Students of Charnekum


One of the least sane men
Washington USA
"Hello Students! Welcome to our prestigious school! We are here to teach you how to control that strange energy coursing through your body. Using this and a special language you can ask the universe a favor, and it will listen to it, and if your persuasive enough, it will do the favor for you. This is called magic. Magic was given to us by The Powers That Be, in an effort to protect the citizens and beings of the universe, and as I've said before, we are here to teach you how to control and harness this power that resides inside your own body.

I am your headmaster Rei'ok. I watch over everything that happens in this school and make sure you can continue to learn and function in a safe environment. If you have the will to do so you will learn much here, and maybe join the ranks of The Guardians and continue protecting this Universe from peril. If not, we will give you the ability to defend yourself in this chaotic reality we live in. Pay great attention and learn much my students, for one day it may save your life."

Hello I'm your GM Henry, and welcome to Students of Charnekum. Here you will play the part of first year students attending the wonderful school of magic and wizardry, (It's not hogwarts dammit!) Charnekum. You will have to use your wit, creativity, and magic to survive not only the other students but the teachers as well. Welcome back to high school.

I have come up with six races beyond the current fantasy races, and they are as follows.

Arians: Beings from the realm of Ariess, a realm of floating clouds and islands in the sky. As such their body's are filled with mana and comprised mostly of oxygen,
giving their blood a clear color. Being made of oxygen has its perks. They don't need to breath, and are can regulate their density using a special organ giving them the ability to fly without casting a spell. There appearance is nothing different then the standard human except the entire race has sky blue eyes. One downside, there body is held together with mana, and when they run out bad things happen.

Pqvhn: They are a race of beings that hail from deep within the cores of meteorites and rocks containing high amounts of energetic crystals. There body's are comprised mostly or rock with a "Heart" in the center of their chest, the heart comprising of a random crystal or gem type that was inside the rock at birth. They live to great age.

Flamekin: These creatures are always on fire in some way, some are humanoid, others inner flame are so uncontrollable that they are always wreathed in flame. Their core body temperature is much higher than most creatures to ping out at 346° Fahrenheit. They have a knack with explosives and fire based magic and fire itself, and can even consume flammable objects for sustenance.

Brukb: these beings are human sized plants, some of Which taking human form, others taking the form of Dryads found in nature. Strangely enough each Brukb seems to take on the qualities of the plant of their origin, meaning one is an oak tree, while the other is a chrysanthemum. They have the ability to talk to plants, there blood is green, due to Chlorophyll, they are able to heal faster and have quite an affinity for healing others. Once a year for a whole season these beings "Bloom". This is a phenomenon where Brukbs sprout many or a singular flower of their plant type somewhere on their body.

Ghiestform: these strange amalgamation of magic energy and spiritual energies take many forms, some are not so nice to others, some take the form of humans or other humanoid races in an effort to fit in, of which they can make their body Incorporeal at will, suffering massive pain when objects pass through them, but this is very tiring and they can be killed as easily as humans if not careful. At all times they are slightly translucent.

Destron: The Destrons are a race of sentient computers created thousands of years ago they are capable of modifying their body using technology and have an affinity with anything tech based as they are able to put themselves inside the machine and control it from within. Some appear humanoid while others have dropped the weaker form for more advanced forms. Destrons require a constant power source to keep "Running" Be is a mana battery inside them, or electricity by regular means, meaning at the beginning the require mana to live.

Humans: The humans of the Universe come in many forms, colors, and heights. The most common are those found on a small planet called Earth. Most humans there don't know magic exists, for they lost the ability to see it, but there are a luck. few where it runs deep in their blood. Keeping it a secret from most earth born humans they spend their day to day like everyone else, but when out of the public eye they continue their magic tendencies.

In addition to this standard fantasy races are allowed, such as Halfling, Elf, Dwarf, Tiefling, Orc, Half-Orc, and Half-Elf, as well as mose archetypes of these races, list it in your sheet as well as the attributes given by the race.


Age: 15-17 (Unless your an elf. Or older race...)





You have 10 stat points to spend on four stats, is will help me add a little bit of randomness to actions. Your base Mana level is 100 plus your willpower times 10. Every stat starts at one and cannot go below zero.

Mana: xx/xx

Physical strength: (How well you do actions using your body.)

Mental strength: (How well you use your mind and knowledge you learn)

Willpower: (How much you can do with your spirit and mana, directly affects your amount of mana.)

Study habit: (How well you retain information and learn in a classroom environment.)

