Sufficiently Advanced Quirk (MHA/Sufficiently Advanced 2e)

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Izuku Midoriya disappeared into the stars one night before returning some ten years later to be a hero the world needs.

He dreamed of the stars and now he will reveal the stars to the world and break some worldviews in the process.
To the Stars
Decided to cross post my current stories from AO3 to SB and here.

It's a crossover with the 2nd edition of the Sufficiently Advanced tabletop RPG, probably the only crossover fanfic with the transhumanist sci-fi RPG. I made a character sheet to use as a base for Izuku but the story won't follow the rules of the game exactly.


Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. - Clarke's Third Law

Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from a superpower. - Izuku's Corollary

Izuku Midoriya

Izuku Midoriya was four when it all fell apart.

His father died in a villain attack in Hawaii.

The doctor diagnosed him as quirkless.

His mother cried and apologized when he asked if he could still be a hero.

His teachers and classmates ignored him in an instant when his condition was revealed.

His friendships withered, especially with Katsuki Bakugou, his first and best friend.

In fact, it went hostile.

Bullied, beaten, and burned by his best friend, no matter how much he was in denial about it and how much he hid the pain from everyone, especially his poor mom.

But despite it all, he still had the stars.

He loved to look at the stars through a telescope his late father passed down to him. He was an astronomer, listening through ancient ham radios to hear the stars and Izuku inherited both his genius and technical ability.

It was during such clear nights when he was five that he noticed something in the skies. A moving shadow that blocked the light of the stars perfectly. Izuku, curious smart child that he was, calculated and realized that it followed a route that went back and forth from the planet, landing in the nearby woods somewhere at night.

It was a spaceship.

Izuku kept silent as he planned out first contact with the aliens in the coming weeks.

And so, he made a plan and committed to it. A bag of things for the trip kept hidden in a tree, a note to his mom already written, a toy or two he can't live without, and his dad's star pendant for good luck.

It was night when the Midoriya family came to watch the fireworks for the festival. The night of the ship landing.

He smiled and lied to his mom about wanting to see the stars at his favorite spot, a nearby hill.

Instead, he placed his letter that was sealed in a zip lock plastic bag on the spot before running off to grab his bag and be the one to initial first contact with the spaceship.

When he reached the location, it was an empty clearing but Izuku knew there was more to it.

And as the fireworks shot into the sky, there he saw it, the rippling shadow landing without any sound onto the clearing. It shifted in color to better hide itself among the trees and plants.

It then opened, revealing two people in festival clothes. They appeared to be human with some minor looking quirks but Izuku could tell that aliens could blend in easily in the age of quirks.

"You got your knowledge of the local cultures updated?" the first alien said as he looked around before walking ahead.

"Downloaded into my neural mesh, no worries." the second alien said as she followed her partner.

The two then walked away casually.

When they were far enough away, Izuku saw the door closing and he ran into the ship before he missed his chance to make first contact.

He then hid somewhere in the ship, somewhere vent like.

When he was comfy, he looked at the photos of himself and Kacchan when they were still best friends, and his family before his father's death, of happier days, before putting it away and going to sleep.

It was quite a shock to the two aliens when they left the planet and found a stowaway.

Izuku hoped that being a stowaway meant forcing to reveal themselves to the world below. But it wasn't the case.

The two aliens turned out to be explorers visiting primitive worlds and checking if they could be brought into the universal community.

But Izuku's world was deemed too socially unstable for proper first contact and was placed under a protective watch list, to the annoyance of the more pro-uplift civilizations.

Izuku was placed under protective custody but he was quite a problem child.

It was the first of many adventures into the stars for Izuku.

He simply told himself that he was useful now and everyone back home was happier without him pulling them down.

Unfortunately, it wasn't the way things worked back home.

I'm sorry for having to go mom. But don't worry. I'll be back soon. If only papa could see this. He would have loved this. - Izuku's Note

Inko Midoriya

She thought her son would be safe. Until she saw the note on the hill he usually went to stargaze.

She called Mitsuki, hoping her son was at her friend's house.

She called the police.

There was a small search but when the police found out about her son's condition, they practically gave up. An open-and-shut case they said.

After that, everything went dull.

She lost her husband when a villain attack nearly destroyed the Mauna Kea observatory he worked at when her son was four.

Now she lost her son through no fault of her own.

And no one would help her find him, already thinking that he was good as dead.

Only the Bakugous came to visit her regularly, helping in their own way.

Masaru made some tea to help her relax.

Mitsuki slowly made Inko open up bit by bit.

Katsuki tried to look tough through it all but Inko knew even he was grieving.

Days turned to weeks turned to months turned to years and still no sign of Izuku nor anything about his kidnappers.

Musutafu would in time be covered in paper posters with Izuku's photo. The posters would end up thrown away, aged, or washed by rain in time.

It was in the fifth year since his disappearance that Inko finally decided to bury her son. A wake was performed and there was no body to cremate but it was a simple ceremony. Only the Bakugous arrived to pay their respects.

"This is not for me." Inko said to the Bakugous. "No matter what the police said, Izuku's still alive."

"Inko-" Mitsuki said before Inko raised her head to look at the three. There was cold steel in her wet eyes.

"I'm not a fragile doll Tsuki. Remember that. My son will come back to me someday. He promised me that." she walked to the photos of Hisashi with a background of stars and Izuku with a background of his hero toys.

"This world is harsh, crushing those with beautiful dreams." she touched Hisashi's photo. "A dream of humanity among the stars." she then touched Izuku's photo. "A dream of being a hero despite his condition." the hand then clenched into a fist.

"I was happy to see my boys dreaming a way to make a better world. But now the world took them away from me."

Inko turned to the three with a smile on her face.

"Only make sense for me to make the world safe for future dreamers right?"

Katsuki Bakugou

He was only four when Izuku was revealed to be quirkless.

He was only five when Izuku disappeared with only a letter remained.

He was only ten when Inko finally snapped, in his opinion.

He remembered it well. Her subtle fury, her steel hidden beneath her smile.

He saw how his parents reacted.

His mother supported her. Apparently, the whole thing reminded her of their high school days. Being told that Inko was a delinquent gang leader with his mom being the group muscle was shocking to say the least.

Turned out Izuku's dad turned Inko from a cold gang leader into a sweet woman with nothing but his dream for the stars.

In Katsuki's opinion, it sounded like a cheesy romantic comedy.

But now auntie's going down a dark path and his parents were basically enabling her.

All because Izuku kept wanting to be a hero.

'Deku just wanted to hog the spotlight.' Katsuki thought to himself as he looked outside the window during a lunch break in middle school, ignoring the extras chatting among themselves. 'I'm suppose to be the hero. He would had been my best analyst or support. For a fucking kid genius, he's such an idiot.'

He looked up at the clouds.

'Auntie still believed he's alive somewhere.'

It was during these rare moments that Katsuki let himself wonder about his old practically forgotten friend. It seemed that no one outside a handful of people remembered him. Fingers and Wings had long forgotten the shrub haired kid they used to play with, then bully at. Of course, Katsuki lost sight of those two extras after elementary school.

Yet he wondered. Maybe he got adopted somewhere, or he used his smarts for some villain group in need of rescue, rarely he wondered if he was killed and dumped in a ditch given how much he learned about the lives of the quirkless people.

The New Burakumin, he recalled a rare article about it on an online search. He managed to download the article before the Hearts and Minds party took it down for 'promoting discrimination'. But it was a stark reminder at the grime of the heroic age society.

The quirkless oppressed the quirky in the early years of quirks, then the quirky oppressed the quirkless practically the moment they lost the demographic majority, and society called it both justice.

Auntie's Alliance for the Oppressed was steadily growing, helping out the quirkless and those with so-called villainous quirks into its support network and group membership.

But Katsuki knew what's really going on. It was a gang, an army, a growing mob.

Katsuki knew he can't do anything about it until he finally become a pro hero.

He told the police about his suspicions, only to be told that he was being paranoid at best.

After all, who in their right mind fought against a group that started soup kitchens and opened up communal homes for the homeless.

Yet Katsuki knew the signs of a struggle.

Fires raged at AO locations more often than not.

The same sort of villains indirectly attacked the communal homes.

Auntie's group earned the anger of some one or some group, and Katsuki can't decide whether to protect her or join in the fight in the future.

Of course, things changed.

No plan survived contact with the enemy, especially when that enemy is time.

One day, some time before the UA entrance exam Katsuki was training himself for, a familiar photo appeared on the news.

Well kept green hair, green eyes that seemed to stare back from the screen, freckles below his eyes despite the age, a smile that seemed casual and normal if it wasn't for the fact that he was missing for almost ten years.

He vaguely heard his mom shouting at her phone to call Inko about the news.

Katsuki was transfixed at the news.

Midoriya Izuku, disappeared ten years ago, reappeared at the same hill he left his letter behind.

"Deku?" Katsuki didn't realized he whispered it out as he thought he was dreaming.

The door slammed and a car drove away, waking him from his shock. His mother left for auntie's apartment.

Katsuki simply returned to the screen, listening intently at the news of Izuku's return.
And Back Again
Meanwhile, Izuku sat comfortably in the police interrogation room. He could sense the police trying and failing to open his bag in another room.

A plain looking police officer entered the room and sat down in front of Izuku.

"You could tell your colleagues that they can't open that bag. It's keyed specifically to me."

The detective looked curious at that statement. He looked closely at Izuku.

The young teen looked completely untouched, no scars at all. In fact, he looked almost professional if the clothes he was wearing was considered to be a uniform of some sort. A green short sleeve shirt, green pants, red shoes, a green short sleeve long coat, a green cap, a steel star pendant, goggles, headphones, and green fingerless gloves. All over the clothes is a symbol, a white dove in a red cross. The positions of the symbol implied a medical position of some sort, which only baffled the police even more given that the individual was at most fifteen years old.

It doesn't help that said individual ran off around town from the hill he reappeared on giving gold and diamonds to the poor and homeless like he knew exactly where they were, quirklessly knocked out some criminals unconscious with a casual and well trained air, talked a few people away from committing suicide, saved some people from potential accidents and car crashes, and helped old people cross the street by letting them piggy back on him before he was captured by the police and a few winded pro heroes.

"Is there anything we should know about the contents of the bag, and the bag itself?"

"Nothing dangerous. Just some personal possessions."

"Anything specific?"

"My dad's telescope, old photos, local currency…"

"The gold and diamonds?"

"Of course, unless we transferred to an energy credit system which is not the case." Izuku said with a chuckle and a knowing smile.

"Well. I'm Detective Tsukauchi Naomasa. I'm assigned to your case, your disappearance and reappearance, not your illegal vigilantism."

"I highly doubt helping people without any quirk was considered against the law."

"Now, let's focus on the questions. Where did you get your supply of gold and diamonds?"

"Simple, currency conversion into something valuable to the local economy." the detective just looked confused at the content of the truthful statement.

"What about the clothes?"

"Personal preference. I always wore red shoes, the pendant's a reminder of my late father, and green is a bit of a personal joke given my family name."

"And the symbol?"

"Ah, yes, I'm a member of the Knights of the Hospital, more commonly called the Hospitalers. They're a humanitarian organization."

"And yet we he didn't hear this organization contact us about a missing child."

"Legal problems. I was placed under protective custody before I went on my own path and joined the organization on a junior internship."

"Where did you went?"

Izuku made a calm unreadable smile.

"You won't believe me when I tell you detective."

"Try me."

Izuku chuckled as if the question of where he was for almost ten years was nothing more than a polite jest.

"You asked me once and I must ask you again. Do you wish to know? For the knowledge I hold dear within me can shatter unready minds in its truths."

"You could just tell me directly instead of the whole flowery speech."

Izuku chuckled with that sweet smile.

"Twice the question asked, and thus twice is my reply. Are you certain you want to know the truth of my return?"

"Of course I am. It's my job."

"Thrice you ask and thrice I must reply, for such is the strength of the answer. It is the truth yet it would sound false. It is an answer but it would only makes more questions. It is what it is and yet do you comprehend it, detective?"

"Just answer the question as honestly as you can." Tsukauchi replied with a hint of annoyance. Izuku smiled that enigmatic smile.

"I went into the stars and the places between the stars and met beings older, wiser, and greater than us and yet like us all the more. I lived among them, learned among them, and wandered among them. This world is a broken illusion on which they fear to touch, for they know that by coming here in their full glory, it shall herald a revelation that society as you know it cannot comprehend and thus possibly fall into an apocalypse. And so I volunteered to return, to herald the coming of the stars and those in between, and prepare this world for their arrival."

