[X] "As you all know from your contracts that you never read, if anyone asks, Jack is perfectly fine, and did not start to float two feet in the air while glowing magenta. Any allegations that he began chanting the Old Testament backwards perfectly is nonsense. Even if he did, he still did fantastic work yesterday. It's not like we're going to let the laws of physics get in the way of scientific discovery! Now get to it!" [Possible research into ESP/Psyker technology, unlocks options, ???]
[X] "Does anyone else remember the last time Mike tried to plug in the alien doohickey into the wall socket? So do I. And so does the entire platform. I applaud the scientific curiosity in trying to figure out what it does, but we can't do more science if the entire facility blows up. Besides, we've only got one of the damn things, so don't go breaking it." [Possible research into Alien Artifact, unlocks options, ???]
[X] "I know we've been studying the kaiju scale sample the general sent us, but seriously, this is getting old. The general gave it to us to study. Now, I don't care how good seafood tastes – do not open the containment freezer. That means you, Paul. Don't come crying to me if you start growing fifty feet tall and have an indescribable urge for takeout at Tokyo Tower. You got better options, like fugu. We don't try aping Godzilla until after we know how it works. Now get back to work!" [Background Unlock: Bonus to Kaiju Sample Research, unlocks options, ???]
[X] "Good news is, the quantum channeling works. Sort of. Sticking something through the gate brought it out through the other end. The bad news is, looks like no biological matter's getting through it the way it went in. On an entirely unrelated note, if I find the jackass who calibrated it to land in the canteen the next platform over, I will personally quantum channel your thesis into the sun! Otherwise, good work. Spill my coffee over me again, will you?" [Possible research into Quantum Gate Channels, unlocks options, ???]