[X] Plan - Tyrant's Bane & Deployments
-[X] <<Deployment>>
--[X] Escort-Oil Rig Cleanup
---[X] With SCR-01 Beowulf & Ocular
--[X] Rapid Response - Westphalians
---[X] Thunderbolt, Ichiro Banner, 1st Golem Wing Seekers, 3rd Reconnaissance Jackals, Pegasus
--[X] Rapid Response - Kaiju
---[X] Perseus, 1st Experimental Support Wing V-33s, 9th Armored Reconissance Phalanxes, Sleipnir
-[X] <<Defense>>
--[X]Captain Haruko Sasaki
---[X] Liaison: Major Lenora Jenkins/Fulgur
----[X]Tech Trade using Cape and Orion Booster.
---[X] Liaison: General Li/GDF
----[X] How are the Centurions Doing and is there anything else that needs to be done.
--[X] DFAI-01 'Diana'
---[X] Reaction Force Reports: Kaiju
---[X] Reaction Force Reports: Westphalians
--[X] DFAI-02 'Adrianna'
---[X] Liaison: Galbinus-R/Legio Galbinus
----[X] Theres a New Warship that appeared in the System got any idea what it is?
---[X] Reaction Force Monitoring: Additional Threats
-[X] <<Engineering>>
--[X] 'Build Team'
---[X] Enemy Wrekage Analysis: 'Polyphemus' Wreckage
--[X] EAI-01 'Lana'
---[X] Enemy Wrekage Analysis: Predasaur Remains
---[X] Experimentation: Beuwolf Fenrir Weapon "Tyrants Bane"
----[X] Using K-Fang Halberd as Base combine Kausen Energy Blaster, Arc Blade, K-Lung, Zirvitium, Empathic Booster, ESP Transmutation & Faedium to create a Powerful Melee Weapon suited for Beowulf Fenrir from and Strength.
--[X] Dr. Boris Ignatov
---[X] MSS – Paging Dr. Dinym
-[X] <<Science>>
--[X] Dr. Sam Carlson
---[X] Empathic Booster and Transmutation
---[X] Experimentation - Olympic-class Leg Sample
----[X] Using it to Upscale our SR
--[X] Dr. Maximiliane Brand
--[X] SCAI-01 'Ivana'
---[X] Experimentation - K-Lung 'Supercharge' Fuel
----[X] Try to see how it works when Combine with with Arc Blade/Cannon Tech to upgrade our Arc Weapons.
---[X] Pterawing-class Wing Sample
---[X] Effects on Constructing a Seeker Robot with it Particularly the Seeker Super Robot Core
--[X] Zulu
---[X] Experimentation: Enhance a Dispersion Charges with K-Scale
---[X]Experimentation: Enhance Dispersion Charges with Faedeum
--[X] Dr. Mary McCullough
---[X] Faedium Crystalline Structures
----[X] Spark Excaliber: Experiment to see if using Faedium in its construction would improve the Spark Caliber either allowing it to be last Longer than as a finishing strike or make the finishing blow even more powerful.
-[X] <<Special>>
--[X] AI-01 'Katarina'
---[X] Westphalian Waystation Wardens Wreckage
---[X] Drone Captives
----[X] Use Zulu as Proff that no theyre not just gonna kill or torture them then see what we can learn from them and if they're willing to cooperate along.
--[X] AI-02 'Melinda'
---[X] Experimentation: Aegis Shield
----[X] Combine K Scale Shield, Dispersion Zone, Emphatic Booster, Faedeum, & Zirvitum to Create a Powerful Shield for use by Beuwolf Fenrir.
---[X] Experimentation - K-Fang
----[X] Templating to Increase production & Power of K-Fang based weaponry
[X] Cleanup and Cleanrooms
-[X] Sasaki
--[X] Reaction Force Monitoring: Additional Threats
--[X] Liason: Major Lenora Jenkins
---[X] Topic: Tech trades-our project's trash may be your project's treasure, and vice-versa
-[X] Diana
--[X] Reaction Force Monitoring: Kaiju
--[X] Liason: Yukimura Institue
---[X] Topic: How's it going? Need anything in particular?
-[X] Adrianna
--[X] Reaction Force Monitoring-Westphalians
--[X] Special Project-Paging Mr. Dinym
-[X] Deployments
--[X] Escort-Oil Rig Cleanup
---[X] Ocular
--[X] Rapid Response-Free Brothers
---[X] Thunderbolt
-[X] Build Team
--[X] Delivery Module Rockets
-[X] Lana
--[X] Predasaur Remains
--[X] Handheld Energy Blasters
-[X] Ignatov
--[X] Westphalian Waystation Wardens Wreckage
-[X] Dr. Sam Carlson
--[X] Emphatic Booster and Transmutation
--[X] ESP Theory-Channeling
---[X] Raw Psychic Energy-Is such a thing possible, and how can it be used? For instance, a blade of such energy or a protective barrier.
-[X] Dr. Maximilliane Brand
--[X] Empathic Booster and Transmutation
-[X] Ivana
--[X] Xeno Technology-General
---[X] Exotic, Efficient Thrusters-What kind of propulsion systems among the Regency's provided tech could prove useful for a Super Robot trying to get close to an opponent, quickly?
--[X] K-Scale
---[X] Bio-Alloy: Can we derive a new material from K-Scale that is self-mending and that can be 'fed' raw material (read: most metals) for emergency field repairs?
-[X] Zulu
--[X] Kausen Equipment
---[X] Exotic Melee Weapons: The Arc Blade is a fine melee weapon, that is indisputable. However, given its reliance on the Spark Caliber, perhaps an option with more staying power would be welcome? Vibration weapons, heat blades, directed energy blades, anything goes so long as it doesn't burn out immediately after use.
--[X] Dispersion 'Zone'
-[X] Dr. Mary McCullough
--[X] Faedium Crystalline Structures
---[X] White Gold: Given Faedium's ability to store energy, could a material derived from it serve as a room-temperature superconductor? Surely that would have many applications for our Super Robots.
-[X] Katarina
--[X] Drone Captives
---[X] Assure them that they won't be tortured or executed, and ask if they're willing to divulge any intelligence they have in exchange for whatever passes for better amenities to Kausen.
--[X] Liason-General Li
---[X] Topic: How are things going? Have you seen anything unusual recently, anything at all, whether in combat or in your own ranks?
-[X] Melinda
--[X] Aftermarket Special
---[X] Focus: Aquatic Warfare-Try to find a failed watercraft of any kind, submersible or not-Gunboats, patrol boats, even confiscated smuggler submarines-and see if they can be adapted for an aquatic configuration model