Izuku smiled as the detective and those listening in through the one way window tried to make sense of what Izuku just said.

"What." Tsukauchi muttered as his quirk told him that the whole spiel was the truth.

"I did warn you that the truth is difficult to swallow, detective."

"You make it sound like a cosmic horror story."

"No… I prefer to see it as a cosmic wonder story."

"Uh, right…" Tsukauchi realized something. "What you said, it's true but seen in a particular perspective, isn't it."

"Well, you're smarter than you look detective. Yes. It is the truth seen in the lens of a cosmic horror story."

"And you won't tell me the actual truth."

"Of course. The truth harms as well as heals after all."

"Are you being cryptic and mysterious just for the fun of it?"

"I speak in ways to protect your fragile worldview, but yes. I am simply bored and decided to play a bit."

"Hindering the investigation would only make it harder for you in the long run."

"Ah, but I am being truthful and honest in your inquiries, detective."

"In a particular perspective."

"Of course, detective. It is fun to be on the other side of the interrogation for once."

"Oh? You interrogated someone before?"

"No but I did helped out an investigation or two. I did a number of side professions, mostly focused on police and crisis control, usually in a span of one or two years each."

"And what is your main profession?"

"Oh, simple, I'm a professional soldier." Izuku said in the same casual nonchalance of being ask what his favorite color was.

"Excuse me?" Tsukauchi was starting to hope that the young teen was just really good at lying.

"Yup, got at least ten years under my belt. That's how much experience you need to be a professional."

"Well, that would make you at most fourteen years older."

"Multitasking is a thing. Not to mention that I did say I took jobs on the side." Izuku shrugged. "Then again, might be a quirk of time dilation."

Tsukauchi stayed silent as he was busy writing down the main details from this increasingly confusing interrogation.

"I see… unfortunately, we have to end this here. I believe your mother would pick you up after her speech in front of UA."

"Ah…" Izuku's smile turned soft and sincerely happy. "I know that she's committing herself to political reform and social welfare but it's nice to hear it from someone on the ground."

"Of course." Tsukauchi stood up. "Please wait here a bit longer."

Izuku nodded as the detective left the room.

Detective Tsukauchi turned to the next door room where his fellow officers and Eraserhead were listening to the strange conversation.

"All I can say is that he was telling the truth the entire time." Tsukauchi said as he went to grab a cup of water to drink.

"Has to be a really good lying quirk then." an officer said.

"The medical reports said that the problem child is quirkless." Eraserhead countered as he seemed to be figuring out the pieces of the puzzle.

"Well, what do you really think happened to the kid? Unless you really believed in that creepy star worship nonsense." the officer replied.

Tsukauchi turned to Eraserhead, given that he was the one who caught up with the kid and likely has an idea given his expertise on the Underground.

"Well, it sounded like he was a trafficked out of the country and ended up into the hands of a cult. Likely one with large influence and powerful quirks. It's a given that Midoriya became a child soldier of some sort. The problem is that there's too many holes on the logic of the theory. For starters, he appears to be completely healthy and unharmed. Another is not one sign of PTSD. His self proclaimed mission appears to be sincere so it's likely he was raised as a member of the cult, which means that he was sent here to spread and be the vanguard of an invasion of an unknown cult. We would also need to search for the organization associated with the symbol. The Knights Hospitaller?"

"The Knights of the Hospital." Tsukauchi corrected.

"It's likely to be either a humanitarian organization protecting Midoriya before they trafficked him back to Japan or a PMC in the guise of a humanitarian organization. It's possible that either if not both organizations want to get Midoriya back under their control. In any case, I would suggest keeping a better eye on Midoriya family. Midoriya Inko is a target of the Meta Liberation Army. They called her a quirk traitor for her Quirkless Support Network program."

"Man, talking about getting the wrong kind of attention. Uh, is it just me or is the kid looking straight at us?" the police officer said as Izuku looked at them with a look of frowning contemplation.

Izuku then turned to look at a wall, mumbling and thinking about something.

"-thanks Mikumo." was the only part anyone managed to hear from the mumbling.

An officer entered the room with the bag, giving it to Tsukauchi. The bag itself was green with the same white dove on red cross symbol.

"It just won't budge open." the officer said as she took a seat to rest for a bit.

"Perhaps Midoriya can show us what's in the bag?" her coworker suggested.

"Nakamura, Kobayashi, I already told the boss of your attempts at illegal search and seizure of Midoriya's bag without a warrant. The boss is waiting for both of you in his office." Tsukauchi said as the two reluctantly left the room.

"Don't mind them. Two rookie wannabe mavericks thinking the job's similar to cop shows and movies." Tsukauchi said before he finished his cup of coffee.

Eraserhead rolled his eyes.

"If they were my students, I would have expelled them for wasting everyone's time."

Tsukauchi nodded before he returned to the interrogation room with the bag. He placed it on the table.

"Here's your bag Midoriya. I must apologize for my coworker's poor handling of it."

"It's alright." Izuku said as he grabbed his bag. "Say, is there a television I can watch the news?"

Tsukauchi nodded as he lead Izuku to a waiting room where the television screens were showing Midoriya Inko and Principal Nedzu in front of UA, talking about the trial run of the Equal Opportunity Program, allowing two quirkless or those with weak or 'villainous' quirks for a recommended spot in the heroics course.

Izuku smiled as he watched his mom answering the news reporters' questions calmly and with certainty.

The police station's doors slammed opened, revealing the panting form of Bakugou Mitsuki. She saw Izuku and grabbed him into a hug.

"Izu-kun!" Mitsuki shouted before shaking him in subdued anger. "Where the hell were you been!? You made Inko worried sick about you!"

"Ah, and you are?" an officer asked as he tried to calm her down.

"Bakugou Mitsuki, friend of Midoriya Inko. She's busy with UA at the moment so I'm here to pay for bail and bring him home."

"No need for bail payment ma'am. Though we might need some more interviews for his case, if Mrs. Midoriya allows it."

"I'll giver her the message." Mitsuki said as the two soon left the station. Izuku turned back to smile and wave at the detective.

While the detective mentally returned to the contents of the surreal interrogation.
The Iron Heart of a Star
A few hours earlier under the light of the setting sun, Inko Midoriya was at Principal Nedzu's office for some tea before talking to the media.

"Thank you for the tea, Principal Nedzu."

"It's nothing for the country's rising star in politics."

"Oh, please, it's embarrassing. I'm just doing what I can to support the community."

Inko took a sip of tea as she placed a folded paper on the table and use it as a coaster for her tea cup and plate.

"My son wanted to be a hero when he was younger. He was such a little genius. Got his father's love for the stars too."

Nedzu placed a paw-hand on her's to comfort her. If he also picked up the folded paper and used it like a tissue, she wasn't looking as she was looking out of the office window.

Inko sighed as she raised her cup of tea to drink.

"Still, I must thank you for at least making UA be the first to trial the Equal Opportunity Program. I hope its success will make other hero schools follow suite." Inko then stood up. "Well, I should get ready to greet the reporters out there."

Inko was always seen as a demure wallflower of a woman. It made getaways and alibis surprisingly easier for her. She could stumble her words and cry on the spot that it helped her out of trouble in more than one occasion. Not to mention her weak quirk, Pull Small Objects, meant people thought she was as weak of an individual as well.

As she walked to meet with the reporters, Nedzu read the folded paper before eating it and drinking it down with his tea. His intelligence quirk meant that he already memorized the contents of the small note. Inko's support might be a legal grey area but the Alliance of the Oppressed was gaining ground in weeding out the causes of villainy and bringing the conversation on what is a villain and what is a criminal.

Nedzu sat on his office chair, planning. It seemed that the local police got infiltrated with MLA supporters. It would take a while to root them out without causing suspicion.

Cementoss burst into the room in a hurry. He took some breathes before he faced the principal.

"Where's Mrs. Midoriya?"

"Getting ready to meet with the reporters. Why?"

"It's her son… he's on the news right now."

Curious, Nedzu turned on the television screen, recorded the news for later analysis, and saw a green figure wearing red shoes practically giving away plain unmarked bars of gold and diamonds to homeless people, knocking out some criminals with a few punches and kicks at the exact locations of the body for nonlethal take downs, and even pulled a few people from the street before a car would had hit them without a care.

Nedzu thought it was an interesting puzzle to solve as he watched intently at the news.

The green figure gestured something at a woman who was about to use her finger gun quirk on herself in a park. Nedzu clearly saw the gesture. Suddenly, he felt himself a bit calmer, as if a small amount of inner sorrow was taken. The realization of that easily undid the effects on himself but the woman in the news calmly lowered her hand as if her mental anguish instantly disappeared, allowing the paramedics to take care of her.

Already, Nedzu's mind was on overdrive as he watched the green figure ran away from the pro heroes trying to stop him for illegal vigilantism and probably robbing a bank or jewelry store to have the gold and diamonds he was giving away earlier.

The whole thing ended with Eraserhead capturing, or at least was there to do the capturing, when Izuku went to help some seniors cross the road by letting them piggyback on his back.

At least the media managed to get a good look at the young lad as Eraserhead led him to the nearby police car. Izuku happily answered the reporters' questions.

"Who are you?"

"Midoriya Izuku." there was signs of professional training yet not a scratch nor scar on him.

"Midoriya Izuku? The missing son of Midoriya Inko?"

"Yup. Nice to hear that I wasn't forgotten when I was away." he leaped along the roofs of buildings and jumped down a five story building to stop a mugging in an alleyway before running off without any sign of getting hurt from the fall.

"Where did you come from?"

"Oh, I came back on the hill I used to stargaze on when I was a kid." his teeth looked perfect, white and straight, well maintained to the point of looking slightly unnatural to his instinctive animal mind.

"Where did you go for the pass ten years?" Nedzu could read micro-expressions, the tiny twitches of the body that's impossible to train to hide, especially the tells of lying. For a moment, Izuku's face froze in a gentle smile, not a single micro-expression that contradicted it found.

"You won't believe me even when I tell you." there was a tonal shift, ever so subtle, a change into a more restrained tone. He was holding something back. But why?

Eraserhead stopped the questioning as the car window risen up and the police car drove away.

Nedzu thought what to do next with the new information.

"Cementoss, please bring Mrs. Midoriya back here. She needs to know from me instead of the reporters she would be dealing with in a couple of minutes." the concrete hero nodded and Inko soon returned.

It was there that Nedzu replayed the news for her viewing.

Midoriya Inko was easy to read. She's a woman that placed her heart on her sleeve. Being a private office, she let herself break down into tears at the sight of her son casually stopping criminals, helping people, and making the police and pro heroes looked like idiots. Like mother, like son.

Cementoss gave her a tissue to wipe away her tears.

"We can delay the meeting with the news reporters. They're likely going to ask about your son."

"No." Inko said as she stood back up, steeling herself once more. "I will deal with the press. We just need to remind them what the announcement is about. The Equal Opportunity Program, not my son."

Inko smiled at the two.

"Let's give them a good and proper speech." the Iron Lady of Musutafu said as she walked out of the room.

The stage was set.

The rooms across the site rented.

The podium in position.

The landlords paid.

The cameras flashing.

The sniper rifles locked and loaded.

The introductions made.

The snipers readied.

The speakers changed.

The target locked.

The speech begun.

"- and I must thank UA for agreeing to trial run the Equal Opportunity Program, our own Representative Kibou Mirai of the Egalitarian Party for pushing the need for such a program in the National Diet, and to you all for willing to listen to this momentous occasion as we begin to help those disenfranchised in our current society. We shall help pull the marginalized up from the cycle of poverty and villainy."

Inko raised her hands into the air.

The snipers slowly went for the trigger.

Inko clenched both hands.

"Instead of pulling them down."

She then lowered her clenched hands.

The two snipers dropped dead on the floor of their rooms. One died of a heart attack, the other by a stroke.

"And we hope that this will make our country a safer and better place for everyone. Now, while I recently heard news about the reappearance of my missing son, I shall only answer questions regarding the program. It is the reason for this announcement after all, now, any questions?"
Inko was true to her word and answered the questions that only applied to the program.

"- reporter for the Deika City Inquirer. While the Left Coalition in the National Diet supports such a program, there are those in the current ruling coalition saying that such a program would only dilute the quality of hero work by allowing those quirkless or with weak quirks into the industry. Representative Koku of the Hearts and Minds Party commented that such a program gives false hope to children who believe they might be able to withstand the pressures of pro hero work. Care to comment?"

