[X] Dig into Vanessa's blackmail stash and fight back, trying to threaten the people pressuring Judge Rester into compliance. Without the external pressure on her she'll fall back in line.
-[X] Bring in Travers - bring up the situation to Travers and consult with him on how blatantly and how hard to press on people. This isn't his home turf and he might not know the important people here as well as he knows them in England, but he's still the one with the most experience at this sort of thing. Avoid sharing all the blackmail with him, especially anything that seems really good, but don't hold so much back that it's obvious.
-[X] Get Willow to work her magic (literally) and dig up anything she can find on these people. Have her pass along the info right away to CyberWillow so she can focus on grabbing as much as fast as possible while CW sorts it.
-[X] If it looks like time is running out, tell Rester to call it off even if we haven't finished covering our bases. Hopefully by the time any of them get alerted and start going back to harass her, we'll have dealt with them.
[X] Do nothing, and let the justice system work. Losing Ethan to the Initiative and letting Jack out of jail seems dangerous, but they've been too outmaneuvered.