Schedule: (It's a highschool with a 5 period school day, you can choose 4 from the list below)

Period 1: Homeroom, Everyone has the same first.
Period 2:
Period 3:
Period 4:
Period 5:

PE: This is a first year class that deals with running laps, to beating the crap out of your fellow classmates.

Fundamentals of Magic: This class will teach you how to use your magic and mana.

Intro to alchemy: This one will teach you all the ins and outs of brewing slightly volatile liquids.

Language arts: Teaches you how to better use True Speak

Forging for dummies: Basics on running your own forge

Artificing 101: Teaches you how to use and create magical artifacts.

History: The universe has been around for a long time, learn about the past and don't repeat that!

Band and the arts: Its band yo! What's so hard about that?

Woodworking: Working with dead trees to make wooden objects.

Botany: Plants are useful in many ways, learn how to grow and care for them.

Biology: The universe is large, and there are many things out there, learn about living creatures!

If you have any questions, feel free to ask.
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The Thirteen: Commonly known as The Powers That Be, these beings created everything contained in the Universe.

True Speak: This language more commonly known as Frah ighkw to the masses is the language given to the masses at the creation of the universe. The Thirteen wanted life to be able to change the world around them to their liking, so The Thirteen created magic, which gave the people to warp reality to their liking. To do this you must ask the Universe a question, or a favor, and the only way to do that is to contact it with its native language. Everyone has the innate ability to speak it, or at least understand it. Beings who don't speak it natively can get the jist and feeling of sentences and words spoken to them, with concentration. There are some races that have strayed so far from True Speak that they have even lost the ability to understand it completely.
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Character, Nymphissus. Player, Ban
Name: Nymphissus

Age: 17

Race: Brukb

Appearance: Really, really hot in a Grecian statue kind of way. Nym has absolutely chiseled abs, cheekbones to die for, and a golden tan. His eyes are a soulful ocean blue, and he has slightly curly blackish-brown hair. During the Blooming season, a single daffodil sprouts right over his ear, with the flower facing in the same direction as his face.

Personality: Nym is a prodigy, and unfortunately he knows it. Hot, strong, and smart, it has completely gone to his head. He's a total party boy, and never studies for anything he can avoid. Most of the time his natural smarts make sure he gets decent grades, but many an adult has wondered at how much better he could do if only he applied himself. Nym is completely self absorbed, though most of this can be blamed on his plant of origin: the daffodil, otherwise known as the Narcissus.

Backstory: Nym was born to a wealthy family of Brukb in ...the Greece/Rome parallel in this universe... and was quickly recognized as a bit of a prodigy. His parents hired the best tutors, and for a while they were successful. Something about the stifling nature of it was abbhorent to Nym though, and soon he quit attending every lesson he could get away with. The older he got, the worse this got, and soon instead of skipping lessons to learn something more interesting, he was skipping lessons to go on dates, or hang out with friends, or party. Sending him to Charnekum is his parents' last ditch effort to instill some discipline into him so he makes use of his natural gifts.

Mana: 100/100

Physical strength: 6

Mental strength: 8

Willpower: 0

Study habit: 0

Schedule: (It's a highschool with a 5 period school day, you can choose 4 from the list below)

Period 1: Homeroom, Everyone has the same first.
Period 2: PE
Period 3: Botany
Period 4: Biology
Period 5: Language Arts

OOC: I feel like I will regret dumping mana and not taking Fundamentals of Magic, but whateverrrrrrr this seemed more in character and I think this character will be great fun.
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Character, Elizabeth van Lugeb. Player, Forgotton
Name: Elizabeth von Lugen.
Age: 16
Race: Vampire(Born)
She carries a black parasol.

Personality: A terse, introverted, yet cheerful and kind girl. Finds creepy stuff absolutely adorable. As expected of a born vampire, she absoulty hates the sun with a burning passion. Has a sadistic streak from her mother's side of the family. Has a odd habit of staying up late and sleeping like the dead until she is woken up. Can be bossy and naive.

Backstory: Born to a wealthy Vampire family of necromancers, her mother was born a natural vampire, while her father, according to tradition, turned. She was raised in her family's manor, which is set in the America-analouge. She was spoiled by her family and servants, but all this has done is spoiled her sweet. She didn't meet a lot of kids her age, due to not being able to go outside much due to the burning hell ball of pain and death that is the sun. And because she spent most of her time in the family library, reading everything. And I mean everything. She was sent to the academy to be social. She objects to this.