"Every child in Japan wants to be a hero. But it is foolish to believe that there are children born and fit for hero work. Even if they have a flashy quirk, if they do not have the skills and mentality, they can't withstand the pressures of the workload. Those things are not qualities born into people, those are taught and trained. It is both foolish and naive to believe that people will be born to fit the job description. Not all smart people go into science and medicine for example. People go into police academies for their training into police work, not because they were born with some inherent skill or quirk fit for police work. We do not restrict people who want to become teachers, police, firefighters, rescue workers, politicians, doctors, and every other occupation, in ideal circumstances. Why should hero work be different? We can only turn to India's aborted attempt at implementing a Quirk Caste System to see the consequences of that."

Inko soon ended the Q&A session, thanked the people for coming, did a small book signing to some supporters, before she was escorted to a van to bring her home to her apartment.

She pulled out her phone and watched the video of her son being a hero to those who needed it.

She will not fail him again.

Izanami will make sure of that.

That night, a woman in casual clothes sat next to a reporter in a park.

"Do you got what we ask for, Ms. Kobayashi?" the reporter asked. The policewoman placed an envelope on the bench.

"The transcripts and notes of the interrogation of Midoriya Izuku. Nakamura's covering for me. What about the other two?"

"Dead. The Deika police department will transfer them back on paper before saying they died in a villain caused accident."

"The quirk traitor still lives?"

"It is unfortunate. Izanami is using her as a pawn in a some game against us. Have no fear, She can't fight the future nor the truth."

The policewoman nodded before leaving the park.

Neither noticed the silent drone flying in the night taking their photos nor the purple haired insomniac using it.

He then sent the photos to his boss.

Izanami, more evidence for you. - Argus
A Sky Full of Ghosts
The car parked and doors opened.

"We're here." Mitsuki said as Izuku looked up at the apartment building, "Never changed homes after you disappeared." she said as she looked at Izuku, "Ten years is a fucking long wait." she said as she wiped her eyes before she led Izuku up the stairs.

Izuku looked around. Same old people, some new people, the first floor of the apartment building turned into a sort of common room and a center for the homeless and helpless.

Posters reminding people to recycle, to donate to local charities, about local events to help the community filled a notice board.

A janitor greeted them to which Izuku smiled and greeted him back.

Izuku did find the fact that the janitor was wearing a full body spandex suit to be an interesting gimmick.

Then the same janitor was fixing a broken light by the stairwell.

Then the same janitor was mopping the second floor with another copy of the same janitor was doing the drying.

Izuku's friendly exuberance quickly became an annoyed look.

"Please tell me the janitors just had a weird uniform?" Izuku asked as he walked pass three of the same janitors arguing over planning a surprise celebration at the common room, before shutting up and greeting Mitsuki and Izuku. The three returned to their argument when they thought the two were far enough away.

"That's just Jin. Your mom helped him through a tough time and even paid for his therapy. The kids love him, and him and his clones helped out the neighborhood."

"How many clones does he have?"

"Oh, as many as he wants."

"As many as he wants? Man, a Replicant having more than thirty would mean they're a rich bastard, and here's a one man army. Hope the Unionists won't just grab him and put a slave mesh on him. Ain't that a nightmare and a half." Izuku muttered to himself.

"You don't like clones, kiddo?"

"Not clones exactly, just some ethical stances about them. Having more of you to do things is alright, having the clones be expendable is something else entirely."

"Yeah, Inko managed to lawyer her way around the legal problems that happened when one of Jin's clones saved a little girl from a fatal car crash. It took a fucking reveal of the judge being bribed to let Jin go around in costume. The guy's a sidekick, technically to some big shot hero agency, but everyone in the city knows he's your mom's sidekick."

The two reached the right floor and walked to the apartment room door. Mitsuki went to unlock the door, only to find it already unlocked.

"Stay here-" she said before Izuku placed a hand on her shoulder to stop her.

"It's alright. It's just Kacchan." Izuku said as he walked through the door without any hassle. There they saw Katsuki lying on the living room couch, checking his phone.

"What the fuck are you doing here ya brat!?" Mitsuki shouted, "Thank goodness Izuku stopped me or I would have thrown a lamp at your head!"

"I have a spare key and don't I have a fucking right to see the guy who disappeared ten years ago!?" Katsuki shouted back.

"Now now, let's calm down and have some nice calming tea." Izuku suggested as he walked to the kitchen. Mother and son watched Izuku easily finding the tea kettle, the tea powder, setting up the hot water, and making the tea before bringing it to the table on a tray.

"... how the fuck did you manage to do that?" Katsuki muttered as he grabbed his cup.

"It's just green tea. Nothing special about it."

"I mean how the fuck did you know where everything was?" Katsuki said as he took a sip of his tea.

"Hmmm, oh, auntie, I think I realize that Jin and his clones are going to give mom a surprise party for my return."

Mitsuki groaned.

"I told those idiots there's no need for a party." she stood up, "Stay here and don't leave the apartment until Inko's back, alright." she said before leaving to yell at Jin.

Izuku sat down and took a sip of his tea.

"To answer your question Kacchan, my future selves told me where everything is. There's no wide wave of quantum possibilities from knowing where things are so it's easy for me to tell myself where mom put the things for tea."

"The fuck do you mean by that?"

Izuku chuckled.

"Exactly what I said."

"You have a foresight quirk?"

"No. Still quirkless little me."

Katsuki scoffed.

"Don't play dumb with me Deku. I saw you on the news."

"Ah, but that's the point. I'm still quirkless, technically speaking."

"What the fuck happened to you then? You made it sound like you were experimented on. Were you experimented on?"

"I know you have many other questions to ask of me but I'll reveal them when my mother arrives in due time."

Izuku then took another sip of tea.

"So, what on earth do you want to talk about then?" Katsuki asked as he watched the maddening enigma of the guy before him.

"I want to catch up, old friend."

"You disappeared since we were five. How the fuck are we still friends?"

Izuku softly frowned as he looked at his cup of tea.

"I apologize for that. I was but a child who believed himself strong enough to pull at the threads of fate and destiny, to force the hand of the stars into revealing themselves to us."

Izuku looked at Katsuki in the eye.

Katsuki noticed Izuku's eyes looking slightly different but it's been too long since he last saw him to recall clearly what his eyes looked like.

"But they told me of my foolishness. But to give that knowledge requires my mother being here."

"The fuck? What's with the star nonsense?"

Izuku looked at Katsuki's hands for a moment.

"It's code. If people know what happened to me, it will usher in the collapse of society. Our culture is just incompatible to the idea without some form of self-destruction."

"So what? You're a hippy star prophet now?"

"No, I came back to fulfill a childhood dream, our childhood dream. It's the reason why I came back months before the UA entrance exams. Settle myself back before becoming a hero. But yes, perhaps I am going to be a hippy star prophet hero sooner or later." Izuku chuckled at the end.

Katsuki looked at Izuku.

"GAAAHH! You're fucking unreadable you know that! You disappeared, then reappeared, went all vigilante only to get released since you don't have a quirk, fucking taller than me, and now you're talking like some fucking cult leader!" Katsuki shouted before he rubbed his forehead then going back to laying on the couch.

Izuku chuckled at the sight.

"I didn't believe them when they gave me updates on your development, Kacchan. It's good to see you're not giving off random explosions in anger."

"Our moms decided to put me in anger management classes- wait," Katsuki got up and stared at Izuku, "You were spying on me!?"

"Well, everyone really, in a general sense. I asked them to look over mom and you closely for my sake." Izuku said as he gotten up and walked to the door.

"What do you mean by 'them' Deku!?"

Izuku smiled as he opened the door to find Inko standing there in surprise.

"Hi mom. I'm back."

"I-Izuku!" Inko sorrowfully yelled as she ran to her son for a hug. Izuku returned the hug with some pats on her back.

"Y-you're grounded, young man, grounded…"

Izuku softly smiled as he looked at the nightly cityscape through the door.

"I am mom. I'm sure am." Inko then let her son go after a minute or two.

Izuku then closed the door behind her and subtly locked it. He noticed the second ring on his mother's ring finger.

"I see that you've remarried." Izuku said as he returned to his seat to pour a cup for his mom before returning to his drink.

"Well, I can't remain single forever." Inko noticed the tea on the table, "Thank you for preparing the tea for us, Katsuki."

"Wasn't me, Deku somehow knew where everything was."

Inko's eyes harden and Izuku stopped mid-sip.

"The summer after your third year of high school. I was four at the time when you told me how you fell in love with dad when you and your group went camping in the woods and he brought his telescope. He showed you the rings of Cronus, the great storms of Zeus, the four Galilean Moons, then the meteor shower where dad told you his dream of humanity going into space."

Inko didn't realize she had her hand raised at her son before she let go. No one else other than her son knew that story. The story she told him after the doctor revealed he was quirkless.

"I-I'm sorry-"

"It's alright mom. It wouldn't have killed me anyway. Well, it would but only for a minute or two. To be honest, if you know the levels of enhancements I signed up for, you would be having a heart attack and a half."

Inko simply began to cry and hugged her son, apologizing at what she nearly did.

"I'm sorry too. I know it looked suspicious, me knowing where everything was. But I just need you and Kacchan to know the truth."

Izuku simply closed and locked the windows before covering them with the curtains.

"What I'm going to show you must remain between us. If people found out, especially smart people who can put two and two together, it will signal the end of the world as we currently know it, especially if they went public with the information." Izuku said in a no nonsense tone as he looked at his mom and Katsuki. To both of them, there was something about both his tone and stare, something that made them want to agree and keep silent about.

Izuku noticed both of them were starting to freak out. His mother out of fear and worry, his old friend out of anger and worry, getting close to giving off an explosion or two.

He closed his eyes.

"I apologized for that rather blatant use of metatech but it's the only way to keep it between us. I am not kidding when I said that the knowledge that I will reveal will most likely result in this world's destruction if I don't shift the cultural mores enough when I become a pro hero in the coming decades."

Izuku then pulled out what looks like a large silvery metal sphere from his bag and it began to float.

Inko and Katsuki watched in shock at the floating metal ball as it went above Izuku's shoulder like some sort of bird.

"Mikumo, standard sensor sweep."

The sphere gave some blinking lights for a few seconds before it stopped.

Izuku grinned.

"Good. No listening devices nor cameras around. Last thing we want is Mikumo tearing apart their electronics. They'll notice." he turned to face his mother and Katsuki.

"Let's ease into the worldview shattering revelations by showing what I was doing for the past ten years, more or less."

"I-Izuku." Inko said as she regained control of her emotions, "Who is Mikumo?"

"Oh, right, Mikumo, activate verbal communication mode."

"Good evening Midoriya Inko, Bakugou Katsuki. I am Mikumo, Izuku's personal Familiar, a data ghost in other terms." the sphere said in a calm monotone. "I was personally gifted to Izuku when he was placed under protective custody and is with him ever since."

"... you got abducted by aliens and got alien tech!?" Katsuki shouted in disbelief.

"Well, they're technically aliens in our narrow minded ideas of aliens, yes."

"... that's a good enough reason to be gone for ten years and no actual sign of you being around." Katsuki muttered as he looked at the floating sphere with worry.

"Well, if there's no other questions, let's start with the walk down memory lane. Let's start with a good clip Mikumo."

"Very well Izuku, randomizing selection…"

The silver sphere then lit up the whole room. It soon vanished into nothing before reforming into a dirt path in the woods somewhere.

It was a hologram, a complete 360 degree smooth hologram that covered the room, no glitches nor projection lines nor see through parts, a solid hologram that science fiction shows dream of.

The sounds of a galloping horse was heard as the trio saw slightly younger Izuku in a green body suit with shining plate armor on top and with the same white dove on a red cross symbol on his armor galloping down the dirt path.

"Ah, planet Angevin. A nice place, one of my internships was helping out in the first contact, or to be more precise, the recontact of the various nations to the universal community. I ended up as a young squire knight-errant of sorts to the king of Caer Merlot and his round table."

"Halt young man!" a bandit shouted in a strange mix of French and English to Japanese ears. He readied his bow and arrow, pointing it at the hologram Izuku as he calmed his horse. Luckily, text of the translation floated for Inko and Katsuki's sake, "Reveal to me who you are or I shall shoot your horse!"

