Sunset's Fairy Tail (MLP/FT)

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An ambitious unicorn went through a mirror and found herself in a very different world. Though perhaps not so different for those willing to look for the magic of friendship.
One - Beginnings
Chapter 1


"I really get to stay here," the small unicorn said as she stared around in wonder. The room was bigger than any two rooms back home put together. No, any three!

"Yes really. This will be your room from now on," Celestia assured her with a smile. It was hard not to feel amusement at the unbridled, innocent joy on the little filly's face. "I hope you like the bed. I hear it's especially good for bouncing."

The filly gaped up at her in wonder even as Celestia could practically hear her assistant rolling her eyes behind her. "You can't bounce on the bed," the filly told her a bit horrified as if she couldn't believe the Princess had gotten by this long without someone telling her this. "It might break and then everyone who uses that bed will have to sleep on the floor and you'll be in huge trouble."

"Oh really? Well as luck would have it I made sure this bed was extra sturdy so it won't break from a little bouncing and if it does I happen to know a few spells that can fix it right up," Celestia told her with a wink. The unicorn hesitated for a moment but an encouraging smile eventually got her up onto the bed and a moment later she gave a tentative bounce.

Soon the room was filled with the young filly's laughter as she used her new bed as a trampoline. Celestia sat down on the floor and watched her with no small amount of amusement. Suddenly she wasn't sure why she had felt so hesitant to bring the young orphan home with her. Sure she had never had a student quite so young before, or one who didn't have parents to go home to after their lessons, but this one had so much potential. No doubt having more of a hands on role in raising this one would help her not just meet but exceed that potential in ways that none of her previous students could have imagined.

"Where are the others," the unicorn asked stopping her bouncing for a moment.

"Others," Celestia asked curiously.

"Yeah. You know. Everypony else that stays here. The ones who I gotta share the bed with? Are they allowed to bounce too?"

"Oh, no, this bed and this room is just for you," Celestia said with a chuckle. "You're my personal student now so you'll need your own space to study and rest. You won't have to share it. I know it's a bit plain right now but we can decorate it however you like. I know you mentioned you like reading before so I thought perhaps we would start with a few bookshelves we could fill up with your favorites."

The unicorn's eyes widened more and more the longer the Princess spoke until finally it was too much. She launched herself from the bed at the Princess who quickly moved to catch her. "Thank you, thank you, thank you," she babbled hugging onto her new mentor tightly.

"Of course," Celestia said with a chuckle while hugging her back. "You are very welcome my new student. I know you will do great things. You have a very bright future ahead of you and I can't wait to help you reach it, Sunset Shimmer."


Sunset stumbled as she stepped through the mirror. How dare Celestia deny her! She had done everything the Princess had ever asked of her. Learned very lesson. Passed every test. At least the ones that mattered. The important tests, the magical ones. Not the secret ones with no right answers the old nag liked to slip in just to trip her up and remind her of her place.

Still after all these years, practically her entire life, she still wasn't good enough. Celestia would rather claim some random pegasus as her niece, rather grant the title of princess to some nobody who could barely used the power she had been given, than give Sunset what she deserved. What she had been working towards all these years.

Sunset angrily wiped at her face. Of course on the first thing that would happen upon coming through the portal was that she would get something in her eyes. Blinking away the wetness she looked down at her hooves and frowned. She was clearly no longer a pony. Looking around she saw others who appeared to be the same kind of creature that she was bent over work tables and desks. It seemed like she had popped up right in the middle of some sort of lab.

"Hey where did you come from," one of the things suddenly called out upon noticing her presence. All of the figures wore hooded robes that covered them completed and to Sunset's eye each seemed to be gigantic.

"Back off if you know what's good for you," she growled angrily reaching for her magic. She stopped when she suddenly realized she had a problem. She could feel her magic inside her, but she had no way to use it. She no longer had a horn. Without that she couldn't feel any way to shape her power into a spell.