You have 10 stat points to spend on four stats, is will help me add a little bit of randomness to actions. Your base Mana level is 100 plus your willpower times 10. Every stat starts at one and cannot go below zero.
Mana: 140/140
Physical strength: 0

Mental strength: 5

Willpower: 5

Study habit: 4

Schedule: (It's a highschool with a 6 period school day, you can choose 4 from the list below. You have a free period)
Period 1: Homeroom, Everyone has the same first.
Period 2: Artificing 101: Teaches you how to use and create magical artifacts.
Period 3: Free
Period 4: Biology: The universe is large, and there are many things out there, learn about living creatures!
Period 5: Language arts: Teaches you how to better use True Speak
Period 6: Fundamentals of Magic: This class will teach you how to use your magic and mana.
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Name: Elizabeth von Lugen.
Age: 16
She carries a black parasol.

Personality: A terse, introverted, yet cheerful and kind girl. Finds creepy stuff absolutely adorable. As expected of a born vampire, she absoulty hates the sun with a burning passion. Has a sadistic streak from her mother's side of the family. Has a odd habit of staying up late and sleeping like the dead until she is woken up. Can be bossy and naive.

Backstory: Born to a wealthy Vampire family of necromancers, her mother was born a natural vampire, while her father, according to tradition, turned. She was raised in her family's manor, which is set in the America-analouge. She was spoiled by her family and servants, but all this has done is spoiled her sweet. She didn't meet a lot of kids her age, due to not being able to go outside much due to the burning hell ball of pain and death that is the sun. And because she spent most of her time in the family library, reading everything. And I mean everything. She was sent to the academy to be social. She objects to this.

You have 10 stat points to spend on four stats, is will help me add a little bit of randomness to actions. Your base Mana level is 100 plus your willpower times 10. Every stat starts at one and cannot go below zero.
Mana: 140/140
Physical strength: 0

Mental strength: 5

Willpower: 5

Study habit: 4

Schedule: (It's a highschool with a 5 period school day, you can choose 4 from the list below)
Period 1: Homeroom, Everyone has the same first.
Period 2: Fundamentals of Magic: This class will teach you how to use your magic and mana.
Period 3: Artificing 101: Teaches you how to use and create magical artifacts.
Period 4: Biology: The universe is large, and there are many things out there, learn about living creatures!
Period 5: History: The universe has been around for a long time, learn about the past and don't repeat that!

I prolly should say this now, Vampires in this, depending on which type you are, can be harmed by the sun, or just get really bad sunburns, really easy, due to the skin not producing melanin like is should because undead, or well... faulty genes. I noted this in the Discord, but im making this official her now.
Character, Lucas Storm. Player, Medieval
Name: Lucas Storm

Age: 16

Race: Human

Appearance: Lucas stands at 5'11" with black hair and brown eyes, he has no distinguishing features on his body other than a tool belt he wears at all times. other than that he wears basic attire, a brown shirt that is short sleeved, and Grey pants. nothing that usual here.

Personality: Lucas is a studious fellow, always itching to learn more about the world around him, and always wanting to improve things, he is optimistic, innovative, curious, and determined to get whatever he's working on done, no matter what.

Backstory: Lucas was born into a normal middle class family, the son of a scholar and an Artificer, raised in His family's house he showed an aptitude for becoming an Artificer like his mother, so naturally encouraging her son to peruse the same field she teaches him some of the basics in creating artifacts, mostly safety rules and she let him help out minimally on her projects, eventually when he was old enough they both sent him here to learn more about artificng and other subjects he's interested in.

You have 10 stat points to spend on four stats, is will help me add a little bit of randomness to actions. Your base Mana level is 100 plus your willpower times 10. Every stat starts at one and cannot go below zero.

Mana: 100/100

Physical strength: 2

Mental strength: 6

Willpower: 0

Study habit: 2


Period 1: Homeroom, Everyone has the same first.
Period 2: Intro to Alchemy
Period 3: Artificing 101
Period 4:History
Period 5: Langauge Arts
I hope this is good enough for you and if it isn't just tell me what to change.
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I prolly should say this now, Vampires in this, depending on which type you are, can be harmed by the sun, or just get really bad sunburns, really easy, due to the skin not producing melanin like is should because undead, or well... faulty genes. I noted this in the Discord, but im making this official her now.
What version would be harmed?
Character, Khebra Pain. Player Letmebefree
Name: Khebra Pain

Age: 60


his gem is painite

Personality: Khebra isn't the brightest bulb in the box and probably one of the dullest to be truthful, he is cheerful and a childish being who gets delight from the simple things in life. He is very naïve and this has led to him being tricked by those smarter than him.


