Suffocation (Earth Taken series)

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The black rain. The suffocating air. Those perfectly preserved corpses, laying among the ruins of a society that... well, provably won't come to be. Not any time soon.

And even then, you hold on. Not like there's much else to do...


Goose Slayer
Under the black rain.
All her straps in order... check. Gun, the tiny sub-machine gun you had recently figured out how to unjam, a fresh magazine inserted into it (but not cocked. You don't wanna risk it going off because you jumped a little too hard, and putting a hole in your foot, or leg.), check. The tiny, skinning knife you had been holding on since that day, check. A bag of filters, your respirator's seal absolute against your face, the few left-over rations of this safe house, all packaged tighly with the driest paper you could find (little blessings, you had found a notebook with some pages left), your canteen filled with drinkable water, the only change of clothing you had managed to find in that busted store, your hair, dirty as it was, tied into a low ponytail in the back of your head, not signs of those damned things roaming around, and any storm cloud that could bring problems shining in their ausence...

All check. Time to move on. You change the filter you had inserted a day, or so ago, the extended time playing a little bit of merry hell with your lungs (that you were able to afford. In difference to risking running out of your very scarce filters), the somewhat wet cough that plows through them an obvious sign. You should probably stop doing that, just as much as you should maximise a filter's duration. Still, it'd be a good idea to try, and keep it down, for a time... No need to get killed by an inoportune coughing attack.

You finish adjusting the new filter, testing it with a few careful, somewhat deep breaths (that you won't admit, also help a lot when it comes to steading you for the incoming walk), and once you are sure you are not about to join your fellow man on a dirtnap, you finally push the busted door, with it's only, creaking hinge, open, inmediately poking your head some ways out of the door (as much as possible without risking falling over) to watch your surroundings.

Busted car, corpse, leaper corpse, murder of crows, with a literal murder being torn apart in the center of it, red vines and dead trees...

So, pretty much nothing to report. A little more confident, you finally take a few steps outside... before pressing your back against the wall, and starting to move through the little, rural town that way. You'll first give yourself a beating, than leaving yourself open to a surprise shot from one of those green-faced shits. You still remembered the face of the last dude who got to experience the Plasma Express going straight through his chest. The emerging shudder brutally supressed, you press foward, intending to take some of the lower roads, away from the main ones.

Less risk of an UFO finding you and simply desintegrating your very atoms, that way. If you were lucky, of course. Though, you had trained pretty well for that eventuality, already...

You realize that your hand had drifted over to rest against the handle of your gun, the cold gunmetal feeling heavy under the effects of those thoughts. Irrelevant ones.

The next city was a few kilometers away, after all. More provisions, more dangers, sure, but also the possibility of finding an actual bunker in one of the metros, or similar, of those psychos who ended up being more right than anyone could have ever asked.

A comfy hammock. The possibility of a warm meal. Actually sharpening your knife as it should be.

No one would stop you from reaching the place. Woe to those who try to prove you wrong.
Oh hey, pretty darn cool! Post apocalipitc(murdering english) uh?! Also, good depiction of the guns, straps and everything else while doing worldbuilding by showing that this is a harsh place, with the drinkable water, the respirator, and the dry paper being a blessing

I'm interested, specially in knowning what this insidious mind you got there planned do have already happened on that day

good job!
Eh, feel like writting another chapter, even after all these months. Kinda quiet.

You pump your legs as hard, and fast as you are able, tripping on every rock, even the ones that are buried, yet jumping over the corpses.

Your ragged breath and roaring heart almost manage to mask the low hum of the UFO clossing the distance with you, the thing moving at a lazy pace... yet faster than you.

It gets louder, and louder. It overtakes your breathing through the mask. Then it covers your heart as the hum threatens to consume you-

It passes over head, keeping the same rythm, yet... nothing happens. The thing just keeps going.

You slow down for all of a second, confusion getting the best of you- before you remember-

Your foot slams against a corpse. The ground comes to greet you as you scream-


A loud gasp, wild attempts to grab onto something that end with you slapping your hands against the interior of the cupboard, doing some noise.

Sitting completely still, as the soft cracking of the Geiger counter mixes with the pitter-patter of rain in the rooftops of the warehouse you...

Right. You had been walking along the side-roads, keeping a low profile, when a patrol had crossed your way. You had taken a long way around them, to make sure you wouldn't have to go through a shootout with the aliens, and then...

It had started raining, out of the sudden, and you had hidden in one of the closer buildings. You... had been for a few seconds in the black rain...

You search one of the little pouches in your belt, and... no, no pills. Seems like you'll have to go a little irradiated, for now. Not the worse that could happen, all things considered, but it always made things more complicated than they should be on the long run.

Sigh. And you where still stuck inside a cupboard, since the warehouse didn't have a roof on most places, and this was the best protection you could find. Better than the alternative, obviously.

You pull some rations out of your backpack, the little paper packets thankfully dry. You open one of them, picking some of the pieces you found lying inside that didn't look too bad, and started chewing slowly on them...

Huh. Salty. Nice.

...a quick look on your watch confirms that you seem to have slept around... an hour, roughly. Not bad at all, honestly, and you didn't have a crick on your neck, even...

You keep chewing, satisfied of the last few hours, as you wait for the rain to subside. There's a lot of road to cover, still.