The beings around her hesitated at first but then seemed to sense her own growing worry and surged towards her. Sunset turned and ran. Sadly even as she fell down on all fours she found she stood no chance at escaping. Each of the figures could cover several of her strides with only one of their own and somehow their two legged stance seemed more effective than her own attempt to move on all fours. One of the figures caught up to her easily and snatched her up in it's arms. Sunset swung her limbs about wildly, only managing to slip free when her foot made contact through luck with what must have been a sensitive area judging by the reaction it garnished.

Hitting the ground again she started to try and run once more but suddenly she felt magic wash over her. Something wrapped around her and her limbs were pressed tightly together, sending her crashing to the floor.

"I think that's enough of that," one of the figures said as they drew closer. Unlike the others this one did not have a hood up, revealing a thin mane of grey hair and a long beard. He stood at least a head taller than all the rest and he gave off an aura of menace. "I'm not sure how you got in here child but your timing couldn't be better."

Sunset felt her fears growing, increasing faster than she could produce enough anger to combat it and keep her cool. She had no idea where she was, what was wrong with this world, what she had been turned into, why she was so small compared to these others, or how to use her magic. Suddenly going through that mirror didn't seem like such a good idea as she felt herself being lifted up into the air by the bindings that held her. A moment later she was floating along behind the creature as he walked past the lab and down a winding hallway, leaving the hooded figures behind.

"Let me go," Sunset demanded but got only a dark chuckle in response. She continued to thrash and struggle against the spell that held her but to no result.

Eventually they reached another lab where Sunset was laid down on a table. Her bindings shifted around her, wrapping around the table to keep her pinned in place. "As I said you came at a fortunate time," the creature said as he began to dig around. "I was going to have to send someone out to try and find a test subject that would suit my needs and suddenly the perfect one just appears right here. Clearly my work has been blessed indeed."

"I'm no ones test subject," Sunset growled.

"Oh no? We shall see. I'm rather curious just how long you'll last. You see our benefactor managed to supply us with something that I had not thought even existed and he was very specific on what he wants done with it. Eventually. First though I need to make the operation safe and while similar procedures have been done in the past none ever quite like this," he rambled on.

Eventually he moved back toward Sunset, holding something in his hand. Sunset wasn't sure what it was exactly but she could feel power coming off of it. Power that felt terrifying and exciting. It felt dark and wicked and yet at the same time reminded her of what it felt like to stand in the presence of the Princess. Staring at it her mind suddenly drifted back to one thing, that image of herself in the mirror with wings.

"This is a lacrima of course but not just any lacrima," her captor said. "A lacrima filled with the powers of a lost magic. My benefactor intends for me to implant it into someone of his choosing. There are some concerns however on if a human body can even withstand this power. So I will be implanting it into you, studying the results, and then when it finally burns you up from the inside I'll use that data to figure out how to make the next test subject last longer. So please do last as long as you can. The more data you provide for me the better."

Sunset let his words pass over her as she stared at the item, the lacrima, hungrily. "Fine. Do it," she said through gritted teeth. "Give it to me. I'll show you what I can do with it."

He chuckled at that. "Oh I doubt that child. You certainly have some raw, untapped potential but unless you've spent at least twice as many years studying magic as it looks like you've even been alive I doubt you'll manage to produce anything resembling a intentional effect with it. Still this should be interesting. Now for my records, what is your name girl?"


The man laughed long and hard at that. "Fate has indeed intervened for me," he said happily. "Sunset. Yes, perfect. Well Sunset prepare yourself. This will hurt, a lot, but when it is done you'll have the power of a sun god inside you. Or rather the power to slay one."


"Seize her! Only she knows where the Princess is!"

Twilight watched as the guards rushed towards the dark alicorn but felt none of the normal safety and security that usually came with the sight of the royal guard in action. However before they had even crossed half the distance rays of sickly black light suddenly intruded on the scene. The unicorn found herself unable to find the right words to describe what felt like rays of daylight shining through and yet at the same time they seemed to be formed of some sort of dark magical energy. In any other circumstance she have been fascinated, even stopped whatever she was doing to study the phenomenon, but in the moment she was too shocked to do more than stare.

