a corporate conglomerate with strong ties to the military-industrial complex and the exploitation of the Earth's damaged hinterlands. Its current president, PMC veteran Delling Rembran, maintains an iron grip on the Group through force of money and personality, and on the proliferation of exotic technologies and weapons in the Earth Sphere through his enforcement contracts with the Federation.
Special Trait: Permet Monopoly. Controlling the underpinnings of interplanetary communications greatly enhances the Group's ability to gather or suppress information, as well as giving access to alternative paths to certain man-machine interface technologies.

Budget: Runaway (60 Production/turn) - Going over the top of the budget scale gives +20 production for this turn only
Recruiting: Moderate (20 Manpower/turn)
Unity: Fragmenting (WARNING)

Conventional Weapons: 2
Mobile Weapons: 3
Super Robots: 0
Warships: 2
GUND Format

Mechanized Companies: 1 Gen 2
Aircraft Wings: None
Mobile Suits: 10 Gen 1, 86 Gen 2, 75 Gen 2+
Mobile Armors: None
Super Robots: None
Cruisers: 10 Gen 1, 2 Gen 1+, 2 Gen 2, 2 Gen 2+
Battleships: 1 Gen 2
Special Units: None
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Turn 5: May 0087 - NPC Stats
Earth Sphere Union Forces
Coalition Military
Earth Sphere Union
Headquarters: Dakar (Africa)
Territories: Africa, South America
Description: After the Dakar Conference, the Earth Federation was reformed into the Earth Sphere Union, a more representative body that maintained many of the same institutions as their predecessor, even as other states and statelets broke away from the radical reforms of the Earth Sphere's new organizing body. Approximately 2/3 of the Earth Federation Forces remained loyal and reorganized as the ESUF, along with hand-me-down equipment absorbed from the reorganized Titans.
Special Trait: United Military. The Union Forces are controlled by a majority vote of the Union Council (currently the AEU, the Far Eastern Republic, the Republic of Japan, and PLANT, with the disputed crown of Britannia serving as a tiebreaker). Rather than an active faction, the ESUF will act in the interests of the current Federation resolutions.

Budget: Funded(20 Production/turn)
Recruiting: Moderate (20 Manpower/turn)
Unity: Troubled

Conventional Weapons: 2
Mobile Weapons: 3
Super Robots: 0
Warships: 3

Mechanized Companies: 14 Gen 1
Aircraft Wings: 15 Gen 2
Mobile Suits: 600 Gen 1, 50 Gen 1+, 220 Gen 2, 2 Gen 2+
Mobile Armors: None
Super Robots: None
Cruisers: 23 Gen 1, 10 Gen 2, 3 Gen 2+
Battleships: 10 Gen 1, 10 Gen 2, 1 Gen 2+

Rogue Military
Headquarters: JOSH-A (North America)
Territories: Alaska, Canada, scattered EFF bases
Description: Not all of the Earth Federation agrees with the Earth Sphere Union's reformation, calling it a coup by Coordinators, the legendary Organization of the Zodiac, or any of a dozen other conspiracies. The most fanatic members of the anti-Coordinator Blue Cosmos and anti-Spacian members of the Earth Federation Forces split from the government to form a rival organization, immediately designated terrorists by the ESU after taking responsibility for a nuclear attack on PLANT, taking around a third of the EFF's conventional forces with them, along with much of its infrastructure and deserters and adventurers from Britannia.
Special Trait: Our Blue and Pure World. Comprised with a core of fanatic Blue Cosmos devotees as it is, OMNI's Unity cannot fall below Great for any reason - although individual units may still choose to defect.

Budget: Strong (40 Production/turn)
Recruiting: Very Heavy (40 Manpower/turn)
Unity: Fanatic

Mechanized Companies: 5 Gen 1
Aircraft Wings: 4 Gen 2
Mobile Suits: 260 Gen 1, 188 Gen 2, 1 Gen 3, 3 Gen 3+
Mobile Armors: None
Super Robots: None
Cruisers: 17 Gen 1, 8 Gen 2
Battleships: 10 Gen 1, 10 Gen 2, 1 Gen 3
Special Units: FLEIJA Launchers (Gen 3 Tactical Superweapon)

Conventional Weapons: 2
Mobile Weapons: 3
Super Robots: 0
Warships: 3
Cyber-Enhancement, Sakuradite Power, FLEIJA

Holy Britannian Empire (White Faction)
Independent (ESU membership pending ratification)
Capital: Pendragon (North America)
Territories: North America, South America (disputed)
Description: The former pre-eminent military power of Earth finds itself on the backfoot, split by civil war over the succession of Charles Zi Britannia and isolated by a world order that has turned against its harsh imperialism. The legitimist faction in the succession war, led by Prince Schneizel and Princess Cornelia, seeks to uphold Britannia's dignity in the face of whatever means necessary.
Special Trait: Cold-Blooded Strategist. Under Schneizel and Cornelia's leadership, Britannian forces keep cooler heads and stronger contingencies. Ambushes and guerilla warfare are less effective in battles where they are present.