"I am Izuku Midoriya of Terra Ultima! Squire of the Knights of the Hospital and a speaker of the stars!" the actual Izuku winced at his younger version's words.

"I really need to work on my Middle Anglo-French pronunciation. It sounds more Anglois than anything." Izuku muttered.

The bandit lowered his bow and his hood and mask, revealing a human to Inko and Katsuki's shock.

"Well met star folk. Are you here to end the mad reign of the usurper Count of Nottingville?"

"Ah, you must be the survivor of the Hood line." the hologram Izuku said and nodded as he got off his horse.

"That I am young squire. Tell me, which of the feuding kings sent you here? King Arthur of Caer Merlot or King Charles of Bourbon?"

"I may be a squire of the Arc Table but I place my duty to help others above the orders of any lord and king."

The bandit chuckled as the two headed deeper into the woods.

The hologram then faded back into black.

"Ah, memories. Luckily, I managed to convince the angry mob to put the count in trial under stellar law. Last I heard, they're modernizing well. Typical culture shocks but nothing a good metatech and chronotech specialist can't fix."

Izuku then turned to his mother and Katsuki who were still processing what they saw and heard.

"Well, if there's no questions, we can show them the next clip, Mikumo."

Once again, the surroundings shifted, this time into a war zone.

Buildings crumbled, guns fired, artillery boomed, then a voice over was heard.

"The Fall of New Orleans marked the beginning of the end for the American Union State as the red militia of the Combined Syndicates of America bravely fought against the reactionary forces during the grim Second American Civil War."

"W-what? That didn't happen at all." Katsuki muttered in disbelief as he looked around for Izuku in the hologram.

The surroundings moved to show a younger Izuku, twelve years old by appearances, wearing rather period fitting clothing of a young boy in twentieth century America saving a quirkless looking boy from the rubble.

Inko gasped in horror as she saw her little boy bleeding from his broken arm while carrying the unconscious child away from the battle.

Izuku himself could only blush at the sight.

"But despite the horrors of war, solidarity remained as the new generation lifted themselves from the chaos and bloodshed. One example was the heroic actions of Kuro Akatani, a proud member of the syndicate cause. Despite his young age, he helped in the search and rescue of young children and the elderly left abandoned when the military of the AUS retreated from New Orleans a few days later." the voice over continued.

The hologram shifted to show bandaged children, with young Izuku among them, waving at a cameraman before the hologram faded to black.

"That was embarrassing. I accidentally became famous for that. That took place in the Tao of Alternate History space, one of the Kaiserreich filming worlds. I believe it was Kaiserreich-3, where they were filming branching stories where the world turned democratic socialist after their take of the second world war. The whole series is a couple thousand hour long film with numerous branching paths as the viewer chooses which result they want an event to have and watch the consequences of the choice. If you want, we can watch it. Mikumo has a commemorative copy. Though we would need to use the second save file since I'm not a quarter through my viewing of it."

Izuku turned to the two.

"But if it wasn't for that bout of fame, I wouldn't have gotten the credits to afford my enhancements."

Katsuki opened his mouth.

"But I'll answer that question after the last clip, Kacchan." With a snap of his fingers, the table and tea seemingly reappeared, "Don't want the tea getting cold."

Izuku then turned to Mikumo as Inko calmly picked up her tea, took a sip, and thought things through.

"Next clip Mikumo."

The hologram shifted into a highly advance classroom. There's only a few children in the class.

There they saw a few children and adults of various shapes but all follow a similar human form and a young five year old Izuku sitting next to what looks like a young boy with silver hair, violet eyes, and dark obsidian colored skin.

The teacher, who appeared to be a robot with a brain showing out of its transparent skull head, put on a hat to cover up the visible brain.

"Good morning class." the robot said with a rather lively human voice even though Inko and Katsuki has no idea what language the robot was speaking in.

"Ah, B0b, with a zero instead of an 'o'. He's a Mechanican. He was the teacher for people who ended up under protective custody from watch listed cargo cults." Izuku commented.

"Hi! I'm Izuku Midoriya." the young Izuku said in the strange language, with some difficulty on the pronunciation.

"Hello." the dark elf child replied in the same language, "I'm Nadir Duskmantle."

"How… how did you end up here?"

"Teleportation spell miscast, or what they call a 'wormhole going to the wrong place' in this strange place."

"Nadir's one of my first friends in space. He's from the planet Gygax, a lost colony designed to be a medieval fantasy world. He's currently helping out in putting proper social changes in his rather racist and sexist underground culture. Last thing the universe needs is another group of fanatical purifiers." Izuku added.

B0b took his seat as the table revealed a hologram of today's lessons.

"Let's start with the date. Can you pronounce the current year?"

"52852 T.S." the group answered.

"And what is T.S."


"And what was year 1 on the calendar?"

"The creation of the Gobekli Tepe temple on Old Earth."

"Excellent. Some minor pronunciation faults but it's passable. Now onto the basics of universal history…"

The hologram faded to black before the simulation ended.

"And there we have it. The truth hidden in the clips." Izuku then placed Mikumo back in his bag. Izuku then returned to his seat and took the last sips of his tea.

"I'm open to any questions."

"You… weren't abducted by aliens were you." Katsuki muttered.

"No. Humanity is most likely one of the first species that really went into space. I talked to clones and robots, people who edit their personalities on a whim, people who are a part of a group mind, people who uploaded themselves into computer simulations, even people who have nanobots in them like cells in their body, and they're all human, no matter how strange and inhuman they appear to be. I mean, I met a guy who made himself into a space whale living in a sun just cause it sounded interesting."

"And we're not on the actual Earth, just one of the many lost colonies with the same name." Inko calmly said as she poured herself her third cup of tea.

"Well, our world is Terra but there's like dozens of worlds named that so they called it Terra Ultima. But yes, we are a cargo cult, a lost colony that went into a technological dark age but slowly returning from that."

"Then why the fuck aren't they coming here to bring us to space already?"

Izuku made a soft frown as he turned to the picture of his father on the wall.

"Because they did a psychohistorical analysis of us and it pointed to our self destruction the moment they contacted us. Somehow, by the choice of our distant ancestors or some outside force, our world was repeating Old Earth history nearly perfectly. The solar system was even terraformed to be a copy of the original. When we were rediscovered, they thought we were a lost Tao of History colony and were going to begin a formal recontact with us. Until events of some two hundred years ago happened."

"Quirks. They stopped because of quirks?" Inko realized.

"In the middle of our twenty first century, the historical simulation we were unknowingly living in broke. Because quirks didn't happen on Old Earth, no, on Old Earth, the Singularity happened. The Transcendentals formed, a group of super intelligent AI that exist outside of causality. Their future selves gave their past selves knowledge and technology that resulted in humanity going into the stars, especially faster than light wormholes."

Izuku then leaned back on his seat.

"If quirks didn't appeared, we would have gone into space and become one of the many minor civilizations or probably joining the League of Independent Worlds due to cultural and social similarities."

"So, what now? You fucking told me you're going to UA to be a pro hero. But that's clearly the first step in all this."

"Well, the plan is to be a pro hero and use that position to reform the cultural and societal norms just enough to prevent us from blowing ourselves up when recontact happens."

"I mean, they're super advanced, can't they just high tech the bullshit problems all out?"

"Recontact and societal uplift protocols exist for a reason Kacchan. The Universal Convention on Cargo Cults was formed after one too many attempts at recontact resulted in the total collapse of the society that was being uplifted, extreme polarization of core values, attempted terrorist attacks, or the accidental destruction of the planet and/or solar system."

Izuku then poured himself some more tea before taking a sip.

"Can you imagine the chaos it would cause when people realize that not only are they not at all that special. There are ways to change one's body, and even mind, so easily? They can basically give and remove abilities that we would consider to be quirks, give true immortality, and more."

Inko went rather thoughtful at that as she looked at her cup of tea she was holding with both hands.

"Our society is based on a hierarchy where those with flashy quirks are on top and those without quirks at the bottom."

"Not to mention that not every country agrees with that notion and there's still nukes and radioactive material missing from the early quirk years." Izuku added.

Katsuki groaned.

"Fucking hell Deku. Yesterday I was training for the UA entrance exam and dealing with the extras in middle school and now I have to deal with all this shit that's outside my control."

Izuku frowned.

"I apologize for that. But I felt it prudent to tell you the truth. Part of the plan is putting me in the public eye to help cause the needed social shifts, hence my actions in the afternoon. I will use the position of number one hero to force a conversation on social reform and a shift in cultural values."

Katsuki smirked while Inko made a soft smile at her son. Izuku simply went to unlock the front door.

"You're gunning for the number one spot? You're finally speaking my language! I'll get to be number one hero!"

"Good luck in your training, Kacchan." Izuku said as he opened the door, to reveal Mitsuki who was about to put her hand on the door handle.

"I don't need luck nor your fucking pity!" Katsuki shouted.

"Brat, we gotta go. Your father's cooking this time and the last thing we want is you blowing up in Inko's house."

Mother and son soon went down to the car and headed home.

"Fucking Deku and his smiling."

"And what's wrong with smiling?" Mitsuki asked as she drove.

"It's those fake bullshit politician smiles or something."

"That kind of fake, like the lying and cheating kind?" Mitsuki asked calmly.

"No, more like some fucking know-it-all looking down on you laughing in their head at how dumb you are."

"I see… maybe that's just his neutral look. I mean, we haven't seen him for ten years, for all we know, Izuku might just have a resting smile face, like that pop star you kids like these days."

"Mom, that American pop singer has a resting fuck face, and I don't listen to that autotuned AI made shit."

Mitsuki only hummed in agreement.

Izuku closed the door and returned to his seat.

He looked at his mom.

"I know you have one question left. Well, one major question left."

"You said you signed up for enhancements when you were young. I know it's your choice in the end and you're old already so I won't pry too much on that. But, I know it should require the consent of your legal guardian, which is suppose to be me, Izuku. I just want to know why you didn't come back sooner." Inko began to cry, "You were gone for ten years. No letter, no sign, I even had to pay for a ceremonial burial for you."

"Partly legal reasons, partly my fault. I got swept up by the stars. Technically, they were willing to bring you with me, given how isolated we both were. But, I thought you would be happier without me-"

There was a loud slap at Izuku's cheek.

Tears fell from Inko's eyes.

"Don't ever say that Izuku! I am your mother and I was not happier when you left! I thought I failed you, that I failed at being a mother, that I failed at being a wife!" the tears were ever flowing now.

She let her tears flow out as she hugged him.

"I'm sorry mom. For thinking that."

"No… it's my fault for making you think of that. You're my son, my little boy. I should have done something against the bullying and society before you left." Inko cried.

"You were still grieving over dad."

That made Inko cry even more.

"Your father would have loved this, this whole situation you got yourself into. He would have supported you on this. He would have went to space with you…"

"I know mom. I miss him too." Izuku muttered as he let himself cry.

In the distance, a drone watched the scene.

"And they're crying again. Hope Inko's wearing the knife proof shirt beneath her clothes." the insomniac muttered as he watched his screen.

"So… definitely not a shapeshifter disguised as Izuku?" a girl asked as she played with her knife.

"No Changeling. Which is good since we don't need to deal with a third shapeshifting assassin's dead body this time. And don't you dare try to play the knife game on the table. It's brand new."

"So, what did you think the light show was about?"

"Looked like a movie, though it was behind the curtains to properly check."

"Might ask bomber boy perhaps?"

The insomniac rolled his eyes.

"Do you think he'll just answer if we ask politely?"

The blond girl sighed.

"True. Still no sign of papa dearest?" she asked with a sarcastic tone at the end.

"Nope. No sign of a shapeshifter in the city." the insomniac then spinned his chair before stopping, "Can't you bother someone else? Like the runaway fireman?"

"Eh, Dabi's busy at his cover job. So, think you'll get that special recommendation spot for UA? Like, can you even fight well?"

"I might be mission control here but I got Izanami and you guys looking out for me."

The insomniac stood up.

"But you got a point. Let's go do some training, with baton sticks. Izanami wouldn't like it if you hurt someone with that knife of yours."

The girl pouted.

"Fine. Maybe we can order some pizza delivery after for everyone."

"Sure, pizza sounds good."

Shinsou and Toga then headed to the training room for some practice.

Later that night, Izuku went to his old room. It was kept clean and spotless. Izuku pulled out his old All Might action figure from his bag, kept clean and repainted in he years, and placed it next to the other toys.

He went to touch the ancient ham radio and recalled when his father showed him how it worked.

