Vote tally - Super Robot Quest

Adhoc vote count started by Thors_Alumni on Feb 18, 2019 at 5:58 PM, finished with 24 posts and 9 votes.

Tally configuration

Simple majority
Super Robot Quest
Post #4779
Post #4802


  • [X] Plan Proactive Time.
    -[X] A Friendly Visit Cost: 2 RP
    -[X] Well, since you're here... Cost: 3 RP
    -[X] After Market Scrounging Cost: 1 RP
    --[X] Katarina's Support: You may add +1d6 to any Action this turn. This can only be applied to one Action. This will refresh next turn.
    -[X] Security Net - Light Investment Cost: 2 RP (1 RP Locked Next Turn)
    --[X] Diana's Creativity: You may reduce the Success Threshold of any one Defense Force Action by -1.
    -[X] Triple Combination Cost: 4 3 RP (2 RP Locked Next Turn; discount due to insights provided by the Seeker)]
    --[X] Stubborn Lana: Rolling a 1 on any dice will prompt a Re-Roll of that particular dice. This applies to all Engineering Actions taken this turn, but will only take place once per Action.
    --[X] Engineering Expert (Jiro): Choose one action. Critical Success is now 4-6 (applicable depending on Success Threshold). Applies ONLY to selected Action.
    -[X] Kaiju Biotechnology - Heavy Investment Cost: 4 RP (1-2 RP Locked Next Turn)
    --[X] Streamlined Resource Flow: For One Action this turn, you may discount the Cost by -1 RP (you cannot reduce a Cost to 0 or below). This will refresh the next turn.
    --[X] Calm - Ivanna's help enables you to re-roll one failed Science Action Test this turn.
    --[X] Kausen Researcher – Choose one Science Action this turn. You may add +1 to the value of the lowest rolled d6. Add +1 if focusing on Kausen technology.
    [X] Plan Questionmarks
    -[X] Well, since you're here... (3 RP) [1 Turn]; Chance for success (1d6, Threshold of ???)
    --[X] Katarina's Support
    -[X] Settling In (3 2 RP) [1 Turn]; Chance for breakthrough (2d6, Threshold of ???)
    --[X] Streamlined Resource Flow
    -[X] After Market Scrounging (1 RP) [1 Turn]; Chance to find something useful (1d6, Threshold of ???)
    -[X] Reaction Force; Chance for detecting something of worth (1d6, Threshold Unknown)
    -[X] Diana's Support at Pilot Training (Heavy)
    -[X] Triple Combination (4 3 RP, 2 RP Locked Next Turn) [3 2 Turns]
    -[X] Experimental Projects - Heavy Investment (4 RP, 1-2 RP Locked Next Turn) [3-5 Turns]; Chance for breakthrough at Advantage (3d6, Threshold of 5-6)
    --[X] Let the engineers try to combine all DFRI frames with each other, and see if anything interesting comes up
    --[X] Engineering Expert (Jiro)
    -[X] Ivanna's Calm and Kausen Researcher prioritizing the one-turn-left projects
    -[X] Gifts of the Regent - Empathic Focuser (4 RP, 2 RP Locked Next Turn); [4 Turns]; Chance for Breakthrough at Disadvantage (1d6, Threshold of 5-6)
    [X] Plan Proactive Time.
    -[X] A Friendly Visit Cost: 2 RP
    -[X] Well, since you're here... Cost: 3 RP
    -[X] After Market Scrounging Cost: 1 RP
    --[X] Katarina's Support: You may add +1d6 to any Action this turn. This can only be applied to one Action. This will refresh next turn.
    -[X] Security Net - Light Investment Cost: 2 RP (1 RP Locked Next Turn)
    --[X] Diana's Creativity: You may reduce the Success Threshold of any one Defense Force Action by -1.
    -[X] Triple Combination Cost: 4 3 RP (2 RP Locked Next Turn; discount due to insights provided by the Seeker)]
    --[X] Stubborn Lana: Rolling a 1 on any dice will prompt a Re-Roll of that particular dice. This applies to all Engineering Actions taken this turn, but will only take place once per Action.
    --[X] Engineering Expert (Jiro): Choose one action. Critical Success is now 4-6 (applicable depending on Success Threshold). Applies ONLY to selected Action.
    -[X] Kaiju Biotechnology - Heavy Investment Cost: 4 RP (1-2 RP Locked Next Turn)
    --[X] Streamlined Resource Flow: For One Action this turn, you may discount the Cost by -1 RP (you cannot reduce a Cost to 0 or below). This will refresh the next turn.
    --[X] Calm - Ivanna's help enables you to re-roll one failed Science Action Test this turn.
    --[X] Kausen Researcher – Choose one Science Action this turn. You may add +1 to the value of the lowest rolled d6. Add +1 if focusing on Kausen technology.