Everypony startled back a step including Nightmare Moon and a moment late the light faded to reveal a pony Twilight didn't recognize. She wore a long black leather coat that covered most of her form. Her coat, or what Twilight could see of it, was orange and she unicorn horn poked out if a wavey red and orange mane.

"Is that right. Is this old nag the reason I can't sense the Princess anywhere," the mysterious pony asked.

"Old nag!? How dare you," Nightmare Moon thundered dangerously. "Just who does thou think thee are to insult me?"

A chuckle escaped the mare whose horn began to spar dangerously, illuminating a surprisingly young looking face, not much older than Twilight herself. A nasty smirk played across the mare's lips and Twilight felt a flair of power before the coat started billowing dramatically revealing a sun shaped cutie mark on her flank.

"That can't be. Sunset Shimmer," the leader of the guards said staring at the mare in shock.

Sunset glanced back over her shoulder at the guard and chuckled. "Hey Private Flowers. Long time no see. Decided to stop by the old stomping grounds and say hi to the Princess. How about while I'm here I stomp this wanna-be instead," she said digging a hoof into the ground challengingly as she turned back towards Nightmare Moon.

"Actually it's Captain-" the guard tried to interject before being cut off by the increasingly angry alicorn.

"You foal! Does thou really think thee can challenge me? I am Nightmare Moon! If Celestia could not stop me what chance does thou have?"

"Well I always was the kind of student that liked to show up the teacher," Sunset retorted with a snort. "Hey Captain, do me a favor. Gather up these ponies and take a walk. Things might get a little bright in here."

Twilights head was spinning. Who was this?! They clearly were either very brave or very stupid. Twilight could feel that they were powerful but even still she was just a unicorn trying to go against an alicorn that was too powerful for even Princess Celestia. Twilight started to step forward to try and warn the mare when Sunset finally leaped into action.

Sun God's Bellow

Sunset seemed to have taken in a deep breath before unleashing a roar of magical power that swept over Nightmare Moon like a wave of dark daylight. The alicorn threw up a hasty shield but was clearly not expecting the power of the attack and was launched back through the wall behind her.

With that everyone began to flee, the royal guards doing their best to make it an organized evacuation rather than a stampede as terrified screams filled the air. Twilight however hesitated, staring at the unicorn in astonishment.

"You should probably get somewhere safe kid," Sunset said sounding for a moment as if she were much older than her appearance would indicate. "Don't worry. I'll make Miss Moon Flanks here gives us back the Princess if it's the last thing I do." With that Sunset launched herself into the air with a challenging shout, wings of black sunlight forming on the unicorn's flanks just as an unscathed but furious Nightmare Moon rose into view.

Howdy all! So 100 year quest has started and so of course my brain is in a FT mood. Have had this idea in my head for a bit but my brain suddenly decided to actually do something with it in a rush of words over the last couple hours. Hope everyone enjoys.

I will say I do not know MLP much, I'm mostly just a Sunset fan as odd as that is. I know FT more (although I am no where near caught up on the 100 year quest manga so please no spoilers there) but hopefully nothing is too terribly off base that it makes things unenjoyable to read. I wanted to experiment since I had this idea though of essentially telling three stories at once so we'll see how that goes. The intent is for each chapter to have a bit of the story of Sunset and Celestia as she grows up, the main attraction of Sunset in Earth Land, and then some bits of how she impacts and interacts with the MLP canon upon returning (obviously a bit sooner than canon) so hopefully this works well and doesn't just become a confusing mess for folks.
What a fun idea. Do hope it gets continued, should be interesting to see what Sunset would have gotten up to in Earthland.
Still in the works, in large part because I decide after being near done I disliked a large chunk of what I had written for the next chapter and scrapped it to start again.

I am curious if anyone has any guesses/suggestions/thoughts on the kinds of magics the FT versions of the various MLP characters will wield. I know some of them already but there's a fair few that I'm undecided on or it just wasn't relevant enough to ideas I was going through yet for me to start putting thought into.