Vote tally - Super Robot Quest

Adhoc vote count started by Thors_Alumni on May 15, 2018 at 10:46 AM, finished with 28 posts and 14 votes.

Tally configuration

Simple majority
Super Robot Quest
Post #472
Post #499


  • [X] Plan: Power of Courage
    -[X] A show that was apparently a reaction to a trend of grim and dour shows. An alien relic of great power saves the life of an explorer it found worthy. Empowering a manmade giant robot with the human emotions of willpower and bravery, he wanders the galaxy righting wrongs and fighting injustice where he finds them.
    -[X] ESP Theory - It's All In The Mind (2 RP)
    -[X] Robo-Jocks (2 RP)
    -[X] ESP - Pushing Limits (2 RP)
    --[X] Well Rested
    -[X] A Helping Hand (1 RP)
    [X] Plan: Kaijus and Cash
    -[X] A show that, amusingly, predicted Wilde and Henry's project sixty years prior. Three young women are swept up into a wider conflict when three sentient robots crash land onto Earth. Together with the shape shifting robots, who are enforcers of galactic law, they combine their efforts against galactic criminals preying on Earth. In their struggle, they learn to rely on each other as teammates and family.

    -[X] Landing Pad (4RP)

    -[X] Robo-Jocks (2RP)

    -[X] Kaiju Biotech - So it IS supposed to do that (1RP)​
    [X] Plan Demostration Windup
    -[X] A show that, amusingly, predicted Wilde and Henry's project sixty years prior. Three young women are swept up into a wider conflict when three sentient robots crash land onto Earth. Together with the shape shifting robots, who are enforcers of galactic law, they combine their efforts against galactic criminals preying on Earth. In their struggle, they learn to rely on each other as teammates and family.
    -[X] Rotterdam - Valiant
    -[X] ESP Theory - It's All In The Mind
    -[X] Robo-Jocks
    -[X] A Helping Hand - Man Machine Interface
    -[X] Kaiju Biotech - So it IS supposed to do that
    --[X] Well Rested
    [X] Plan: Psychic Powas
    -[X] A show that, amusingly, predicted Wilde and Henry's project sixty years prior. Three young women are swept up into a wider conflict when three sentient robots crash land onto Earth. Together with the shape shifting robots, who are enforcers of galactic law, they combine their efforts against galactic criminals preying on Earth. In their struggle, they learn to rely on each other as teammates and family.
    -[X] ESP Theory - It's All In The Mind (2 RP)
    -[X] Robo-Jocks (2 RP)
    -[X] ESP - Pushing Limits (2 RP)
    --[X] Well Rested
    -[X] A Helping Hand (1 RP)