He then laid down on his old bed and looked at the glow-in-the-dark stars on the ceiling. He wondered what to do with his bedroom before he fell asleep.

Inko, on the other hand, remained awake in her bedroom.

She went to her wardrobe, pulled out a separate phone, and called a particular number.

"Hello dear. Sorry for the late call. But…" Inko found herself unable to say it directly, "I was given new information from my son. There's been a change of plans. I'll try to update on you with as much as I can, but it seems that some things are blocked for me to say. But I will try to go around it. Same bar as before? Of course. Tomorrow night then. I love you too dear."

Inko ended the call, hid her other phone, and sat on her bed with a smile on her face.
Black Hole Sun
Inko Midoriya

Said date in the bar was postponed due to Izuku went out into the city without a care in the world.

Inko, of course, got updated on her son's whereabouts from Argus' drone as she had to deal with a restraining order on her son by some local hero agency.

She knew they meant well but that was just taking too far in her opinion.

Of course, she kept her rage at the strings being pulled by the independent media by the MLA. Fortunately, due to her husband's influence, such news remained in the fringes of mainstream thought and politics in the country.

But they're pushing back.

After all, there's already liberated nations, very problematic nations like the pan-nationalist Union of Liberated Slavic Republics, the quirk supremacist African People's Liberation Front, and the imperialistic Liberated Andean Empire, so proper containment was necessary.

Some high profile news reports showcasing the horrors of the so called Liberation was needed but dealing with true believer fanatics was difficult, to say the least. That and protecting the news reporters sent abroad.

But that's the problem for tomorrow.

Today, a week after dealing with the news agencies and reconnecting with her son, her wonderful son as he regaled to him his frankly hard to believe experiences, she arrived at the bar.

Already she heard tango music playing from the music player as tonight was a special occasion. Her husband and partner wanted to celebrate the return of her son, his stepson. Still too early to meet face to face, they both decided.

She looked at her hand at the pair of wedding rings, one stained silver simple and stylized with symbols of stars stenciled onto it, the other sporting an emerald upon a golden frame.

Her husband understood not wanting to let go of the past, no matter how painful it was.

She walked in with her dark green dress and hair tied up into bun held together with pointy metal chopsticks. She hoped she wouldn't need those again. It's quite a mess to clean up that way.

She walked into the bar with grace and control as she smiled at the other patrons.

They're all in their best behavior and at their closest attempts in formal wear.

At the center of bar was a table lit with candles and her husband patiently waiting.

Inko took her seat as Kurogiri poured the cold wine onto their glasses.

"Shall we begin dinner with a toast, my dear?" her husband said with a grin.

"To celebrate the return of my son, my love?" Inko replied, returning the grin.

The wine glasses chimed before the couple began their meal.

Everyone around them chatted about Izuku and his chaos, and speculated about his quirk.

Her stepson looked more resigned about something while his friends chatted about her son's whirlwind of exploits. At least this time, they technically were within baseline human ability, going from scene to scene to stop crime, accidents, and potential disasters.

From what he told her of his enhancements, it would seem like magic, or her husband in a more young and reckless form.

Already she could see the doctor tapping his fingers, wanting a sample of her son's DNA to analyze. She simply told him that his secrets are his to give, though he's free to try to get it. Izuku thought of it as good exercise.

Inko frowned at the thought. He already had the stars he and his father dreamt of. Despite being his mother, he never really did what he was told. It made sense, for it was practically ten years since they last saw each other. Whoever raised him was more of a parent than she was.

The gentle touch of a hand woke her from her thoughts.

"Are you worried, my queen?" her husband asked softly.

Inko chuckled, wiping away her tears.

"Can't a mother worry for her children? Especially one who could have stayed where he was?"

"He is quite an enigmatic star of society at the moment. My sources were already hearing whispers of people talking about him in certain halls of power and influence around the world. Most of them making their agenda filled reasoning."

"Curious on how he became that much of a topic."

"There's a couple thousand or so individuals with some form of future sight quirk, my love. All of them usually made to work for some person of power if they don't have protection or kept themselves hidden. One interesting thing I hear is the repeating mention of the watching stars. I am curious in what that means, my sweet Persephone."

"His secrets are his to keep and give, my brave Hades. Though his plans are long and he is against our enemies on principle."

The music changed to a different tune as her husband stood up.

"Let him wait for his prey then. You taught me proper patience and subtlety, my love. That is one thing he got from you." he showed his hand with its stigmata like wound on his palm. "For now, a dance of passion for the Lord and Lady of Yomi."

Inko blushed as she stood up and grabbed her husband's hand.

She ignored her stepson's groans as they danced their tango.

The steps were slow and simmering at the start while a spotlight shone upon them.

Her husband kissed her hand, going up to her shoulder before a soft kiss on the lips.

Despite the size difference between the two, Inko stood firm in the dance, leading at times as their steps grew wild.

But Inko held on tight as she felt her modest partner's muscles beneath his old fashion suit.

The first dip and Inko took the first kiss on her husband's neck.

She managed to unbutton his blazer before he spinned her around to stop her.

But she held firm as she grabbed on his shoulder and slapped him on the cheek with a grin and a kiss on the lips before leading him on.

The second dip and she held on her husband tightly on her arm.

The momentary look of shock on his face was always delicious.

He then retook the lead as they swayed and stepped their dance.

Inko purred as she smiled in the tango.

Her husband smiled as he gently caressed her jaw.

Final dip, and a long kiss that soon spread everywhere for a moment.

The two looked at each others' eyes.

Inko gazed at her husband's dark irises, falling into its event horizon. While Hisashi's soft pale eyes shone like Polaris, her husband's harden dark eyes sucked everything into them.

"That was exhilarating, my Izanami." her husband whispered.

"All for you, my Izanagi." Inko whispered back as the two kept gazing at each other.

"No, all for you, my one and only, my spring goddess." her husband then pulled her up and only then did Inko noticed Toga's cheering at them for the dance, with a few members of Yomi clapping in celebration.

"Well, now that pleasure is finished." Inko turned to the crowd with a harden grin. "It's time for business."

Katsuki Bakugou

Katsuki doubled down on the training. The UA entrance exams was coming up and he needed to be at his best.

Given what he knew of Deku's enhancements, it basically meant that he got a cheat sheet towards first place and if there's one thing Bakugou was not, it's being a cheater.

Though, there are some enhancements anyone and their cat would want, and he would be lying if he said he wasn't tempted with the idea of making Deku give him an enhancement.

Of course, Deku hid what his enhancements really were with his religious sounding star nonsense.

'To live as long as a red dwarf' has to mean some sort of immortality but not what kind.

'To tug at the strings of chance' has to mean some sort of luck power.

'To be an equal to any beast of land, sea, and air' has to mean some sort of animal based mutation.

To have one power was typical. Quirks were varied in what they do. But to have them all and more, and have it all practically standardized and be enhanced to have them? It just sounded too good to be true.

Katsuki couldn't help but feel there was more to all this than just some powerful practically alien society just pulling lost civilizations up through pity.

He definitely didn't need pity from anyone. Let alone a god of some sort.

Katsuki used that anger in his training, punching at the home punching bag auntie bought him all those years ago, mostly as a way to curb his anger. In Katsuki's opinion, it did help in the training for heroism.

At least he began to see Deku as a rival, someone that would help push him more towards the top.

The fact that Deku had an ulterior plan for heroism just painted him to be just like auntie in his eyes. Despite not being around for a decade, the apple didn't fell far from the tree.

That's when Katsuki decided on what sort of hero he should be.

Forthright, direct, and in their face. No half truths and hidden motives for being a hero.

'Let Deku play spy games for his alien masters.' he thought as he placed more focus on his training, 'I'll get to the top before then.'

Toshinori Yagi

After a few weeks since Izuku Midoriya's sudden return and the resulting hero agencies and government watching him like a hawk, the interest slowly died down.

Of course, his file stated that he was most likely a victim of an international child trafficking ring and a possible religious cult upbringing with his quirkless status making it easier to cover up his disappearance. Toshinori used his influence as All Might to push for stronger protections for minorities, including the quirkless. The resulting political backlash was expected as fringe elements of the media criticized him for 'manipulating politicians'.

Ever since he killed All for One in that battle many years ago, Toshinori rested a bit more often. Of course, justice didn't rest, especially when Yomi won the underground power struggle after AFO's defeat. But at least he could stop and enjoy the peace he brought to the country in his capacity as the country's number one hero.

It was during such a rest, sitting at a bench by the trash filled Dagobah beach, reminiscing about times gone by, that Toshinori saw Izuku Midoriya casually entering said trash filled beach.

Toshinori knew of the boy's reputation for vigilantism in all but name but he also knew of the boy's reputation as a rising star in quirkless rights.

There were attempts to spin his quirkless vigilantism as simply lying about a lack of a quirk by certain members of the public. But counter arguments would be made both in the media and online. Izuku's convincing arguments about his quirklessness when asked by reporters pushed the issue towards the fringes of online debate.

Still, the boy also had a reputation of being at the wrong place at the wrong time, or the right place at the right time depending on one's perspective, when it came to accidents and villain attacks.

A visit to the trash filled Dagobah beach screamed potential villain attack location and Toshinori followed behind the boy, not wanting harm to come to even the danger prone quirkless boy.

Among the trash piles, Toshinori saw something unusual.

Izuku was putting large objects into his bag that really shouldn't fit in a relatively small backpack.

Nearby was a strange arrangement of what looked like metal blocks, all neatly arranged at the points of a circle on the sand. Said circle appeared to be ritualistic in appearance, with cables connecting the blocks acting like the lines of a magic circle.

"You know," Izuku said as he placed another piece of junk into his bag, "It's impolite to stalk behind an innocent child and stare in silence in a place people rarely go to. Might give people the wrong impression of you."

Toshinori couldn't help but choke out some blood.

Izuku stopped what he was doing and went to Toshinori. It was surreal given how he was being manhandled by a teenager.

"Stay still and calm down sir while I do a basic physical checkup." Izuku said in an almost automatic manner. "You can trust me. I'm a Squire of the Knights of the Hospital- my apologies, that was a bit of an automatic response by now. Hmm, I only have basic first aid training but given the level of damage to your internal organs and a lack of regeneration enhancement, you require extensive regeneration treatments. Whoever did your surgery and healing was very sloppy, mixed with you clearly going against the need to rest and recuperate given the level of scar tissue formed on, around, and in the wounds. That only resulted in counterproductive long term harm. I can sense tiny bones poking what's left of your liver, causing extensive scarring in here. Not to mention the bone fragments in your lungs. I'm surprised you didn't die from drowning with blood in your lungs sir. You should be in extensive care and healing."

Toshinori stayed silent in shock, wondering how Izuku managed to figure out his injuries almost instantly.

"Given the level of natural healing, I guess it's been a couple of years since what caused these injuries. The emergency personnel who found you must have found you quickly given the extent of the damage would have caused you to die from blood loss in a couple of minutes at least. Then again, quirks is a potential game changer. There are some things about quirks that surpass even what the stars have…"

Izuku then looked up in surprise. Toshinori watched Izuku's face went from confusion to shock to intrigue before nodding in agreement.

"Very well," Izuku then turned to Toshinori, "The stars foretold potential futures unrealized to me. Like the quantum foam, the possibilities are revealed. But the human mind can not process so many directions one's fate can take, and so it is limited and blurs in time. It is rare for the visions of the stars to agree on this."

Izuku grinned as he walked to the center of the metal blocks, grabbed his backpack, and raised it up.

"I call upon the stars for a panacea, to heal those worthy of the stellar light upon this world." the metal blocks began to glow as something slowly rose from the bag, twinkling and golden. The glowing faded as Izuku then grabbed what looked like two small golden eggs. He then gave them to Toshinori.

"Take one and your injuries shall slowly heal themselves. The stars grant me a limited blessing of such a caliber. It must be taken completely to take proper effect. Once used, it has a limited lifespan and it would use your stamina to conduct such repairs. I suggest eating a full meal before using it."

Izuku then walked around a trash pile. Toshinori tried to follow but when he turned to chase the boy, he vanished.

He sighed as he walked to the exit. There was a bright glow behind him and turned around, only to find the mysterious circle of metal blocks disappear, as well as the lines on the sand.

Growing tired at the headache inducing mysteriousness, Toshinori looked at the two small eggs, which looked more like translucent pills filled with a golden syrup in closer inspection, and called someone for help. Might send one egg for analysis while keeping the other, just in case.