Economy: Growing (40 Production/turn)
Reserves: Large (60 Manpower/turn)
Stability: Unstable

Conventional Weapons: 2
Mobile Weapons: 3
Super Robots: 2
Warships: 2
Sakuradite Power, Apple of Idun, FLEIJA

Mechanized Companies: 152 Gen 1, 70 Gen 2
Aircraft Wings: 3 Gen 1, 16 Gen 2
Mobile Suits: 200 Gen 1, 68 Gen 2, 6 Gen 2+, 80 Gen 3, 2 Gen 3+
Mobile Armors: None
Super Robots: None
Cruisers: 28 Gen 1 Surface, 10 Gen 2
Battleships: 8 Gen 1 Surface, 4 Gen 2
Special Units: None

Wulgaru United Pan-Galactic Empire
Expeditionary Force
Capital: ???
Territories: ???
Description: A species of alien invaders from outside our solar system. Little is publically known of them aside from their advanced technology and the fact that, thankfully, they're in conflict with the other invading aliens.
Special Trait: Extrasolar. The Wulgaru are part of a galaxy-spanning organization, and continuously receive reinforcements from outside the solar system. They cannot be fully defeated unless this source of materiel is neutralized.

Conventional Weapons: 2+
Mobile Weapons: 2+
Super Robots: 4+
Warships: 2+
Super-Dimensional Science, ???

Mobile Suits: ??? Gen 2/??
Super Robots: ??? Gen 3+, ??? Gen 4+
Cruisers: ??? Gen 2/??
Battleships: ??? Gen 2/??
Special Units: ???

Zentradi Main Fleet
Roaming War-State
Capital: None
Territories: None
Description: The parent organization to the 67th Zentradi Fleet that the SDF Macross negotiated a truce with. The Zentradi as a whole do not recognize that truce and their scouts have been sighted in the Outer Solar System, likely intending to pursue the 67th as deserters. As a species, the Zentradi are giants with only a military and no culture to speak of, rendering their attitudes alien despite having a 99.9% genetic compatibility with humanity. Zentradi also reproduce solely by cloning, and their fleets are segregated into male and female (Meltrandi) factions that often war with each other, and they also appear to be hostile to the Wulgaru.
Special Trait: Noculture. Zentradi as a species are focused solely on the prosecution of war for its own sake, and have no other culture, rendering them...unpredictable when it comes to diplomacy.

Conventional Weapons: 2
Mobile Weapons: 2
Super Robots: 0
Warships: 3
Super-Dimensional Science, Genetic Engineering

Mobile Suits: ??? Gen 2
Cruisers: ??? Gen 1/2/3
Battleships: ??? Gen 1/2/3
Special Units: ???

Vega Zone
Terrorist Organization
Capital: ???
Territories: The Arctic Circle
Description: The culmination of a decade of attacks by gigantic kaiju, Professor Alrich zu Lando and his cohorts utilize salvaged Dinosaur, Mycene, and alien technology to commit acts of destruction against the Earth Sphere with the apparent goal of world conquest.

Metal Beasts: 3

Metal Beasts: ??? Gen 1/2/3

Celestial Being (Ptolemaios Faction)
Private Armed Organization
Capital: None
Territories: None
Description: A mysterious organization who proclaimed a mandate to end all armed conflict with the mobile weapon Gundam. Little is known about them besides the advanced technology that allows them to appear and strike without warning with small teams or sometimes solitary advanced mobile suits.
Special Trait: Schoenberg's Blessing. Though they've lost access to Veda, the Gundam Meisters received parting gifts from the organization's originator that no one else was privy to.

Mobile Weapons: 3+
Warships: 3+
Quantum Supercomputing, GN Particle Physics, Trans-Am

Mobile Suits: ??? Gen 3, ??? Gen 3+
Cruisers: ??? Gen 3

Celestial Being (Unknown Faction)
Capital: ???
Territories: None
Description: A mysterious organization who proclaimed a mandate to end all armed conflict with the mobile weapon Gundam. Little is known about them, except that it seems that while the mobile suit teams that were to enforce their will on the world are left to hang for their crimes, other players are moving behind the scenes of the new Earth Sphere Union.
Special Trait: The God of Wisdom. [Redacted]

Conventional Weapons: 3+
Mobile Weapons: 3+
Warships: 3+
Quantum Supercomputing, GN Particle Physics, Genetic Engineering, ???

Mechanized Companies: ??? Gen 3
Mobile Suits: ??? Gen 3, ??? Gen 3+
Mobile Armors: ??? Gen 3+
Special Units: ???
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Turn 5 deadline announcement
Finally and at long last, my friends, it's time for Chapter 5


I am officially giving a month for this one since we're overlapping Christmas and New Years and I don't want to pressure anyone. However, if everyone's orders are in, I'll get to work on the updates as I'm able.