Vote tally - Super Robot Quest

Adhoc vote count started by Thors_Alumni on Nov 25, 2020 at 1:16 PM, finished with 60 posts and 9 votes.

Tally configuration

Simple majority
Super Robot Quest
Post #5290
Post #5349


  • [X] Plan Development and Deployment
    -[X] Defense Force
    --[X] Highway Robbery! - Free Brothers
    ---[X] Deploy Richard Callaghan/Beowulf, with the CR-02 Phalanx Squadron, Ocular, and the Pegasus carrying the V-33 TMU squadron.
    --[X] Reaction Force Active Monitoring
    ---[X] Advisor: Adriana
    --[X] Liaison: Mander/MSS
    ---[X] Advisor: Haruko Sasaki
    --[X] Pilot Training: Tellison, Zhang/Perseus
    ---[X] Advisor: Diana
    --[X] Pilot Training: Jessica Satsuma/Valkyrie
    --[X] Pilot Training: Charlie, Frankie, Iris
    -[X] Engineering
    --[X] Refit Super Robot
    ---[X] Advisor: Lana
    ---[X] Super Robot: Ichiro
    ---[X] Refit Ichiro's cannon to be a Kausen Energy Blaster, give him Anti Gravity Treatment, install K-Scale and K-Circuits
    --[X] Triple Combination
    ---[X] Advisor: Jiro Yukimura, Wilde and Henry
    --[X] Design New Equipment
    ---[X] Advisor: Boris Ignatov
    ---[X] Develop defensive remote-controlled drones for the Perseus (IE Gundam Bits/Funnels)
    -[X] Science!
    --[X] K-Fang Development
    ---[X] Advisor: Sam Carlson
    --[X] Kausen Weaponry
    ---[X] Advisor: Zulu
    ---[X] Work on developing versions of energy blasters that our support units can use.
    --[X] K-Scale Refinement
    ---[X] Advisor: Ivanna
    ---[X] Figure out if our Kaiju samples could be used to make an organic super robot, and if not, what would be needed.
    -[X] Special Actions
    --[X] Super Carrier Sergey Gorshkov
    ---[X] Advisor: Katrina
    --[X] A Helping Hand - Ground Pound
    ---[X] Advisor: Max Brand
    [X] Plan Fins and Funnels
    -[X] Reaction Force: Active Monitoring (gain info at 3d6, if I'm reading the options correctly)
    --[X] Advisor: Adriana - gain chance at Disadvantage (1d6) to uncover additional details.
    -[X] Highway Robbery! - Free Brothers
    --[X] Deploy Richard Callaghan/Beowulf, with the CR-02 Phalanx Squadron, Ocular, and the Pegasus
    -[X] Pilot Training: All free pilots. Prioritise Charlie, Frankie, Iris (Two turns. Threshold of 3-6 on 2d6).
    --[X] Advisor: Haruko Sasaki (may re-roll a failed roll)
    -[X] Liaison: Dr. Yukimura/Yukimura Institute (Threshold of 5-6 4-6 on 2d6)
    --[X] Advisor: Diana (reduce the Threshold by 1)
    -[X] Refit Super Robot (1+ turns)
    --[X] Advisor: Lana (Roll 2d6 (Threshold of 5-6). On success, reduce the Duration by One Turn. May offer a re-roll to any failed Engineering roll once per turn).
    --[X] Super Robot: Ichiro
    --[X] Refit Ichiro's cannon to be a Kausen Energy Blaster, give him Anti Gravity Treatment, install K-Scale and K-Circuits
    -[X] Triple Combination (One turn, 2d6 3d6, threshold of ?-6)
    --[X] Advisor: Jiro Yukimura (gain 1d6 per roll, Critical Success is now 4-6 depending on Success Threshold)
    --[X] Finish the existing project
    -[X] Design New Equipment (or Weapon) (2+ turns, 2d6, threshold varies)
    --[X] Autonomous attack/support drones (aka Bit/Funnel Control System)
    --[X] Advisor: Boris Ignatov (Threshold for success on AI Actions is reduced by One)
    -[X] Enemy Wreckage Analysis (1 turn, 2d6, threshold of 5-6)
    --[X] Advisor: Wilde and Henry
    -[X] Kaiju Biotechnology (Duration or threshold unknown, 2d6)
    --[X] Advisor: SAM CARLSON (reduce the Threshold for Success by 1)
    --[X] What if we try building a core unit from the K-Class materials?
    -[X] K-Fang Development (Two turns remaining, 2d6+1d6 (Carryover from previous turns), threshold of 4-6)
    --[X] Advisor: Ivanna (May re-roll any failed Science roll once per turn)
    -[X] Kausen Weaponry (Two turns, 2d6, threshold of 5-6)
    --[X] Zulu (add +2 to the value of the lowest rolled d6)
    --[X] Energy weapons for support units (or non-Heavy energy weapons in general)
    -[X] Super Carrier Sergey Gorshkov (Two turns remaining, 2d6 3d6, threshold of 5-6)
    --[X] Advisor: Katarina (Adds 1d6)
    -[X] A Helping Hand - Ground Pound (Three turns, 2d6 4d6, Threshold of 6)
    --[X] Max Brand (add 2d6)