No one could notice Izuku's invisible grin within the cloaked circle.

Deika City, Japan

A man watched many screens showing news around the world, focused on the results of a number of Liberation groups slowly attaining their goals.

They had to be careful though. Last thing they want was the nations of the world uniting against the inevitable World Liberation.

Political groups dividing governments under the banner of personal freedoms and liberties. Media groups convincing the masses of their truths. Mercenaries, criminals, and terrorist groups eliminating enemies of the Liberation. Hordes of online commentators and hackers all fighting the war against the Liberation in the internet, taking down opposing thoughts, silencing negative comments, ruining people's lives for being against the inevitable.

But he knew the Liberation was breaking apart because of its own success.

The Eastern European faction was more conservative and thus stable but was pushing its etho-nationalist ideals over the Liberation.

The African faction was more radical and egalitarian in its socialistic leanings but were experts in asymmetrical warfare and social efforts.

The Andean faction was more reactionary and imperialistic but were loyal to the Liberation despite its pro-native apartheid.

The World Liberation needed a strong guiding hand before it collapsed into infighting, his guiding hand.

He shall finish what his father started.

He shall see his father's vision come into fruition.

The dream of a global quirk liberation shall be realized.

A world where the strong rose to prominence, where people entitled to their rightful place were rewarded, where one's standing was defined by the strength and purity of one's quirk.

He shall usher the utopia of the metahuman instead of the social cages the nearly dead quirkless placed to protect themselves against the next step of human evolution, against the inevitable.

For his name is Re-Destro, son of Destro, the founder and martyr of the World Liberation.

He looked down at the report about the newest piece on the board.

Izuku Midoriya.

He ordered to his people to keep an eye on him.
"To answer your question Kacchan, my future selves told me where everything is. There's no wide wave of quantum possibilities from knowing where things are so it's easy for me to tell myself where mom put the things for tea."
You gave Izuku Chronotech? That stuff is bonkers.
I mean, I met a guy who made himself into a space whale living in a sun just cause it sounded interesting
That's either a Stardweller or Nanori, nobody else has the mastery of biology to do that.

Izuku being a hospitlar is certainly a good fit, but it feels like you made him a Stardweller to justify showing off the most tech, especially as thisis probably the Patent Office since the Transcendentals exist.

The only other vive that would actively monitor cargo cults are the League, the Logicians, and the Perpetua. But the Perpetua are paranoid AF, and the Logicians wouldn't have any reason to initiate contact. My money is on Stardwellers (or to give the full formal name The Illustrious Stardwelling Armada), which feels like the boring option, especially since Chronotech is in play.
You gave Izuku Chronotech? That stuff is bonkers.

That's either a Stardweller or Nanori, nobody else has the mastery of biology to do that.

Izuku being a hospitlar is certainly a good fit, but it feels like you made him a Stardweller to justify showing off the most tech, especially as thisis probably the Patent Office since the Transcendentals exist.

The only other vive that would actively monitor cargo cults are the League, the Logicians, and the Perpetua. But the Perpetua are paranoid AF, and the Logicians wouldn't have any reason to initiate contact. My money is on Stardwellers (or to give the full formal name The Illustrious Stardwelling Armada), which feels like the boring option, especially since Chronotech is in play.

I did try to limit the techs at level 2 with a few at 3 and stay within the boundaries of what describes and the techs he could get.

He met a Stardweller, not that he's one himself. He's still a Cargo Cultist, just one farther away in how close one is to the culture.

The time period is actually post Patent Office. I took the main setting and guessed what might happen in sometime in the future.

Hence the whole UN type organization on Cargo Cult uplifting, the Tao of Alternate History splitting off from the mainstream Tao of History. The Tao of Alternate History are those who want to experience the what ifs, there's a country that made itself to answer what if America turned socialist, another where Germany won WW1, and so on, another where the Inca empire made it to the future as a defining culture.
God's Janitors might have been a better fit for Izuku than Hospitlars.

Let me take a few guesses as to things.
Since the world of BNHA is a Cargo Cult rather than Old Worlder, they've got Stringtech 2 and the usual benefit. (For those unfamiliar with the other side of the crossover, Stringtech is used to manipulate the physical universe. Well, Nanotech is too, but Stringtech is what you use when you want a glacier in the middle of a city.)
Izuku is using Amateur expertise, but has Chronotech 3, and is thus also Temporal.

And unrelated to the main story, but did the Tao of Alternate History arise from the Tao of History interacting with the CAPP? And have the Heterolinguists become a full-fledged Civ rather than a society?
God's Janitors might have been a better fit for Izuku than Hospitlars.

Let me take a few guesses as to things.
Since the world of BNHA is a Cargo Cult rather than Old Worlder, they've got Stringtech 2 and the usual benefit. (For those unfamiliar with the other side of the crossover, Stringtech is used to manipulate the physical universe. Well, Nanotech is too, but Stringtech is what you use when you want a glacier in the middle of a city.)
Izuku is using Amateur expertise, but has Chronotech 3, and is thus also Temporal.

And unrelated to the main story, but did the Tao of Alternate History arise from the Tao of History interacting with the CAPP? And have the Heterolinguists become a full-fledged Civ rather than a society?

From what I understand from my readings, God's Janitors are more like clean up and reconstruction than actually helping people directly, which doesn't mesh with Izuku wanting to be a hero to help people.

Terra Ultima, Izuku's home world, would technically be in tech 1 in most with a few at tech 2, if it wasn't for quirks being what they are. Hence why the civilizations are looking at the uplift closely.

Izuku has no temporal profession expertise if I recall the character sheet correctly.

Not sure on the Heterolinguists, but the Tao of Alternate History was more like a subculture of the main Tao that has different ideas on history reenactment, especially since there's limited big historical roles all taken up by the immortal stars. They split off relatively cleanly. The relationship is best describes as a sibling leaving their sibling's home for their own place. They're now friendly allied competitors on cultural products.

I see there being three main subcultures in the Tao. Historical reenactors are the main culture. Alternate history fans are the next. And the general history punks are next, like cyberpunk, steampunk, etc. The punks moved with the Tao of Alternate History.
From what I understand from my readings, God's Janitors are more like clean up and reconstruction than actually helping people directly, which doesn't mesh with Izuku wanting to be a hero to help people.
God's Janitors also get advantage in Crisis Control. Which, if I understand how BNHA labels things, would be "Rescue heroes", since Crisis Control is the skill that one uses for things like firefighting, extracting people from natural disasters, dealing with bloom events and other outbreaks, hazmat, paramedic/EMT and so on. Now, granted, often times they show up after an event to fix things, but that that doesn't mean they aren't capable of helping during, or even working to prevent said event.

Hospitlars are better at convincing people they are there to help, God's Janitors are better at some aspects of helping.

(And strictly speaking, if Terra Ultima has more than one tech at 2 in the scale 2E uses, it's no longer a Cargo Cult. :V Plus *punk seems more like an aesthetic that Stardwellers, Masqueraders, and Mechanicans would adopt rather then something a splinter of the Tao would get up to. I do like that someone is doing something with SA, since the fandom is very small.)
God's Janitors also get advantage in Crisis Control. Which, if I understand how BNHA labels things, would be "Rescue heroes", since Crisis Control is the skill that one uses for things like firefighting, extracting people from natural disasters, dealing with bloom events and other outbreaks, hazmat, paramedic/EMT and so on. Now, granted, often times they show up after an event to fix things, but that that doesn't mean they aren't capable of helping during, or even working to prevent said event.

Hospitlars are better at convincing people they are there to help, God's Janitors are better at some aspects of helping.

(And strictly speaking, if Terra Ultima has more than one tech at 2 in the scale 2E uses, it's no longer a Cargo Cult. :V Plus *punk seems more like an aesthetic that Stardwellers, Masqueraders, and Mechanicans would adopt rather then something a splinter of the Tao would get up to. I do like that someone is doing something with SA, since the fandom is very small.)

The reasoning why Izuku went with Hospitallers is two-fold. The Doylist reason is that Izuku shouldn't be too OP or the story would get boring hence why he's not at tech 5 in everything and why he's more on the 'subtle influence', if still weird in his people's opinion, method than being completely alien 'take me to your leader' method. The Watsonian reason is mostly due to when he decided to take his junior internship when he was roughly 10-ish. Knights of the Hospital sounds cooler than God's Janitors, either way he helps people.

From what I understand, Cargo Cults are called that because they're socially and technologically stuck. One example Cargo Cult was a Russian cyberpunk world, another was a DnD style fantasy world. MHA canon said that they were practically socially and technologically stuck when quirks appeared.

I mean, the given civilizations are all based on a rough general idea. The Stardwellers were originally sci-fi fans, Tao were originally historical reenactors. Who's to say the *punks wouldn't develop a whole culture to themselves within the Tao of History civilization. Out of the three subcultures, the *punks would have the most trouble with unity if they decide to be their own civilization though.

I even thought of a civilization similar to the Mechanicans in ideals but going on genetics and biology that were originally the furry fandom. The United Planets of Furran, who believes in the brain being the defining thing of what makes one human and are very tolerant on morphological freedom. Said civilization is also reaching a crisis point since the various subcultures are all different beyond the whole 'freedom of organic form and body' thing.

I'm a fan of transhumanist RPGs in general. The 'space whale living in a sun' line was a reference to Eclipse Phase. I like the game but I wanted to use a transhumanist RPG that's less on the built-in horror, hence Sufficiently Advanced.
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A Comet Upon the Crystal Spheres
Katsuki Bakugou

It soon became a routine as Deku kept on doing his weird habit of helping people in the strangest of ways. Most of them were normal, the more serious ones were more surreal. Seemed that Deku couldn't hide his enhancements when there were people in need of help.

The media moved on after a couple of days, shifted to a new topic after the novelty wore off.

Beyond that, Deku took government approved online classes and passed them all easily. Which made sense given he basically got his brain partially upgraded.

It was still hard to fully grasped at how much Deku changed since he disappeared.

Still, he had to try.

If Deku was telling the truth about his alien overlords, then he needed to relate to people on this world.

It had to be him, since he's pretty sure his mom now led a yakuza clan after Deku left, with his parents now her top enforcers. Not to mention Deku's Dekuness.

It was honestly impossible to tell if that whole star worship thing was just code or literal unless he said that it was all an act.

In all honesty, Katsuki still wondered why Deku even came back after living his dream for more than ten years.

The thought popped up from time to time as the lead up to the UA entrance exam rolled up.

On the day of the entrance exam, Deku looked more serious than he usually saw him.

"Something the matter Deku?" he asked as the train ride continued to UA. He could tell the people nearby were listening, trying to get some info about Deku but screw them.

"The stars told me today is a day of great significance."

"Like, no shit, it's the UA entrance exam."

Deku shook his head.

"There is a possibility that a person's star will change, maybe even blink out of the sky."

"Deku, it's an entrance exam. I doubt they'll let something that dangerous happen, if that's what you meant."

"We shall see where the probabilities lie." Deku replied. Which was as helpful as telling that water is wet in Bakugou's opinion.

They soon reached their stop and watched the tall UA building before them.

As Katsuki went ahead, he overheard some commotion behind him.

A look back showed Deku floating for a bit while some round faced girl chatted with him about tripping and using her quirk on him.

She waved good luck before running ahead. Katsuki could only look at Deku with a raised eyebrow.

"You tripped up on purpose didn't you." Katsuki knew how bullshit Deku's foresight thing was.

Deku just smiled and that answered that.

The written exam was easy in Katsuki's opinion. After that was the practical exam portion.

The instructions were given by Present Mic, which was cool. The interruption by a guy in glasses with a stick up his ass was less so. Honestly, can't the guy be fucking patient instead of going on and on about the quality of the instructions?

After that mess, they were assigned their areas for practical exam.

"Looks like we're going to separate zones." Katsuki said as they look at their given zones.

"Seems we will. Good luck Kacchan."

Katsuki scoffed at that.

"I don't need luck. I'm gonna beat this."

Deku simply nodded and they went on their separate ways.

Toshinori Yagi

Toshinori felt better. More than better really. After sending one of the strange pills to be analyzed, he was given the preliminary results after a few weeks.

They didn't manage to find much beyond a simple health supplement with a large amount of iron. Because of that, Toshinori decided to take the remaining pill with a glass of water. It was probably fish oil in his opinion and he couldn't say no to a fan worried about his health.