You have 10 stat points to spend on four stats, is will help me add a little bit of randomness to actions. Your base Mana level is 100 plus your willpower times 10. Every stat starts at one and cannot go below zero.

Mana: 160/160

Physical strength: 8

Mental strength: 0

Willpower: 6

Study habit: 0


Period 1: Homeroom, Everyone has the same first.
Period 2: PE
Period 3:
Artificing 101

Period 4: Fundamentals of Magic
Period 5:
Forging for dummies

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Hello mortals! I may write something up when I have the time.
Character, Gildruc Weaponsmith. Player, Theaxofwar
Name: Gildruc Weaponsmith

Age: 15

Race: Dwarf

Appearance: Short and stout like other members of his race, Gildruc has brown hair and eyes. He has long hair reaching his neck, and has recently started growing a proper dwarven beard. He is well muscled from his days training in the forge, and has a relatively average looking face for a dwarf. His nose is slightly crooked from a bad break he suffered as a child.

Personality: Gildruc is a dwarf, and more then that, he's a Dwarf of the prestigious Weaponsmith line. As such, he has been expected to be a blacksmith since the day he was born. And he does enjoy smithing, working in the forge gives him a certain thrill, but he's always wanted something more. Gildruc, for reasons even he can't entirely explain, wants to be a hero, not just a smith. Of course, he couldn't let his parents find out, so he tries to hide this desire

Besides that, Gildruc is someone who remembers, both slights against him and acts of kindness towards him. He's kind to those he cares about, though a bit gruff. That being said, he will go out of his way not to act with civility towards those he dislikes.

Backstory: Gildruc was born to the prestigious Weaponsmith family, a family that has forged the weapons of heroes for generations. As such, he has been trained to do the same. Despite this, Gildruc has other desires. Where as other Weaponsmith's may have heard stories of ancient weapons and be awed by their craftsmanship, Gildruc was always amazed by the heroes that wielded them.

As such, while his parents sent him to Charnekum to learn the use of more complex forging Magics, he had different plans. He would join The Guardians, no matter what stood in his way.

Mana: 140/140

Physical strength: 4

Mental strength: 1

Willpower: 4

Study habit: 3

1. Homeroom
2. Artificing 101
3. Woodworking
4. Alchemy
5. Forging for Dummies
6. Free
Did I do that right?
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that would make sense. but i think it would make even more sense to have our characters pick classes that interest them.
that would make sense. but i think it would make even more sense to have our characters pick classes that interest them.
What I mean is that, if we are taking any of the same classes, we should do them during the same periods. If we aren't, then we shouldn't switch to match someone else.
I'm interested in this rp as well. ^^ Will try to get a sheet up after my DnD session.
Character, Apoy Plamen. Player, Jhin
Name: Apoy Plamen

Age: 16

Race: Flamekin


Personality: To summarise Apoy in a single word: greedy. This is a flamekin whose goal in life is to amass wealth. She is ruthless and conniving in achieving this goal. However, she knows the value of return customers, so while she wraps people around her finger with loans and interest and the like, she doesn't let them figure out they're being played. She'd something of an amateur at this though, but she does what she can to sweet-talk people. While she's definitely intelligent, she doesn't always think things through, like the fact she's on fire and taking woodworking. Considering she usually runs on "turn every problem into an opportunity" it tends to work out well for her in the end. Like all Flamekin, she also likes fire, so she sometimes comes across as slightly pyromanic, but she works on controlling it because being seen as insane drives away potential customers.

Backstory: Her parents were merchants, who had trouble with sales because of their lack of knowledge of other races and, well, being on fire being somewhat off putting, though they managed to barely scrap by. Their lack of resources and the resultant unhappiness of her family compared to more wealthy ones led her to the belief that money will indeed lead to her happiness. This became so ingrained in her psyche that she literally becomes happier from getting money and other things. She came to Charnekum to learn the ways of magic to shape her fire to be less intimidating to potential shmucks customers, to learn how various items are made to better tell their quality, and to better learn how to swindle interact with other people of various backgrounds. She's somewhat disappointed at the lack of economics classes, but she figures she's learned enough from her family to be fine.

Mana: 130/130

Physical strength: 1

Mental strength: 5

Willpower: 3

Study habit: 5

Schedule: (It's a highschool with a 5 period school day, you can choose 4 from the list below)

Period 1: Homeroom, Everyone has the same first.
Period 2: Artificing 101
Period 3: Woodworking
Period 4: Intro to alchemy
Period 5: Language arts
Period 6: Free
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