Strong as Stone- Dwarf Quest

[X] Male
[X] Hanz Bruening
[X] You are a mage in training. You have spent a month learning magic, and for the next step of your training, you will accompany an experienced Mage, sent to fix a collapsed tunnel.

Magic is a curious thing.

What can be done with it is no less then amazing. Need food? Create a steak. Waste disposal? Destroy it. Cold? Create a fire. Dying? Use Magic to cling to life.

When it comes to Magic, there are only two limits- How much magic a Mage can channel at once, and the danger of disrupting the Balance.

Oh, what a dangerous thing the Balance was. Items can be formed from nothing, but for everything created, something must be destroyed. Should the mass created or destroyed ever outweigh the other...

...Well, the Hydra was a good example of what happened then. Cut off it's head, two more grow from nothing, and it's usual dog-like behavior turns it into a rampaging beast until it has destroyed enough to equal it's two heads, and any wounds it takes while rampaging.

The same went for everything. Too much heat created, blizzards descend on the world. For every Mage that clings to life with Magic, a person dies for them.

Not even the Gods could escape the Balance- If a God of Life wishes to save a life past it's time, they must first allow a God of Death to take one in it's prime.

This is the first rule of Magic taught to you. When training to be a Mage, you were not allowed to cast any spell until you have shown that you understand the Balance, understand the risks, and prioritize keeping the Balance above all else.

Of course, then the question becomes: Where is the Balance? How much ahead is Creation to Destruction, Heat to Cold, Life to Death? Not even the Elven Mage knew, and if the Gods did, they weren't telling.

The point was, the Balance is everything to a Mage.

As such, you suspect that this test was meant to prove it.

You are being sent away from your birthplace- Stadt Magiche Primzahl, the City of Magic, a three-hour walk from the Capitol- To a collapsed tunnel near Elven land. The tunnel itself wasn't important, but is usually used as a trade route for those who sell rare herbs. The quickest detour would delay the Merchants by several days, and several high-ranking Nobles were requesting the herbs being delivered quickly. Ensuring they got those herbs could get you a lot of favors, but to clear the tunnel in time, you'd have to cut corners on preserving the Balance.

To ensure that you didn't do so, though, was the powerful Mage you were accompanying. Technically, they were the one fixing the tunnel, but you knew how these things went. They would be observing, first and foremost, only stepping in to do a little work and to fix your mistakes.

Speaking of whom, as you reached the outskirts of Stadt Magiche Primzahl, you saw said Mage standing by a cart and horse.

It was...

[X] Valentin Valerie, a stoic man, to whom 'Fun' is an alien concept.
[X] Jo Inge, a trickster who spent all of their time in different shapeshifted forms.
[X] Felicie Magdalena, a cheerful woman with the most glorious beard you have ever seen.
[X] Felicie Magdalena, a cheerful woman with the most glorious beard you have ever seen.
[X] Felicie Magdalena, a cheerful woman with the most glorious beard you have ever seen.

Beards and cheeriness are the first two things you should consider when picking a Dorf companion. Stoic dwarves are just no fun. And shapeshifter dwarfs? Fo'get about it.
[X] Jo Inge, a trickster who spent all of their time in different shapeshifted forms.
[X] Felicie Magdalena, a cheerful woman with the most glorious beard you have ever seen.
[X] Felicie Magdalena, a cheerful woman with the most glorious beard you have ever seen.

She sounds interesting.