[X] Plan: You left crumbs on my lawn!
-[X] Turn One Strategy: Callaghan and Jackal Group will cooperate, launching a Conventional Weapons Strike on one of the Gun-Truck Formations, making use of Cavalier's Students and Callaghan's secondary Strike to guarantee the kill as needed. TMU Longship Strike will engage the additional Gun-Truck formation (2d6). Agile will be used to evade counterstrikes, as will Callaghan's mech. Be aware that we counted three Gun Truck formations and two Buckler Formations but haven't accounted for two of them in this wave.
-[X] Turn Two/Three Strategy: Depending on results of Turn One. If Gun Trucks are eliminated, Jackal Formation is to begin chewing through the Buckler Formation one by one with Callaghan's support. Barring any major surprises, we should be able to clean them up in good order, and preserve our core assets for the Surprise, whatever it is. Heavy Weapon Strikes beyond the rearming Longships should be reserved for counterattacking enemy surprises, and a second Longship wave should not be dispatched against these numbers.