Toshinori then sighed to himself as he snapped out of that thought and focused at the profiles on the table.

He and Mirio declined on Sir Nighteye's rather forced suggestion to make Mirio his successor. Mirio gently reasoned that he'll need even more time and training to adjust to the changes of his quirk by the power boost and the additional power, not to mention how strange it would look when he'll develop a mutation that late in life and in the final year of high school.

"The written exams are about to be finished All Might." Nedzu said as he took some of the student profiles away. Toshinori sighed as he gotten up from his seat. All For One may be dead but the aches and pains from the final battle remained. Though, it was aching less now that he focused on it. "It would be easier to see how they would handle in a controlled situation."

"Of course principal Nedzu."

"Thinking about what Mirio suggested?"

"His suggestion isn't unwise if that's what you're wondering, principal Nedzu. Picking a first year and training them with both their boosted quirk and One For All hidden as a side effect of training is a good plan. I just worry if it's too early to subject them to such pressure."

"Of course, the power of legacy. I simply hope they won't try to emulate you too much. There is a need to build up towards a better future, not just to simply maintain the status quo."

"Worried about the state of global politics again?" Toshinori asked as they left the principal's office.

"It is something to worry about, especially the fears of the Quirk Liberation spreading."

"Fears? As in plural? Aren't they united as one bloc?"

Nedzu chuckled as the two headed to the observation room.

"They're only united in a rather shallow sense. Chipping at those bonds would take time. Seems that someone is keeping unity among them."

"Strange. We would have heard of someone that charismatic." Toshinori muttered as he thought of his new focus dealing with extremists after he killed All For One those many years ago.

"A charismatic individual could work but a well functioning organization could also help maintain unity."

Toshinori sighed as intrigue was always a blindside of his. That was more Nedzu's and Sir Nighteye's area of expertise. The two entered the observation room as the teachers and staff watched the testing area.

The two took their seats as they readied themselves for the test.

Izuku Midoriya

Izuku closed his eyes and took some deep breaths as he planned ahead. Even with the enhancements on his cognition, he couldn't look through every message from his future selves. Mikumo selected the top ten high probability plans to pass the test by defeating as many robots as possible. Most of them required revealing some of his enhancements. Another top ten low probability plans required either revealing most of his enhancements or none at all with less certainty in passing by the lower amount of defeated robots. That didn't count on the fact that there's hundreds of other plans from his future selves that weren't properly analyzed. Even with his enhanced mental speed, his time was limited.

He sighed as he opened his eyes.

"We'll go with whatever works at the moment then."

The test began and Izuku ran into the fray ahead of everyone else.

He began to mentally multitask, mapping out the area, smashing some robots, turning to save some unlucky testers from harm as pointed out by his future selves, and more. Using his controlled biofeedback system, he turned on his enhancements on his senses, particularly the ones that made him sense electromagnetic fields, making it easier to spot any robots. He retracted his claws out to slash at the weak spots on the robots.

Izuku got an update that someone in need of help within a minute. He leaped up the broken wall and landed on the robot that was about to hurt a blonde guy from behind.

"Merci beaucoup!" the guy thanked him in French.

"Try to be aware of your surroundings. Your quirk is limited to one direction so spacial awareness is necessary for you." Izuku replied in French after a momentary analysis on the guy's belly laser.

"I'll keep that in mind, thank you." the guy said with a sparkle before he ran off to defeat more robots.

"Still not sure if I'm okay with such a carefree attitude in this line of work." Izuku muttered to himself before shaking his head off the notion. "Good for morale and all that. Not to mention cultural differences."

Izuku refocused himself to the task at hand and leaped over a broken wall, ambushing another robot.

Toshinori Yagi

Toshinori watched the screens as they worked hard glancing at every prospective student and observing how they'll go. The usual way was looking through the recordings but it was helpful to get a basic idea on how they react in real time, letting instinct and intuition help in the assessment.

"Wow, this kid must have some powerful quirk or something." one of the teachers said as he looked at a familiar green haired kid.

"Hmm, keep an eye on him. That's Midoriya Izuku. He's still under investigation on who kidnapped him and what happened to him." Aizawa said as some of the camera drones turned to see Izuku in different angles.

"Strange. It looks like he has different quirks there. Another copy quirk perhaps?"

"Except he claimed to be quirkless and it was confirmed to be true. The current theory is some group abroad committing illegal genetic experiments on quirkless children with Midoriya being either an escapee or an agent." Aizawa said.

"That seems a little extreme, don't you think?" Toshinori said.

"We can't be biased here. Midoriya disappeared for a decade and returned committing acts of quirkless vigilantism. And now we have evidence of either him fooling a detective with a truth quirk or he was used as a genetic test subject of some kind abroad. That's somebody else's problem however, but since Midoriya returned and trying to enroll to UA, what he's doing if he's in is our problem."

"Very logical as expected." Principal Nedzu said with a grin as he looked at the videos showing Izuku saving other examinees and destroying robots. "Given the points he's earning in both rescue and villain points, he's guaranteed to be in the program. We simply can't deny him without people asking questions as to why at this point."

"Well, it's almost time for the zero pointers to- what the?" one of the technical staff said as she noticed one of the screens for the zero pointers was simply static. She tried to check if it was a camera problem as the zero pointers were released on time. "Principal Nedzu! We may have a problem!" she shouted when she noticed the controls weren't working while observing the zero pointer's erratic movements. "We've lost control of one of the zero pointers!"

"Is anyone harmed in its movements?" Nedzu asked as everyone turned to the screens and saw the rogue zero pointer moving with apparent intent.

"Not yet but it's only time…" the technician said as the technical crew started trying to find a way to regain control of the rogue bot.

"Get Recovery Girl and some teachers into the test area, be discreet and say that it's part of the test, a simulated teamwork experience perhaps. Make sure the students stay away from the zero pointer and help out anyone harmed near it." Nedzu ordered as everyone ran into position, with some heroes left in the control room. Nedzu was already thinking on how this debacle happened. "Power Loader," he said after a moment of thought, "I want you and the technical crew to inspect every zero pointer for anything unusual as well as a check on the manufacturing company. If my hunch is correct, we're lucky that it's just the zero pointers that were outsourced."

"You're thinking that we were hacked?" Aizawa asked.

"Probably through a long term trojan than a detailed hack into the school."

The screens then shown Izuku helping out a young girl whose ankle got trapped in the rubble. He lifted the rubble easily while the girl stood up with some difficulty.

"The zero pointer's going to their position!" one of the technical crew shouted.

"I should-" Toshinori started as he tried to head to the door.

"Don't All Might. It's possible that whoever is causing this wanted to bait you out."

"You sure about that principal?" Toshinori asked.

"It's less likely than the individual or group wanting to see how much Izuku could do." Nedzu said, eyes stuck to the screen analyzing every detail.

The screen shown the look of terror on the girl's face while Izuku impassively looked at the zero pointer. Toshinori knew he couldn't run out in time to stop what's happening.

They watched Izuku sighed with a serious look on his face, muttered something while the girl stood behind him, and raised his right hand in a gun gesture. His eyes glancing at the whole zero pointer while his right arm stilled. Time seemed to slow as the right pointer finger shot what seemed to be laser beams, shooting at the precise spots to disable the rogue zero pointer, as well as the robot's camera and power box.

Everyone watched the screen in silent shock as Izuku blew the smoke from his finger before he smiled and turned to focus on the girl.

"We have that on record correct?" Nedzu asked the technical crew.

"In many different angles, sir." the technician answered which made them return to work.

"Well, it's going to an interesting batch of students coming in." Nedzu said with a calculating smile.

"Principal Nedzu." Toshinori said as his eyes was watching the screen showing Recovery Girl being carried to the two by a running Cementoss.

"Yes All Might?" Nedzu asked as Toshinori then looked around at the school staff and remaining teachers.

"... We might need a more private setting for this." Toshinori said before he glanced at Aizawa. "You should join us, Eraserhead, perhaps Vlad King as well, just in case. I might need to call Tsukauchi as well."

"We'll meet in my office in an hour or two then. I'm sure you can refine your hypothesis until then." Nedzu said. Toshinori nodded, glanced at the screen showing Recovery Girl talking to Izuku, before he went out to call Detective Tsukauchi.

The hours of waiting felt like years as Toshinori's mind wandered, trying to figure out what was going on with Midoriya Izuku.

He waited in Nedzu's office, soon filled with Eraserhead, Vlad King, Recovery Girl, Power Loader, Detective Tsukauchi, and Principal Nedzu himself.

Once everyone was seated, Nedzu calmed the whispers among them.

"Thank you, now, All Might, please share your thoughts."

"What I am about to tell you is very top secret information. There was a villain named All For One who could give and take quirks. Born some years into the quirk era, he was a power hungry man who used his quirk into forming a private army until the hero system was adopted and he fought against it. He took an immortality quirk granting himself practically eternal life, with uncountable stolen quirks in the passing of years he could had live as a god-emperor but me, my mentor, and a line of heroes before her up to the original bearer of the quirk, a quirk he couldn't steal and the wielder willingly pass on, fought him off. I killed him years ago."

The thought of All Might killing anyone shocked Eraserhead, Vlad King, and Power Loader, the others were already in the know.

"It was a pyrrhic victory however." All Might said as he deflated and revealed his great bluish-purple scar. "I nearly died in the fight." the shocked looks on Recovery Girl's, Tsukauchi's, and Nedzu's faces were new.

"All Might. Your wound, it looked healed a bit." Recovery Girl said as she stood up for a closer look. "It's only at the edges of the scar but there's a line of healed skin around it."

"W-what?" Toshinori said as he looked as his scar. Around the bluish-purple scar was a line of pinkish healed skin, like the scar was fading away bit by bit. "Well, we'll talk about that later." he covered up the scar. "Anyway, the villain could not only give and take quirks but also use it. The sight of young Midoriya's quirk-"

"He's legally quirkless, though there's a number of people pushing for changing his status just to legally prosecute him." Eraserhead interrupted.

"That's what worries me. No one could explain how he managed to shoot lasers from his finger other than a quirk but I'm sure you all noticed the subtler shifts. How he managed to simply land a hit on a robot or rescue someone about to be harmed by a robot, padded punches notwithstanding. I could only see my old sidekick using his quirk while fighting from his movements, and one trained with a quirk like that when it comes to fighting."

"You believe Midoriya Izuku is related to All For One and possibly inherited the same quirk, possibly having is own collection of quirks in the process." Nedzu summarized.

"Yes. Father, grandfather, drunken one night stand, I'm not sure on the relation, if it even exist."

"It might be related to the illegal genetic experiment idea going around. Quirkless child kidnapped, put under genetic experiments, perhaps even indoctrinated into the group that kidnapped him." Eraserhead added.

"All For One did had illegal medical bases in my hunt for him."

"You think they're connected?" Vlad King asked.

"Maybe, but all of the bases were within Japan."

"And Midoriya was likely taken by a foreign group, probably European given the name being the 'Knights of the Hospital'. I did a basic search online about it. The historical Knights Hospitaller was disbanded in the 1300's under heresy and claims of cannibalism and vampirism. Utterly false claims by the Greek king at the time to basically steal the wealth and books they ended up gathering. The Knights Hospitallers would end up being one of many groups pinned by conspiracy theorists in the later centuries like the Rosicrucians. I'm certain that this Knights Hospitaller group has no relation to the historical group and more using the imagery for the look of importance. Probably using the connection to health and medicine to their current activities. Illegal genetic experiments is logical within that hypothesis." Eraserhead said.

Everyone stayed silent for a moment to process the information.

"Well, since you're helping in the investigation, I'm sure you would be the excellent choice as Midoriya's homeroom teacher. A logical reason to look closely at the boy for anything suspicious." Nedzu said as he poured some tea for himself to drink.

Eraserhead simple groaned in agreement.

"I'll use my contacts for a closer look into the Midoriya family. Given that Midoriya Hisashi died in Hawaii in a villain attack and was a notable figure in pushing for an international moon base, we can cross him out from being connected to All For One." Tsukauchi stated.

"Didn't Mrs. Midoriya remarried?" Vlad King asked.

"Yes but given the possible but still theoretical relations between Izuku and All For One, the stepfather is outside of the list of suspects." Nedzu answered. "We'll continue this topic once we get more accurate information."

The meeting then moved to other pressing topics, particularly the suspicious hacking of one of the zero pointers.

