Super Quest

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Just a quest with Super stuff. Not much else to say.
01- Choose Your Hero!
Alright, well... this idea came to me last night, so I wanted to do it.

So, Super Quest, it's a quest where you're a... well, a Super, and you can be either a Superhero, a Supervillain, or literally anything else you want to be. I've already got some options lined up, but you can write-in any ideas you have, and now here they are. Most, if not all of them are based on characters I made in my comic publisher quest Cowls & Capes:

Who are you?

[] Sketch: a living drawing, can create artwork of their own.
[] Mr. Mathematical: a math teacher who gained the power of Math Beam Emission by creating the True Mathematical Formula.
[] Miss Fortune: A lady with the power to give people good luck, she also has a penchant for mischief.
[] Mr. Mishap: A kind man, with the power to take any persons luck away.
[] Meltmouth: A teenager with acid burns over the lower half of his face, with the power to create acid from his saliva, he comes from a rich family, but was disowned due to the manifestation of his powers.
[] Ooze: A sentient mass of slime, that truly yearns to be a hero.
[] Crusher: A fairly dumb brute with low-level super strength.
[] Celsius: A sort of... heat vampire, they're usually constantly cold, and needs to absorb the body heat of others to stay warm. Without warmth, they have ice powers, but when sufficiently warmed up, they can generate fire.
[] Purple Portal: Half-alien, half-human, with light purple skin, and the power to generate portals.
[] Grimoire: They have the power to take objects out of literacy, they basically have the power of Libromancy, but can gain more powers, without losing their Libromancy.
[] Smokescreen: A woman with the power to generate smoke.
[] Man At Arms: A man with the power to create clones of himself with near to no limit.
[] Write-in:

Now, you have to decide what city you reside in.

[] Blight City: The Supervillain Capital of America, once Bright City, it has been overrun by supervillains and common crooks. The perfect place for a new villain, or new hero to get famous.
[] Shanty Town: A small shanty town, filled with various low-level Supers.
[] Glowton: The Superhero Capital of America was once filled with villains, before they ran them out of town to Bright City.
[] Write-in:

Oh yeah, if you want to, you can post your own Super ideas, and I'll put them in the Apocrypha, to possibly use for later on.
[X] Miss Fortune: A lady with the power to give people good luck, she also has a penchant for mischief.

I'm inclined to villainy, so Glowton seems like an interesting place with luck powers.

[X] Glowton: The Superhero Capital of America was once filled with villains, before they ran them out of town to Bright City.
[] (write-in) Madame Holocene: A witch/sorceress who gains her power from nature spirits and constantly fights against environmental destruction. Said nature spirits tend not to care about human laws or morality, only for results.

Basic idea is a character who's more True Neutral than a straight-up hero or villain. She gets her powers mostly by making deals with nature spirits (ie, a river spirit is upset by people constantly polluting it, she gets them to stop and cleans up the river, and the spirit grants her more magical powers or arcane knowledge) and can be as heroic or villainous as needed to get the job done.

[X] Grimoire: They have the power to take objects out of literacy, they basically have the power of Libromancy, but can gain more powers, without losing their Libromancy.

[X] Glowton: The Superhero Capital of America was once filled with villains, before they ran them out of town to Bright City.

Edit: Switching to Grimoire
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[X] That Guy: He's that guy. The man. The dude. Haven't you heard, a man of his word, he has a pet bird, he's That Guy. You know him, don't you?

It's just a guy. That's all. The guy.

[X] Blight City: The Supervillain Capital of America, once Bright City, it has been overrun by supervillains and common crooks. The perfect place for a new villain, or new hero to get famous.
[X] Man At Arms: A man with the power to create clones of himself with near to no limit.

[X] Glowton: The Superhero Capital of America was once filled with villains, before they ran them out of town to Bright City.

A heroic one-man army. The power to clone yourself with near to no limit can make you very versatile. You can get a LOT done when you have an instant army at your command.
[X] Grimoire: They have the power to take objects out of literacy, they basically have the power of Libromancy, but can gain more powers, without losing their Libromancy.

I always wanted this power

[X] Blight City: The Supervillain Capital of America, once Bright City, it has been overrun by supervillains and common crooks. The perfect place for a new villain, or new hero to get famous.
[X] Crusher: A fairly dumb brute with low-level super strength.

[X] Shanty Town: A small shanty town, filled with various low-level Supers.

I am picturing the Goon
[X] Grimoire: They have the power to take objects out of literacy, they basically have the power of Libromancy, but can gain more powers, without losing their Libromancy.

[X] Shanty Town: A small shanty town, filled with various low-level Supers.

always go for libromancy especially when it has less restrictions
Alright, Voting has ended, and since the Tally function isn't working for SOME FUCKING REASON, I had to manually count it.

Here are the results:

Miss Fortune: 1.

Grimoire: 3.

That Guy: 2.

Man At Arms: 1.

Crusher: 1.

Now, onto the towns/cities.

Glowton: 3.

Blight City: 2.

Shanty Town: 2.

Alright, so... Grimoire and Glowton won.
[X] Grimoire: They have the power to take objects out of literacy, they basically have the power of Libromancy, but can gain more powers, without losing their Libromancy.

[X] Glowton: The Superhero Capital of America was once filled with villains, before they ran them out of town to Bright City.

You are the Super who goes by the name of Grimoire, in the Superhero Capital of America Glowton.

Alright, well... I was kind of vague with the character description, so let's quickly make them... we're going to start with your gender.

[] Male.
[] Female.

Now, what's your name?

[] Grant White.
[] Michellle Brown.
[] David Miller.
[] Lauren Harrisson.
[] Heathcliff Waterson.
[] Bailey Jones.
[] Write-in:

And finally, what's your appearance?

