[X](Helen's Shopping Focus) Items to make the quest for Arnstey Keep easier. Adventuring supply alternatives, basically. Anything from weaponry, to tools, to medkits, to many ideas the QM isn't thinking of.
[X](Helen's Shopping Focus) Items to make the quest for Arnstey Keep easier. Adventuring supply alternatives, basically. Anything from weaponry, to tools, to medkits, to many ideas the QM isn't thinking of.
-[X]Focus on modern camping gear and overland supplies; canteens, trail rations, firestarters, modern flashlights (rechargable/hand-powered), rain ponchos, etc. In addition, some survival staples, like duct tape and lightwieght trail gear, perhaps a folding shovel. A full medical kit with anesthetics and disinfectants could be useful. If we can get them, flashbangs and grenades would be very useful for clearing large groups of enemies.
-[X]If we have extra cash, get some quality of life things. Silk underthings, clothes which could be fitted and enchanted in the other world, comission team colors. Also, a camera which works in the other world; you could probably make bank or have a killer blog showing off fantasy photos.
[X] (Helen's Shopping Focus) First steps towards bringing technology levels up in the area. Picking a specific technology to focus on is a challenge, and what options can be assisted with magic quite another - if only the submissive floof were a wizard - but starting to improve one area could improve lives greatly, which could put a strong downward pressure on the influence of villainy around these parts.