Izuku Midoriya

Izuku was heading home when he saw some people in the apartment. One with poorly healed burns, a blonde girl roughly his age, an older guy with light teal hair, and his mom putting some snacks on the table. They seemed to be playing an old video game, by Izuku's standards.

"Oh, Izuku, did you had fun in the entrance exam?" she asked, to which the guy with light teal hair softly scoffed.

"I did. The warnings from the stars helped me prevent a tragedy. Though I was forced to reveal one of my more blatant enhancements upon the world."

Inko looked at him with worry.

"Would it be trouble in the long run?" she asked in a too calm tone.

"I am the herald of what is to come mom. It will be trouble no matter what form it'll take." Izuku said, glancing at the cityscape through the window.

"Well, your stepbrother and his friends decided to visit. Do you-"

"I apologize to interrupt but I would require one of my larger meals cooked and ready," Izuku glanced at the teal haired guy. "I used a mana intensive move in the exam and it drained my mana reserves so I'll need to eat a bit more mana refilling meals to heal me up properly."

The guy paused the game and turned to look at Izuku.

"Weird, I don't think you were told of my gaming lingo."

"The stars told me that you are receptive to gaming code. " Izuku replied.

"Stars? So you're a cleric then?" the guy asked as he headed to Izuku for a closer look. The other two followed behind him.

"I'm more of a warlock of the star pact. I used an eldritch blast a few times in protecting someone. I'm Izuku, and you three."

"Shigaraki Tomura, or perhaps Midoriya Tenko since I'm here."

Izuku tilted his head looking at Tenko.

"A Masquerader? Or at least one like one?" Izuku muttered to himself before he shrugged.

"I'm Toga Himiko!" the blonde said with a grin that shows her sharp fangs.

"Dabi." the scarred guy said.

"I can heal your scars if you so desire it. The stars are willing to grant a simple wish, even to alter one's form to look less like your father."

Dabi's eye minutely twitched.

"And how did you know about Dabi's daddy issues?" Tenko asked, keeping an arm between the two.

"Now kids," Inko interrupted, "Please be polite. Izuku, you can speak clearly to them. Tenko and his friends aren't a danger here." Inko then hugged her son. "They could help you in your mission." she whispered by his ear before she let go. "Trust me dear, please."

Izuku looked at the three before he sighed.

"I can't cause proper social reforms without connections within said society." Izuku said to himself before he looked at the trio with a hardened stare. "What I shall reveal is to be kept secret among us, to be induced into the glory of the stars without preparation can be blinding and maddening. But minor things are within allowance." Izuku said as he raised his hand at the direction of his room while Inko pulled the curtains, covering up the windows of the apartment.

The door unlocked itself and opened slowly, revealing utter darkness.

Izuku then spoke some command words in a language only he understood, Indokrit, which could be best described as a fusion of Old Lithuanian and Sanskrit. An additional layer of protection from any wandering ears added with the obfuscation of false mysticism.

Izuku knew his partial neural mesh meant he could simply wirelessly order the remote drones but it wouldn't be fun without special effects. Nadir's Technomagi training was rubbing off on him.

Glowing points of light slowly floated towards Izuku from the darkness of his room.

Izuku did some hand gestures while glancing at the trio's shocked faces, watching the glowing lights spun around him and forming what looked like lines and symbols upon his skin and clothes.

"Do the stars find favor upon us all tonight?" Izuku said like an acolyte of an unknowable godhead. It was silence for a moment before Inko sighed.

"Izuku, trust is a two way street."

"I understand mom, but some of my future selves warned me that I can't be taken seriously without a show of power." Izuku said as with a wireless order and a snap of his fingers the glow stopped, revealing them to be small metallic drones the size of fleas before they flew into the air and glowed once more with a snap of his fingers timed with a wireless order. "I am Midoriya Izuku, an agent from the Galactic Council tasked to alter human society, to ready it for first contact without causing either a war humanity will not win, be it against the council or each other."

It took the three a while to process what Izuku said after the show of what looked like actual magic. The sudden mental whiplash of magic to aliens took a bit more to process.

"W-wait, wait, you're telling me, us, that aliens are real and they decided to make you their agent to introduce humanity to the galactic community!?" Tenko managed to shout out.

"Technically, I volunteered. I'll show you some more of the races of the galaxy." Izuku said as he used his drones into giving a three dimensional light show about the aliens as well as an abridged version of his mission. Inko went to cook dinner as well as the high energy and high calorie meal Izuku needed due to his enhancements.

After showing off, Izuku sent the drones back into his room and the door closed by itself.

"The stars are generous. They can give you anything." he glanced at Toga. "A selection of blood from the cosmos." a glance at Dabi. "Total physical reformation to look as far from your father as possible as well as helping your family." a glance at Tenko, and on him his future selves were rather vague and conflicted on what he roughly wanted. "You could accept this quest to change the world for the better. Your choice after all. I'll be around and the quest remains open to you if you want more time to think about it."

The three soon packed up the game, said their goodbyes, and left to think about it. Inko and Izuku ate dinner, with Inko following the strange recipe from Izuku exactly, especially with the large serving sizes.

"Is it good?" Inko asked calmly.

"It's good mom." Izuku replied before he sighed. "Did I say the right thing to them?"

"I'm sure you know more with your knowledge from the future dear." Inko said, which Izuku shook his head.

"Even with chronotech, I'm limited in what to know and what to do. Mikumo gathered thousands of messages from possible futures, did basic scans and statistically organized them before giving twenty choices. Ten most likely futures with low risk average reward and ten less likely futures with high risk high reward. Not even my enhancements could make me think fast enough to look through all of the messages and choose the perfect choice. It also doesn't help that my choices alter the probabilities as well. If I consistently follow the messages of low risk average reward futures, they become more likely, the same if I went with the other set, since it shows I'm more likely to follow one set of futures, the same if I went with a random choice from the remaining messages. The Paradox of Knowledge and the Paradox of Obedience." Izuku said as he returned to eating.

"Well, personally, I think you're giving them too much that it becomes suspicious. Nothing is free after all."

"On this world perhaps, a significant majority of the civilizations are post-scarcity. Some things are inherently scarce like front row tickets to a show, but things like food, immortality, and the like are limited by tech and infrastructure."

"So you're telling me you've lived a life of privilege and so have no idea if you're overspending or not."

"I'm not exactly trained in the local culture." Izuku admitted. "Even though it's almost identical to Old Earth in history and culture up to a point. Superheroes and quirks aside."

"I'm sure we could go out, explore the city, properly experience it, instead of just doing what you do in helping people around the city. A week long rest, I could cook some katsudon to go with your meal."

"It sounds good." Izuku said with a smile. "We… we should visit dad's grave as well. I know I've been putting it off for too long."

Inko made a soft smile with him.

"Don't worry dear. When your stepfather has some free time, I'll help introduce you to him. He works in the media, might help you in your mission… I'm just wondering why you still did that magic act in front of Tenko and his friends. Don't you trust them?"

Izuku froze in eating his meal before he placed his chopsticks down.

"Mom. I trained in certain professions. Roughly a decade as a soldier, a year or two in crisis control, the same length in the police…" Inko hardened her heart at the idea of her son, her precious son, her baby boy, working those jobs at the age he was taken. It was moment until she noticed that he was staring at her. "I know the signs of one being a criminal, barely sure due to my relatively low memetic training, but enough to notice. I hope that one of the social changes I'll cause is a push towards the universal standard of rehabilitative justice in due time but I can tell they need proper therapy, to be properly rehabilitated." a moment of quiet. "The same with you, mom." Izuku muttered.

Inko steeled herself as she returned to her meal.

"It's hard to move on after what happened in Hawaii. I don't blame you sweetie. It was outside our control. I just want to be part of your life again, and you in my life. If you trust me."

Tears fell from Izuku's eyes.

"I do mom. I trust you. I'm just struggling to make the right ripples. I'm a comet heralding change, for good and for ill."

Inko placed her hand on Izuku's free hand.

"Don't worry Izuku. I'll be here to support you every step of the way. And you need all the support you can get."

"Thanks mom."

They soon finished their dinner. While Inko went to her bedroom to sleep, Izuku entered his room and wirelessly communicated to Mikumo.

'How's the comnet infiltration going on?'

'Slowly due to the need of subtly but I am spreading influence among multiple nations and corporations.'

'Good, readjust the algorithms to downplay supremacist and militant thinking and subtly slow down websites that promote such ideologies while promoting the proper mindsets and speed up the websites supporting that.'


'Continue your infiltration. The faster we unravel the Quirk Liberation, the faster we can influence social reform.'

Izuku the sighed as he lay down on his bed.

"I knew I should have focused on memetics training." he muttered to himself before he went to sleep.


I know it's out of character for Mirio but I couldn't help but imagine him being low key insulted if he was asked to inherit All Might's quirk. He was someone who was having trouble with his quirk at the start and managed to train it up to be controllable and useful, then at his last year in high school, and thus enter the pro hero profession, his mentor popped up and really suggested him to take and use All Might's quirk, practically putting him back on square one on training but also implying that his Permeation quirk never really mattered in the first place. I know he's a happy-go-lucky descendant/lookalike/reincarnation of Tintin but even he would have limits, though he would do it gently.

I headcanon that UA has more people around, like a full set of technical and medical crews ready, the same with other hero schools, by pure necessity of the training. We only get to see the same character(s) due to the needs of narrative putting emphasis on characters necessary to the plot, which results in Power Loader and Mei being the only tech people, Recovery Girl having a diverse set of medical licenses to do various operations despite having a power that is essentially 'make the booboos go away with a kiss', teachers for the other courses since it makes no sense for Present Mic, for example, to teach English for all classes in every year level, and so on.

Indokrit is a mix of Old Lithuanian and Sanskrit, an attempt at developing a language where Proto-Indo-European developed differently.

Izuku's Earth is seen being a faulty full historical reenactment for still unknown reasons. So there's some historical errors that appears to have smooth out in the local timeline. Like the solar system's planets named after Greek gods instead of their Roman names, the Knights Templar surviving while the Knights Hospitaller disbanded, or the Bavarian Illuminati surviving and influencing Freemasonry while the Rosicrucians were the ones persecuted instead.

There's still a big gap between Izuku and the culture of his home world so he's also having trouble reconnecting with the locals.
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"There is a possibility that a person's star will change, maybe even blink out of the sky."

"Deku, it's an entrance exam. I doubt they'll let something that dangerous happen, if that's what you meant."

"We shall see where the probabilities lie." Deku replied. Which was as helpful as telling that water is wet in Bakugou's opinion.
Sounds to me like someone needs to recalibrate their chronotech.
They watched Izuku sighed with a serious look on his face, muttered something while the girl stood behind him, and raised his right hand in a gun gesture. His eyes glancing at the whole zero pointer while his right arm stilled. Time seemed to slow as the right pointer finger shot what seemed to be laser beams, shooting at the precise spots to disable the rogue zero pointer, as well as the robot's camera and power box
Oh hey, some Loud Stringtech. That's already causing some waves. Just don't let Hatsume find out.
"A Masquerader? Or at least one like one?" Izuku muttered to himself before he shrugged.
Nah. Toga's the only one that even comes close, and she has to use a Quirk. A full Masquerader can pull that of just with speech patterns and body language.
Nadir's Technomagi training was rubbing off on him.
I'd forgotten about that. In addition to playing up the indistinguishability from magic, Technomages are really god at being subtle, and noticing when other people are trying to be subtle.
Can the Illustrious Stardwelling Armada get even more pretentious?
Can the Illustrious Stardwelling Armada get even more pretentious?

The Galactic Council part was a complete lie which Inko noticed since she knows the truth that the 'aliens' he shown to Tenko are humans with extreme body modification, hence her asking him about trust. Izuku, in a way, uses pseudo-mysticism as a way to hide his intentions from others. He's still struggling with culture shock both in settling down in one place for more than a month or two and living in a more low tech world.
Did she get remarried to All for One?

Cause that is the vibes I am getting right now and its even funnier when you take into account they left the Step dad out of the investigation.

Anyhow Clarktech style story really amuses and peaks my interest. Have fun and I look forward to seeing where you go with it.
Did she get remarried to All for One?

Cause that is the vibes I am getting right now and its even funnier when you take into account they left the Step dad out of the investigation.

Anyhow Clarktech style story really amuses and peaks my interest. Have fun and I look forward to seeing where you go with it.

It's pretty much blatant given stepbrother Shigaraki Tomura got introduced.

Technically, All For One is dead. Izanami has her Izanagi now.

Thanks for the support.