Stumbling Into Another World (IC Thread)

Rhys pulled his cane back to smack the human block that had stopped his test subject into the portal until he noticed another of the campers stumble on air and begin to fall into the portal. He put the cane back to use holding his weight as he smiled
Laurance caught Rhys action in the corner of his eye, he took note of it for later, if that bastard thought he could try to hit him, he was headed for a rude awakening.
"mr scientist please let me pass" Jason was not intimated by Laurence if anything he was amused at the attempt, but he volunteered to go and he will keep his word.
or well he would of if Kallen had not fell through it,he fell to the ground laughing.
Kallen was pretty sure that a portal that appeared out of nowhere was not part of the camp activities. Needless to say he, alongside everyone else, were curious about the little thing. As evident from the debate that was going on. He managed to ignore the conversations going around him as he slowly and silently crept towards the portal.
Kallen was a bit content to see the action unfold, but he slipped up when he tried to stop. It wasn't a rock or anything, he just tripped over his own feet. So it was a natural reaction for him to shut his eyes and hold his arms in front of him to brace for impact. The destination? Well he was a little too close to the portal to not go through it.
Laurence was about to respond to Jason challenge when another of the campers, Kallen he believed was his name, fell through, so big was his surprise that he did not react when the "troglodyte" as he was gonna start to call him that in his mind, walked through the portal, still seeing that the Portal did not change, he returned back to his research, taking a few photos if the edges of the portal with his phone and writing some notes on a notebook.
I glance at Kallen on the other side of the portal, bruised but okay. I step through the portal slowly, making sure to balance myself with my cane
stopping briefly to "Stumble" and "accidentally" shove Rhys into the portal. letting out what had to be the most false "sorry" in his life.
Kallen falls through the portal, and tumbles onto the other side.

No Injury DC 10: D20 - 3(Constitution) = 10 - 3 = 7.

Kallen is slightly bruised, but well enough to stand. Looking around, the field appears to extend quite a bit, and is slightly hilly.

Kallen grunted as the fall was a lot more harder than he thought it was. He glanced at his arms to see they were bruised, but it was manageable. He got on his feet to see the green field that extended beyond his vision. The hills looked nice though.

Upon seeing this I would facepalm and look at the weapon I was going to give to Reed. and walk over to the portal. "Hey, Kallen was it? You may need it." I would then toss it inside the the portal.

He sidestepped as the weapon came down to the field. He picked it up for a second, but gently placed it back down. There didn't seem to be an immediate need to use it at the moment. He sat down in the field and watched as the rest of the campers filed in.
stopping briefly to "Stumble" and "accidentally" shove Rhys into the portal. letting out what had to be the most false "sorry" in his life.

I feel the push against my back and fall in, playing up my surprise by letting out a surprised yell and then a pained groan as I hit the ground. I use my cane as I gingerly hoist myself up giving Laurence a look of shock
Those fellas are pushing each other to that glowing thing, judging by his non sober state of mind whoever did this must come from this floaty glowy thing. So without further notice Dylan made a sprint towards the gateway before jumping in.

I feel the push against my back and fall in, playing up my surprise by letting out a surprised yell and then a pained groan as I hit the ground. I use my cane as I gingerly hoist myself up giving Laurence a look of shock
Looking Rhys straight in the eyes, Responded to his look of shock by simply saying.

"Next time you raise your cane to hit someone after they raised a complaint over your idiotic actions, try to do it in their blind spot, you crippled troglodyte"
Those fellas are pushing each other to that glowing thing, judging by his non sober state of mind whoever did this must come from this floaty glowy thing. So without further notice Dylan made a sprint towards the gateway before jumping in.
Quickly shoving his arm on Dylan's path before he could Jump thought, Laurance Turned towards him before speaking, his tone far calmer than the one he used with Jonas and Rhys.

"Dylan, while I know you are an Adventurous sort, I trust that you are intelligent enough to leave something to notify what happened to you in case the Portal closed with you inside, do you?"

While Laurence cared little about the rest of the Camping group, he cared a little bit about Dylan, having watched a few of the Triathlons were he competed in, he could respect someone that gave so much to what they loved.
Quickly shoving his arm on Dylan's path before he could Jump thought, Laurance Turned towards him before speaking, his tone far calmer than the one he used with Jonas and Rhys.

"Dylan, while I know you are an Adventurous sort, I trust that you are intelligent enough to leave something to notify what happened to you in case the Portal closed with you inside, do you?"

While Laurence cared little about the rest of the Camping group, he cared a little bit about Dylan, having watched a few of the Triathlons were he competed in, he could respect someone that gave so much to what they loved.