Insert an image of your characters appearance with a vote:


Now, what's your personality like? (Add as many as you'd like)

[] Feisty.
[] Sarcastic.
[] Dull.
[] British.
[] Extroverted.
[] Introverted.
[] Peppy.
[] Sad.
[] Happy.
[] Write-in:

What's your backstory?

[] You don't know. (Amnesia)
[] You were raised by your parents, two accomplished magic-themed superheroes and decided to take after them/go another route.
[] You were raised by your parents, two completely normal people, before coming into your powers, and deciding to do Justice/Evil!
[] Write-in:

Any race things?

[] Completely normal human.
[] You have some... fantastical elements, but you're mostly human. (This is to help with character images that have more inhuman characteristics)
[] You're not human.
[] Write-in:

What is your Alignment?

[] Lawful Good.
[] Neutral Good.
[] Chaotic Good.
[] Lawful Neutral.
[] True Neutral.
[] Chaotic Neutral.
[] Lawful Evil.
[] Neutral Evil.
[] Chaotic Evil.

What would you say is your greatest strength? (Gain a +2 to the chosen Stat)

[] Your Strength, of course!
[] Your Intelligence.
[] Your Charisma.
[] Your Wisdom.
[] Your Constitution.
[] Your Dexterity.

What's your greatest weakness? (Gain a -2 to the chosen Stat)

[] Your Strength.
[] Your Intelligence.
[] Your Charisma.
[] Your Wisdom.
[] Your Constitution.
[] Your Dexterity.

And now, what are your stats like? (You get 27 Points) (To give an example of stats, 10 is average, 20 is basically peak-human, and 1 is... literally unable to do whatever that stat entails)

(You CAN take a negative in a Stat to add more to your total stat points, purely because that could be more interesting)

[] Strength:
[] Intelligence:
[] Charisma:
[] Wisdom:
[] Constitution:
[] Dexterity:

And finally, what are you?

[] A Superhero!
[] A Supervillain!
[] ...Undecided.
[] Write-in:

Decided to use a sort of D&D System for the stats, and everything and went with 27 Points, because... well it seemed like a decent amount, alongside the +2 and -2 with your Strength and Weakness.

Also, please, for the love of God! Use a Plan Format.
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[X] Plan Author-ial
-[X] Male.
-[X] Name: Arthur R. Trelawny
-[X] Fascinating, Eccentric, Unfailingly Scottish, Scholarly,
and Compassionate.
-[X] You were raised by your parents, two (famous authors) completely normal (and incredibly book-loving) peopl, before coming into your powers, and deciding to do more than just read in the worlds of books. After all, what's better to write about than something you've experienced.
-[X] Completely normal human.
-[X] Chaotic Good.
-[X] Your Wisdom.
-[X] Your Strength.
-[X] Write-in: *scoffs* I thought it'd be obvious by now. A writer, through and through. An author of i- ill-

Hm. Bad.
[X] Plan Author-ial
-[X] Male.
-[X] Name: Arthur R. Trelawny
-[X] Fascinating, Eccentric, Unfailingly Scottish, Scholarly,
and Compassionate.
-[X] You were raised by your parents, two (famous authors) completely normal (and incredibly book-loving) peopl, before coming into your powers, and deciding to do more than just read in the worlds of books. After all, what's better to write about than something you've experienced.
-[X] Completely normal human.
-[X] Chaotic Good.
-[X] Your Wisdom.
-[X] Your Strength.
-[X] Write-in: *scoffs* I thought it'd be obvious by now. A writer, through and through. An author of i- ill-

Hm. Bad.

You forgot a couple of the options, the Stats Vote and the Appearance one to be specific.
[] Strength: 3 (-2)
[] Intelligence: 6
[] Charisma: 3
[] Wisdom: 14 (+2)
[] Constitution: 3
[] Dexterity: 4

Are these fine as stats? 27 seems a little small, so I want to optomize as best I can.
The appearance can be chosen by anyone else--or you, if you prefer.
I'm unable to upload pictures for some reason so...*shrugs* doesn't matter to me.
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[X] Plan not quite Batman
-[X] Male.
-[X] Alfred Pennyworth
-[X] Butler (Pic)
-[X] British, Sarcastic, Extroverted, Peppy, Happy.
-[X] You don't know. (Amnesia)
-[X] Completely normal human.
-[X] Lawful Good.
-[X] Your Intelligence. (Strength)
-[X] Your Strength. (Weakness)
-[X] Strength: 4 (-2) = 2
-[X] Intelligence: 6 (+2) = 8
-[X] Charisma: 5
-[X] Wisdom: 5
-[X] Constitution: 3
-[X] Dexterity: 4
-[X] Get a Job as a Butler.
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[x] plan dark past orphan time (featureing nero from devil may cry)
[X] Male.
[X] nero darknight
[X] Extroverted.
[x] confident
[x] smart
[X] Write-in: ever since I could think id lived in this orphanage it seems normal to most people but to the people in the know it was farm for powered children to be sold for the highest bidder you were lucky to escape by lying about your powers being a mutation to your body so you could escape with your powers
[X] Write-in: when you first awakened your powers you accidentally gave yourself a left arm of a demon but other than that your a perfectly normal human
[X] Your intellingence.

[X] Your Strength.
[X] Strength: 3 (-2) = 1
[X] Intelligence: 18 (+2) = 20
[X] Charisma: 1
[X] Wisdom: 3
[X] Constitution: 3
[X] Dexterity: 4

I'm gonna assume we are able to increase are stats in the future so I focused on getting are intelligence to max so we can read stuff and watch stuff as quickly as possibly so we can bring out stuff that's good as possible
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