Vote tally - Super Robot Quest

Adhoc vote count started by Thors_Alumni on Jun 23, 2018 at 10:04 PM, finished with 46 posts and 18 votes.

Tally configuration

Simple majority
Super Robot Quest
Post #3185
Post #3230


  • [X] Deployment Plan Gallant
    [X] Plan Wolf-Wolf-Wolf
    -[X] Pegasus(San Diego) Core Unit: The Beowulf
    -[X] Pegasus(San Diego) Combine Unit: SV-10 'Shepherd' -> Timberwolf
    --[X] Energy Blaster
    -[X] Pegasus(San Diego) Support Unit: V-33 TMU, 'Falcon Configuration' -
    -[X] Stork(New York) Core/Support Unit: SCR-01E Banner
    --[X] Dispersion Field Blast
    -[X] You're just speaking out loud here. So maybe some shards are lying around, and wouldn't it be grand if some outside force was able to at least help curb the worst of the damage until the Valiant shows up? But it's not like you can ask them to do that, so you're just going to be so focused on San Diego you have no way to pay attention closer to home...
    [X] Deployment Plan Gallant
    -[X] Pegasus: Beowulf And Combination Units
    --[X] Energy Blaster, Longship Formation, (5 RP total)
    -[X] Stork: Perseus (Pilot: Tellison)
    --[X] Energy Blaster (2 RP), Upgraded K-Suit (4 RP), Arc Blade (3 RP)
    -[X] Legion Support (2 RP)
    [X]Plan Ork, the Orkinsson.
    ---[X]Timberwolf Formation
    --[X]V-33 TMU 'Longship Configuration'
    --[X]SCR-03E Gunship
    ---[X]Jessica Satsuma as a pilot
    ---[X] Energy Blaster
    ---[X] Dispersion Field Blast
    -[X] You're just speaking out loud here. So maybe some shards are lying around, and wouldn't it be grand if some outside force was able to at least help curb the worst of the damage until the Valiant shows up? But it's not like you can ask them to do that, so you're just going to be so focused on San Diego you have no way to pay attention closer to home...