He didn't get shoved but it was weird that his hallucinations are interacting with him, sure he's met Buddha, Jesus and Mohammed before this way but that was like during his bachelor's in San Fransisco. Seeing as this is a suggestion from himself it couldn't be all that bad, so he pulled out his phone.. pulled a mass text to his family and slapped a selfie of himself on snapchat about to jump into that glowy thing (unaware that it isn't a hallucination) then proceeds to restart his sprint.

"Alley oop... last one in is a rotten egg?"
He didn't get shoved but it was weird that his hallucinations are interacting with him, sure he's met Buddha, Jesus and Mohammed before this way but that was like during his bachelor's in San Fransisco. Seeing as this is a suggestion from himself it couldn't be all that bad, so he pulled out his phone.. pulled a mass text to his family and slapped a selfie of himself on snapchat about to jump into that glowy thing (unaware that it isn't a hallucination) then proceeds to restart his sprint.

"Alley oop... last one in is a rotten egg?"
Shrugging off, Laurance let him get in, if there was proof that he went inside of a portal and that there was such portal, Laurance won in both ways, proof that he did not kill Dylan and that the Portal existed.

"Very well then, you can go in, just be careful alright? I am gonna go back to investigate, but if you find something dangerous come back to the portal, I brought some Anti-bear pepper spray just in case."

patting Dylan on the shoulder, he went back to collecting samples, grabbing a few of the bugs in the grass near the portal.
He didn't get shoved but it was weird that his hallucinations are interacting with him, sure he's met Buddha, Jesus and Mohammed before this way but that was like during his bachelor's in San Fransisco. Seeing as this is a suggestion from himself it couldn't be all that bad, so he pulled out his phone.. pulled a mass text to his family and slapped a selfie of himself on snapchat about to jump into that glowy thing (unaware that it isn't a hallucination) then proceeds to restart his sprint.

"Alley oop... last one in is a rotten egg?"
Jump DC 5: 13 - 1 = 12
Dylan jumps through the portal and lands safely on the other side. He now sees Kallen, Rhys, and Jason Reed there.
I just...stare at them as they do this they are taking an incredible risk by just jumping in there, So I stay on the outside and started to text in my family group about what's happening. after that I would take a picture of the portal, post it to a glitch in the matrix reddit. then I would down and pocket my phone to conserve power, I then grab a nearby hammer used to stick down the stakes used to set up the tents, but before I enter the portal, I take some rope that's already been tied to an unused stake and throw it on the other side of the portals with the others, I then start hammering the stake into the ground in front of the portal. "Alright since you've already went in there I'll be the guy manning the rope here, So if you decide to go in further bring that end of the rope with you to keep track on how far away you'll go."
Jump DC 5: 13 - 1 = 12
Dylan jumps through the portal and lands safely on the other side. He now sees Kallen, Rhys, and Jason Reed there.

He looked at them and looked back, whatever kind of drug they spiked him with will definetely get him banned from that competition. How the shit is he going to explain this to the comission?

At least he didnt feel nauseous .
Looking Rhys straight in the eyes, Responded to his look of shock by simply saying.

"Next time you raise your cane to hit someone after they raised a complaint over your idiotic actions, try to do it in their blind spot, you crippled troglodyte"

"You know, those big words aren't going to make you look any smarter" I say in derision before starting to look around for anything different from our world
"You know, those big words aren't going to make you look any smarter" I say in derision before starting to look around for anything different from our world
Perception DC 10, 20: 8 + 2 = 10
Rhys can't see anything nearby that would look out of place in our world, but upon standing on a hill he can see out in the distance, maybe a mile or a little more away, a paved road that appears to glow. The road is in the opposite direction of the near-setting sun.
"You know, those big words aren't going to make you look any smarter" I say in derision before starting to look around for anything different from our world
"If your best comeback is to critic my speech pattern, then I recommend that you keep silent, I have more important things to do than to get in an argument with you" respond Laurance with a frigid tone as he checked what the Video camera recorded.

Seeing the results, he nodded and took a few notes before starting to put the grass, dirt and insect samples he collected in a case, and copying what he wrote in his Notebook on the second one he brought to the trip, done with that, he grabbed that backpack he was preparing for his expedition before the portal appeared.

putting it on, he turned toward the others, not inside the portal.

"I am gonna go inside the portal with the others to investigate if any of you is gonna stay in this side, could you keep watch of my research while I am gone?"
I ignore Lawrence's remark behind me as I notice the road glowing in the distance. I start to walk towards it, allowing others to follow me if they want